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Why does India suffer with poverty?

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Swami Vivekananda cried loudly facing the sky, “ Why India, with such rich spiritual knowledge, is suffering with poverty”. Only Lord Datta can give the answer to this question. Today, the answer is given. Any country means its people and their mentality. Mind decides everything and action follows accordingly. If the mentality is analyzed, the action and its fruit become clear.


Almost all the foreign countries are blessed with wealth except India. So, the mentality of all the people in this universe is different from the mentality of Indians. This difference in the mentalities is responsible for the difference in the attitude towards God to bless all the countries in the world except India.


Let us compare the rituals, which are considered as worship of God. In every ritual, the essence is to praise the Lord and develop devotion. This brings universal equality in the rituals. Otherwise, if you say that God is worshipped by such and such hymns only, God becomes prejudiced since that hymn is restricted only to that part of the country. When the Lord is pleased, He will bless the person performing the ritual. In India, does anyone know that a ritual means worship of God? Let us take the marriage ceremony as an example. Indians think that once the ceremony is performed, the couple is bonded. For such a bond, a registrar’s office will do. Then what is the use of the ritual performed for so many hours? The hymns are uttered in Sanskrit and neither the priest nor the couple, know the meaning of the hymn. The priest does not explain the

meaning of the hymns. The meanings have inner meanings, which end in praising the Lord only. It is the foremost duty of the priest to explain the inner meaning of the hymns to the people and make them devotees of the Lord. This is the main aim of the ritual. By the time the marriage ends, the couple should become devotees of the Lord. The devotion not only bonds the couple but also brings the blessings of the Lord to them. For a mere marriage, a registrar’s office will do, which can substitute this ritual. Actually, people are thinking in this way and the youngsters are following them.


In other countries, prayers are sung in their mother tongue. Atleast the people are catching the meaning of the prayers in this case. But, there also, the priest should explain the inner meaning that can alone bring the divine knowledge and devotion in the people. But, the situation in India is worse since the meaning is not known. A priest should be a scholar in Sanskrit and simple recitation is of no use. ‘Sastras’ say that there is no use of mere recitation of Vedic hymns (“Ananthajnah…”). People have started using a tape recorder for the chanting of hymns. The reason is that people think that a ritual is a mere recitation of hymns. Gita says that knowledge is more important than the action of the ritual (“Sreyan….”). The aim of the priest is to make the people devotees of the Lord. This main aim is completely lost. This aim is the aim of

the work of the Lord in a human incarnation. So, the priests are the real helpers of the Lord in His work. When this aim is lost, the life of the rituals is lost. The aim of the ritual today for a priest is to get some money for the labour of recitation and for the people, the aim is to finish the formality.


For a ritual, several people are invited, so that they also become devotees by that ritual. But now, people are attending the function as a formality only to bless the couple. Can a human being bless another human being? The people should become devotees and get the blessings of the Lord by attending a ritual, if the ritual is done in the right sense. If the priest performs the ritual in the right sense, the Lord will bless him and the people and also the country with the immense wealth. The rituals are the paths of divine knowledge and devotion and not mere formalities or paths of earning some petty money. Today, Lord Datta is advising all the Indians to rectify this mistake and please the Lord so that He will bless India with wealth.


Let us take good from the west not only in science, but also in spiritualism. Let us not be egoistic that we are the masters in spiritualism. The Lord never likes egoism. Good is good and diamond is diamond in any country. All the human beings are one and the same coming under one category called “Creation”. The second category is “Creator” who is also only one. People are putting food, ghee etc., into the fire in the name of sacrifice, which leads to pollution only. ‘Kapila’, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, criticized such practice as mentioned in ‘Bhagavatam’. It is only

giving food to a deserving hungry person. Veda says that such deserving person is a devotee or human incarnation of the Lord, who is considered as fire (“Vaisavnaro Brahmanah….”). Gita says that the Lord is in the form of fire in the stomach to receive the food. Lord Krishna with hunger came and asked for the food that was to be offered to the fire and the wives of the sages gave the food to Him. Krishna taught the real sense of sacrifice. He discouraged the sacrifice to a God Indra, for the same reason.


In Sadguru, all Gods live as said in Veda (“Yavateeah....”), Offering food to the Sadguru is like offering food to all the Gods. The word ‘Agni’ comes from ‘Agri’, which means the Sadguru is to be fed first. Fire is only an aid to cook the food. This incarnation, Sadguru, called ‘Agni’, stands as witness in the marriage and not the inert fire.


