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Mani Maanthra Marthanda-aushadam---Rasamani vigyanam

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Dear Bratha,


That was an exhaustive posting on Rasamani. Thanking you a zillion

times for your time and such patient response.

I was overjoyed when i begun reading the posting as it started with

a picture of my Sadguru , Nityananda of Ganeshpuri.


I have seen some websites claiming to make Rasamani. But i am not

sure whether they are authentic.

Now that you have mentioned about Mooligai Mantrika Sri Jayaraman as

an authentic Navapashana expert, WOuld be wonderful if you could

give us his contact details. I am intrested in the Parad Merus. I

have few pancha loha merus which were made in Kumbakonam. I got them

gold plated. WOuld be nice to have the parad merus made and blessed

by guru shri Jayaraman.

Thanking you again for all your help.



Indeevar Bollampally


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Group Owner

<para_anuloma> wrote:

> Dear Bollampally Indeervargaaru,





> (18 Siddhas of TamilNadu and the Sree ShodasaNityaavarna Ganapathy)




> Rasamani Means Mercury Ball. In the Indian Mythology Parad is

also known as " RASA " (liquid). The reason for calling it " Rasa " is

due to such description given to it.




> " Rasanatsarvadhatunaam Rasa Ityamidhiyate,

> Jararogamrityunashay Ramyate Va Raso Matah. "




> That is why the definition of " Rasa " [liquid] is given to the

Parad as it melts all the metals in itself. And that is the reason

it became famous to be known as " Rasa " . The same is also taken for

bringing an end to the old age and cheating ultimate death. The

Rishis of the ancient Indian had laid much stress upon its

necessity. And as a result of keen efforts made by the Rishis, its

probable consumption kept on increasing. It is not only used in the

form of medicine, but it also had its use to change the formation of

body. And at the same time Parad is being used to attain 'special

knowledge'. It is said in the scriptures that without completion of

worship obligation of Parad, a human can not think of himself of

getting released in any manner whatsoever. The Parad is being used

in the whole world for many type of meditation purposes and the same

is also used for obtaining 'Vayugaman Siddhi' [supernatural powers],

Deh Lupt Kriya' etc. purposes.




By making deep efforts one can obtain wealth, fame, glory and

respect in this life. But only the lucky person receive the benefit

of worshipping a Parad Idol which is property established in

accordance with the scripture rituals. The scriptures give much

importance to the Parad Idols. As said in the scriptures, if you

worship an idol made out of Parad, then you can attain billions time

more good deed [Punya] than worshipping of Stuffic of Gold/Silver

Idols. Only by making a Darshan of Parad Idol, the sins of killing

thousands of cows can be washed off. As indicated in the scriptures,

only by worshipping of a Parad idol the sin of killing a Brahmin can

be washed off. At the same time, through the medium of the Parad,

the Indian Chemical Experts have attained the mastery of making gold

out of it. Due to this attainment India has become famous all over

the world and in this manner India has received a place of honour in

the Chemical Technology. In the field of such Chemical Technology

> the names of Nagarjun, Vyadi etc. are world famous. And at the

same time it is a matter of fact that, due to such chemical experts

only, the chemical technology reechoed to other countries like China

etc. The same was named as 'Kimiyagiri' there. The Parad itself has

so much importance that, the mediators of almost all the religious

sects has entered into this field, and have carried out experiments

by their own methods and have made advancement in this particular

field. They have extended their due co-operation in the field of

making the Parad in a proper manner for the purpose of consumption

by humans.






Mankind all over the world desires to live a sorrowless life full

of joy. The body, mind and spirit should all be joyful for this

desire to be fulfilled. Siddhars of yore searched-in deeply and

brought out three means verily for this: Mani, Mandiram and

Aushadam. Aushadam has potency to protect the body; Mandiram

channelizes the mind; Mani directs the spirit to higher reaches. Let

us delve a little on these vital threes here.




> Mani in Siddhars' lore points to rasamani. Rasam, alias Paadarasam

is metal Mercury. It is cardinal for Rasavadavidya or the science of

Alchemy.Rasam has the ability to raise even the inferior and the

worthless to a substance of the highest value. Only the Siddhars are

aware of the secret of making it. Through skilled use of salutary

herbs and with the power of divine mantras Siddhars confine, harden

and bind rasam. They make rasamani - beads of bound rasam – of

mercury that normally slips and flows! Rasam is believed to be the

seminal fluid of the highest God.






> (Nakoda Bairav at Alwar who can impart good knowledge of the uses

of mercury)




> Binding it is supposed to imbibe subtly within it, for ever,

medicinal efficacy, mantra power and God's generative potency. Thus

one can get relieved fully of any disease whatsoever by wearing this

bead on the body or holding it in the mouth or soaking it in milk

and drinking the milk; any bodily discomfort will vanish; further

any distraction of the mind or the senses would disappear.






