Guest guest Posted November 11, 2005 Report Share Posted November 11, 2005 Postings of Shreeram Balijepalli in Astrology Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana Click on link below to join Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana/ Dear Astro-vigyanikas, My dear friend Mukund was requesting me to post something on Kethudeva's seventh House placement and some more extra information on Kethu Deva. I will give Kethu deva specific remedies later as it will form a very big posting then and too laborious to read in one go and digest.Just know this much that worship of Shree Ganesha augurs well for Kethudeva type of people. KetuDeva in the seventh will have the same affect as Mars in the seventh, i.e, the native will have a late unhappy and probably short living marraige. This is however not a universal rule. There are many Ifs and Buts to this. For this, we will need to analyse one's horoscope completely. 7th house is known as 'kalathra sthanam'. It denotes the family and sex life of wife and husband. This house should be occupied by good planets or should be aspected by good planets. If this house is occupied by Sanideva or Rahudeva or Kethudeva, you should give second thoughts about proceeding with this alliance. If the 7th or 8th house is occupied by godMars, the horoscope has got strong kuja'Dosham'. Your horoscope should also have a matching kuja dosham. Otherwise the marriage will not be successful. 8th house denotes her and her husband's logevity and the success of her marriage. So it should be occupied or aspected by good planets. 5th and 9th house denote the prospects of getting children. If these are aspected by Gurudeva(Jupiter), then the girl would definitely get children. If this house is occupied or aspected by Rahu/Kethu deva or Sanideva, the chances of getting children diminishes. Ketudeva gives detachment, disconnection, and despair.One need not despair.One can practice Vairagya during one's life which will offset this small defect. Infact this defect can be made a spiritual strength by the practice of 'Vairagya'(spiritual detachment as opposed to detachment due to frustration) However the following are to be noted for nodal planets like Rahudeva and Kethudeva They can however be helpful if they are positioned this way: No aspects on either node from Mars or Saturn Rahudeva acts better when god Saturn is good by house and sign ("Shani vat Rahu") Ketudeva acts better when god Mars is good by house and sign ("Bhaum vat Ketu cha") When yuti either a yoga-karaka planet or the 10th house ruler Rahudeva behaves better in Virgo and best in Gemini Ketudeva behaves better in Pisces and best in Sagittarius Ketudeva is a purely psychic, meditative planet which is very, very spiritual but gives radical disconnect on the material plane. Ketudeva periods can make an ungrounded person so severely confused that they may be unable to maintain their job, home, or relationship. Kethudeva especially in Lagna or 7th house makes for a Strong Kethudeva person. Strong Ketudeva makes the body highly sensitive. Perhaps unwittingly the native is receiving signals from the beyond. The prominent Ketudeva native needs reliable sanctuary spiritual protection whilst their sensitivities are at peak levels. Seek shelter at the lotus feet of Rajarajeshwari Devi to avoid feeling and being treated like you're crazy. People who cannot access the spiritual network may experience the duration of Ketudeva period in homeless wandering - addicted to numbing drugs, or living in their car or facing lot of personal problems on the love front too. Ketudeva has the influence of a Mars conjunct Saturn. In Ketudeva, too much of the Saturn accent can produce fear and hold the Mars action back. This can give poor timing. Mars represents energy and Saturn, a cycle of time. There is an ambition for power where Ketu is located by house1 or 7. The trick is to use the energy of Mars in the right amount by the disciplining of Saturn in an area of selfless service rather than over-possessiveness. Ketudeva is cruel -- but a relief. As a manifestation of Shri Ganesha bhagawan the beloved remover of obstacles, how can we understand Ketudeva's cruelty as beneficial? Ketudeva gives remarkable benefits through disconnection and detachment. Cutting one's losses, abandoning hopeless projects, leaving unsuitable relationships, surrender before annihilation, etc. Similar to radical surgery - a painful and invasive process which when successful can restore health and extend life. It is always cruel but provides a great relief. Looking back, it will be seen as a necessary and beneficial loss. Years ago my lovely neighbor, the devoted mother of small children, developed a life-threatening