Another misinterpretation is about the ‘Gayatri mantra’. Women and some other castes were prohibited to chant this. You also say that no hymn (mantra) is equal to Gayatri. Does this not charge God with injustice? Gayatri does not mean a particular hymn. Gayatri means ‘the sweet style of a song’. Mantra means, that which spontaneously attracts the mind to chant something again and again. Any sweet song on God that attracts the mind to sing it repeatedly and gets the protection of God is called Gayatri (“Gayantam…manantam”). Even a cinema song, slightly modified in the name of God can be a ‘ Gayatri mantra’. For e.g., replace the word ‘Sanam’ by ‘Hare’ in the cinema song “Churaliya hai tumne…”and sing it on Lord Vishnu. You are singing spontaneously without any force. This is a mantra. Gayatri means a meter but not a deity as said “Gayatri

chandah”. This takes you near the Lord, because He likes Sama Veda (songs) as said in the Gita “SamaVedosmi”. ‘Upanayanam’, the ritual in which Gayatri is given means taking you near the Lord. (Upa= Near, Nayanam= taking through a song). So, Gayatri is with women and other castes only who sing about God.


Indians are blessed with lot of spiritual knowledge and devotion. Both these are side dishes in a meal. The main item, which is bread or rice, is lost in India. The main item is ‘Karma Phala Tyaga’ (as said in Gita) which means sacrifice of money, which is the ‘Karma phala’ (fruit of the work). Indian scholars have interpreted the meaning of Karma phala as meditation or chanting songs. So, you meditate or chant some hymns and at the end say, “ I have sacrificed the fruit of this work to the Lord!”. The Lord blessed you with good intelligence because of your meditation and good pronunciation for your recitation. As the work, so the fruit. Such intellectual interpretation is only due to your greediness. Indians connect their heart to their children from which love flows. These connection tubes are large and very long. These bonds are very

strong and extend even to their great grand children. Hence, their heart is empty. They connect their intelligence to the Lord, which results in such tricks.


The straight test for love is sacrifice of the fruit of your work (money) only. In the west, family bonds are very weak and the love stored in them is diverted to the Lord. How much money they sacrifice for the work of the Lord! They fund even the Indian spiritual centers. Is it not a shame to Indians? The foreigners consider the Lord is same in all the religions and fund Indian centers also. They ask their children to earn and live after a certain age. But in India, people are worried of their heirs in the coming ten generations also, and go on storing the money. When you love your children, you get happiness, which is selfishness only, and this cannot protect your children. If you love God, God can protect your children and that is your real love on your children. Can your love give longevity to your children? Only God can give longevity.

Indians do not want to sacrifice even a rupee for the Lord. But they want to get the blessings of the Lord. They want to please the Lord by mind and words and get money from the Lord! For such purpose, they follow all the intellectual tricks to please the Lord. They eat the food and say that the food is offered to the Lord. For this, the Advaita philosophy is exploited which says that man is God. The aim of that philosophy is to say that a particular man, like Lord Krishna is God. The philosophy is extrapolated to every man.


Showing food to statues is another trick. Offering food and money to a deserving person is the actual Karma Phala Tyaga in this context. Statues are meant only to see the incarnation of Lord in His absence, just like a photo of your son who is elsewhere.


A Guru criticizes the student not with a negative view. His aim is rectification of the defect and gets the subsequent benefit to his student. This criticism of Indians is done by Lord Datta only to rectify their mistake, to make India rich, and to get India blessed with immense wealth and prosperity.


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami


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Very wrong to saythat Indian mentality is not to chase money.India is

monetarily poor because it was raped of all its knowledge by foreign

rule . Infact around 1600 India was the richest country in the world.

If you search the fact yoyu will find information. Infact India had

the highest output of Diamond and Gold, both in terms of production

and usage. Infact India's popularity was so famous that when Columbus

set for his journey he wanted to reach India, he did not mention any

other asian country like China,Japan. Cause at that time India was a

center of attraction of foreign eyes for its lucrative spiritual and

monetary wealth. Infact if you see todays paper it mention even the

nizam of hyderabad who ruled part of India has Rs.2500 crore of

jewelry. The Queen of England splet on her death bed with the stolen

Kohinoor diamond.


Constant looting of money of India by foreign citizens and its

constant terrorizing foriegn rule destroyed the social stability of

India and gave rise to poverty, population explosion and destoyed the

social fabric giving rise to even the caste system as it is practised



So India was not always poor , it was made poor.


And not by its own people. But more by the evil eyes of the foreigners

for hoardind wealth in the wrong way.


