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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Laws of karmas.. pls explain

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Dear Nirajji,


(Law of Karma-Aghora volume 3)


First I would advise you to buy all the three books written by Robert Svoboda (The Aghora series). Now, I think Rupa publishers are publishing at a very cost effective rate.




When the world world is at war and if you are involved in the war one has to fight and finish off the 'enemies'. Yes, this is true.Because one has karmic scores to settle with people in the past lives. Now, One may intelligently ask where did the karmic thing start in the first place,in which life did which person initiate the karmic thing against one another. This is the play of maya and cannot be answered and once you have go the answer for this,you have your quantum leap into things,you become a gnaani and are no more bound by the law of karmas.



When however a person beseeches your pardon and begs you not to kill him then it is your dharma to offer him your pardon.If you do against this and say"Well, I have a karmic record with you because you killed me last birth and thus I have to kill you this birth".You are creating the 'karma' new for yourself and he will be redeeemed .Infact his sins will sit upon your head.He is being helped and not punished by you.



You have drawn a parallel between this and Mahabharatha which is not very correct because there Duryodhana(suyodhana) or the gang did not come beseech Arjuna or Pandavas to stop the war.They had no remorse and infact Pandavas in many instances tried to stop the war.

Krishna said to Arjuna so because Arjuna could not see his karmic implications with Kauravas and Karna and thus put gently to him(Arjuna) the Law of Action(which is nothing but an extension of the law of karma).



Krishna also said just concentrate on the karma(action) not on the fruits.This highly misunderstood. Because people do not think from a karmic angle.One has to not get attached to the fruits of the action means, the ego-taint in the karma and not the fruit as it is.Monks and misguided people torture themselves saying that "Krishna said do not enjoy the fruits of this action"They then become zombies.





This is highly misunderstood.A little knoweldge is dangerous. They then create other karmas because the very fact that they have to enjoy the fruits is in their karmas. To give an example here.: Suppose you study hard for an exam and pass it.You might be tempted to shout in joy or have a small party in the coffeshop with your friends.This is not enjoying the fruits but it is working out the karma of joy in that matter.On the other hand a misguided monk will say to himself"I have passed the exam but I should not even feel happy else I break Krishnaji's law"This is stupid and moronic because the very fact that enjoyment and sadness go together is true but when you enjoy a thing be in that holy instant and enoy it fully and be done with that Karma of joy.When you are sad cry your heart out and be done with that Karma of sadness.Only when a thing is done fully thouroughly is the karmic taint to it gone. Involve yourself in every act you

do.Do it fully and as creatively as possibly within the given constraints of time and place and then the karma will vanish.This will develope vairagya in you and you will be then detached from your senses which enjoy and crib and then go in.The way to the in is from the out not in any other way.To trascend flesh and emotions go through it.There is no other way.People who deem otherwise are plain misguided.However as with every law there is an exception and that exception is 'Guru'.he might make you take the karmic quantum jump without any effort on your part(though this word 'effortlessness' comes after great effort)


So, once a self-identification comes into picture you will have to take birth again to redeem that karma. It is all a messy affair Nirajji!One has to be very cautious or throw everything on the shoulders of a Guru.That is why I emphasise a Guru who is very powerful enough to even take your karmas and guide you. Cant i search for God myself? Why place Guru in between? Why do I need a middle man between me and God?...This question used to come to me even in my fifth standard..believe me when reciting the shloka Gurur brahma...Then I used to think like many adults that God is some anthropomorphic image up above my head..Up above the world so high like a daimond in the sky....and that Guru will lift me up to that diamond!



No,God immanent lies in you.The force lies in you.The holy instant is this. The holy redeems you of all sins.For this the benefactor has to come in the form of a guru.You need a mirror to see yourself,can you see your face with your own eyes without any external aid?




Master,Guru is thus verily that mirror. And be greateful to this mirror. People decorate their mirrors and adorn it with golden flowers in some cultures...why? Is the mirror so beautiful?...no it is there egos which are so beautiful...always the man/woman in the mirros is beautiful...it is justa piece of glass....Thus Guru who might be just flesh and bones is millions times nay! trillion times more valuable than this golden flower festooned mirror because he shows your true self...your true face.