cancer. Without stopping to consider alternatives, she agreed to the most radical surgery on the diseased part of her body. She said, I just want it out of me. I was aghast, thinking she should try some gentler natural cures in consideration of her family etc. Immediately after surgery she was terribly ill and too weak to mother her children; I feared the worst. However she did recover, and eventually regained her full health. Afterwards she told me: cutting out that disease felt so good, even though the side effects were horrible I knew right away that this terribly painful surgery was exactly the right thing.. Ketudeva is associated with radically surgeries of my neighbor's type, divorces that occur only when every other option has been exhausted, and "final solutions" in all forms. Depending on Ketudeva's house and sign position, one might experience the death of a terminally ill family member or the loss of an enslaving job. Ketudeva in lagna loses grounding in his natural body b & own need, but he gains psychic sensitivity of the ego-detached, great knowledge of others' needs. He is always reinventing himself, purging one dissatisfying identity after the next. Ketudeva in dhana-sthana will give a loss of speech, money and family traditions; in some charts, necessary loss of the second spouse; gain of deeper values. He is always rejecting verbal expressions, claiming that important things can't be known or expressed properly with language, and denying the value of his family lineage and history. May have strong intuition and a psychic insight into the past. Ketudeva in sahaja-bhava loses siblings, energy, courage, self-made wealth, neighbors, etc for an ultimately good result of calm inwardness Ketudeva in bandhu bhava causes abandonment or separation from the parents, loss of home, stability etc for spiritual benefit of moksha Ketudeva in putra sthana gives separation from children, losses through speculation etc. all building consciousness and freedom Ketudeva in ripu bhava gives losses in trading, confusion over medicine, retreat into self-healing out of despair and generally health as a result! Ketudeva in kalatra bhava means confusion and inability to connect with spouse, eventually separation after every alternative is exhausted; gain of solitude Ketudeva in randhra sthana loses connection with spouse's money, with pooled resources, with inheritances, he makes his own way on his own terms Ketudeva in dharma bhava creates a beneficial loss of preceptor, there is no guidance from the father nor good religion, so he finds his own truth Ketudeva in karma bhava knows no dignity in public, nor honorable duty or prideful profession, yet he discovers the blessing of humility and gains acceptance Ketudeva in labha bhava loses income and connection to large groups, he may suffer unreliable friends but he will know the benefits of independence Ketudeva in vyaya bhava is disconnected from his inner sanctuary but he becomes available for helping those most deeply in need The "natural maturity" of Ketudeva is approximately 45 years. In practice, I have seen it more effectively at 48 years. After 45-48 years, Ketu deva loses much of its clout. So if you have a troublesome Ketudeva position such as Ketudeva in Kalatra bhava, which damages marriage through distancing, or Ketudeva in karmaa sthana which damages career through confusion of public role, be comforted that the worst effects will cease after the 48th solar return. Ketudeva periods also have less drama after age 48. The urgency to "just get this thing out of my life" (relationship, bodily organ, identity, etc.) fades into a manageable awareness. Ketudeva gives the results of His lord and co-occupants The most important thing to understand about the lunar nodes Rahu deva and Ketu deva is that they do not own any houses, and they do not own any signs. Rather, Rahu-Ketu deva function as magnifiers of the lords of their house and sign, and amplifiers of any grahas which co-occupy their sthana. Ketu deva contributes frustration and denial wherever he goes in the normal realms of life. Only at the highest levels of awareness is Ketudeva really an asset. When Ketu deva rules by dasha and bhukti, those periods will give the results of his lord and to a large extent also the results of his co-occupants. But the quality of expression is almost always a disoriented, confused, and stagnant version of the planets He magnifies. As we can see from these few examples Ketudeva is rather more malefic in result than Rahudeva Producing as he does the irresolvable conflict between Saturn/social law & order versus Mars/personal independence, Ketudeva induces a state of deep frustration and repressed anger which