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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Poll results for Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

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Dear Swati Vipul Ma,




Poll has been defined in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary as


A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.


It is in this end that the poll was created. This is not a personal statement on my part that Rajarajeshwari Devi is the greatest. For me She might be the greatest or not the greatest that is out of the parameter of this group's discussion. For me the Guru is the greatest. Infact I voted for the last choice that my Guru is higher than Rajarajeshwari Devi.


(Rajarajeshwari Devi)


I stick to these words.Without my Guru Ma I cannot see Rajarajeshwari Ma. I can vehemently hit the ground thrice and say that.



(Rajagopala Swami,My gurunatha)


I also gave a choice(which I expected many people to vote and as it turned out that got the maximum votes next to people who said She is the greatest force) and that choice was

Comparisons should not be made and one Goddess put over the other All Gods and Goddesses are one and the same.




No one is trying to prove here that ' my Guru or deity is greater than yours'(like a child saying my daddy stronger tahn your daddy!). Just because one praises one's Guru or deity the other person should not think that the other Goddess or Guru is being slighted. This is convoluted logic. I hate to quote logic but still I may quote here that : If A is praised and B is also praised it does not mean one is degrading C and D. It then becomes a matter of human perception to think in those terms and not pure logic. Sometimes 'tarka'(logic) is good for certain things.


By understanding the pulse of the group I can better serve my Guru and Goddess. This is the reason this poll. I do not do things here for fun or past time or to make an egoistic statement. If you have misunderstood my intentions on this ground. Iam really sorry. If I have hurt your sentiments I express my regrets and apologies eventhough I am not at a great fault. I do not mind bowing low before you.After all noone is perfect.



(This is how Zen Monks bow down. They say that 'we have nothing in our hands' No hidden agenda here too Ma. Empty handed I come and empty handed will I go.)



















(Three states Satwa,Tamas and Rajas shown here...The people in the bar drinking are in the state of Tamas. The butcher is in the state of Rajas and the grocery seller-woman is in the state of Satwa...these three states are in everyone of us in differing proportions. Noone is truly devoid of any one of this state fully.Even Hitler was saatwic at times when he was with his pet dog. He used to sleep only with his dog and loved it very much. Ofcourse such states were very very short for such a cruel man who was in tamas and rajas )



Regarding 'Satva' which you were talking about. Let me tell you as far as my limited knoweldge goes that it is not the same as 'symbolism'(which you have yourself mentioned. I do not want to get into any arguements or tirades with anyone as it is useless. I also fearlessly approved your message as I felt I could reply in full honesty to your accusation that Iam biased to my deity Rajarajeshwari Devi and my Guru. Iam biased but not at the cost of others..this is the paradox.




I have followed many paths and have met many gurus and still respect many Swamis and deities. This does not mean all are my Gurus and all are my deities.




Please remember onething Ma...One who digs too many pits will not get any water just one single deep well will get water.


Going beyond 'satwa' is a good thing. When people in Kaliyuga are mostly in Tamas and Rajas(Inertia or useless activity,lust or anger,sleep or indolence) then to even achieve Satwa is a very difficult propostion.After one achieves that one can think of going beyond satva. This is my humble suggestion.Para satva is great but even more difficult to achieve than Satva. And states beyond parasatwa like vajra satwa and bahiranda satwa are even more difficult.If one has achieved para satwa then one has become a parama yogi. PARA SATWA=PARAMAYOGI. Iam not a parama yogi yet. I humbly beseech your pardons here. Iam still half -baked in this respect and hope that Eshwari helps me in this.


I could have easily rejected your message and brushed it under the carpet but that is not doing justice to the 'only god' which you were talking about(with due respects to Dayananda saraswathyji). Such saints say certain things emphatically and mean certain things in certain contexts and certain situations keeping in my certain frames of reference. If you can understand then all these 'certain's then you have imbibed the message truly.


