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Dear Rajarajeshwari chelas and chelikas,



(Naa Ammani kosam malli!)




Subhagodaya by Shivanandamuni, here translated in English for the first time, is a treatise which details briefly the daily worship (puja) of the Goddess or Devi called Rajarajeshwaree(The empress), also known as Devi Mahatripurasundari (The Great Beautiful Lady of the Three Cities) and Lalitha(charming and playful)


This work deals mainly with the worship of the diagram (yantra) of that Goddess, which is an epitome of Humankind and the Universe.Shiva is pure Consciousness, that is to say the source of light, and Shakti is the mirror in which Shiva knows himself. The Devis or Shaktis within the Shree Yantra are the Shaktis or Energies of Supreme Shiva, who is without attribute, and is Consciousness pure and simple.



In the Bhavana Upanishad the relationship between the various sections of the Lalita Chakra and the functions and faculties of a human being according to this school are enumerated.




There are said to be three great Lights within a human being. These are Sun, Moon and Fire, Sun is situated in the heart, Moon in the brain, and Fire in the genitals.


These three are the Three Beautiful Cities, which collectively form the triple being of Lalita, When these three Lights fully shine, then Pure Shiva, who is the Fourth, is fully manifested. By a daily act of Will, the Universe's Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution takes place.



Fundamental to this ancient tradition is the assumption that all that is the universe is also contained within the human body. Stars, planets, rivers, seas, Suns, Moons, even the smallest mote of dust, all these things which appear 'outside' are also found 'inside'. The real act of oblation is the offering of the entire cosmos both active and subjective into the Fire of Pure Consciousness, This is the Bhairava-Mudra, in which there is Self Remembering simultaneously with looking outwards.



Realisation is said to consist of the firm knowledge that there is no difference between worshipper and worshipped, between Guru, Mantra, Yantra and Shakti.




In whom creation, maintenance and dissolution have their essence, the fivefold one, ever recurring, ever shining and fortune.


At morning, remember the guru with two arms and two eyes, peaceful, bestowing boons and removing fear, seated on the top of your head on a white lotus.


(It is NOT this great yogi shivananda who is being referred to here)



Details of the Guru Chakra







dwadasharna sarasiruha or padma, dwadashadala saroja or padma, dwadashapatraka, urdhwamukha padma, shukla abja, guru-pada padma, guru-pura. guru-sthana, guru-pada, brahma chakra, soma mandala



in void region, situated supracranially




twelve; arranged from right to left






on petals

twelve in number; Ha Sa Kha Freng Ha Sa Ksha Ma La Wa Ra Yung (Guru-mantra), arranged from right to left





In the pericarp

a circular moon-region a triangle (within the moon-region) the jewelled altar of whitish-red luster with nada below and bindu above (inside the triangle) or Aing (inside the triangle) hang-sah seat (within the bindu) jewelled footstools (on the hang-sah seat) Guru's lotus-like feet (on the jewelled footstools)


Concentration form of Guru

Guru is moon-white, or like pure crystal in colour; two-eyed, or three-eyed; two-armed, making the guestures of granting boons and dispelling fear, or holding a booka nd showing wara or abhaya mudra; dressed in white rainment; in lotus, auspicious, or hero posture; his power (shakti) is seated on his left thigh, and holds with her left hand a blue lotus; she is red in colour


Meditate on the root vidya from the Muladhara to the Brahmarandhra. Taking up your position, assume a steady posture during the period that the sun takes to rise above the horizon.


Meditating long on yourself as peaceful, free of evil, meditate that the effulgent circle of the sun diffuses around your body.


A mantrin, while bathing, should take water with both hands and pour it over his head. Using the triple vidya, he should purify the water and sip three handfuls.

Offering three kinds of oblation and again sprinkling water on his body, the devotee should make three offerings to the sun and cast the water in its direction.


After meditating on the king of chakras, with the Devi at its centre, in his heart, a devotee should repeat the vidya 108 times.

Then the pure saint, with the vidya in his heart, concentrating inwardly, should enter the place of worship. There, facing eastwards, wearing the best sort of valuable clothes and gems, he should draw the king of the chakras on the ground using vermilion.

Alternatively, he may draw the chakra on a gold, silver or copper plate. Beforehand, he should set it on a pedestal and use red sandalwood to make it.




The chakra unfolds five shaktis and four fires. When it is correctly made, a devotee should collect his thoughts.

The earthsquare, the sixteen petalled lotus, the eight petalled lotus, the fourteen triangles, the two sets of ten triangles, the eight triangles and the middle (are) the bewilderer of the three worlds chakra, the fulfiller of all hopes chakra, the all agitating chakra, the giver of all prosperity chakra, the accomplisher of all aims chakra, the all protecting chakra, the all disease-destroying chakra, the chakra giving all power, the chakra of all bliss with the last being at the centre, the foremost of the nine chakras. The chakra attribution is of nine kinds accompanied with ritual worship.


