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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Varahi Vijayam!!

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plz give a brief note on rajarajeswari temple at

nangainallur. i never heared about it though iam in

chennai for 25 years.



--- Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:


> Dear Varahi sutas,


> Om! Varahyai Vidmahay

> Rathneswarayai dheemahi. Thanno Nithya

> Prachodayath!




> This posting concentrates on the Srividya deity

> Varahi.


> If one makes a visit to Nangainallur Temple one can

> see Varahi on the left and Mantrini on the left side

> of the sanctumsanctorum of Rajarajeshwari Devi.


> Rajarajeshwari Devi delegates the ruling to Mantrini

> and the harming power/killing enemies/trouble makers

> to Varahi and sits in meditation in Veerasana.


> But at times She too comes in her form to save

> devotees.


> But generally these deities look after the

> deity(including Matangi devi who stays below

> Rajarajeshwari devi in heirarchy)

> Shri Varahi Devi



> (Varahi Devi Idol in Devipuram,the place being run

> under Sree Prahalad Shastry(Amrita) who was the

> disciple of my father's Guruvugaaru Sree

> Swaprakashananda Avadhutha)




> Goddess Varahi is one of the Saptamatrukas (Mothers)

> created from the boar avatara of Lord MahaVishnu.

> She is classed as the fifth among the seven

> " mother-like " divinities. Except for Chamundi all

> the Saptamathrukas represent the female (Shakthi)

> aspects of the various Gods. Thus, Brahmani

> represents Brahma, Maheshvari represents Shiva,

> Kaumari represents Skanda or Muruga, Vaishnavi

> represents Vishnu, Varahi represents Varaha, the

> boar incarnation of Vishnu and Indrani that of Indra

> and Chamundi is the annihilator of Chamunda.




> Varahi is the Shakthi energy of the Vishnu Avatar

> Varaha. She is often associated with Goddess Kamala

> (one of the Mahavidyas). She is also called the

> Danda-natha or Lady Commander of the forces of the

> mother-goddess, symbolizing the might of SriVidya.

> Varahi is also " Vakdevi " on the snout of Varaha

> avatara of Lord Vishnu. This Vak (word) is the power

> of speech of Vishnu in His manifestation as " Yajna

> Varaha " .


> Varahi has dominion over the intellect (Bhuddhi) and

> is worshiped through dhyana yoga.


> As Varahi she destroys evil forces that obstructs

> the devotees' progress, paralyses the enemies, and

> leads the devotees ultimately to Sri-Vidya.


> With Kurukulla, she is accorded the parental status

> to Sri-Chakra (Lalita Tripura-Sundari).


> While Kurukulla represents the full moon, Varahi

> represents the new-moon. And while Varahi represents

> the illumination (prakasha) aspects of the

> mother-goddess, Kurukulla is the " deliberation "

> (vimarsa) aspect.


> In another aspect, Varahi is also said to be one of

> the Yoginis, taking the form of a boar. She is said

> to lift up the earth with her tusks to confer

> benefits on all creatures.


> She is imagined as an eight-armed and three-eyed

> lady with a face of a hog, seated under a Palmyra

> tree and functioning as a trusted attendant of the

> Goddess as her chief counselor. In this form, she is

> known as Chaitanya-bhairavi (the devotee's

> association of strength). She is being described as

> a fierce (Maha-Ghora) and as Commander of the

> forces, she moves about in a chariot drawn by boars.

> She is said to reside in the ocean of sugar-cane

> juice (ikshu), one of the four oceans that surrounds

> the mother goddess, holding her court in the island

> of nine-jewels and facing the mother-goddess.

> One text of the Prapanchasara Tantra says that the

> Parabindu divides into two parts, of which the right

> is Bindu, the male, Purusha or Ham, and the left

> Visarga the female, Prakriti or Sah, making the

> combined Hamsah. Hamsah is the union of Prakriti and

> Purusha and the universe is Hamsah


> Location of Varahi: Continuing to circumambulate

> clockwise around the second layer of the wall of the

> First Enclosure, turn the corner and VARAHI sits at

> the next corner ahead of you(looking at a flat

> yantra facing East, the would be the lower left hand

> or NW corner) [ No 5, Red ]. Into VARAHI, the ten

> Siddhis are absorbed, along with

> brahmi,maheshwari,kaumari and Vaishnavi. And so it

> shall continue till wereach Mahaalakshmi – at which

> point, Mahaalakshmi will include allof the Siddhis

> and the Seven Mothers.




> There are eight devatas guarding the second layer of

> the outerenclosure wall (the Ninth Enclosure), which

> is colored as the red of the rising sun. They are

> the famous Seven mothers (Saptamatrka),plus one

> added – Mahalaskmi.


> The fourth the Eight Mothers (and the 14th of the

> Khadgamala Devis)is VARAHI, the boar-headed form of

> Devi.

> Varahi idol in Caurasi,Orrisa





> Varahi is a bali (animal sacrifice) devata, one of

> Lalita's receivers of offerings. Her four alchemical

> elements (dhatus) are known as the four fires.

> Kurukulla's alchemical elements are known as the

> five Shaktis. The combination of these five Shaktis

> (downward pointing triangles) and four fires (upward

> pointing triangles), forms the complex figure in the

> centre of the Shri Cakra. Varahi's four are the

> twelve (three x four) sun kalas, twelve sidereal

> constellations. Kurukulla's five triangles are the

> fifteen (five x three) Kalas of the moon, fifteen

> lunar days. The complete individual grows within

> nine months to be born as a Shri Yantra or plant.

> The flowering of this plant is shown by the 24

> petals of the yantra.



> Both Varahi and Kurukulla are connected with, but

> separate from the 16 Nityas (fifteen days of the

> bright fortnight plus Lalita herself).


> The following chapter of the Tantrarajatantra,

> translated into English for the first time, is

> devoted to the practice of the Varahi mantra and

> contains a number of prayogas. As with all other

> prayogas, a sadhaka is only qualified (adhikari) to

> perform these rites if (a) she or he is initiated,

> and (b) does the daily puja of Tripurasundari.

> Further, the commentary (not translated here) shows

> that there is a number of elements which have to be

> taken account of when performing prayogas. These

> include visualisation skills and also a knowledge of

> astrology (Hindu, sidereal version), before the

> rites will be successful.



> The Tantrarajatantra says that Varahi is the " father

> form " , while Kurukulla is the " mother form " of the

> devata.


> The myth of boar does not only confine to the Hindu

> Mythology. It is in the Celtic, Japanese, Chinese,

> Greek, American Indians, Egypt etc. Goddess

> Ceridwin, A Celtic Mother Goddess was also called

> the " old White Sow " . The Boar too is a sacred animal

> of Goddess Isis ( the Egyptian equivalent of Durga )

> and her brother is a black boar ( called Seth ).


Human associations with animals have gone far back.

> Hindus in particular see divinity in all things

> around us including animals. They therefore plays an

> important role in the hindu dharma for they not only

> become vehicle, the goddess and god assume or take

> the form of these animals






> If you look at the concept of Avatar which is

> associated with Vishnu, the organic evolution theory

> which indicates the origin of the human from an

> aquatic background does make sense even though there

> is still debate about the reliability of the Theory.

> The boar being the third manifestation represents

> the complete picture of a terresterial animal.


> These five elements that manifest in the functioning

> of

=== message truncated ===






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