The vedic proclamation was 'Ekam Sat' (Truth is one) and it did not mean God is one. Even if the vedic seer(rishi) meant God is one. It is true for Him. He has experienced through his source the unity and at-oneness of God at that particular moment and hence said God is one. This has been corrupted by later middle men to mean that Shiva is one and the only way to God or Jesus is the one and only way to God.A true chirstian and a Shivite will hug each other and say "Cheers to that one God". In other words they will drink from the same cup of immoratlity and transcendence. Then why should we crib on the greatness or the proclamation of greatness of another? Will the christian say"do not call your shiva greatest?"If he says so...jesus is crucified that instant again. This is happening over and over again in Kaliyuga. Peoplw ho are logical think people who are doing things of faith are fools.People with

faith cannot express themseleves. I do not proclaim myself as a representative of a broader segment of people who cannot express and have faith as I still have to go a long way. I do invite barbs and criticisms against me as it gives me a better scope for me to improve. My enemies teach me a lot more than my friends as they('enemies') can find my mistakes more easily than my fawning friends.So, I must thank you. But you are my friend aint you?




You said,Everything is a creation and manifestation of God


True, very true but to seek that nirakara(the formless aspect of God) is very difficult nay impossible unless one has done lot of sadhana with a fixed form and image. Even if one is born a nirakari baba he would have done tons of sadhanas as a sagunaakari baba in his past births. I can say this emphatically from my own experiences.The Vedic dictum said 'Ekam sat Vipraha Bahuda vadanti'...this has been misunderstood by many to mean that " Truth is one but brahmins say it is many". The confusion comes from the word 'viprah' which is construed by many as a 'Brahmin'. Viprah in ancient sanskrit means 'a wise man' And since a brahmin (one who goes behind brahman in a true way is a brahmin lest you get me wrong here again) is supposed to be a wise man in search of God it was meant to be a directive to people to do as 'the wise man ' does.A wise knows that the nirguna aspect is very very difficlut for the drunken monkey called mind and hence he seeks the

different ways.The wise here in sanskrit is used as a plural to mean the whole community of 'wise god seekers'. Each one of them again has the 'ekam sath' concept engrained in his mind.This is to be noted,Swati Vipul Ma. Hope Iam not speaking beyond my age and wisdom. Iam sorry if I have hurt you in anyway.



(Shirdi sai baba and Dattatreya)


Regarding the fact that all are gurus and we learn from everyone hence consider all as Gurus. I have to say that this is an initial concept despite me growing up in dattareya worshipping family where Datta Bhagavan considers even the inanimate obejects as his Gurus(he is reputed to have 24 gurus). This is to teach humility to a person that such things are said. One's ego will inflate to mamoth proportions if one considers everything done by himself and taught by himself. Either be a full egotist or be completely humble and seek more. Do not have a mid way. If one is a complete egotist, one day the ego will fall like a ripe fruit. Because it has to ripen and spoil itself...it has to self-destruct. There is a chance in being a full egotist too because the perosn will one day realise the futility of the ego,which is a mere artificiality. Having one guru is very essential if you want to progress spiritually. Shirdi sai baba and

Meher Baba used to kick their disciples who used to go from one saint to other. They used to call them "prostitutes". They were harsh in their language and behaviour but their minds(if at all they have one as they unite it with the cosmic mind) and hearts are pure and unperverted. After all, perversion is not in words but in the mind or hearts of people.Why this strange behaviour by these pir-o-mursheedas?(avatar as called in the islamic religion). Did they not know that there can be many Gurus?



(Meher Baba)


So when I say that my Guru is the highest I mean that He or She is highest for me. It is a subjective statement and I never meant in an objective way .I do not care for the political correctness here as it is a matter concerned with heart. But I will never hurt anyone's mind or heart by saying that his guru or his path is a waste. If I say so the 'guru' tatwa immanet in me will reduce. The Ahetuki kripa bestowed by my Gurunatha Sree Rajagopala will reduce to nothingness. I will be doomed if I say such things.



(My hands type what my heart feels and not the other way round)


I speak from my heart a language understood by other hearts. If I speak from my mind maybe I could have answered your question more cleverly quoting different scriptures I have read and snubbing you down before others.But will that serve a purpose to me or to you except maybe satisfying my ego that I have done something great. These days the easiest way to convince people you are intelligent is to accuse someone else,debunk someone and find faults with people. That way one will arrogate oneself. But such things will never pay in the long run. It is not in the Tao of things. I respect the wisdom in Tao. I follow it and let 'it' follow me.