Thus,Krishna tells Arjuna to fight and not mind the consequences for two reasons

1. Arjuna has a karmic score to settle off with his cousins2.If Arjuna even commits an excess in the battle it will be borne by Krishna who acts as his Guru.

But These days it is better to avoid war because the second point is missed by many. ...the point of excesses...do you when to stop in a battel?.,...do you know exactly how many blows your enemy had given you in his past birth? and how exactly you reapy him? The divine law of karma is very exacting..it gives the punishment exactly...



Things which have been done by words...will be repaid by wordsThings which have been done by limbs...will be repaid by limbsThings which have been done by mind ...will be repaid by mind

The law of karma is very confusing and it is the order of nature to keep this ultimate concept very confusing,because we do not know where to begin and where to end...if one can decode this he becomes verily a gnaani.



(Even this gnaani had to suffer Cancer in his last days...Divine law of karma spares none.)


However certain acts like homa or yagna and meditation will great burn bad karmas.In this regard I again say that Silver violet fire(violet fire) helps in clearing the bad karmic debts. You can find the book on Violet fire in our sister group kept for files.


Here is the link for that group.



Hope this 'brief' answer which you asked for is helps...

Eshwaree Rakshathu!

Yours yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli



"Niraj v. Shirali" <nirajshirali wrote:


Dear Shreeramji,Can you throw some light on what happens wen the world is at war, where you need to kill your enimies. I've seen movies of war which are based on the real events of deaths people slaughtered inspite of begging for mercy, Is that sin too. If yes how would Mahabharatha be explained where Krisna himself says to arjuna that "Arjuna you need to face your opponents, donot look at them as your brothers or uncles or even your master. When you are at war you need to do what you need to do"Can you explain the concept in brief.Thanx a million,HARE KRISNA HARE RAMA,SHRI RAJARAJESHWAYAI NAMAHNiraj On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 Group Owner wrote :>Dear Members,>>I received one funny email today. It said that since I had once mentioned with respect to another member that I was an 'anniyan' and to another Telugu member long time ago that I was an 'aparachitudu'. Does it have any connection with the film

currently doing rounds in SouthIndia!Whether that idea for the film came from me to the director of the film,because that too involves a brahmin like me who helps people online!!He has also asked me to post something on the concept of Hindu hell and whether they exist!>>No,dear Mr.Murali! For heavens sake!! I am in no way a marketing man for the film.I have no connection with the film.>>But I will definitely accede to your request and will post on the conept of Hell.>>Yes, the hell planes do exist!>>Thetre is one joke I would like to put here. One guy goes to his friend and says"I believe in the concept of Hell''..The friend asks "how come for an atheist like you!!". He replies back " Iam married. Now I have to believe in it!"...well it is not a joke really because many people suffer hells in thier marriage which is even more horrible than Rourava.>>Also, hell is a concept which depends on the person's faith.If he

is Hindu he will go to a Hindu hell plane and if he is a Buddhist to a Buddhist hell plane. Then one might immidiately 'intelligently' wonder what happens to atheists and non-believers...well, they have their own hell planes like the no-man-lands between two countries and they are born again till they find a path. Each path will have a hell plane.>>My Out of body experiences are witness to this. I have seen some hells and could not do anything for the suffering souls. It just made me wiser and sober.I would not like to comment any further on my experiences because that is not the moot point here. I do not type anything which I do not believe. I first put it to the hard test of Logic then the fire of my experience and then the beatings of my Guru and then finally one sacred text. This way everything I understand will have the power.Knowledge is verily powerful.>>---------Enter the world of www.aparachitudu.com and

www.anniyan.com-------Hehe!>>>>Since Murali is a Iyengar I would like to say>>>If one worships Vishnu with flowers, one never goes to hell.--Agni purana says so.>>I say,>>Offer Him the flower of your bhakthi and you will never go to hell.>>>>>>>>There are several such hells(Rourava which I mentioned above). Although people do not wish to die, they are bound to die once their predestined time span on earth has been exhausted. One then has to pay for whatever sins one might have committed. The sinners suffer and those who have performed good deeds are naturally rewarded. There are in fact two gates that lead into Yama’s abode.>>>> The good are brought by yamadutas (Yama’s servants)>>through the western gate and are then taken to svarga. Yama’s servants bring the evil to him through the southern gate and