> It imparts clarity of mind and tremendous mental strength. In

addition wearing it enables free float air travel, one of the Eight

Superlative Powers (Ashtama Siddhis) of the Siddhars. The lightening

of the body to any desired level, deep sharpening of eyesight for

even submicroscopic vision are supposed to be possible with

rasamani. It is to be warned that Siddhars alone are skilled in the

making of such rasamanis. Others, who do not clearly know how

mercury is to be purified but still make spurious rasamanis and use

them will not only fail to realize the wonder benefits of it but

would also land up in very many evils and dangers.


(My favourite way of studying any subject...making a Mindmap..a-la-

Tony Buzan)...Mindmap of a Siddha.


Manthra is one that uplifts the one who continuously meditates on

it. Manthra is the science of training the mind to protect the self.

Each object has three elements with it – Primary Physique (Adi

Bouthikkam), Primal Godhood (Athidaiveekam) and Principal Self (Adi

Aatmeekam). Adi Boutheekam denotes the illusory outer appearance.

The Adi Daiveekam represents the inner indestructible Letter that

guides and runs the being from within. Adi aatmeekam is the

primordial God, the basis of the power that impels the being.

Letter, the one alluded to in the middle is Mandiram that can draw-

in the power of the God from within and help destroy any problem

causing disease or enmity. One who medidates on a mandiram should

become inseparable and One with it. Only then can he merge with the

God inside, the power that drives his self. In this way through the

merging of the three - Meditator, the God Power within and the

Manthra (the Word power within) any malignant disease, mental or

physical in

> nature vanishes. " If those who have planned an undertaking

possess firmness in executing it they will obtain what they n have

desired even as they have desired it'' – so says Kural.

Karudogambhaavanai etc.. denote Manthra powers. Manthra Siddhis like

these have the power to cure all diseases (those due to natural

afflictions, afflictions due to others and diseases through karmic

afflictions). Even in these pretention is disastrous.




Aushadam is medicine related to Aushadhis - metals minerals and

herbs. Aushadhis have life, intellect and body. In fact these three

are characteristic of all herbs. Such herbs obtain potency based on

the place they grow, their age and their inherent nature. By

correctly knowing which herb has what potency and how much, one can

make medicines using them by proper means that ensure retaining

their potency. This way mankind can fight any disease. Such herbs

are imperative for Kayakalpa or the immortality of being. In general

such powers are abundant in Tulasi and Vilvam. Hence these have

obtained religious virtue





> This posting makes for a good reading in a shivite (I

request Prasannaji of our group who runs Om Namah Shivaya

group to take this posting freely and post it for his group's

members benefit.)this is because Rasamani is the heart throb of

shivites.' Shivayogi hridaya ahataha Padarasaha'.




> The rasamani is a form of fixed mercury. Its confection represents

an attainment within the Rasa Siddha tradition. There are said to be

a number of ways of preparing this. In consequence there are a

number of rasamanis, each of which is said to be associated with

particular siddhi or psychic attributes.




> Rasa Siddhas make use of elemental mercury in their operations,

unlike European alchemists for whom mercury more typically

represents an alkahest or highly volatile solvent used in the

preparation of mineral elixirs.


> The various rasamanis are probably amalgams largely unknown to

contemporary chemistry. But they are clearly more than that.






> The 'speed' of " RASAMANI " is equal to the speed of God Shiva. One

who is blessed will only get this MERCURY BALL. If we have it on the

head it is very sure that our life will be increased and it will

wash off all our sins and we will have many more benefits with this


The ancient Palani Siddha, Bhogar, made the statue of Sri

Dhandayuthapani of Palani with 9 herbal elements which are in Tamil,

names as " NAVAPAASHAANAM " for the benefit of all. One of the

ingredients is Mercury.



I have been very very lucky to have a big Navapashanam idol of

Subramanya swamy with Valli and Devayani devis. This was given to me

by Mooligai Maantreeka Sri Jayaraman who is a close friend of

mine.He is the only person in this whole world who can make

authentic navapashanam statues right now. All others are charlatans.

I know this because I have moved with him and others.Navapashanam

uses Mercury balls alaso known as Rasamani guligaigal.Also I possess

a number of mercury balls which i both wear and worship.






> I also have a rasamani made sri Mahameru but I worship another

energised by Swami.Parad Meru Shree Yantra is one of the most

auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the

maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It

is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all

wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. " Shree Yantra " -

Shree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning " Instrument " - The

Instrument for Wealth The Parad Shree Yantra brings about material

and spiritual wealth. Parad Shree Yantra has that unexplained power

to fulfill all our wishesand change our life for the better. Parad

Shree Yantra is definitely the answer to all the problems and

negativity in our life .Any Person using Shree(shri) Yantra achieves

much greater affluence , peace and harmony . Parad Shree Yantra

helps in breaking all the Obstacles in our life . It helps us push

indefinitely and easily the limits of growth - both spiritually and

> materialistically. There are negative energies around us in

greater or smaller magnitude. These negative energy stands in our

way of achieving greater success , affluence , Harmony and Peace .

