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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Panchavimshati Devi Naamaani

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Dear Shree Ram Bhayya,


I prefer meeting you personally. I shall wait till you permit me to meet.


Hari Hi Om


Kishorepara_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote:


Dear Kishore ji,

Srividya tradition prescribes that one's experiences out of Srividya pooja is reserved for one's Guru alone. One should not share with anyone.

I have no objection however in listening to your experiences.I just wanted to forewarn you before you reveal your experiences.However permission might be given by one's Guru to reveal certain things. I ask certain things before posting.

Iam right now staying in my relative's house so we will meet once I come back. Alternatively you may wish to share your experiences personally over email. I leave it to your good God-self to decide.

Eshwaree Rakshathu!

Shreeram Balijepalli



Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "kishore.k sunkara" <kksunkara> wrote:>> Dear Shree Ram Bhayya,> > I had gone through this mail in detail and I liked it. I have been doing Sri Chakra Puja with Lalitha Sahasranama every day since past 2years( may be more). I am getting very good result out of this. > > I would like to see you to share my experiences. Would you please permit me to see you.> > Hari Hi Om> > Kishore> > Group Owner para_anuloma wrote:> > Dear Rajarajeshwari Priyas,> > > > > > > > (Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari Devi)> > > > I had given these names to one friend of ours who was suffering a lot. I request you all to pray for that person too. I have asked her to do the 25 namas specific to the Nanganallur temple Devi.This is a repeat posting.> >

> > > > > > Rajarajeshwari devi out of Her unbound and unconditional love and compassion for kaliyuga manavas has given these 25 names to invoke Her grace easily. She has said in a divine 'vaak' to swami Rajagopala that these days it is difficult to do Srichakra puja and even Trishati /Sahasranama so one can do with faith these 25 names and be faithful to this temple where I reside as Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari devi and I will immidieately look into their needs.> > > > > > > > The procedure is so simple that even a small child can do it with ease.> > > > One can place either a visual representation of > > > > > > > > Srichakra or even the Photo of Nanganallur Rajarajeshwari devi in the puja altar and do the 25 namas with full faith in SARVAMANGALA RAJARAJESHWARI DEVI OF NANGAINALLUR.> > I

keep repeating Nanganallur(also called Nangainallur which is the correct name for that place) > > > > > > Rajarajeshwari devi because That is the only temple which She has personally ordained for 'Sarvamanagala'(all types of auspiciousness) and loka kalyana. The rest of the peethas and temples for Her including Chottanikara where she comes at a particular time has been built due to circumstances and at the wishes of the devotees.> > > > > > > > ( I have put the photo of Sree Rajarajeshwari devi as she her idol is in Nanganallur,Chennai. The small idol to her left is the idol which formed miraculously from a divine gem which floated from a homakunda in the house of swami Rajagopala. In front of Ambal is the Mahameru used for doing her worship with Kumkuma specially and mantrically energised and done(no offerings like Kumkuma, coconuts,or payasam is accepted except flowers and ghee for

the lamp beside Amba. Specially prepared sugar candy mantrically energised and kept and sold at a very very nominal rate is to be used. A darshan of Amba without Kumkuma is useless as she is a Nitya sumangali and also the Kumkuma too is prepared in the temple by Swami and mantrically energised.)> > > > > > > > Either the above photo or a srichakra or a mahameru is fine. But Mahameru is not advisable as many procedures are to be followed, Even srichakra has some restrictions but Ambal has expressly said that too is ok for devotees or lovers of this temple and it's form and rupa as sarvamagala.)> > > > She has further proclaimed that in the absence of these two one can also do before a kuthuvillaku(puja lamp...kuthu means group and villaku means lamp in tamil ...in olden days they used to keep lamps in groups and then in a row )> > > > > > > >

Then one should do an Avahana of the Devi in the photo/srichakra/kuthuvillaku in a simple manner(those who know any avahana mantra can modify it to change to Nanganallur sarvamanagal Rajarajeshwari devi else they can just mentally invoke her presence in the article(photo/srichakra/kuthuvillaku)> > > > > > > > There are no restrictions for this puja and swami says even a small lamp will do.(If one does not a have a full kuthuvillaku)> > > > First do Ganapathy dhayana:> > > > > > Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum sasivarnam chathurbhujam> > Prassana vadanam dhyayeth sarva vignopasaanthyeth.> > > > Then do Guru dhyana:> > > > > > Gurubrahmaa gurur vishnuhu gurur devo Maheswaraha> > Gurusaakshaath param brahmaa tasmei sree gurave namaha.> > > >