alienates the individual from the matters of the house which Ketudeva occupies. The native feels that, in matter's of Ketudeva's house and its lord, an irresistible force is trying to budge an immovable object. The result is traction and deep alienated frustration. Furthermore Ketudeva complicates the expression of his lord and co-occupying planets. As in the above example with Ketu and a strong Shukradeva, the native will have not only the excesses of wealth, beauty, prestige, and addiction that this Shukradeva would have brought independently. Ketudeva adds a surly, denying, frustrated to Shukradevas effects which result in addiction to food, drugs, sex, and elegant company while plunging the individual into great denial about his true behavior. He will feel that it's not his problem, or that other's do not understand him, or that someone else is obviously to blame for the excess. (Since Ketudeva occupies 7 in this example that someone else is certainly the spouse!) The central complication of any planet ruling or conjuncting Ketudeva is that the native feels disconnected from his own reality, will not own up to his own actions, and typically seeks to blame the problems that this dishonesty and detachment will cause, onto the Other who is represented by that house. Ketudeva casts no graha drishti ; he casts only the rashi drishti from his sign The sign aspect (rashi drishti) of Ketudeva can be damaging, because Ketu deva can radiate frustration, stagnation, confusion, and discontent. However in the right company the aspect of Ketudeva can enhance the values of the house which receives His ray. Of course whenever Ketudeva has company in His house, He amplifies that companion and carries that companion graha's energy along on all His aspects. In the example chart above where Ketudeva is yuti Shukradeva in Taurus/7, Ketudeva's rashi drishti from Vrishabha affects Karka/9, Thula/12, and Makara/3. Shukradeva will independently drishti all those three Chara signs, plus Shukradeva will send His own full planetary aspects to lagna/Vrischikha. However because Ketudeva is a shadow without his own independent identity, His rashi aspects to houses 9, 12, and 3 - carry along Shukradeva's energy too. So the luxurious but excessively indulgent effect of Shukradeva is also subtly carried into the 9th house of religion (where it is quite unfavorable because Shukradeva is teacher of the demons) as well as 12th (which Shukradeva already owns, this is the house of extramarital affairs but Ketudeva may make the native blind or unsure whether these are happening) and 3rd - the house of small-group associations such as meetings and dinner parties (this native was a highly placed executive who enjoyed very luxurious corporate meetings and gave lovely small parties). Ketudeva's sign aspects combined with Shukradeva's full aspect on the lagna result in destruction of religion, extramarital affairs of the spouse, and lavish corporate entertainments - none of which is very satisfying to the native, because Ketudeva whilst amplifying Shukradeva is rather permanently discontent. If Ketudeva is alone in his house He will cast rashi drishti and give the results of his lord only. In this case the condition of his lord determines the value of Ketudeva's three sign aspects. Where the lord is dignified (e.g., in the sign of a friend, or exalted, and in a non-dusthana house) Ketudeva's aspects may induce meditative awareness, the scientist's objective detachment, and other positive forms of non-violent approach toward conflict and profound acceptance of the greater law. But most of the time Ketudeva is far too psychic to be comfortable in the mundane - no matter how luxurious his worldly life. The Great Withholder Ketudeva is Rahudeva's diametrically opposite force. Rahudeva is permissive and expansive like Venus and Jupiter, but Ketudeva is restrictive and like Shanideva and Mars. Whereas Rahudeva is passionate and desirous, Ketudeva is detached and withdrawn. The house, degree, sign, aspects, and other characteristics of Ketudeva show psychic imagery that has already been manifested by Rahudeva. Under Ketudeva's influence the matter concerned is finished; we have stopped desiring and now wish to separate that matter from ourselves. Wherever Ketudeva is, there the person is detached, impassionate, stopped, and uninvolved with the development of those matters. Ketudeva is a manifestation of Shri Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who is the somber, plodding Remover of Obstacles.. Ketudeva is excellent for meditation and withdrawal from the world of the senses but understandably Ketudeva's influence damages any attempt at acquisitions. Ketudeva will "destroy" marriage in