Many times we find that life is out of our control. We find

ourselves in a position of Extreme stress , lack of peace and

harmony , high degree of anxiety , friction in relationship with

others , Bad investments , faltering business , stagnation in life

and profession , decreasing financial prospects , insecure feeling ,

repeated failures and sheer bad luck - Though we involve our best

efforts , hard work , intelligence and good intentions .

Parad is the combination of Mercury and Silver. Silver is used to

solidify the Mercury. Parad is the most auspicious metal used for

worship of God. Parad is belived to be originated from the semen of

Lord Shiva Puja and worship of Parad Shree Yantra destroys the sins.

It is mentioned in ancient Vedas that there is nothing pure and

auspicious than Parad. Parad is also very useful in controlling

various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the

Sex Power. Parad has special significance in Ayurveda too. Parad

benefits have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as





Parad Shree Yantra is the source of supreme energy and energy is

nothing but another form of element in the shape of waves and rays.

Parad Shree Yantra is highly sensitive and has magnificent magnetic

powers. Parad Shree Yantra is said to be a divine store-house of

energy which pick up particular cosmic ray wave emitted by the

planets and other universal objects and transform them into

constructive vibrations. These are then transmitted to the

surroundings where the Parad Shree Yantra is placed, thus destroying

all destructive forces within the vicinity. Parad Shree Yantra is

credited with supreme hidden powers which can be noticed within a

short span.




Some opine that Rasamani should be worn below the navel. All this

is kibosh. I have a rasamani shastra which mentions number of uses

for mercury balls right from wearing it on the head to the toe.






> (1) By wearing the ball made of " RASAMANI " in our body we can

walk fast without fatigue.

(2) By doing pooja to the deities made with " RASAMANI " we can

easily get rid of all the evil spirits and bad luck in our family,

trade & business.

(3) By keeping the ball made of " RASAMANI " we can stabilize the

changes caused due to the natural changes like thunder, lightining,

rain and over sunlight.

(4) No harmful insects like snake & harmful animals like tiger &

lion will trouble the wearer of a properly energised Rasamani

(5) It is very sure that you would be having an extraordinary

satisfaction with your life partner in the bed by keeping

the " RASAMANI " BALL Your body tied to a particular spot and

energised with a particular Mantra because it activates some extra

Naadis in the body powerfully thus multiplying orgasm. The siddhas

of yore used to have a union(sexual in an ordinary human being's

eyes) with Bhairavis and they used to use Rasamani to great effect

(not to mention Vajroli and other higher uses)



(6) If we keep the " RASAMANI " balls made as 16 beads maalas &

perform pooja to those beads, we will very surely see the God or the

Almighty in any chosen form.

(7) We can have the supermost power in vasiyam (attraction),

mohanam (loveliness) & aakarshanam (pulling of other's mind towards

us) by doing pooja to the " RASAMANI BALL'S " . I personally do not

recommend this though.

(8) By performing milk & honey abisheka to the idols like

SriGanesha, Muruga, Shivalinga & Sri Amba made of " RASAMANI " &

intake the milk & honey, we can have a very good health, wealth &

all the things we need in our life. However great care should be

taken in the preparation of such mercury items because it will lead

to mercury posioning if the idol is not properly made out of herbal

concotions which nullify the poisonous effects of Mercury. Minamata

is a serious disease which comes out of Mercury poisoning.

(9) By performing pooja to the Shivalingam, made with the nine

herbal plants called as NAVAPAASHANAM ( " RASAMANI " ), found by the

Siddhar " Sri Bhogar " , it is very sure that we will get the blessing

of Lord Shiva.

(10) By intaking the milk, dipped with the " RASAMANI " balls after

taking the balls out. It is sure that we will get rid of problems

like tired, body pain, pre-mature & quick ejaculation, paralysis,

hydracles, and all kinds of skin disorders and it is very sure that

we will have a very good physical strength, metal strength and

energetic & pure blood.The same precaution followed for supra must

be taken care of here too.


Parad also means Rasamani but Parad made in NorthIndia slightly

differs from the southindian tradition which miraculously uses herbs

than just an amalgam of silver and mercury as in Parad.




