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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Dear Ma

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dear shreeram cheta,

thank you for the reply.i am very young, may be younger than you and i too have to go a long way. but i shall pray to my guru and balatripurasundari to shower their blessings on you and your family.

all the best for your exams.i have a long list of things i need to ask you just like i keep troubling my guru with questions, but i will wait for you to finish with your exams.

just one question now . can you tell from which sites do u add the images?


your fan

lalethaaGroup Owner <para_anuloma wrote:



Dear Ma,


Iam happy I have been of some use to you and your significant other half.Iam truly blessed.Iam quite young and need both of your blessings for my whole family.


Iam now busy with my exams here so please excuse any typos which might creep in now and then. I just type very fast like giving an extempore speech and then finally add images and do not even edit or correct the typos when adding the images as Iam hardpressed for time.Also I do not check my grammarvery much.There might be a dangling modifier here and an inappropriate preposition there.Ugghh I hated my grammar teacher who used to cane me on my knuckles in school!




Now,"manushyatva"(human birth), "mumukshatwa"(desire for salvation) and "mahapurushaashraya" (the grace of a high spiritual person) are three essential things needed to merge with God. Because only a humanbeing can fully realise his/her divinity.This was said none other than Adishankara Bhagavadpada.



You have said truth is elluding. Yes it is very true.It elludes people all the time. It gives a slip at the crucial moment when you have to cling at it all costs.





Only a Guru can make it permanent.Thus he is precious and thus they say one must have done a lot of merit(punya) to obtain one.


Also the eternal quote the 'Guru comes when the disciple is ready' is very true. I have experienced it myself.




Those who say they did not have a Guru and became enlightened are not telling the full truth.Infact there is nothing like a full truth or half-truth.He/She simply is lying.He must have had a guru secretively or in his past birth to come to that stage. Maybe he/she might not want to reveal such details to his/her disciples let they think there is someone greater than their guru. Then they will start seraching for that 'greater' guru and there will be no end to this business of ''greater'!




Guru attracts you to him.He has tremendous charisma in Him.(please excuse me for using him and he...it is just a matter of convinience and also because my guru is a male..i can just relate like that...a guru can also be a female)Now,you might ask me that even a politician is tremendously charismatic and what is the difference between him and one's Guru. The difference lies in your experience. With a politician you search outwards for power,pelf and organisation.




With a Guru you search and work inwards toward Moskha,God and 'You'.Guru should be the end of your choice not the beginning of a new set of choices.





People in Kaliyuga are very 'clever'(I use quotes because they are just cunning not clever) because they flit from one guru to another and use Gurus like a tissue paper in the toilet.Once their work is done,some job is got ,their daughter is married of,some sick person is cured they leave him in the lurch.They may light a few incense sticks to his photo but nothing more. Where did the search go? Where doth the fire in Thee melt down as Ice?





Here again Tao Te Ching guides me and says to be clever is not good for the emperor.Laotsu meant the emperor-self not a king as many popularly think.The subjects are the senses which are very clever and have a consious intelligence of there own.




Be not clever but faithful

Be not indulgent but passionate.




Seeking is needed, but then comes a point when seeking has to be dropped. The boat is needed to cross the river but then comes a moment when you have to get out of the boat and forget all about it and leave it behind. Effort is needed, without effort nothing is possible. And also only with effort, nothing is possible.When this boat called ego is dropped then comes the Guru on the other shore. He might have been a person who lived just down the street but you went around the universe in search of him.This is the irony.




People are lonely these days and they go in search of Gurus just to fill their loneliness. This again is not a good guru-shishya relationship. People of kaliyuga are terribly lonely. Iam reminded of a joke here




One man went to the psychiatrist and asked if the good doctor couldn't split his personality. "Split your personality?" asked the doctor. "Why in heaven's name do you want me to do a thing like that?BECAUSE," said the man "I AM SO LONESOME." !!!


People go in search of cures for multiple personality disorders and here is a man trying to create one to fill his loneliness.






































Jokes apart,Guru will not come by such stunts,by such attitudes,by such feelings,by such emotionalities but by a true deep inner fire.




Some say if one chants GuruGeetha one can obtain one's guru.But a mere parrot like chanting of it will not help. One should understand the meaning and become one with the meaning as one chants.Ofcourse the sanskrit syllables help in attracting one's guru but the syllable must be fuelled with your oil of emotions,your urge and your trishna.This then will fetch results. As I said before one must search and search and then one finds it in an instant.




I love Urdu shaayiri and my father learnt Urdu when he was in Hyderabad despite strong protests from family members that he belonged to a brahmin family.He encouraged my forays into it. I was lucky to watch the 'wrodsmith' Javed Akhtar ,who pens beautiful urdu poems (and devoured his 'Tarquash'(quiver)in one sitting!),speak in an interview...he said" He does not wait for inspiration to come to him.He keeps trying and trying and suddenly it all flows out of nowhere''(May be his 'guru' inside him helped him with the flow!)




This is exactly how a search for guru and obtaining him occurs. Searching searching searching and then suddenly finding him when one is exhausted!


What is the duty of a shishya?? This was your second question....




The duty of a shishya is to have no duties in mind. Duty is a very bad word in the english lexicon. Love is a very good word. Love brings the best in a disciple.Duty brings hatred and monotinity in the minds of a disciple. Love your Guru like never before and act as per advice. Love your guru with all your heart,your mind,you soul and might.

Do not perform 'duties' for your guru...perform rather 'labours of love' for your guru..then the guru-shishya relationship will be more meaningful...more fruitful!Then the Guru sets you free.




These days everyone is a sadguru and an avatara purusha that the very meaning, the very symbolism and the very beauty in guru-shishya relationship is lost with a flurry of wealth a throng of devotees and a line of cars decorating every big guru. Such people are at best guides and very very rarely gurus.




Sadguru is also called the Moskha guru and he is the highest. He is even great than an avatara purusha.


I can keep reeling on and on about Guru and his tatwa but got some blogging and studying to do for my exams...




Hope this much slakes your thirst...


Your waterbearer,




Shreeram Balijepalli








LG <lagan29 wrote:

dear shreeram cheta

to begin with my husband and i are a great fan of ur mails. we enjoy reading them as they are nothing less than the elluding truth which have been explained by u in a lay mans language. we thank god for giving us an opprotunity to know u through this group.


they say to have a guru in a particular birth one should have done a lot of punyam. can u explain why it is said so. and after having a guru what should be the duty of the shishya? could u please explain?




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