A devotee should place perfume, flower and grain at the right side and place a light between himself and the chakra.

He should worship the king of chakras, and then, using the full vidya, should worship the formation of the three cities together with three bija mantras.

After doing drying up, burning and bathing with the letters of air, fire and water, he should perform three pranayamas and then remember the vidya in the heart again.

He should wash his hands thrice with the mantra Am Am Sauh. Using these three seed mantras he should wash the backs of the hands first and the palms last, doing the hand purification according to rule.

Thus by this circle of 3 seed mantras he should wash the back of the hand first and the palm last. He should do this purification of the hands according to injunction.


Hrim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari's Atma Seat Obeisance.

Haim Hklim Hsauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari's Chakra Seat Obeisance.

Hsaim Hsklim Hssauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari's All Mantra Seat Obeisance.

Hrim Klim Blem to Shri Mahatripurasundari's Sadhya Siddha Seat Obeisance.

Using these four mantras he should create the Seat of the Goddess of the Chakra, of the mantras, and of the devatas, using flowers.


Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the heart Namah.



Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the head Svaha.





Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the forelock Vashat.

Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the armour Hum.


Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the three eyes Vaushat.

Aim Klim Sauh to Shri Mahatripurasundari in the missile Phat.


He should put these six mantras on the six limbs using the third and thumb finger according to injunction.

Hrim Shrim am am im im um um rm rm lm lm em aim om aum am ah Blum to Vashini, devata of speech, obeisance.



Hrim Shrim kam kham gam gham nam Klhrim to Kameshvari, devata of speech, obeisance.

Hrim Shrim cam cham jam jham nam Nvlim to Modini, devata of speech, obeisance.

Hrim Shrim tam tham dam dham nam Vlum to Vimala, devata of speech, obeisance.

Hrim Shrim tam tham dam dham nam Jmrim to Aruna, devata of speech, obeisance.

Hrim Shrim pam pham bam bham mam Hsvlyum to Jayini, devata of speech, obeisance.


Hrim Shrim yam ram lam vam Jhmryum to Sarveshvari, devata of speech, obeisance.

Hrim Shrim sham sham sam ham lam ksham Kshmrim to Kaulini, devata of speech, obeisance.


He should place these in the head, forehead, brow, throat, heart, navel, genitals and the adhara.





He should make on his left side a four square circle. Using pure water, scent, etc., he should worship there using the Root Vidya.





He should put down a Conch Shell full of water mixed with various things, and with perfume and flowers. He should do the 6-fold worship again.


Having made the four square circle in the east, he should place inside it. a triangle, a circle and a hexagon. By separating the bijas and placing them in the three triangles, he should worship using perfume and flowers, the bijas, the circle and the 6 lines.


There is Fire, Moon, Sun, Atma, Buddhi, the Sacred 3. The devotee should do homage again offering with the remainder.


Inside this the wise man should draw three lines with the seed mantras on the womb-like triangle, A-Ka-Tha being on the first of the three lines, Sa-Ha-Ksa being contained within.


Outside the circle he should do homage by the mantra Hamsa in the 6 lines. He should worship the eastern part first by means of the 6 root mantras and the 6 limbs.


Having sprinkled the offering again, he should recite the root Vidya 7 times He should worship first with perfume and flowers, and then should show incense and light. He should sprinkle the King of Chakras with the water within, and should do other acts of worship, after which all becomes filled with the Vidya.


Then within the heart lotus the supreme Kala vibrates, the supreme Shiva free from the action of the three.



Having meditated long on the auspicious Self which is the Life, by the Trikhanda Mudra he should draw the breath upwards.


The Vidya goes out on that effulgent Light, and should be placed in the middle of the chakra inside the central triangle, inside the Auspicious Seat of Yoga.


Hsraim Hsklrim Hssauh to the Auspicious Mahatripurasundari Obeisance.


Resembling the effulgence of the morning sun with four arms, and three eyes, holding the greatly auspicious noose, goad, bow and arrows.



Thus having meditated he should worship the Goddess with ritual accessories, with incense, light and food, and lastly he should display mudra.


Again he should give oblation 3 times to the root Vidya, then he should also worship in 3 ways the Eternities which are the days of the lunar fortnight.


Beginning with the 1st day to the Full Moon he should worship the devis in their order. He should worship each of them singly, then he certainly gains supreme good fortune. He should meditate on the three great lines which are the places of the vowels. He should worship those letters which are the 15 lunar days, then the 16th.


Am Aim Klim Saum Am Im Um Yam Ram Lam Vam Sam, Lady of Lust, Giver of the Fruit of Desire and Sexual Passion, Most Pure Subduer of All, Creatrix of World Agitation Hum Hum Hum Aim Dram Drim Klim Blum Sah Hsauh Klim Aim, I worship the lotus feet of the Eternity called Lady of Lust. (Kameshvari).