> Parad is the combination of Mercury and Silver. Parad is the most

auspicious metal used for worship of God. Parad is believed to be

originated from the sperms of Lord Shiva and worship of Parad

Shivling destroys the sins. Parad Shivling, Parad Beads , Idols of

Parad Ganesh , Parad lakshmi are considered very sacred and is

believed to give 100 times more benefit than the puja of any other

idol. It is mentioned in ancient Vedas that there is nothing pure

and auspicious than Parad. Parad is also very useful in controlling

various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the

Sex Power.


Parad has special significance in Ayurveda too. Parad benefits

have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific.





> Parad Shivling

> with Parad Yoni



> Worship of Parad shivling destroys sins and punyas arise whereby

one is enabled to be free from sorrows and strives diseases and

calamities. Dedicated worship of Parad shivling takes one toward

divinity and spirituality. According to Shastra, Parad Shivling

gives the effect of visiting Kedarnath, Badrinath and all other













It is said in Shiv Puran that those who keep this energized Parad

Shivling, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber resides

permanently in their house. One should lite a lamp before the

energized Parad Shivling every morning and think of the wish he want

to fulfill and believe it, Lord Shiva would fulfill all your dream.

Drinking the milk in Parad Amrit Cup purifies human body. It gives

the good health, prevention of diseases, control asthma, diabetes

and increase Sex Power. Parad Amrit Cups are prepared by Ayurvedic

methods as written in ancient scriptures and is 99% pure mercury and

rare herbs. Amrit cups makes a person free from diseases. It not

only increase the energy levels but also improves the vitality.









Parad in the form of beads is also very powerful cure of diabetes,

blood pressure and heart diseases. The bead or rosary of parad beads

shall be worn around the neck or waist.


It is said in Brahma Purana that he who worships Mercury Shivling

devotedly, whether one is male or female, Brahmin, Kshatriya,

Vaishya or Shudra gets full wordly pleasures, and at last attains

supreme destination (salvation). During life-span they get glory,

honor, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and learning.

Benefits of Parad



> - Vaastu Dosh Nivaran (Removal)

> - Tanrik dosh Nivaran (Removal)

> - Cure of all diseases

> - Cure from Evil Sprits

> - Awakening of Kundlnis

> - Increase the will power

> - Nigh Mares

> - Marraige Problems

The solid Mercury i.e parad ball or balls shall be threaded and be

worn around the neck in the form of locket to get protection from

evil sprits. It is the most effective method to keep evil sprits

away. It is always recommended that every house shall keep the Solid

Mercury God figurine to keep all evil eyes away from them.


Mercury Amrit Cup and beads can cure all kinds of diseases. It

makes the physical body powerful, agile and lustrous.




> The solid Mercury i.e parad ball or balls shall be threaded and be

worn around the neck in the form of locket to get protection from

evil sprits. It is the most effective method to keep evil sprits



It is always recommended that every house shall keep the Solid

Mercury God figurine to keep all evil eyes away from them. Mercury

Amrit Cup and beads can cure all kinds of diseases. It makes the

physical body powerful, agile and lustrous.


Solid Mercury ball should be dipped 4 times only in 200 ml of raw

milk and then it should be taken before the night sleep. In order to

get rid of all diseases, the aforesaid milk should be continuously

taken for a minimum of 41 days and maximum 3 months without any

break. If one has continous pain on the surface of the body, the

mercury ball should be fixed on that portion during night sleep or

day time with an adhesive plaster so that the affected body skin

touches the ball. The ball should be kept on the body-skin until the

pain is completely cured. The mercury ball should be kept in pure

Ghee or oil for 24 hours and it should be massaged on any part of

the body for the cure of pain. The Ghee or oil must be cool. For

digestive problems , constipation , gas in stomach , headache etc

the the Mercury ball should be kept at the naval point for 15-20

minutes daily for recovery.




> There are many other things which I would like to discuss on

Rasamani and Parad.Which I plan to do later. But I hope this posting

slakes your immidiate thirst for Rasamani Vigyaan.....




> So long my dear Mitra....




> Yours Yogically,




> Shreeram Balijepalli






indeevarvb <indeevarvb> wrote:

> Dear All,


> Though this posting slightly deviates from the nature of the


> required to be posted this group, Since there are so many in this

> group who follow siddha path, i thought i would anyway ask.


> Please share any information on the Rasamani (or Mercury Balls)


> the Holy Siddhas mention in their writings.


> Thanking You and Best Regards,

> Indeevar.





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Dear Bratha,


Mooligai Mantreegan Jayaraman,called MM Jayaraman for short lives in

Chennai in Royapuram in a small house.


His postal address is 315 Suryanarayana Chetty street(S.N.Chetty



I do not have his phone number right now with me.


Hope this helps...


Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " indeevarvb "

<indeevarvb> wrote:

> Dear Bratha,


> That was an exhaustive posting on Rasamani. Thanking you a zillion

> times for your time and such patient response.