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , prakki surya

<dattapr2000> wrote:

> dear friends




> Swami Vivekananda cried loudly facing the sky, " Why India, with

such rich spiritual knowledge, is suffering with poverty " . Only Lord

Datta can give the answer to this question. Today, the answer is

given. Any country means its people and their mentality. Mind decides

everything and action follows accordingly. If the mentality is

analyzed, the action and its fruit become clear.




> Almost all the foreign countries are blessed with wealth except

India. So, the mentality of all the people in this universe is

different from the mentality of Indians. This difference in the

mentalities is responsible for the difference in the attitude towards

God to bless all the countries in the world except India.




> Let us compare the rituals, which are considered as worship of God.

In every ritual, the essence is to praise the Lord and develop

devotion. This brings universal equality in the rituals. Otherwise, if

you say that God is worshipped by such and such hymns only, God

becomes prejudiced since that hymn is restricted only to that part of

the country. When the Lord is pleased, He will bless the person

performing the ritual. In India, does anyone know that a ritual means

worship of God? Let us take the marriage ceremony as an example.

Indians think that once the ceremony is performed, the couple is

bonded. For such a bond, a registrar's office will do. Then what is

the use of the ritual performed for so many hours? The hymns are

uttered in Sanskrit and neither the priest nor the couple, know the

meaning of the hymn. The priest does not explain the meaning of the

hymns. The meanings have inner meanings, which end in praising the

Lord only. It is the foremost duty of the priest to explain

> the inner meaning of the hymns to the people and make them devotees

of the Lord. This is the main aim of the ritual. By the time the

marriage ends, the couple should become devotees of the Lord. The

devotion not only bonds the couple but also brings the blessings of

the Lord to them. For a mere marriage, a registrar's office will do,

which can substitute this ritual. Actually, people are thinking in

this way and the youngsters are following them.




> In other countries, prayers are sung in their mother tongue. Atleast

the people are catching the meaning of the prayers in this case. But,

there also, the priest should explain the inner meaning that can alone

bring the divine knowledge and devotion in the people. But, the

situation in India is worse since the meaning is not known. A priest

should be a scholar in Sanskrit and simple recitation is of no use.

`Sastras' say that there is no use of mere recitation of Vedic hymns

( " Ananthajnah… " ). People have started using a tape recorder for the

chanting of hymns. The reason is that people think that a ritual is a

mere recitation of hymns. Gita says that knowledge is more important

than the action of the ritual ( " Sreyan…. " ). The aim of the priest is

to make the people devotees of the Lord. This main aim is completely

lost. This aim is the aim of the work of the Lord in a human

incarnation. So, the priests are the real helpers of the Lord in His

work. When this aim is lost, the life of

> the rituals is lost. The aim of the ritual today for a priest is

to get some money for the labour of recitation and for the people, the

aim is to finish the formality.




> For a ritual, several people are invited, so that they also become

devotees by that ritual. But now, people are attending the function

as a formality only to bless the couple. Can a human being bless

another human being? The people should become devotees and get the

blessings of the Lord by attending a ritual, if the ritual is done in

the right sense. If the priest performs the ritual in the right

sense, the Lord will bless him and the people and also the country

with the immense wealth. The rituals are the paths of divine

knowledge and devotion and not mere formalities or paths of earning

some petty money. Today, Lord Datta is advising all the Indians to

rectify this mistake and please the Lord so that He will bless India

with wealth.




> Let us take good from the west not only in science, but also in

spiritualism. Let us not be egoistic that we are the masters in

spiritualism. The Lord never likes egoism. Good is good and diamond

is diamond in any country. All the human beings are one and the same

coming under one category called " Creation " . The second category is

" Creator " who is also only one. People are putting food, ghee etc.,

into the fire in the name of sacrifice, which leads to pollution only.

`Kapila', the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, criticized such practice as

mentioned in `Bhagavatam'. It is only giving food to a deserving

hungry person. Veda says that such deserving person is a devotee or

human incarnation of the Lord, who is considered as fire ( " Vaisavnaro

Brahmanah…. " ). Gita says that the Lord is in the form of fire in the

stomach to receive the food. Lord Krishna with hunger came and asked

for the food that was to be offered to the fire and the wives of the

sages gave the food to Him. Krishna

> taught the real sense of sacrifice. He discouraged the sacrifice

to a God Indra, for the same reason.




> In Sadguru, all Gods live as said in Veda ( " Yavateeah.... " ),

Offering food to the Sadguru is like offering food to all the Gods.

The word `Agni' comes from `Agri', which means the Sadguru is to be

fed first. Fire is only an aid to cook the food. This incarnation,

Sadguru, called `Agni', stands as witness in the marriage and not the

inert fire.