Am Aim Yoni Enjoyer, Yoni Lady, Hollow Yoni with Garlanded Yoni, be in the Yoni, in the Secret Yoni, in the Yoni Womb, Dweller in the Yoni, the Yoni Subduer in the form of Yoni, O wet Eternity with Yoni as your true form, all Yonis to me come! Conferring boons with effusion of Semen, with beautiful Discharge. With your Wet Yoni with Wet Juice Moisten! Make Wet! With no shame, with Yoni parting, tremble! Throw into Confusion! All Pure Yoni Goddess Aim Blum Jem Blum Bhem Blum Mom Blum Hem Blum Hem. Subdue all wet Yonis for me! Strim Hrblem Hrim. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Bhagamalini.


Im Om Krom Bhrom Krom Crom Krom Chrom Jhrom Svaha, I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Fearful.

Um Om Hrim to the Dweller in Fire Obeisance. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Dweller in Fire.

Um Hrim Phrem, O Wet Eternity with Intoxicating Juice Svaha, I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called the Great Lady of Supreme Knowledge.

Rm Om Hrim to the one who makes Shiva Her Messenger, obeisance. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called She who makes Shiva Her Messenger.

Rm Hrim Hum Khe Ca Che Ksah Strim Hum Ksam Prim Phat. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called The Quick One. (Tvarita)

Lm Aim Klim Sauh I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Beautiful In Group Woman. (Kulasundari)

Lm Dram Drim Klim Blum Sah I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called The Eternal One. (Nitya Nitya)

Em Hrim Phrem Srum Bhrum Klim Am Hrim Krom, O Eternity with Maddening Juice Hum Phrem Hrim, I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Sapphire Banner. (Nilapataka)

Aim Jhmryaum I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called The Victorious One. (Vijaya)

Om Svaum I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called All Auspicious. (Sarvamangala)

Om obeisance to the All Powerful Goddess of the Gods who withdraws all Creation into Herself, Origin of the Veda, Kindling One, Kindle! Kindle! Cause to Catch Fire! Cause to Catch Fire! Hrim Hrim Hum Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Hum Phat Svaha. I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Garlanded in Flame.

Am C Kraum I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Variegated Eternity. (Chitra)

Ah (root mantra) I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity called Mahatripurasundari.


The mantrin should then worship the feet of the Guru on the inside of the lines in 3 ways. He should worship the supreme Ones, the Most Supreme Ones, and the Ultimately Supreme Ones numbering 7,4 and 8. He should also worship unknown gurus, these all being the Very Self of the Sacred Trinity. Hrim Shrim should precede the mantras.


He should collectively worship according to the precepts and injunctions of the Vidya. On the outside of the chakras the highest worshippers should meditate and worship the collective (groups of) Yoginis.

(These are) the Patent Ones, the Hidden Ones, the More Hidden Ones, the Ones Concealed by Tradition, the In Group Ones, the Ones without Origin, the Secret Ones, the Ones who are Very Secret, and the Holy Secret Ones. He should meditate on these 9 kinds of Yoginis with their names and attributions.


(The forms of Tripura ruling these are) Tripura, Lady Tripura, The Beautiful One, the Indweller, the Auspicious One, the Garlanded One, The Perfected One, and The Mother, followed by Mahatripurasundari. This 9 fold Vidya attribution which gives Enjoyment and Liberation is to be hidden and kept very secret.


He should worship the respective Lady of the Chakra worshipping from the outside to the inside, and should reveal the mudras in their order.

Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi Making One as Small as an Atom; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi enabling Levitation; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious Lotus feet of the Siddhi of Infinite Expansion; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving Power to Create; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving Dominion over the Entire Creation; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving Freedom of Will; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving the Power of Enjoyment; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving the Power of Desire; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving the Power to Reach Everywhere; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Siddhi giving all Sexual Desire.

Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Brahmini; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Maheshvari; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Kaumari; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Vaishnavi; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Varahi; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Indrani; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Chamunda; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Mahalakshmi.


The devotee should worship 4 in the western and the other doors in their order. Then 4 should be worshipped from the north-west corner in order and then above and below. He should worship Brahmi and the others in a clockwise direction (and the remaining) four in the intermediate points.


Am I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity-Kala called the Attractor of Sexual Desire; Am I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Intellect; Im I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of the Ego Nature; Im I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Sound; Um I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Touch; Um I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Sight; Rm I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Taste; Lm I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Smell; Lm I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of the Screen of Mind; Lm I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Steadiness; Em,

I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Memory; Aim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Name; Om I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Semen; Aum I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of the Self; Am I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of Amrita; Ah I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Eternity Kala called the Attractor of the Body.



