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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Stages In Worship Of Lord

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Emphasis Of Karma Phala Tyaga


The word karma in the case of a human being means the work done to earn money, which is essential for his food and offering the food to the guest. Money required for the self and his family is called ‘sareera yatra’ in Gita. Money required to prepare food to offer to the guest is called ‘yajna karma’. The world karma in Gita was used in these two meanings in the context of a human being (sareera yatra pichate, yajnah karma samudbhavah). Therefore the fruit of the work means only money.


The first mantra of the first Upanishad speaks about enjoyment and sacrifice of money (kasyasvit dhanam). The mantra says that the entire creation is the wealth of the Lord and one should store the money for his minimum enjoyment and the rest should be sacrificed to the Lord who comes in the human form for His mission to uplift this world. The second mantra says that one should continuously work and earn. Vasista said that money is the root of all this worldly family bonds (Dhanamulamidam jagat). When money is absent all the family members will leave you. All the family members and relatives approach you only due to money just like the frogs are present in the tank when it is full of water.


The ‘Srichakram’ means the wheel that surrounds the money. Therefore when the sacrifice of money comes into the picture, all the fraud devotees will run away because in their hearts the attraction to the family bonds exists as solidified darkness. Only the true devotees will stand, in whose hearts the darkness is removed and the light of divine knowledge exists. The Lord came in human form and tested ‘Saktuprasta’ in the sacrifice of the food, which is another form of money. In draught he could secure a little flour and he was fasting for the past ten days. He was not tested in any other way of words and mind (japa, parayana, dhyana etc.). A real devotee will stand in this root test and

this is the real fire test.


If the bond with the money is cut, all the worldly bonds are cut, since money is the root of this whole ‘samsara’. The fraud devotees want to escape this test and therefore interpreted the ‘karmaphala’ as the fruit of prayers, japa, parayana, dhyana etc. The eyes in this world not at all see such fruit. Therefore such fruit of work done by words and mind is unreal. There is no difficulty to sacrifice such unreal fruit. Therefore they misinterpreted the ‘karmaphalatyaga’ as leaving a spoon of water in the plate after doing such work by words and mind. Some people have fooled the ignorant people by doing such works and get the ‘Gurudakshina’. They are selling the unreal fruit for the real money, by promising that the fruits of their sins will be removed and results of good deeds, which were not done, will be attained.


Gospel of Datta Swami (SWAMI) On Guru Purnima:


Today all of you have surrendered Gurudakshina in the form of some money at my feet for the sake of propagation of divine knowledge and devotion to Lord Datta. The full moon today represents gold or a silver coin (money), which you have to surrender to Guru as ‘Gurudakshina’. Every month, you have to do this on every full moon day and this is reminded by the full moon. But every human being cannot be a Guru. He shall be a ‘Sadguru’ which means the Lord in human form. Only then your money is properly utilized. The money proves your real love. To whom are you giving the money? To your children. So, your real love is on your children. Simple and straight test. If you have real love on the Lord, you will give that money to the Lord. No more argument. This is the practical test. Prayers by words and meditation by mind are only the ways to prove your devotion

on God to others, which is not real. Ofcourse, they act as side pickles if the main item i.e., rice is present in the meal. The main item here is Gurudakshina, which is called as ‘karma phala tyaga' i.e., sacrificing the fruit (money) of your work for the sake of God. Without the ‘Gurudakshina’, simply by singing and thinking about God is like offering a meal plate in which only pickles are present. You should recognize the ‘Sadguru’ so that your Gurudakshina does not go waste and misused.


The ‘Sadguru’ is to be recognized by the infinite true knowledge possessed by Him. Veda says, “Satyam Jnanam ..”, which means that the Lord in human form should be recognized by His true and infinite knowledge. The four greatest statements from the four Vedas also say the same. The first three statements say that God appears in human form like me, like you and like Him. The last statement says that such human incarnation is recognized by His special knowledge. Even scholars give knowledge but their knowledge gives you a headache. The knowledge of the Lord touches your heart and gives you immense pleasure as said by the Veda, “Anando Brahma”. So, by His blissful knowledge, you can recognize the Lord like the fire is recognized by heat. Miracles are not His identity marks. Miracles are performed

even by demons like Ravana etc. They are the jewels of the Lord, which are taken by the demons through rigid penance. Demons are also the foolish children of the Lord. So He gives those jewels to the demons as they do penance for them. But by these jewels, demons could not become God, as they could not get His inherent quality i.e., blissful, true and infinite knowledge. Demons claimed that they are God. But sages did not agree for the same reason.