> Another misinterpretation is about the `Gayatri mantra'. Women and

some other castes were prohibited to chant this. You also say that no

hymn (mantra) is equal to Gayatri. Does this not charge God with

injustice? Gayatri does not mean a particular hymn. Gayatri means `the

sweet style of a song'. Mantra means, that which spontaneously

attracts the mind to chant something again and again. Any sweet song

on God that attracts the mind to sing it repeatedly and gets the

protection of God is called Gayatri ( " Gayantam…manantam " ). Even a

cinema song, slightly modified in the name of God can be a ` Gayatri

mantra'. For e.g., replace the word `Sanam' by `Hare' in the cinema

song " Churaliya hai tumne… " and sing it on Lord Vishnu. You are singing

spontaneously without any force. This is a mantra. Gayatri means a

meter but not a deity as said " Gayatri chandah " . This takes you near

the Lord, because He likes Sama Veda (songs) as said in the Gita

" SamaVedosmi " . `Upanayanam', the ritual in which

> Gayatri is given means taking you near the Lord. (Upa= Near,

Nayanam= taking through a song). So, Gayatri is with women and other

castes only who sing about God.




> Indians are blessed with lot of spiritual knowledge and devotion.

Both these are side dishes in a meal. The main item, which is bread or

rice, is lost in India. The main item is `Karma Phala Tyaga' (as said

in Gita) which means sacrifice of money, which is the `Karma phala'

(fruit of the work). Indian scholars have interpreted the meaning of

Karma phala as meditation or chanting songs. So, you meditate or chant

some hymns and at the end say, " I have sacrificed the fruit of this

work to the Lord! " . The Lord blessed you with good intelligence

because of your meditation and good pronunciation for your recitation.

As the work, so the fruit. Such intellectual interpretation is only

due to your greediness. Indians connect their heart to their children

from which love flows. These connection tubes are large and very long.

These bonds are very strong and extend even to their great grand

children. Hence, their heart is empty. They connect their intelligence

to the Lord, which results in such

> tricks.




> The straight test for love is sacrifice of the fruit of your work

(money) only. In the west, family bonds are very weak and the love

stored in them is diverted to the Lord. How much money they sacrifice

for the work of the Lord! They fund even the Indian spiritual centers.

Is it not a shame to Indians? The foreigners consider the Lord is same

in all the religions and fund Indian centers also. They ask their

children to earn and live after a certain age. But in India, people

are worried of their heirs in the coming ten generations also, and go

on storing the money. When you love your children, you get happiness,

which is selfishness only, and this cannot protect your children. If

you love God, God can protect your children and that is your real love

on your children. Can your love give longevity to your children? Only

God can give longevity. Indians do not want to sacrifice even a rupee

for the Lord. But they want to get the blessings of the Lord. They

want to please the Lord by mind

> and words and get money from the Lord! For such purpose, they

follow all the intellectual tricks to please the Lord. They eat the

food and say that the food is offered to the Lord. For this, the

Advaita philosophy is exploited which says that man is God. The aim of

that philosophy is to say that a particular man, like Lord Krishna is

God. The philosophy is extrapolated to every man.




> Showing food to statues is another trick. Offering food and money to

a deserving person is the actual Karma Phala Tyaga in this context.

Statues are meant only to see the incarnation of Lord in His absence,

just like a photo of your son who is elsewhere.




> A Guru criticizes the student not with a negative view. His aim is

rectification of the defect and gets the subsequent benefit to his

student. This criticism of Indians is done by Lord Datta only to

rectify their mistake, to make India rich, and to get India blessed

with immense wealth and prosperity.





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Dear Member,



Iam giving thread bare analysis of this posting and am posting this in support of my Motherland India.I also do not want to indulge in jongoism and mock-patriotism but I still have certain things to say here.



Swami Vivekananda cried loudly facing the sky, “ Why India, with such rich spiritual knowledge, is suffering with poverty”. Only Lord Datta can give the answer to this question. Today, the answer is given. Any country means its people and their mentality. Mind decides everything and action follows accordingly. If the mentality is analyzed, the action and its fruit become clear.



Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached....and roar we are Indians!-Swami Vivekananda


Swami Vivekananda said those words in an emotional state. He loved his motherland very much.The mentality of Indians has been,is and will be toward God despite growing violence and communal hatred.Mentality of Indians is to do with their mental alignment toward Parabrahmam.Ofcourse years of suppression and slavery has taken it's toll, the 'godliness' is still intact.If Indians were not Gdoly and open they would not have allowed forgeing invaders to attack our country and loot. To bend is great.It confirms with Tao. India will become a super power even in the material field.Indians are highly intelligent and very enterprising too.There are ofcourse some problems with politicians and inefficient systems these too will change. India is a punya bhoomi and karma both rolled in one.




