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Shubram, Ashubram, Ucchistam, Ganesham!

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Dear Sarita Ma,








Happy Navaratri!May it bring lot of happiness and bliss to you and your family.




























Please spend all the 9 days spiritually! All your problems will vanish if you do Devi Sadahana.




Ucchistham means ''Blessed offerings'' but some think it means 'spit and saliva'' but there are multiple meanings for the same word in sanskrit.





This is also the dancing form of Ganesha and the meditation etc, visualize Ganeha in a rather jovial, compromising mood. Ucchista Ganesha is worshipped to remove domestic disharmony and the relationship with spouse is improved.
























All sorts of troubles with in-laws etc vanish and the family gets together and lives happily.




I have even advised the placing of a statue of dancing Ganesha (idol) near the headstand of the bed and the relationship between couples has improved because of this. Marriages which were on the verge of breakdown have smoothened out in a most miraculous manner by the use of this sadhana.


|| Ucchista Ganapati dhyana ||

















































|| Asta Siddhi mantra ||

The eight great supernatural strengths that cause a person to achieve much beyond normal human abilities are also given by Sri Ucchista Ganapati. Sri Krishnamurti, the famous South Indian astrologer and inventor of the Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP System) was an ardent devotee of Sri Ucchista Ganapati.




|| Vahana mantra ||

Thereafter the Mouse representing the vehicle of obstacles (due to fall in Dharma) is worshipped with the following mantra. A fall in dharma is the cause of troubles in marriage, corruption of women etc.:


|| Japa mantra||



Thereafter place a 108-bead hakki rosary on the neck of Ücchista Ganapati (idol) or offering this on a framed picture, and using sphaöika (crystal) rosary for counting, the Ücchista Ganapati mantra is recited. This mantra gives siddhi and great occult powers. It is vital that the mantras given below should be properly checked and the most suitable one be prescribed.





Some of the Japa mantra have been given here. The rules of mantra shastra should be strictly followed in choosing the mantra and the various tests should be done. Choose one mantra based on the position of Ketu and Sun in the chart.



Navarna mantra


Dasakshari mantras



Dvadasakshari mantra


Mala mantra


Meaning of mantra

Meaning of the mantra is revealed at the time of initiation of the mantra by the appropriate Guru.



First we should try to understand the dual role of Ketu in any chart, especially when Ketu is placed in the 12th house.





(Ketu in the 12th position in the Rasi Chart above)


In simple words, THE MARRIAGE IS A CURSE IN SUCH CASES. However other factors have to be recokned astrologically before passing such statements.There is a nice saying "all's fair in love and war", and so, this mantra can be chanted for ending war and bringing some peace at home. The house which would seem like a haunted house with the in-laws becoming out-laws needs to be first cleared of all demonesses and evils that possess your spouses, not once but again and again.




The present action has shown that Ketu has again proved to be stronger in the 12th and its other role of 'kulasya unnatim' or continuity of lineage has been forgotten. Ketu indicates that a mistake shall be made and that is how the upadesa (advise) is lost.






In fact the dhyana for the mantra is far more interesting and has something to do with marriage, sexuality etc. You can read this from mantra-mahodadhih as I am not going to teach you that. Perhaps it is a prayer to the delighted and happy Ganapati who has just got married (to help you also in the same manner)..to write (or rewrite) your destiny with some sweetness and the fragrance of love and affection; perhaps it is also a prayer to drive away the demoness(es) called Pisachi's which possess a woman in her periods so that you may not have to face their wrath...perhaps. hasti refers to the elephant headed Ganesha.




Pisacha, as used in the Veda refers to a class of demons that cause PASSION and ignis fatuus. They were classified along with the Asuras or those who control the actions AT NIGHT. Pisachi is a kind of SHE-DEVIL that has a great fondness for fighting and picking fights at the slightest pretext. Now, all these hints should tell you what the mantra aims at.





While the word 'Likhe' is quite well known to all and sundry as meaning to scratch or write, what is of less knowledge is its meaning of 'Uniting with a female' or its meaning of coming together of heavenly bodies. It is a mantra to unite an elephant headed person who refuses to budge from his tapasya with a female whose anger and passion are impossible to control."




Ucchista Ganapati




Yet another lore says there are 32 forms of Ganeshas and Ucchista Ganapathy is one among them.






Ucchista Ganapati- Ucchista-Ganapati is associated with unclean things like orts, whose worship belongs to vamacara ( the left handed path ie. the hetrodox and unclean path) and said to give quick results. Ucchista Ganapati, sculpted as naked, is dark coloured, four arms carrying blue lotus; Lute (Veena); paddy grain stalk and rosary. Pomegranate fruit is held in his trunk.




Some Vamacharis portray him red in colour.



He is also used to clear legal battles and attack nefariously.However I will not advice such things as it involves heavy bad karma. I also refrain from giving the mantras for this openly.































(Nadopasaka Muthuswamy Dikshitar)


The 'Ucchista Ganapati' also finds mention in the Tiruvarur Shodasa Ganapati kriti of the Nadopasaka Sri Muthuswamy Deekshitar and refers to Shripura.







Shripura means Srinagara,the abode of Sree Rajarajeshwari Devi.



She has placed Him as a protector deity and also the initiatory deity into Srividya.




Ucchista ganapathy is connected with garbage and other filthy items and some even worship Him there.




This is not correct as the esoteric meaning to this is that the muladhar where ganaraya resides is an unclean and filthy place with base thoughts. He pulls a sadhaka out of it to upper chakras.




This Ganapathy is seated and placed in various positions.


Ganesha's Seating and Standing Poses

Illustrations of PosesIn Ganesha Representation


Seven variations of Ganesha's usual sitting pose, with one or both knees raised.




Lalitasana: Relaxes (playful) poses, at ease.





Nritya: Three dancing poses, the last in tribhanga.



Other Seated







Six Rare Poses

Four variations of padmasana, the lotus pose.


Two other poses rarely seen in ancient iconography of Ganesha.





For shanthi(Peace) Edampuri style trunk is placed and worshipped for tantric and yogic purposes the valampuri style trunk is placed. Please see my old posting in which I dealt with the trunk positions of Ganesha.




(Ganesha Rudraksha...This can be worn while doing Ganesha Sadhanas)


Ganesha's Trunk Poses

Below are numerous trunk poses. The first group are examples of valampuri (turning to the right). Group two are edampuri (turning left). In most icons of Loving Ganesha the trunk is turned toward the left (from the perspective of the Deity). Only in rare cases is it turned to the right.


Valampuri Pose

Trunk turning to the Deity's right. This form is very rare.



Edampuri Pose

Trunk turning to the Deity's left. This is the common form









Ganapathyam is a big subject by itself and one small posting will not do much justice to it. Forgive my sins and Faults Oh! Devisuta Ganaraya! And bless all those who read this posting patiently.












































So I stop my speeding fingers here as I hope this much will suffice my dear Sarita Ma.




Hope this slaked your thirst...


























Your Water Bearer,



Gam Glaum Gang Hum Om












Shreeram Balijepalli







Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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