Yama then despatches them to the various hells.>>>>>>>>If one kills a cow, one has to spend one lakh years in a naraka known as mahavicha.>>>>>>If one kills a brahmana(one who sincerely seeks the Brahman) or steals land, there is a burning naraka named Amakumbha that one goes to. There one suffers till the day when the world is destroyed in the cosmic dissolution of one yuga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A killer of women, children or old men stays in Rourava naraka for the span of fourteen manavantaras. An arsonist is sent to Maharourava and burnt there for an entire kalpa.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A thief goes to Tamisra, were he is continuously pierced with spears by Yama’s servants for several kalpas.

After that, a thief is taken to Mahatamisra to be bitten by snakes and insects.>>>>>>If you kill you father or mother, you will be sent to the hell Asipatravana. There you will be continuously sliced into pieces with swords.>>>>>>>>If you burn someone to death, you will go to Karambhavaluka where you will be placed on burning sands.>>>>>>(Guess this hell will not be a big deal for this man! )>>A person who eats sweets alone goes to Kakola and is fed only worms.>>>>>>A person who does not perform yajnas goes to Kuttala and is fed blood.>>>>>>>>An oppressor is sent to Tailapaka and is crushed like an oilseed there.>>>> (Incidentally Jim carrey is my favourite slapstick comedian and comes from

Canada! )>> A liar is sent to the naraka named Mahapata.>>>>>>There are several other narakas for those who encourage those who kill animals, those who cut trees, those who eat too much meat, those who criticise the Vedas(words of God in any form be it the actual vedas or the words of saints and spiritual people), those who bear also witness and those who criticise their teachers.>>>> I have just given a few. The rest I guess you would have seen in the film like Khumbhipakam,vajrakandam.,etc. I dont want to instill paranoia in you.>>Andy Grove wrote a book "Paranoid only survive". This is not true. Just fear evil and do good. HELP EVER HURT NEVER AND PRAY FOREVER!>>All these hell planes do exist and these were not told to instill fear and make people do the right things(I used to rationalise in school when elders used to say it to me that all this

stuff was to just make people fear evil and do good....but that was wrong...brain can go to an extent in understanding these concept...One has to go beyond and see some of these hells in say an astral travel only then one will believe.)>>Unfortunately, I do not take any complaints and act on it(like the Hero in the film)...and delve the justice....I leave the revenge to God and in my case maybe to Goddess and the Guru in me.>>Divine law of Karma is the real ''Anniyan''...the real "Aparichitudu" ...not me Murali......It sees everything and delves it. And one must make oneself familiar with this divine law of karma. I would advise you to buy the aghora series (especially the second volume Law of Karma) by Robert Svoboda and then you will know certain things why it happens. You need not become familiar with this "Anniyan"...Because Iam a really nobody....And not as romantic as the Hero in the picture!Ultimately 'every hero becomes a bore

atlast'>>I remain your 'Anniyan'(in a different way),>>Ha!!Ha!!(You gave me a lot to smile and laugh today when my days were spent seriously preparing for my exams...Thankyou my friend!)>>>>Yours very yogically!>>Shreeram Balijepalli>>>>>>>>>>Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...>>>>Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru>>>>>>>> Start your day with - make it your home page


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear spiritual, respected, very valuable brother (Niraj),

I wish every moment shower of peace and happiness is coming from God Father forever to all.

As per law every action there is reaction. If any one will kill to anybody then there is sin that is law.

There is one story about this, once one King was running after one deer to hunt him and by the way that deer passed little away and there was one turn, after that he is seeing road is diverted in two ways and in which road that deer was vanished for this he asked one Saint who was sitting near that junction of two roads. At this point that Saint (holy person) thought about his reply if he will tell right thing then that King will kill the deer and he will be responsible for this sin. If he will tell false (wrong) to the King then that is also sin. Then he thought which one is less punishable, then he told wrong to King. That way he saved that deer. So every action is giving result, even one cannot escape from the result

of any thought.