Almost all the foreign countries are blessed with wealth except India. So, the mentality of all the people in this universe is different from the mentality of Indians. This difference in the mentalities is responsible for the difference in the attitude towards God to bless all the countries in the world except India.



To the rich man God gives all but he is absent whereas God dines in the house of a poor man. This is true in the case of India. You can see living Gods(not the popular swamijis and Babas of India who mint money and have accounts in St.kitts and Switzerland banks!).Mentality of India is just fine.Rather 'heart-ality' of India is extra fine.




Let us compare the rituals, which are considered as worship of God. In every ritual, the essence is to praise the Lord and develop devotion. This brings universal equality in the rituals. Otherwise, if you say that God is worshipped by such and such hymns only, God becomes prejudiced since that hymn is restricted only to that part of the country. When the Lord is pleased, He will bless the person performing the ritual. In India, does anyone know that a ritual means worship of God? Let us take the marriage ceremony as an example. Indians think that once the ceremony is performed, the couple is bonded. For such a bond, a registrar’s office will do. Then what is the use of the ritual performed for so many hours? The hymns are uttered in Sanskrit and neither the priest nor the couple, know the meaning of the hymn. The priest does not explain the meaning of the hymns. The meanings have inner meanings,

which end in praising the Lord only. It is the foremost duty of the priest to explain the inner meaning of the hymns to the people and make them devotees of the Lord. This is the main aim of the ritual. By the time the marriage ends, the couple should become devotees of the Lord. The devotion not only bonds the couple but also brings the blessings of the Lord to them. For a mere marriage, a registrar’s office will do, which can substitute this ritual. Actually, people are thinking in this way and the youngsters are following them.



The meanings if known will do some good. But even otherwise the sanskrit language is so mantrically attuned that meanings need not be bothered. Every sanskrit word is mantrically energised. There has been a study done by researchers in cymatics regarding sounds. I have given a posting about it in reply to someone else. Please peruse it. www.cymatics.com In this they found that when sanskrit words from OM to other words form patterns exactly the meanings assigned in the sacred texts. OM forms a srichakra the word "vriskha' forms a tree etc.



So the very sounds will imprint their meanings onto the minds. This is the power of deva bhasha which rishis of yore who now live in their rishi mandalas speak. Such rishis have walked our sacred land India and still they do. Forget the crap about Registrar's office and that youngsters are following it. Many youngsters are changing now a days. I too am an youngster in my twenties for that matter!



Also marriage is done to unite two tiwnflames(dwipadasavitur) and not to become 'devotees of God' as you put! They can as well adopt monkhood if they want to become 'devotees of God'(whatever that vague statement means!). They will become devotees of each other so to speak. They should love so much each other that 'divine soma' is created.





This is the Vedic marriage. I have given one posting long time ago regarding vedic samskaras. "Somaya idamnamama" This then becomes 'soma' ..in this 'holy instant'.




In other countries, prayers are sung in their mother tongue. Atleast the people are catching the meaning of the prayers in this case. But, there also, the priest should explain the inner meaning that can alone bring the divine knowledge and devotion in the people. But, the situation in India is worse since the meaning is not known. A priest should be a scholar in Sanskrit and simple recitation is of no use. ‘Sastras’ say that there is no use of mere recitation of Vedic hymns (“Ananthajnah…”). People have started using a tape recorder for the chanting of hymns. The reason is that people think that a ritual is a mere recitation of hymns. Gita says that knowledge is more important than the action of the ritual (“Sreyan….”). The aim of the priest is to make the people devotees of the Lord. This main aim is completely lost. This aim is the aim of the work of the Lord in a human incarnation. So, the

priests are the real helpers of the Lord in His work. When this aim is lost, the life of the rituals is lost. The aim of the ritual today for a priest is to get some money for the labour of recitation and for the people, the aim is to finish the formality.




This is yet another common argument like the anti-hindu and anti-veda people make.It is true many priests these days are behind money but I think you are Rip van winkle in a slight way because many of our prayers are in the vernacular language too. Infact In Tamilnadu many temples do worship in Tamil.



Also playing a tape recorder will increase the 'prana'(chi energy) of the room in which it is played. And the arguments which I have put supra regarding cymatics also holds good for this.


To prove that one is intelligent the easiet way is to bash someone's concepts and to find holes in them. First mend your hole ridden shirt before you laugh at the tatters of anyone else.