the 7th house because he doesn't really care enough to keep the fires of affection burning. Ketudeva gives a spouse but not affection toward the spouse; not passion. Maybe he thinks he should care; maybe his society thinks he should care; but Ketudeva in 7th proves he really doesn't feel the passion. Often this position is bewildered and frustrated. Ketudeva will make the person quite unconcerned about financial wealth when he occupies the 2nd or 11th houses. Financial affairs are blocked in some way, beyond personal control. That doesn't mean a person with Ketudeva in 2 or 11 will be poor. If the house lord is in good condition, that person with Ketudeva in 2 or 11 might have much money at his disposal. But he will not care about investing the money, and he will not have permission to change or control it. He will not take steps to protect money, develop his wealth, or show much attachment to it. Often this position is the spouse or child of a wealthy person, who has access to considerable funds but lacks passion for the wealth. Ironically, because Ketudeva's disengaged energy-state has no resistance to money, native with Ketudeva in a money position (2, 5, 9, 11) could be remarkably wealthy as a result of past-life labors. Much poverty is caused by resistance to wealth! However whether rich or poor, he will be neutral on the subject of acquiring and developing wealth. Like the native with Ketudeva in 7, s/he will accept the presence of a spouse as a social given - but express little truly personal interest in marital development. Similarly, Ketudeva in 5th house of children gives detachment toward one's children. As with money for Ketudeva in 2/11, Ketudeva in 5 or 9 can produce numerous children provided Guru's aspects are fertile. However the parent with Ketu deva in putra bhava will be emotionally detached from his offspring - and often frustrated with them. The first child may be adopted, from inside or outside the Ketu deva parent's family. Or, the first child may have some birth condition which detaches then from the parent's home, such as a health problem, needing special education, or something else that creates an emotional distance. Ketudeva is spectacularly helpful for all matters of meditation and spiritual ascendance. Be sure to visit a temple of Ganesha to enhance your transcendent spiritual awareness. However, if you are wanting to enhance your bank account go see Lakshmi Ma; or to acquire academic credentials see Saraswati Ma! Shri Ganesha ji's portfolio is the profound cosmic awareness born of the most intractable inner conflicts. Shri Ganeshaji is not about acquiring, but rather about liberation through transcendence. What to expect (in general) during bhukti of Ketudeva: Ketudeva is mokshakaraka, the significator of spiritual liberation. Ketudeva periods are very effective for meditation, and very frustrating for everything else. Ketudeva supports and rewards a wide variety of observer-intensive spiritual practices. Ketudeva bhukti is always a fertile time to pursue psychotherapy and other forms of reflective interior healing. However even for very alert people, Ketudeva periods will generally produce some disturbances on the external social and material planes. Shri Ganeshaji is the remover of obstacles. He is also the facilitator, when He is acknowledged, of tremendous gains in consciousness. The primary obstacle to achieving the bliss of spiritual merger with the divine is attachment to material delusion. So, when Shri Ganeshaji enters his rulership period, He will direct Ketudeva to detach us from delusions on the emotional, social-psychological, physical, and material planes. Ketudeva's specific detachment/dysfunction depends on His rashi, bhava, drishti's etc., but Shri Ganeshaji’s effects overall are unmistakable: the person becomes disengaged from external perceptions of material reality and focused on internal perceptions of psycho-spiritual truth. Common expressions of Ketudeva periods are loss of self-confidence and a wavering, uncertain social behavior distinguished by lack of motivation, poor follow-through, etc. Here something very GOOD is happening spiritually for those who are able to identify it. The person’s awareness has shifted very predominantly into observer mode. But also something quite dysfunctional according to normal social standards is happening. The person is not actively participating in the socially-validated behaviors of ego-development, acquisition of material goods, making and keeping of promises, being on time, other social-psychological conformist behaviors. Most people are social creatures, so a shortfall in social validation during Ketudeva's period can result in serious depression, anxiety, and