> I was overjoyed when i begun reading the posting as it started


> a picture of my Sadguru , Nityananda of Ganeshpuri.


> I have seen some websites claiming to make Rasamani. But i am not

> sure whether they are authentic.

> Now that you have mentioned about Mooligai Mantrika Sri Jayaraman


> an authentic Navapashana expert, WOuld be wonderful if you could

> give us his contact details. I am intrested in the Parad Merus. I

> have few pancha loha merus which were made in Kumbakonam. I got


> gold plated. WOuld be nice to have the parad merus made and


> by guru shri Jayaraman.

> Thanking you again for all your help.


> Yours,

> Indeevar Bollampally


> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Group Owner

> <para_anuloma> wrote:

> > Dear Bollampally Indeervargaaru,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (18 Siddhas of TamilNadu and the Sree ShodasaNityaavarna


> >

> >

> >

> > Rasamani Means Mercury Ball. In the Indian Mythology Parad is

> also known as " RASA " (liquid). The reason for calling it " Rasa " is

> due to such description given to it.

> >

> >

> >

> > " Rasanatsarvadhatunaam Rasa Ityamidhiyate,

> > Jararogamrityunashay Ramyate Va Raso Matah. "

> >

> >

> >

> > That is why the definition of " Rasa " [liquid] is given to the

> Parad as it melts all the metals in itself. And that is the reason

> it became famous to be known as " Rasa " . The same is also taken for

> bringing an end to the old age and cheating ultimate death. The

> Rishis of the ancient Indian had laid much stress upon its

> necessity. And as a result of keen efforts made by the Rishis, its

> probable consumption kept on increasing. It is not only used in


> form of medicine, but it also had its use to change the formation


> body. And at the same time Parad is being used to attain 'special

> knowledge'. It is said in the scriptures that without completion


> worship obligation of Parad, a human can not think of himself of

> getting released in any manner whatsoever. The Parad is being used

> in the whole world for many type of meditation purposes and the


> is also used for obtaining 'Vayugaman Siddhi' [supernatural


> Deh Lupt Kriya' etc. purposes.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > By making deep efforts one can obtain wealth, fame, glory and

> respect in this life. But only the lucky person receive the


> of worshipping a Parad Idol which is property established in

> accordance with the scripture rituals. The scriptures give much

> importance to the Parad Idols. As said in the scriptures, if you

> worship an idol made out of Parad, then you can attain billions


> more good deed [Punya] than worshipping of Stuffic of Gold/Silver

> Idols. Only by making a Darshan of Parad Idol, the sins of killing

> thousands of cows can be washed off. As indicated in the


> only by worshipping of a Parad idol the sin of killing a Brahmin


> be washed off. At the same time, through the medium of the Parad,

> the Indian Chemical Experts have attained the mastery of making


> out of it. Due to this attainment India has become famous all over

> the world and in this manner India has received a place of honour


> the Chemical Technology. In the field of such Chemical Technology

> > the names of Nagarjun, Vyadi etc. are world famous. And at the

> same time it is a matter of fact that, due to such chemical


> only, the chemical technology reechoed to other countries like


> etc. The same was named as 'Kimiyagiri' there. The Parad itself


> so much importance that, the mediators of almost all the religious

> sects has entered into this field, and have carried out


> by their own methods and have made advancement in this particular

> field. They have extended their due co-operation in the field of

> making the Parad in a proper manner for the purpose of consumption

> by humans.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mankind all over the world desires to live a sorrowless life


> of joy. The body, mind and spirit should all be joyful for this

> desire to be fulfilled. Siddhars of yore searched-in deeply and

> brought out three means verily for this: Mani, Mandiram and

> Aushadam. Aushadam has potency to protect the body; Mandiram

> channelizes the mind; Mani directs the spirit to higher reaches.


> us delve a little on these vital threes here.

> >

> >

> >

> > Mani in Siddhars' lore points to rasamani. Rasam, alias


> is metal Mercury. It is cardinal for Rasavadavidya or the science


> Alchemy.Rasam has the ability to raise even the inferior and the

> worthless to a substance of the highest value. Only the Siddhars


> aware of the secret of making it. Through skilled use of salutary

> herbs and with the power of divine mantras Siddhars confine,


> and bind rasam. They make rasamani - beads of bound rasam – of

> mercury that normally slips and flows! Rasam is believed to be the

> seminal fluid of the highest God.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (Nakoda Bairav at Alwar who can impart good knowledge of the


> of mercury)

> >

> >

> >

> > Binding it is supposed to imbibe subtly within it, for ever,

> medicinal efficacy, mantra power and God's generative potency.