For a ritual, several people are invited, so that they also become devotees by that ritual. But now, people are attending the function as a formality only to bless the couple. Can a human being bless another human being? The people should become devotees and get the blessings of the Lord by attending a ritual, if the ritual is done in the right sense. If the priest performs the ritual in the right sense, the Lord will bless him and the people and also the country with the immense wealth. The rituals are the paths of divine knowledge and devotion and not mere formalities or paths of earning some petty money. Today, Lord Datta is advising all the Indians to rectify this mistake and please the Lord so that He will bless India with wealth.



A human being...why even a Dog can bless. Blessing is an emnation of the parabrahma ahetuki kripa from the being my friend.Infact blessings and curses go to make a karmic life of any human being.Ofcourse these days many rituals have become formalities.But no use cribbing about them.If you know better about them and their significance then please share that knowledge else please maintain golden silence.And yes, by Lord Datta you mean your notorious Datta swami! ...please...i just want to clarify this lest people get confused with the real Dattatreya who is roaming peacefully as a bhikari-nagna-yogi in Girinar.




Let us take good from the west not only in science, but also in spiritualism. Let us not be egoistic that we are the masters in spiritualism. The Lord never likes egoism. Good is good and diamond is diamond in any country. All the human beings are one and the same coming under one category called “Creation”. The second category is “Creator” who is also only one. People are putting food, ghee etc., into the fire in the name of sacrifice, which leads to pollution only. ‘Kapila’, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, criticized such practice as mentioned in ‘Bhagavatam’. It is only giving food to a deserving hungry person. Veda says that such deserving person is a devotee or human incarnation of the Lord, who is considered as fire (“Vaisavnaro Brahmanah….”). Gita says that

the Lord is in the form of fire in the stomach to receive the food. Lord Krishna with hunger came and asked for the food that was to be offered to the fire and the wives of the sages gave the food to Him. Krishna taught the real sense of sacrifice. He discouraged the sacrifice to a God Indra, for the same reason.



Self respect is one thing and Ego is yet another thing. Also no one is blasting foreign cultures or religions.Infact Indians are following many things and religions. India has jews,Hindus,Islamic people,jains,Buddhists,Bahai,Christians,etc all living in harmony (with ofcourse a a few incidents of violence now and then) for many centuries.Grovelling at the feet of westerners for everything be it science or spirituality is appalling and this is what your swami aims at because of foreign money for his ashram.Lest his western disciples do not give money!And then immidieatly you go on a tangent mentioning some text and talking things like 'Vaishvaanaro brahman...'....sigh!





In Sadguru, all Gods live as said in Veda (“Yavateeah....”), Offering food to the Sadguru is like offering food to all the Gods. The word ‘Agni’ comes from ‘Agri’, which means the Sadguru is to be fed first. Fire is only an aid to cook the food. This incarnation, Sadguru, called ‘Agni’, stands as witness in the marriage and not the inert fire.



Sadguru is to be fed ...true! very true! But ahem! ah! ahem!...does the Sadguru here mean Datta Swami...well, then no comments here then!






Another misinterpretation is about the ‘Gayatri mantra’. Women and some other castes were prohibited to chant this. You also say that no hymn (mantra) is equal to Gayatri. Does this not charge God with injustice? Gayatri does not mean a particular hymn. Gayatri means ‘the sweet style of a song’. Mantra means, that which spontaneously attracts the mind to chant something again and again. Any sweet song on God that attracts the mind to sing it repeatedly and gets the protection of God is called Gayatri (“Gayantam…manantam”). Even a cinema song, slightly modified in the name of God can be a ‘ Gayatri mantra’. For e.g., replace the word ‘Sanam’ by ‘Hare’ in the cinema song “Churaliya hai tumne…”and sing it on Lord Vishnu. You are singing spontaneously without any force. This is a mantra. Gayatri means a meter but not a deity as said “Gayatri chandah”. This takes you near the Lord, because He likes Sama

Veda (songs) as said in the Gita “SamaVedosmi”. ‘Upanayanam’, the ritual in which Gayatri is given means taking you near the Lord. (Upa= Near, Nayanam= taking through a song). So, Gayatri is with women and other castes only who sing about God.



(The above image is called ''Gayathri Mata'' not Gayathir chandas!..Hope you dont say that this image is Chandas and not Gayathri Matha!)


All this is ok but some small corrections here. There is a meter called Gayathri and also a Chandas(meter) called Gayathri. I think next you will say there is no deity called 'Narayana' as there is a Chandas called 'Narayana chandas'. Cinema songs too if sung with devotion to God can replace mantras. Infact you do not need to change even the word 'Sanam' keep the 'sanam' if you have apure heart and sing with the Hari or mathru bhava in heart and then things will happen, a blossoming will occur in your heart lotus.Gayathri was 'sung' by women and other castes freely in days of yore.Only now some cults and priests have corrupted the true meaning of Vedas.