> > > > > > Then do the sankalpa(why you are doing it)> > > > The mantra for sankalpa is this:> > > > Mamopatha samastha durithakshaya dwaraa> > Sree Rajarajeshwaree preethyartham> > Mama Saha kutumbaanaaam> > Kshema sthairyaa veeryaa vijaya arogya Aishwaryaabhivridhyartham> > Samastha roga Runa nivarthyartham> > Sarvaabheeshta siddhyaartham> > Naamaarchanam Karishye.> > > > Then do the Dhyana mantra for Sree Rajarajeshwari devi> > > > > > > > Hsthair Ikshudhanushruneem Sumasaram paashaammuthaa sundareem Trijagathaam> > aadhaara bhoothaam Smareth> > Om Ayieem Hreem Shreem Sarvamangala Sree Rajarajeshwareem Dhyaayaami> > Om Ayieem Hreem Shreem Saravamangala Shree Rajarajeshwareem

Avahayaami> > > > > > (Telling thus one should place/sprinkle/put Akshata(turmeric mixed raw unboiled rice and flowers on the photo/srichakra or kuthuvillaku..preferably on the photo)> > > > Om ayeeim hreem sreem Sarvamanagalaa Shree Rajarajeshwari Sarvopachaaraaam samarpayaami> > > > Then the 25 namas should be chanted with full faith(one can either chant in the mind,aloud or with kumukma archana or flowers to the photo/srichakra/kuthuvillaku)> > > > > The 25 divine names are:> > > > > > > > OM SREE MATHRE NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE BRAAHMYAI NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE RAJARAAJAARCHITAAYAI NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE MAAHESHWARYAI NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE JAYAAYAI NAMAHA> > > >


OM SREE DEVYAI NAMAHA> > > > > > > > OM SREE BRAHMA VISHNU SHIVAATMIKAAYAI NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE RAJAGOPALA VARA PRADAAYAI NAMAHA> > > > > > > > OM SREE RAJAGOPALA HRIDAYA VAASINYAI NAMAHA> > > > OM SREE RAJARAJESHWARYAI NAMAHA> > > > > > (Take it from me that one who recites these 25 names daily and pays respects to Shree Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari devi will see that He/She is protected by Her from all sides.I hit the ground thrice and say it emphatically that many have been benefitted. This is Her Divine decree(Arul Vaakku) and Her Will and Unconditional promise. > > > > Another speciality in the namas is that 2 namas have been dedicated to Swami Rajagopala Himself by Divine mother Herself. It was not included by Swami. No one will dare to do

such things atleast out of fear for Srividya Sampradaya but She out of her love for her greatest devotee and Upasaka(and mahayogi) has added the two names > > > > Rajagopala Hridya Vaasinyai Namaha(salutations to one who resides in the heart of Rajagopala swami)> > > > and also> > > > Rajagopala Varapradaaayai Namaha(one who has given boons to Swami Rajagopala)> > > > > > Even though I know advanced worships like srividya,homas(I do homas with a copper homa kunda daily) and also vedas. I have never slighted these simple 25 namas and first do this before I do any thing else. One should be humble and not try to pose eruditely before Divine mother. I have seen pride and arrogance fall heavily and the fall will be so painful that the people who commit evil,torment and abuse other people(by way of pride,arrogance and tormentation) will be pained throughout their

lives. Also Rajarajeshwari devi will take care of such people who try to harm her devotees when one performs this worship and change such people and their behaviours for the good.> > > > > > After reciting the 25 Names one should offer some naivedya(Anything is fine even if you offer the food which you are going to consume....even a cup of milk is fine for my sweet mother though even Divine ambrosia cannot match as a proper naivedya for Her!)> > > > > > > > > > After the naivedya one should offer> > 1. Karpura(camphor)> > > > > > 2. Aarthi(showing a lighted lamp before the deity)> > > > Then offer her your salutations(there are different types of salutations from falling on the ground four times to atma pradakshina...one can do a simple atma pradakshina )> > > >