> one can get relieved fully of any disease whatsoever by wearing


> bead on the body or holding it in the mouth or soaking it in milk

> and drinking the milk; any bodily discomfort will vanish; further

> any distraction of the mind or the senses would disappear.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It imparts clarity of mind and tremendous mental strength. In

> addition wearing it enables free float air travel, one of the


> Superlative Powers (Ashtama Siddhis) of the Siddhars. The


> of the body to any desired level, deep sharpening of eyesight for

> even submicroscopic vision are supposed to be possible with

> rasamani. It is to be warned that Siddhars alone are skilled in


> making of such rasamanis. Others, who do not clearly know how

> mercury is to be purified but still make spurious rasamanis and


> them will not only fail to realize the wonder benefits of it but

> would also land up in very many evils and dangers.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (My favourite way of studying any subject...making a Mindmap..a-


> Tony Buzan)...Mindmap of a Siddha.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Manthra is one that uplifts the one who continuously meditates


> it. Manthra is the science of training the mind to protect the


> Each object has three elements with it – Primary Physique (Adi

> Bouthikkam), Primal Godhood (Athidaiveekam) and Principal Self


> Aatmeekam). Adi Boutheekam denotes the illusory outer appearance.

> The Adi Daiveekam represents the inner indestructible Letter that

> guides and runs the being from within. Adi aatmeekam is the

> primordial God, the basis of the power that impels the being.

> Letter, the one alluded to in the middle is Mandiram that can draw-

> in the power of the God from within and help destroy any problem

> causing disease or enmity. One who medidates on a mandiram should

> become inseparable and One with it. Only then can he merge with


> God inside, the power that drives his self. In this way through


> merging of the three - Meditator, the God Power within and the

> Manthra (the Word power within) any malignant disease, mental or

> physical in

> > nature vanishes. " If those who have planned an undertaking

> possess firmness in executing it they will obtain what they n have

> desired even as they have desired it'' – so says Kural.

> Karudogambhaavanai etc.. denote Manthra powers. Manthra Siddhis


> these have the power to cure all diseases (those due to natural

> afflictions, afflictions due to others and diseases through karmic

> afflictions). Even in these pretention is disastrous.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Aushadam is medicine related to Aushadhis - metals minerals and

> herbs. Aushadhis have life, intellect and body. In fact these


> are characteristic of all herbs. Such herbs obtain potency based


> the place they grow, their age and their inherent nature. By

> correctly knowing which herb has what potency and how much, one


> make medicines using them by proper means that ensure retaining

> their potency. This way mankind can fight any disease. Such herbs

> are imperative for Kayakalpa or the immortality of being. In


> such powers are abundant in Tulasi and Vilvam. Hence these have

> obtained religious virtue

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > This posting makes for a good reading in a shivite


> request Prasannaji of our group who runs Om Namah Shivaya

> group to take this posting freely and post it for his group's

> members benefit.)this is because Rasamani is the heart throb of

> shivites.' Shivayogi hridaya ahataha Padarasaha'.

> >

> >

> >

> > The rasamani is a form of fixed mercury. Its confection


> an attainment within the Rasa Siddha tradition. There are said to


> a number of ways of preparing this. In consequence there are a

> number of rasamanis, each of which is said to be associated with

> particular siddhi or psychic attributes.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rasa Siddhas make use of elemental mercury in their


> unlike European alchemists for whom mercury more typically

> represents an alkahest or highly volatile solvent used in the

> preparation of mineral elixirs.

> >

> > The various rasamanis are probably amalgams largely unknown to

> contemporary chemistry. But they are clearly more than that.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The 'speed' of " RASAMANI " is equal to the speed of God Shiva.


> who is blessed will only get this MERCURY BALL. If we have it on


> head it is very sure that our life will be increased and it will

> wash off all our sins and we will have many more benefits with



> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The ancient Palani Siddha, Bhogar, made the statue of Sri

> Dhandayuthapani of Palani with 9 herbal elements which are in


> names as " NAVAPAASHAANAM " for the benefit of all. One of the

> ingredients is Mercury.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I have been very very lucky to have a big Navapashanam idol of

> Subramanya swamy with Valli and Devayani devis. This was given to


> by Mooligai Maantreeka Sri Jayaraman who is a close friend of

> mine.He is the only person in this whole world who can make

> authentic navapashanam statues right now. All others are


> I know this because I have moved with him and others.Navapashanam

> uses Mercury balls alaso known as Rasamani guligaigal.Also I


> a number of mercury balls which i both wear and worship.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I also have a rasamani made sri Mahameru but I worship another

> energised by Swami.Parad Meru Shree Yantra is one of the most

> auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives


> maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody.