Now about Mahabharata, in this Bharat word involve because this is the story of world drama in that Bharat mean India is involved from the beginning to end.

Now about Mahabharata, in any scripture there is symbolic explanation. All names are also symbolic. All Pandavs and kauravs are human being, all are souls and all souls are children of one God Father. For Him Pandavs or kauravs are equal. So God Father will never tell to kill your brothers because all are children of one God Father.

Actually Gita is religious scripture, so naturally God Father will tell religious matter to their children but not to fight each other.

Knowledge of Gita is given by God Father to all souls. Now if you see the final aim of knowledge of Gita is NASTA MOHA, SAMRATY LABTHA mean There is no ATTACHMENT with anyone and REMEMBER FOREVER TO ONE GOD FATHER ONLY. For these God Father is telling that forget your body, religious of body and relatives of body and come to Me, I will take your responsibility for everything.

People are telling Kauravs were 100 and Pandavs were 5. God Father is giving knowledge of Gita to all souls mean 100% and from these approximately 5% accepted this knowledge they were Pandavs and remaining 95% who don’t care to take this knowledge, they were Kauravs. (So they are telling Kauravs 100 and Pandavs 5). God Father is telling to Arjun (here Arjun mean not only for one person but to all souls that mean God Father is telling to all His children [souls]) that to kill your all relatives including your brothers, uncles, Master here kill mean forget them that they are your relatives because you are not body but soul and every one is soul then you can realise self (soul) and to God Father. Now there is end of this

irreligious Drama and again new Drama mean Heaven will start on this earth, naturally you have to change your costume (body) then you can get new Deity costume in Heaven. So God Father is telling that forget your body and relatives of body (brothers, uncles etc.) but not to kill anyone. Actually kill mean kill to body conscious state, then you can achieve soul-conscious state then it is easy to change old costume (body) to new costume (body). Soul is undying only changing body for new Drama.

"Niraj v. Shirali" <nirajshirali wrote:


Dear Shreeramji,Can you throw some light on what happens wen the world is at war, where you need to kill your enimies. I've seen movies of war which are based on the real events of deaths people slaughtered inspite of begging for mercy, Is that sin too. If yes how would Mahabharatha be explained where Krisna himself says to arjuna that "Arjuna you need to face your opponents, donot look at them as your brothers or uncles or even your master. When you are at war you need to do what you need to do"Can you explain the concept in brief.Thanx a million,HARE KRISNA HARE RAMA,SHRI RAJARAJESHWAYAI NAMAHNiraj On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 Group Owner wrote :>Dear Members,>>I received one funny email today. It said that since I had once mentioned with respect to another member that I was an 'anniyan' and to another Telugu member long time ago that I was an 'aparachitudu'. Does it have any connection with the film

currently doing rounds in SouthIndia!Whether that idea for the film came from me to the director of the film,because that too involves a brahmin like me who helps people online!!He has also asked me to post something on the concept of Hindu hell and whether they exist!>>No,dear Mr.Murali! For heavens sake!! I am in no way a marketing man for the film.I have no connection with the film.>>But I will definitely accede to your request and will post on the conept of Hell.>>Yes, the hell planes do exist!>>Thetre is one joke I would like to put here. One guy goes to his friend and says"I believe in the concept of Hell''..The friend asks "how come for an atheist like you!!". He replies back " Iam married. Now I have to believe in it!"...well it is not a joke really because many people suffer hells in thier marriage which is even more horrible than Rourava.>>Also, hell is a concept which depends on the person's faith.If he

is Hindu he will go to a Hindu hell plane and if he is a Buddhist to a Buddhist hell plane. Then one might immidiately 'intelligently' wonder what happens to atheists and non-believers...well, they have their own hell planes like the no-man-lands between two countries and they are born again till they find a path. Each path will have a hell plane.>>My Out of body experiences are witness to this. I have seen some hells and could not do anything for the suffering souls. It just made me wiser and sober.I would not like to comment any further on my experiences because that is not the moot point here. I do not type anything which I do not believe. I first put it to the hard test of Logic then the fire of my experience and then the beatings of my Guru and then finally one sacred text. This way everything I understand will have the power.Knowledge is verily powerful.>>---------Enter the world of www.aparachitudu.com and