Indians are blessed with lot of spiritual knowledge and devotion. Both these are side dishes in a meal. The main item, which is bread or rice, is lost in India. The main item is ‘Karma Phala Tyaga’ (as said in Gita) which means sacrifice of money, which is the ‘Karma phala’ (fruit of the work). Indian scholars have interpreted the meaning of Karma phala as meditation or chanting songs. So, you meditate or chant some hymns and at the end say, “ I have sacrificed the fruit of this work to the Lord!”. The Lord blessed you with good intelligence because of your meditation and good pronunciation for your recitation. As the work, so the fruit. Such intellectual interpretation is only due to your greediness. Indians connect their heart to their children from which love flows. These connection tubes are large and very long. These bonds are very strong and extend even to their great

grand children. Hence, their heart is empty. They connect their intelligence to the Lord, which results in such tricks.



(Chaitanya Maha Prabhu...the epitome of Bhakti)



Ramana Maharishi,the epitome of Gnana.


Well, I know both are partakers of side-dishes for your Datta Swami!Let me be with them and partake the morsels they leave in their plates than the main dish served by your swami!


This karma phala tyaga here is cleverly used by Datta swami to make people his slaves as relinquish all they have for his greedy schemes I believe.Also if 'spiritual knowledge' and 'devotion' itself are 'side dishes' as propounded by your Swami. Ireally do not know what more to say...Bhakthi gyanaa are side dishes...My god! Then...maybe Agnanaa and surrendering one's money to his holinesses feet will bve the main course I believe!


Bringing in new buzzwords like 'karmaphalatyaga' and bashing up reverently held and time tested philosophies have become the bedrock for any cult!




The straight test for love is sacrifice of the fruit of your work (money) only. In the west, family bonds are very weak and the love stored in them is diverted to the Lord. How much money they sacrifice for the work of the Lord! They fund even the Indian spiritual centers. Is it not a shame to Indians? The foreigners consider the Lord is same in all the religions and fund Indian centers also. They ask their children to earn and live after a certain age. But in India, people are worried of their heirs in the coming ten generations also, and go on storing the money. When you love your children, you get happiness, which is selfishness only, and this cannot protect your children. If you love God, God can protect your children and that is your real love on your children. Can your love give longevity to your children? Only God can give longevity. Indians do not want to sacrifice even a rupee for the

Lord. But they want to get the blessings of the Lord. They want to please the Lord by mind and words and get money from the Lord! For such purpose, they follow all the intellectual tricks to please the Lord. They eat the food and say that the food is offered to the Lord. For this, the Advaita philosophy is exploited which says that man is God. The aim of that philosophy is to say that a particular man, like Lord Krishna is God. The philosophy is extrapolated to every man.



Money again! Does Datta swami no nothing else excpet talking in terms of money? Pray tell me!




One side of the coin.


Forgeiners fund many Indian ashrams because they have surplus wealth and are vexed with the immorality in their countries. They should feel ashamed first!


The other side of the coin


They do not ask their children to live and earn after sometimes. They kick them out of their houses.I have lived in some countries abroad and so I know.Indian parents love their kids very much and hence they take care of them.Ofcourse many kids take undue advantage of this sometimes but still it is better than leaving them on streets.Also I know many doting western parents who love their kids like anything both spiritually and paternally.




Love has nothing to do with longevity. You really have a knack of going tangentially and talking deviatory things to your mainline arguments. Love gives ever and asks never. A parent simply loves his child because it is as natural as a lotus or a rose blloming and giving fragrance. If a westerner does not do it as you strangely put it he/she is either a freak or a perverted person.Please do not think in those terms about westerners! They too are filled with love for their children sometimes more than even Indian parents.


Advaita does not say "Krishna is God" or that one person who has achieved is God (here again cleverly put by Datta swami to refer and elevate Himself to the status of Krishna or a God man). The extrapolation can be made to literally every organism..why just man? Every being is God incarnate. The spark lies in all. And to this spark is the food offered.




"Amritaana pithanamasi...rourave punya nilaye'..." thus ends a brahmin's meal. He tells that the 'spark' in him is 'amrita' mrita means death and amrita is the undying parabrahmam in him. Pithanamasi...he then offers his salutations to that 'father' in Him and then beseeches it to reddem him from 'rourava'(hell) to a 'punya nilayam'(to a blessed place)...Not just before you eat but even after you eat you thank God.



Look at these innocent children and learn!


This is not an intellectual trick but a way to express gratitude towward the immanent Godhead in You.