The forty ninth verse of Tao Te ching says when writing about a sage



The sage has no interests of his own, But takes the interests of the people as his won. He is kind to the kind. He is also kind to the unkind: For virtue is kind.He is faithful to the faithful; He is also faithful to the unfaithful.For virtue is faithful.(This text is centuries old,much before Jesus or gandhi came into the picture and said ''show you left cheek to a person who slapped you on the right cheek)


I will never do such a thing(like snubbing intellectually) to my sweet mother Swathi Vipul who has pointed out something to me today. I bow to my Guru in you.




And finally I end my reply to your accusation by saying that wars do not happen because of attachment to satwa. Becasue the very nature of satwa is 'non-detachment' It is the highest Guna. Wars happen in the rajasic state and arguments happen in the tamsic state.Iam sorry to if I have caused you mental hurt by this poll but the reasons supra were the things which I had in my mind when I designed my poll.Hope you will forgive me and bless me as your brother.Thankyou and may my sweet Mother Rajarajeshwari Devi bless you in all ways whether you like Her or not.



(Bodhi Satwa is called so because he or she does a bodha(teaching or guiding) in satwa and redeems them from even the cluthces of satwa as you said. You are correct ,very correct and you talk of the ultimate when an ignorant man like me is still searching for this state of a bodhi satwa.Please bless me Swati Vipul Ma in my endevours)


Also,My reply to you is neither a war nor an argument in my favour or against yours but rather a proclamtion of my heart.


The heart which does not beat with the sound 'lub dub lub dub' but




With my 'guru and ma'!


Cheers to that One God!


Guru Ma...Guru Ma..Guru Ma..Guru Ma..Guru Ma!


Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli








Swati Vipul wrote:

I do not understand the reasoing behind this poll.why are we trying to prove that my belief or my deitey or my guru is powerful than others? Is this because of we are attached to "Satva" or the symbolism from where we get the most? Why do we concule that the place there we get the most, everyone else should also get the same. Please remeber, that in Every culture, GOD or the the SUPREME LORD is infinite. As Pujya Swami Dayandada ( www.avgsatsang.org) says, there is only "one GOD" is a wrong interpretation of VEdic culture. There is "only GOD". Everything is creation and manifistation of GOD. For all gurus, who are the windows thgrouh which we can expereince the Infinite, are praised as "Gurur bharma ,Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheswara". Ther is not distinction that one guru is more powerful represntation of them

than the other. All gurus who leads to enlightenment are compared at equal level. Yes, We all have a differnt level of ingnorance and hence, every Guru uses a different technique to remove that ignorance. As Sri Krishna says in Gita that the real goad is to go Beyond " Satva". So anyone who desinged this poll, Please ask youself-- what purpose does it serve? It is due to attachement to this Satva-- All wars in the name of relegion happens. Vipul..Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru wrote:> > The following Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru poll is now closed. Here are the > final results: > > > POLL QUESTION: Is Rajarajeshwari is the greatest among all forces? > > CHOICES AND RESULTS> - I think She is the greatest, 5 votes, 20.83% > - I did not know much about Her till I began to read postings made by

members in this group and now I think She is the greatest Goddess, 3 votes, 12.50% > - There is nothing Great in Her, 0 votes, 0.00% > - Comparisions should not be made and one Goddess put over the other. All Gods and Goddesses are the same., 5 votes, 20.83% > - Shiva is greater than Rajarajeshwari Devi, 1 votes, 4.17% > - Brahma Rishis are the Greatest, 0 votes, 0.00% > - I do not know and I do not care, 1 votes, 4.17% > - I do not know, I just simply worship Her as my Mother Divine., 4 votes, 16.67% > - She and Lalitha are one and the same hence She is the greatest, 2 votes, 8.33% > - I think my Guru is more powerful than Her., 3 votes, 12.50% > > > > For more information about this group, please visit > Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru > > For help with , please visit>


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