> is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all

> wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. " Shree

Yantra " -

> Shree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning " Instrument " - The

> Instrument for Wealth The Parad Shree Yantra brings about material

> and spiritual wealth. Parad Shree Yantra has that unexplained


> to fulfill all our wishesand change our life for the better. Parad

> Shree Yantra is definitely the answer to all the problems and

> negativity in our life .Any Person using Shree(shri) Yantra


> much greater affluence , peace and harmony . Parad Shree Yantra

> helps in breaking all the Obstacles in our life . It helps us push

> indefinitely and easily the limits of growth - both spiritually and

> > materialistically. There are negative energies around us in

> greater or smaller magnitude. These negative energy stands in our

> way of achieving greater success , affluence , Harmony and Peace .

> Many times we find that life is out of our control. We find

> ourselves in a position of Extreme stress , lack of peace and

> harmony , high degree of anxiety , friction in relationship with

> others , Bad investments , faltering business , stagnation in life

> and profession , decreasing financial prospects , insecure

feeling ,

> repeated failures and sheer bad luck - Though we involve our best

> efforts , hard work , intelligence and good intentions .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad is the combination of Mercury and Silver. Silver is used


> solidify the Mercury. Parad is the most auspicious metal used for

> worship of God. Parad is belived to be originated from the semen


> Lord Shiva Puja and worship of Parad Shree Yantra destroys the


> It is mentioned in ancient Vedas that there is nothing pure and

> auspicious than Parad. Parad is also very useful in controlling

> various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the

> Sex Power. Parad has special significance in Ayurveda too. Parad

> benefits have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as

> Scientific

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad Shree Yantra is the source of supreme energy and energy is

> nothing but another form of element in the shape of waves and


> Parad Shree Yantra is highly sensitive and has magnificent


> powers. Parad Shree Yantra is said to be a divine store-house of

> energy which pick up particular cosmic ray wave emitted by the

> planets and other universal objects and transform them into

> constructive vibrations. These are then transmitted to the

> surroundings where the Parad Shree Yantra is placed, thus


> all destructive forces within the vicinity. Parad Shree Yantra is

> credited with supreme hidden powers which can be noticed within a

> short span.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Some opine that Rasamani should be worn below the navel. All


> is kibosh. I have a rasamani shastra which mentions number of uses

> for mercury balls right from wearing it on the head to the toe.

> >


> >

> >

> >

> > (1) By wearing the ball made of " RASAMANI " in our body we can

> walk fast without fatigue.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (2) By doing pooja to the deities made with " RASAMANI " we can

> easily get rid of all the evil spirits and bad luck in our family,

> trade & business.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (3) By keeping the ball made of " RASAMANI " we can stabilize the

> changes caused due to the natural changes like thunder,


> rain and over sunlight.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (4) No harmful insects like snake & harmful animals like tiger


> lion will trouble the wearer of a properly energised Rasamani

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (5) It is very sure that you would be having an extraordinary

> satisfaction with your life partner in the bed by keeping

> the " RASAMANI " BALL Your body tied to a particular spot and

> energised with a particular Mantra because it activates some extra

> Naadis in the body powerfully thus multiplying orgasm. The siddhas

> of yore used to have a union(sexual in an ordinary human being's

> eyes) with Bhairavis and they used to use Rasamani to great effect

> (not to mention Vajroli and other higher uses)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (6) If we keep the " RASAMANI " balls made as 16 beads maalas &

> perform pooja to those beads, we will very surely see the God or


> Almighty in any chosen form.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (7) We can have the supermost power in vasiyam (attraction),

> mohanam (loveliness) & aakarshanam (pulling of other's mind


> us) by doing pooja to the " RASAMANI BALL'S " . I personally do not

> recommend this though.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (8) By performing milk & honey abisheka to the idols like

> SriGanesha, Muruga, Shivalinga & Sri Amba made of " RASAMANI " &

> intake the milk & honey, we can have a very good health, wealth &

> all the things we need in our life. However great care should be

> taken in the preparation of such mercury items because it will


> to mercury posioning if the idol is not properly made out of


> concotions which nullify the poisonous effects of Mercury.


> is a serious disease which comes out of Mercury poisoning.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (9) By performing pooja to the Shivalingam, made with the nine

> herbal plants called as NAVAPAASHANAM ( " RASAMANI " ), found by the

> Siddhar " Sri Bhogar " , it is very sure that we will get the


> of Lord Shiva.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (10) By intaking the milk, dipped with the " RASAMANI " balls


> taking the balls out. It is sure that we will get rid of problems

> like tired, body pain, pre-mature & quick ejaculation, paralysis,

> hydracles, and all kinds of skin disorders and it is very sure


> we will have a very good physical strength, metal strength and

> energetic & pure blood.The same precaution followed for supra must

> be taken care of here too.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad also means Rasamani but Parad made in NorthIndia slightly

> differs from the southindian tradition which miraculously uses


> than just an amalgam of silver and mercury as in Parad.