Maybe you cult people 'thank datta swami' for the food!




Showing food to statues is another trick. Offering food and money to a deserving person is the actual Karma Phala Tyaga in this context. Statues are meant only to see the incarnation of Lord in His absence, just like a photo of your son who is elsewhere.




If showing food to statues is a 'trick' then pay tell me why your swami has so many statues in his 'devotees' houses oflate and also why he robes and parades Himself as Prophet Muhammed,Jesus,Buddha and Krishna.


Offering money and the buzzword 'karmaphalatyaga' again! And here there is a subtle hint that it should be donated at the 'lotus' feet of Datta swami.




The devotee so loves his God or Goddess that he treats the statue like his son or daughter and gives it food.There is nothing wrong in it.Infact to a properly 'pranaparthsistha' done idol the deity comes and partakes the food etherically. Even otherwise if a devotee has been worshipping an idol for many years with love the deity starts speaking!... a language of love.






A Guru criticizes the student not with a negative view. His aim is rectification of the defect and gets the subsequent benefit to his student. This criticism of Indians is done by Lord Datta only to rectify their mistake, to make India rich, and to get India blessed with immense wealth and prosperity.



Iam not a Guru but I still have criticized your posting...this is not with a negative view but with the view that you will change or more importantly that you do not change others with your brainwash!




If I have hurt you I beseech a thousand apologies but still I had to say something for my Mother!


Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargaadhapi Gareeyasi.


Iam sure this email will find place place in your trash box but still I do not care!









Dattosmi! Dattosmi! Dattosmi!


Churaa liyaa hai tumne...SANAM!


Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli













Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , prakki surya

<dattapr2000> wrote:


> Swami Vivekananda cried loudly facing the sky, " Why India, with

such rich spiritual knowledge, is suffering with poverty " .


> Almost all the foreign countries are blessed with wealth except

India. So, the mentality of all the people in this universe is

different from the mentality of Indians. This difference in the

mentalities is responsible for the difference in the attitude towards

God to bless all the countries in the world except India.


Swami Vivekananda himself begged for money to go to America. But today

it seems to attract sishyas to get money modern age Swamis like Datta

swamis who proclaim themselves to be Avtar of Gods use any availble



Following an REAL EXTRACT on how Swami Vivekananda explains how India

was a rich " monetarily " and how it became poor " monetarily " .


But todays money making Swamis always use the trick of using the

" Poverty card " on all people.







Of all causes which have worked for the present state of civilization

from the ancient times, the commerce of India is perhaps the most

important. From time immemorial India has beaten all countries in

point of fertility and commercial industries. Up till a century ago,

the whole of the world's demand for cotton, cloth, jute, indigo, lac

rice diamonds, and pearls, etc. used to be supplied from India.

Morever, no other country would produce such excellent silk and woolen

fabrics, like the kincob etc as India. Again, India has been the land

of various spices such as cloves, cardamom, pepper, nutmeg, and mace.

Naturally, therefore from very ancient times, whatever country became

civilized at any particular epoch, depended upon India for those

commodities. This trade used to follow two main routes- one was by

sea- through the Red Sea. After his conquest of Persia, Alexander the

great dispatched a general named Niarchus to explore a sea-route,

passing by the mouth of the Indus, across the ocean, and through the

Red Sea. Most people are ignorant of the extent to which the opulence

of ancient countries like Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome depended

on Indian commerce. And when the Turks made themselves masters if the

Roman Empire and closed the trade-route to India for the Italians,

then Christopher Colombus, a Spaniard or Genoese, tried to explore a

new route to India across the Atlantic, which resulted in the

discovery of the America, Columbus could not get rid of the delusion

that it was India. It is therefore that the aborigines of America are

to this day designated as Indians. In the Vedas we find both names,

" Sindhu " and " Indu " , for the Indus; the Persians transformed them into

" Hindu " , and the Greeks into " Indus " , whence we derived the words

" India " and " India " . With the rise of Mohammedism the word " Hindu "

became degraded and meant " a dark-skinned fellow " , as is the case with

the word " native " now.


The Portuguese, in the mean time discovered a new route to India,

doubling Africa. The fortune of India smiled on Portugal- then came

the turn of India the Dutch, the Danes, and the English. Indian

commerce, Indian revenue and all are now the possession of the

English; it is therefore that they are the foremost of all nations

now. But now, Indian products are being grown elsewhere, even better

than in India, and she has therefore lost something of her prestige.

This the Europeans are unwilling to admit. That India, the India of

" natives " , is the chief means and they refuse to admit, or even

understand. We too, on our part, must mot cease to bring it home to them.





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