www.anniyan.com-------Hehe!>>>>Since Murali is a Iyengar I would like to say>>>If one worships Vishnu with flowers, one never goes to hell.--Agni purana says so.>>I say,>>Offer Him the flower of your bhakthi and you will never go to hell.>>>>>>>>There are several such hells(Rourava which I mentioned above). Although people do not wish to die, they are bound to die once their predestined time span on earth has been exhausted. One then has to pay for whatever sins one might have committed. The sinners suffer and those who have performed good deeds are naturally rewarded. There are in fact two gates that lead into Yama’s abode.>>>> The good are brought by yamadutas (Yama’s servants)>>through the western gate and are then taken to svarga. Yama’s servants bring the evil to him through the southern gate and

Yama then despatches them to the various hells.>>>>>>>>If one kills a cow, one has to spend one lakh years in a naraka known as mahavicha.>>>>>>If one kills a brahmana(one who sincerely seeks the Brahman) or steals land, there is a burning naraka named Amakumbha that one goes to. There one suffers till the day when the world is destroyed in the cosmic dissolution of one yuga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A killer of women, children or old men stays in Rourava naraka for the span of fourteen manavantaras. An arsonist is sent to Maharourava and burnt there for an entire kalpa.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A thief goes to Tamisra, were he is continuously pierced with spears by Yama’s servants for several kalpas.

After that, a thief is taken to Mahatamisra to be bitten by snakes and insects.>>>>>>If you kill you father or mother, you will be sent to the hell Asipatravana. There you will be continuously sliced into pieces with swords.>>>>>>>>If you burn someone to death, you will go to Karambhavaluka where you will be placed on burning sands.>>>>>>(Guess this hell will not be a big deal for this man! )>>A person who eats sweets alone goes to Kakola and is fed only worms.>>>>>>A person who does not perform yajnas goes to Kuttala and is fed blood.>>>>>>>>An oppressor is sent to Tailapaka and is crushed like an oilseed there.>>>> (Incidentally Jim carrey is my favourite slapstick comedian and comes from

Canada! )>> A liar is sent to the naraka named Mahapata.>>>>>>There are several other narakas for those who encourage those who kill animals, those who cut trees, those who eat too much meat, those who criticise the Vedas(words of God in any form be it the actual vedas or the words of saints and spiritual people), those who bear also witness and those who criticise their teachers.>>>> I have just given a few. The rest I guess you would have seen in the film like Khumbhipakam,vajrakandam.,etc. I dont want to instill paranoia in you.>>Andy Grove wrote a book "Paranoid only survive". This is not true. Just fear evil and do good. HELP EVER HURT NEVER AND PRAY FOREVER!>>All these hell planes do exist and these were not told to instill fear and make people do the right things(I used to rationalise in school when elders used to say it to me that all this

stuff was to just make people fear evil and do good....but that was wrong...brain can go to an extent in understanding these concept...One has to go beyond and see some of these hells in say an astral travel only then one will believe.)>>Unfortunately, I do not take any complaints and act on it(like the Hero in the film)...and delve the justice....I leave the revenge to God and in my case maybe to Goddess and the Guru in me.>>Divine law of Karma is the real ''Anniyan''...the real "Aparichitudu" ...not me Murali......It sees everything and delves it. And one must make oneself familiar with this divine law of karma. I would advise you to buy the aghora series (especially the second volume Law of Karma) by Robert Svoboda and then you will know certain things why it happens. You need not become familiar with this "Anniyan"...Because Iam a really nobody....And not as romantic as the Hero in the picture!Ultimately 'every hero becomes a bore

atlast'>>I remain your 'Anniyan'(in a different way),>>Ha!!Ha!!(You gave me a lot to smile and laugh today when my days were spent seriously preparing for my exams...Thankyou my friend!)>>>>Yours very yogically!>>Shreeram Balijepalli>>>>>>>>>>Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...>>>>Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru>>>>>>>> Start your day with - make it your home page


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