Then one should do the Shlokas below and offer one namasakra with folded hands after each sloka to devi. Thus one should offer her 24 namaskaras.> > > > > > > > > > Then she has given a concession and said those who have the capacity can give to sumangalis(married and auspicious women)> > > > In Lalitha Sahsranama Godess Rajarajeshwari devi is called Suvasini priya. She loves worship made by such women.(Infact Godess Rajarjeshwari devi of Nanganallur is said to respond faster to women as she understands their special needs and problems She herself being a female.)> > > > > > > > > > > > Tambula(three betel leaves with two betelnuts and fruits,flowers,kumkuma and turmeric) and take their blessings and do a mental prayer to Amba and see Amba Rajarajeshwari devi in them. There is no restriction of caste or

creed and anyone can do and this is not specific to brahmins. Rajarajeshwari devi in this temple is free and open to all religions and castes.> > > > > > In fact I know one Muslim lady who used to come regularly to the temple because Rajarajeshwari devi came in her dream and said " You were a good devotee of mine in your last birth so come to Me" She draws her devotees even if they are in Timbucktoo!> > > > The 24 slokas are quite famous and simple I had given an old posting in our group too.These come in Durga Saptha Shati.This too has been ordained by Shree Rajarajeshwari Devi:> > > > > > > > Anyways Iam giving it again here:> > 1.namo devyai mahadevyai sivayai satatam namah> namah prakrtyai bhadrayai niyatah pranatah sma tam> raudrayai namo nityayai gauryai dhatryai namo namah> jyotsnayai cendu-rupinyai sukhayai satatam

namah> kalyanyai pranatam vrddhyai siddhyai kurmo namo namah> nairrtyai bhubhrtam laksmyai sarvanyai te namo namah> durgayai durgaparayai sarayai sarvakarinyai> khyatyai tathaiva krsnayai dhumrayai satatam namah> ati saumyati raudrayai notas-tasmyai namo namah> namo jagatpratistayai devyai krtyai namo namah> > > 2.ya devI sarvabhutesu visnumayeti sabdita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 3.ya devi sarvabhutesu cetanet-yabhidhiyate> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 4.ya devI sarvabhutesu buddhirupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 5.ya devI sarvabhutesu nidra rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 6.ya devI sarvabhutesu ksudharupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo

namah> > > 7.ya devl sarvabhutesu chaya rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai narnas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 8.ya devi sarvabhutesu sakti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 9.ya devi sarvabhutesu trsna rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 10.ya devi sarvabhutesu ksanti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 11.ya devi sarvabhutesu jati rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 12.ya devi sarvabhutesu lajja rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 13.ya devi sarvabhutesu santi rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 14.ya devi sarvabhutesu sraddha rupena

samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 15.ya devi sarvabhutesu kanti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 16.ya devi sanvabhutesu laksmi rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 17.ya devi sarvabhutesu vrtti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 18.ya devi sarvabhutesu smrti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 19.ya devi sarvabhutesu daya rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 20.ya devi sarvabhutesu tusti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 21.ya devi sarvabhutesu matr rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah>

> > 22.ya devi sarvabhutesu bhranti rupena samsthita> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > 23.indrayanam-adhistatri bhutanam cakhilesu ya> bhutesu satatam tasyai vyaptidevyai namo namah> > > 24.citirupena ya krtsnam-etad-vyapya sthita jagat> namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namah> > > > > AND FINALLY CHANT THIS CLOSING PRAYER TO SARVAMANAGALA SHREE RAJARAJESHWAREE DEVI AND BOW TO HER MENTALLY.> > > > Tvayyeva sakaa thas tavamantraraajam Japasthavaaraadhana Tatparosou> > > > Shree Rajagopalabhakathavaryaha aasthe Adhunaatvaam sharanam prapadhye'!> > > > Saa Sarvamangalaa nityaa sarvamanagala rupinee karothu jagathaam mathaa mangalam mama sarvada!!> > > > Om shanti shanti Shantihi.> >

> > > > > > Yours yogically,> > > > Shreeram Balijepalli.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...> > > > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru > > > > > > > > Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. > >

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