seemingly irretrievable lack of self-esteem. The tantric elite in certain vivid imagistic meditation traditions can become dynamically engaged in communication with spirits. For this elite Ketudeva periods are delicious, delightful, and supremely validating. However for the rest of us who have many elaborate ego-attachments to the material world, especially the world of public opinion based on personal productivity, Ketudeva can be very destabilizing. Many people with strong but unconscious Ketudeva effects will turn to tamasic practices such as escape drugs, alcohol, long sleeps etc. to avoid the social-psychological pain of Ketudeva-genic alienation. Whether Ketudeva's focus-shift from external to internal is a good/easy thing or a bad/difficult thing depends on Ketudeva's specific characteristics. For example when Ketudeva is strong at birth, such a when the nodes are rising or yuti lagnesha, the person will be psychically gifted. Ketudeva's bhukti will of course dramatically increase Ketudeva's power to temporarily control the events. Psychic sensitivity is a double-edged sword, as any practicing psychic reader, magician, or healer will tell you As always in matters of deepest happiness, consciousness holds the key. The psychically sensitive person who appreciates their capabilities and who has educated themselves in one of the perceptive traditions will be able to turn their magical powers on and off at will. This person can enjoy and profit from Ketudeva periods by choosing to prioritize internal perceptions and not worry overly about their social-material status. They can also take scheduled breaks from sustained intense inner-perception to prevent burn-out. A similarly sensitive person lacking proper education and the safety net of a like-minded community may suffer a quick burn-out and sink quickly into confused depression for the duration of Ketudeva's period. This native could experience each Ketudeva bhukti as a mental health crisis, and look back on Ketudeva mahadasha as "seven lost years". Extreme effects for the unconscious Ketudeva victim include consistently "poor choices" caused by a sponge-like absorption of negative suggestions, poverty and homelessness caused by ill-attention to bill-paying, mystifying medical problems caused by confused communication with the physical body, plus addictions and escapist behaviors of all kinds. Be on the lookout for these if you or someone you love seems to be "losing it" in public life. In another situation, natal Ketudeva in Scorpio in randhra sthana could indicate a powerful natural trance-medium personality with breathtaking healing powers, such as a traditional "psychic surgeon". Much depends of course of the condition of Lord Kujadeva, who rules Vrischikha, or Vedic Scorpio. But should Mangala be strong, then Ketudeva -- who is after all a manifestation of remover of obstacles Shri Ganeshadeva -- could indicate a magnificent healer. Ketudeva is a very special planet that requires special handling, but with consciousness He gives transcendent results. In such a chart we would forecast major spiritual healing accomplishments during any Ketudeva bhukti, presuming the person possesses the consciousness and the support community which are the sine-qua-non of all successful long-term healing endeavors. Example: Ketudeva in Taurus/7. Ketudeva here gains considerable strength being yuti his lord Shukradeva. Venusdeva is himself a super-strong significator for love and marriage through being vargottama (i.e., occupying the same sign in both rashi & navamsha) plus lord of kalatra bhava and of course Shukradeva is the natural karaka for love. So we can predict that when each Ketudeva bhukti arrives, the department of life in which the greatest psychic will occur is love, marriage and counseling relationships. In the vimshottari dasha Ketudeva bhukti always follows Budhadeva bhukti. In this person's rashi chart Budhadeva bhukti produced a divorce because Budhadeva is divorce-karaka L8 *and* during Budhadeva's bhukti gochara Rahudeva crossed Budhadeva. This native chose wisely to use the subsequent Ketudeva bhukti for intensive psychotherapeutic counseling and relationship awareness growth. Ketudeva is Ganeshadeva, as remover of obstacles. His elephant head will remove whatever Ketudeva perceives as an obstacle to spiritual bliss. In this case, the native's divorce removed half of this man's income and half of his child-raising time. Clearly Shri Ganeshadeva found those items to be obstacles to the native's spiritual progress. After some resistance, the native now agrees that "giving to Caesar what is Caesar's" while concentrating his efforts on reflective self-awareness has given excellent fruits. Beware