He should worship these Eternity Kalas starting from the western petal first in reverse order.


Kam Kham Gam Gham Nam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Flower; Cam Cham Jam Jham Nam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Girdle; Tam Tham Dam Dham Nam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Sexual Love; Tam Tham Dam Dham Nam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess ,called Smitten with Sexual Love; Pam Pham Bam Bham Mam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Line; Yam Ram Lam Vam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Excitement; Sham Sham Sam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Goad; Lam Ksam I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Love's Garland.

The first set of four he should worship in the East etc. in order. The second set should be worshipped in this eight petalled lotus from the South East direction in (clockwise) order.


Hrim Shrim, I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called the Agitator of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Melter of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Attractor of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Gladdener of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Deluder of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Paralyser of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Devourer of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Subduer of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called Charmer of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called One Who Makes All Wanton; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called One who Gives All

Desired Things; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called She Who Gives All Prosperity; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called One Consisting of All Mantra; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Energy called One Destroying Duality.


These 14 Energies (Shaktis) are placed in the 14 triangles and give all success. The devotee should worship them from the East first in an anticlockwise direction.


Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called the All Success Giver; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called the Giver of Wealth; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called the Beloved of All; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Creator of all Auspiciousness; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called the Giver of All Sexual Desire; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Liberator from All Unhappiness; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Destroyer of All Duality; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Alleviator of All; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called Beautiful in All Limbs; I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess called the All Great Good Fortune Bestower.


In these triangles are placed these Goddesses who give all things. The devotee should worship them from the west direction first in anticlockwise order.


Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Knowing All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Consisting of All Energy; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Giving All Dominion; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Consisting of, All Knowledge; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Destroying All Ailments; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Who is the Basis of All; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess the Destroyer of All Evil; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Consisting of All Bliss; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Who is the true Form of All Protection; Hrim Shrim I worship the auspicious lotus feet the Goddess Who is the Giver of the Fruit of Every Desire.


One should worship these great fruit-giving Devis in the inner wheel of ten triangles from the western triangle first in an anticlockwise direction.


In the centre of this (last) wheel the devotee should worship, in anticlockwise order, Vasini and the other eight (saying) I worship the lotus feet (according to the method prescribed for their nyasa).


Dram Drim Klim Blum Sah Yam Ram Lam Vam Sam obeisance to the All Piercing Arrows; Dham Tham obeisance to the All Deluding Bow; Am Hrim obeisance to the All Subduing Noose; Krom obeisance to the All Paralysing Goad.


One should worship the bow and the other weapons in the west and the other directions.


I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Kameshvari, the Goddess who is Rudra's Shakti, who is the Vagbhava Syllable in the Fire Chakra, who is centred at the Sacred Seat (Pitha) of the Mountain Kamagiri, who is the very Self of Mitrisha Natha.


I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Vajreshvari, the Goddess who is of Vishnu's Shakti, who is the Kamaraja Syllable in the Sun Chakra, who is centred at the Sacred Seat called Jalandhari, who is the true self of Shashtisha Natha.


I worship the auspicious lotus feet of the Goddess Bhagamalini, who is the Shakti of Brahma's, who is the Shakti syllable in the Moon Chakra, who is centred at the Sacred Seat of the Mountain Purnagiri, who is the True Self of Oddiyana Natha.


I worship the auspicious lotus feet of Shri Mahatripurasundari Devi, who is the Shakti of the Supreme Brahman, who is centred at the Sacred Seat of Oddiyana, who is the True Self of Charya Natha.


The devotee should worship Kameshvari etc in the corners of the central triangle with their bija mantras, preceded by giving incense, light, mudra and wine oblation, and also offering food, ghee, white cake, and so on.


In a devoted mood, reciting the root mantra, (the devotee) should pay homage and should meditate on Kamakala, which is the heart of great good fortune.


Making a square with a circle inside on his left side, the man should place the flower there.

Aim to the diffusion circle Aim.


The devotee should place there the offering, the food and the water, and should worship there. Reciting the syllables thrice, he should then give meat offering (bali).


Om Hrim to those Creating Obstacles, to all the elements Hrum Svaha.


Having bound these using the Khechari Mudra, he should proceed according to injunction and should give offerings to the Guru he is devoted to. Then meditate that all the various Shaktis are dissolved in the root Shakti, to which they owe their origin.


He should worship the root (shakti) as consisting of his Self in the form of Consciousness. Then he should smell the flower and abandon it on pure ground or in water.


Through the request of pupils for this ancient powerful Vidya, I Shivananda Mahayogi, uttered this Subhagodaya.

(Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari devi of Nangainallur)

Thus ends Shubagodaya.



Those who did this in Nanganallur temple area have obtained a vision of Sarvamanagala Rajarajeshwari devi, My Ammani!

Yours yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli




Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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