The entire ‘Bhagavat Gita’ stresses on this ‘Karma phala tyaga’. The first hymn of the first Upanishad (Esavasyam) says that you should return the extra money you have earned to the lord, which is not permitted by Him. It says that this entire world is His wealth only. Gopikas donated the fruit of their whole work viz., butter to the Lord in human form (Krishna), avoiding even their children and reached the 15th uppermost world called ‘Goloka’. They also surrendered their bodies to the Lord. This body is also the fruit of your previous action called ‘Prarabdha’. By this, they sacrificed even justice and did not even fear for Hell. Their love to the Lord was the highest and so the Lord granted the highest world to them. Their Gurudakshina was everything i.e., their money (butter), their bodies, their minds, their words etc., and what



Lord was misunderstood that He was always after Gopikas and not males. He was abused as a fan of women. What is the secret in this? A man is surrounded by several egoistic (Rajas) qualities. But a woman has several submissive qualities (Sattvam) like fear, obedience etc., which are required for salvation. This is the reason why the male sages were born as Gopikas to attain the salvation. According to Lord Datta, any soul has to take the last birth as a woman. But, this does not mean that every woman is in the last birth.


A hunter called Kannappa sacrificed his eyes to the Lord, which are the best parts of the body and is the best ‘Gurudakshina’. Veda says that you can earn the minimum which is required by yourself and your family which is permitted by the Lord and not extra. If you have taken extra, return it to the Lord. For example, when you have gone to your friend’s house, you are offered a cup of milk. You can drink the milk but not take away the cup. Veda says that if you have taken extra, you are a thief and it is a sin. If you return the extra, you will be excused by the Lord. Otherwise, that sinful extra money will lead you to all problems. Some devotees offer even from their minimum or sometimes even their entire minimum. Patil, a devotee of Shirdi Saibaba used to offer his entire annual crop to Baba and took back whatever was given by Baba.

When a rich man came for the spiritual knowledge, Baba said, “You could not give Rs 5/- required by me. How can you know God?’’ Baba used to ask Gurudakshina from everybody only to teach this most essential aspect of ‘karma phala tyaga’.


The Lord does not need your money because the entire money is left here only in this world and you go alone with your sin. So, all His money is in His bank only i.e., this world. You are in His bank. You took extra from His bank and while dying, left those extras in His bank only. You have not taken the extra with you except the sin committed by you by taking that extra and atleast by not returning it to Him with your own hands.


Sabari offered even her meal i.e., fruits to Lord Rama. This represents good money. The hunter (Kannappa) offered raw flesh to Lord Siva, which represents sinful money as it was earned by hunting. Both reached the same Lord because Rama (Vishnu) is Siva. Veda says, “Siva is Vishnu (Sivascha.....)”. The intensity of love is same in both the devotees. So, if you offer Gurudakshina with full love to the lord, he will not find fault with your sins. Kannappa was given salvation irrespective of his sinful hunting since he did not enjoy that flesh but offered it to the Lord. But if one enjoys, he gets the sin.

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami






manoj_menon <ammademon wrote:

Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "dattapr2000" <dattapr2000> wrote:> Please note that we are not finding fault with the prayers and > devotion. We are only saying that you are wasting your energy in > those two channels, which cannot bring any fruit from the Lord. Greetings.My name is Manoj, and I am new to this group. Thanks for having me here.This post was very interesting and insightful, but it prompted me to pose a question:Does the above mean that Bhakti (Love expressed as prayer and devotion) is of no significance at alll, and that Karma (work) is superior to Bhakti?This is contradictory to what the Lord says in the Gita: Those who know Me (jnani) are closest to Me, but those who love Me (bhakti) are dearest to Me. ......Or are you just trying to extol

the greatness of karma by means of artha-vada?Please clarify this for me.Also how does this theory fit in with devotional geniuses like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?Jai Ma!SURYAsuryawww.universal-spirituality.org

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