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad is the combination of Mercury and Silver. Parad is the


> auspicious metal used for worship of God. Parad is believed to be

> originated from the sperms of Lord Shiva and worship of Parad

> Shivling destroys the sins. Parad Shivling, Parad Beads , Idols of

> Parad Ganesh , Parad lakshmi are considered very sacred and is

> believed to give 100 times more benefit than the puja of any other

> idol. It is mentioned in ancient Vedas that there is nothing pure

> and auspicious than Parad. Parad is also very useful in


> various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the

> Sex Power.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad has special significance in Ayurveda too. Parad benefits

> have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad Shivling

> > with Parad Yoni

> >

> >

> > Worship of Parad shivling destroys sins and punyas arise whereby

> one is enabled to be free from sorrows and strives diseases and

> calamities. Dedicated worship of Parad shivling takes one toward

> divinity and spirituality. According to Shastra, Parad Shivling

> gives the effect of visiting Kedarnath, Badrinath and all other

> shrines.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It is said in Shiv Puran that those who keep this energized


> Shivling, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber resides

> permanently in their house. One should lite a lamp before the

> energized Parad Shivling every morning and think of the wish he


> to fulfill and believe it, Lord Shiva would fulfill all your


> Drinking the milk in Parad Amrit Cup purifies human body. It gives

> the good health, prevention of diseases, control asthma, diabetes

> and increase Sex Power. Parad Amrit Cups are prepared by Ayurvedic

> methods as written in ancient scriptures and is 99% pure mercury


> rare herbs. Amrit cups makes a person free from diseases. It not

> only increase the energy levels but also improves the vitality.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Parad in the form of beads is also very powerful cure of


> blood pressure and heart diseases. The bead or rosary of parad


> shall be worn around the neck or waist.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It is said in Brahma Purana that he who worships Mercury


> devotedly, whether one is male or female, Brahmin, Kshatriya,

> Vaishya or Shudra gets full wordly pleasures, and at last attains

> supreme destination (salvation). During life-span they get glory,

> honor, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and learning.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Benefits of Parad

> >

> >

> > - Vaastu Dosh Nivaran (Removal)

> > - Tanrik dosh Nivaran (Removal)

> > - Cure of all diseases

> > - Cure from Evil Sprits

> > - Awakening of Kundlnis

> > - Increase the will power

> > - Nigh Mares

> > - Marraige Problems

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The solid Mercury i.e parad ball or balls shall be threaded and


> worn around the neck in the form of locket to get protection from

> evil sprits. It is the most effective method to keep evil sprits

> away. It is always recommended that every house shall keep the


> Mercury God figurine to keep all evil eyes away from them.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mercury Amrit Cup and beads can cure all kinds of diseases. It

> makes the physical body powerful, agile and lustrous.

> >

> >

> >

> > The solid Mercury i.e parad ball or balls shall be threaded and


> worn around the neck in the form of locket to get protection from

> evil sprits. It is the most effective method to keep evil sprits

> away.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It is always recommended that every house shall keep the Solid

> Mercury God figurine to keep all evil eyes away from them. Mercury

> Amrit Cup and beads can cure all kinds of diseases. It makes the

> physical body powerful, agile and lustrous.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Solid Mercury ball should be dipped 4 times only in 200 ml of


> milk and then it should be taken before the night sleep. In order


> get rid of all diseases, the aforesaid milk should be continuously

> taken for a minimum of 41 days and maximum 3 months without any

> break. If one has continous pain on the surface of the body, the

> mercury ball should be fixed on that portion during night sleep or

> day time with an adhesive plaster so that the affected body skin

> touches the ball. The ball should be kept on the body-skin until


> pain is completely cured. The mercury ball should be kept in pure

> Ghee or oil for 24 hours and it should be massaged on any part of

> the body for the cure of pain. The Ghee or oil must be cool. For

> digestive problems , constipation , gas in stomach , headache etc

> the the Mercury ball should be kept at the naval point for 15-20

> minutes daily for recovery.

> >

> >

> >

> > There are many other things which I would like to discuss on

> Rasamani and Parad.Which I plan to do later. But I hope this


> slakes your immidiate thirst for Rasamani Vigyaan.....

> >

> >

> >

> > So long my dear Mitra....

> >

> >

> >

> > Yours Yogically,

> >

> >

> >

> > Shreeram Balijepalli

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > indeevarvb <indeevarvb> wrote:

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Though this posting slightly deviates from the nature of the

> writings

> > required to be posted this group, Since there are so many in


> > group who follow siddha path, i thought i would anyway ask.

> >

> > Please share any information on the Rasamani (or Mercury Balls)

> that

> > the Holy Siddhas mention in their writings.

> >

> > Thanking You and Best Regards,

> > Indeevar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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