that with a strong Ketudeva one is likely to ignore daily concerns with food clothing and shelter, only to discover rather later that these items are quite important to human life. The dilemma in developing Ketudeva energy is that Ketudeva is not a human trait. Ketudeva connects us, often dangerously, to the non-human world. Without sufficient decompression, our return to Dhara [earth] after a Ketudeva adventure can be unpleasant. So wherever Ketudeva influences us, we must take special care to meditate for soft re-entry. To understand Ketudeva, it might help to contemplate the Tarot card "The Fool". Like "The Fool" in the European Tarot tradition, Ketudeva as a manifestation of Shri Ganeshadeva, gives excellent results in philosophical and mystical endeavors, in meditation, and in spiritual quest. Ketudeva shows the path "out" of material entrapment. Ketudeva is very liberating. However, in material matters themselves - with which all of us inhabiting material bodies are quite legitimately concerned - Ketudeva means trouble. Ketudeva is not grounded in the material plane. He floats above. He is dysfunctionally detached from material reality. So, if Ketudeva is prominent in the 4th house, the mother will be overly detached and frustrated in life, creating emotional insecurity for the child. If Ketudeva occupies the radix 7th, the marriage partner will be concerned with their own pursuits, and rather careless of the native's welfare. Ketu deva in yuvati bhava makes the partner in some way permanently inaccessible - whether by cultural differences, sexual constitution, or barriers of mental or physical illness. Obviously Ketudeva in 7th makes for unsatisfying intimate partnerships. Most people with this condition eventually leave their first marriage. Similar effects are expected should Ketudeva occupy the seventh navamsha. Ketudeva in dhana bhava would provide the traits of withdrawn inaccessibility in the character of the 2nd spouse. In dharma bhava, same traits would apply to the father and the guru, as well as the 3rd spouse. If Ketudeva occupies the 10th house of career and public approval, society may not care much for the individual's social contribution. Public validation may be lacking; the person may feel that he has nothing to offer society, and he is better off to withdraw from public life. However a person of otherwise strong character might gain social respect as a prophet or mystic oracle with Ketudeva in 10. जायामध्वप्रयाणं च वाणिज्यं नष्टवीक्षणम्।मरणं च स्वदेहस्य जायाभावान्निरीक्षयेत्॥ ८॥jāyāmadhvaprayānam ca vānijyam nashtavīkshanammaranam ca svadehasya jāyābhāvānnirīkshayet ..8..jāyā- wife; madhvaprayānam- follower of madhava; ca- also; vānijyam - business; nashta- destruction; vékñaëam- look at, see, inspect; maranam- death; ca- and; svadehasya- body of self; jāyābhāvānnirīkshayet - judge from the Jaya (7th) bhava. Ketu in the 7thBeing the dismembered body of the demon Rahu, it would indicate a sickly spouse. Being the natural significator for Moksha, it would indicate that the partner/spouse will be a spiritual person. It could also indicate a nagging partner. An afflicted placement could mean sickness, unsteady mind, general destruction i.e., the infra-red passion of Ketu leads to self-destruction as Lord Shiva destroyed Kamadeva. (The 7th house, is also the house of Kamadeva - hence the desires. Destruction of desires (i.e., Kamadeva) eventually leads to moksha). --This is the quote of Varahamihira on this vexed issue of Kethu deva in the seventh house. ketudeva in 7th house harms marriage life. Native's spouse may have some problems. However it's known that a chart should be analyzed as a whole. ONE SHOULD SEE the ruler of the 7th house and its situation. That planet can be exalted or in its own house and be in a good house such as 1,4,5,7,9,10th house. and this would be a good placement for marriage. In addition to this, navamsa chart should be analyzed too.and one more thing, if ketuDeva is in virgo or gemini in 7th house; it means ketudeva is exalted. in this situation your spousal could be clever and intellectual. this kind of placemen can make you have some mystic powers Lal Kitab Remedies for Kethu Ketu, according to the author of Lal Kitab, represents son, grandson, ear, spine etc. 6th house is considered to be its 'Pucca Ghar.' It gives its exalted effect when in 5th, 9th or 12th house and its debilitated effect in 6th and 8th house. Dawn is its time and it represents Sunday. Ketu represents the opposite node of Ketu, in the tail of the serpent. Its colours are black and white. Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas Moon and Mars are its enemies . Forty two years is the age of Ketu. Ketu is also considered to be the bed. So the bed given by in-laws after marriage is considered to be auspicious for the birth of a son and as long as that bed is in the house, the effect of Ketu can never be inauspicious. Ketu in 1st House If Ketu is auspicious or benefic in this house, the native will be laborious, rich and happy, but will always be concerned and troubled because of his progeny. He may fear frequent transfers or travels, but ultimately it would always be postponed. Whenever Ketu comes in 1st house in Varsha Kundli there may be birth of a son or nephew. there may also be a long journey. The native with Ketu in 1st house will always be beneficial for his father and/or guru and causes exaltation of Sun. If ketu in 1st house is malefic, the native would suffer from headache. His wife would have health problems and would have worries concerning kids. If 2nd and 7th houses are empty then Mercury and Venus would also give bad results. There would be travels, transfers with no gain. If Saturn is malefic it would destroy father and guru. If Sun is in 7th or 8th house then after the birth of a grandson the health would suffer. No alms should be given in morning and evening. Remedies 1. Feed jaggery (gur) to monkeys.2. Apply saffron as Tilak.3. If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple. Ketu in 2nd House 2nd house is affected by Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 2nd house is benefic then one gets paternal property. One has to travel a lot and his travels are fruitful. Venus gives good results, irrespective of its position. Moon would give bad results. If Sun is in 12th house then one starts earning his livelihood after twenty four years and is happy. If Jupiter is exalted along with Ketu in 2nd house, then income would be in lacs of rupees. If Ketu in 2nd house is malefic, then one has to travel to dry areas. One cannot rest at one place and would be wandering from place to place. Income may be good, but so would be the expenditure. Thus net gain would be negligible. If there is Moon or Mars in 8th house then native's life would be short and he would have serious problem at the age of sixteen or twenty years. If 8th house is empty then Ketu would give malefic results. Remedies 1. Apply turmeric or saffron as tilak.2. One should not be of loose character.3. If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then Ketu in 2nd house would give good results. Ketu in 3rd House 3rd house is affected by Mercury and Mars, both enemies of Ketu. Number 3 would have an important role in the life of the native. If Ketu in 3rd house is benefic then his children would be good. The native would be god fearing and a gentleman. If Ketu is in 3rd house and Mars is in 12th then the native has a son before 24th year of age. The son would be good for wealth and longevity of the native. The native with Ketu in 3rd house usually gets a job, which entails long travels. If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in litigation. He gets separated from his wife/sisters-in-law. If such a native lives in a house with its main gate facing south, he will have serious problems regarding children. Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have worries. He will have troubles from his brothers and will have to travel uselessly. Remedies 1. Use saffron as tilak.2. Wear gold.3. Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water. Ketu in 4th house 4th house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu is benefic in 4th house then the native is god fearing and lucky for his father and guru. Son is born to such a native only after getting the blessings of one's guru. The son born lives long. Such a native leaves all his decisions to God. If moon is in 3rd or 4th house the result is benefic. Such a native is a good adviser and will never have shortage of money. If Ketu is malefic in this house then the native is unhealthy, his mother is troubled, there is loss of happiness. One may suffer from diabetes. A son is born after thirty six years of age. Such a native has more daughters than sons. Remedies 1. Keep a dog.2. Wear silver for peace of mind.3. Offer yellow things in flowing water. Ketu in 5th House 5th house belongs to Sun. It is also affected by Jupiter. If Jupiter, Sun or Moon is in 4th, 6th or 12th house then one's financial condition will be excellent and the native will have five sons. Ketu becomes benefic by itself after twenty four years of age. If Ketu in 5th house is malefic then the native suffers from asthma. Ketu gives malefic results till five years of age. Sons will not survive. Livelihood starts after twenty four years of age. The native is unlucky for ones sons. Remedies 1. Donate milk and sugar.2. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful. Ketu in 6th House 6th house belongs to Mercury. Ketu in 6th house is considered debilitated. This is 'Pucca' house of Ketu. Here again the effect of Ketu depends upon the nature of Jupiter. It gives good result regarding son. The native is a good adviser. If Jupiter is benefic then the native has a long life and his mother is happy and the life is peaceful. If any two of the male planets viz Sun, Jupiter, Mars are in good position then Ketu is benefic. If Ketu is malefic in 6th house then maternal uncle suffers . The native has to suffer due to useless travels. People turn into enemies without any reason. The native suffers from skin diseases. If Moon is in 2nd house then mother suffers and even the native's old age is troubled. Remedies 1. Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.2. Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.3. Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It would restore mental peace, increase longevity and is good for sons.4. Keep a dog. Ketu in 7th House 7th house belongs to Mercury and Venus . If Ketu in 7th house is benefic then the native gets the wealth of forty years in twenty four years of age. The wealth increases in proportion to the children one has. The native's enemies are frightened of the native. If one has the help of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus then the native is never disappointed. If Ketu in 7th house is malefic then the native is usually ill, makes false promises and is troubled by enemies till thirty four years of age. If there are more than one planet in Lagna then ones children are destroyed. If one abuses then the native is destroyed. If Ketu is with Mercury then after thirty four years of age the native's enemies are destroyed by themselves. Remedies 1. Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.2. Use saffron as Tilak.3. In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter. Ketu in 8th house 8th house belongs to Mars, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 8th house is benefic then the native begets a son at thirty four years of age, or after the marriage of ones sister or daughter. If Jupiter or Mars are not in 6th and 12th house then Ketu does not give malefic results. similar effect is there when Moon is in 2nd house. If Ketu in 8th house is malefic then the native's wife has ill health. son will not be born, or may die. The native may suffer from diabetes or urinary problem. If Saturn or Mars are in 7th then the native is unlucky. In case of malefic Ketu in 8th house the native's character determines the health of his wife. After twenty six years of age the family life suffers. Remedies 1. Keep a dog.2. Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.3. Worship lord Ganesha.4. Wear gold in the ear.5. Use saffron as tilak. Ketu in 9th House 9th house belongs to Jupiter, which favours Ketu. Ketu in 9th house is considered to be exalted. Such a native is obedient and lucky. It increases ones wealth. If Ketu is benefic then one earns wealth through ones own labour. There will be progress but no transfer. If one keeps gold brick in his house then wealth comes. The son of such a native is able to guess the future. One spends a big part of his life in foreign land. One has at least three sons and if 2nd house is auspicious then Ketu gives excellent results . If Moon is auspicious then the native helps his mother's family. If Ketu in 9th house is malefic then the native suffers from urinary problems, pain in back, problem in legs. The native's sons keep on dying. Remedies 1. Keep a dog.2. Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.3. Wear gold in the ear.4. Respect elders, specially father- in- law. Ketu in 10th house. 10th house belongs to Saturn. The effect of Ketu here depends upon the nature of Saturn. If ketu is benefic here then the native is lucky, concerned about himself and opportunist. His father dies early. If Saturn is in 6th then one is a famous player. If one keeps on forgiving his brothers for their misdeeds the native will go on progressing. If the character of native is good then he earns a lot of wealth. If Ketu in 10th house is malefic then one suffers from urinary and ear problems. The native has pain in bones. The domestic life is full of worries and troubled if Saturn is in 4th house. Three sons would die. Remedies 1. Keep silver pot full of honey in the house.2. Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age.3. Avoid adultery.4. Use the remedies of Moon and Jupiter. Ketu in 11th House Here Ketu is considered very good. It gives wealth. This house is affected by Jupiter and Saturn. If Ketu is benefic here and Saturn is in 3rd house, it gives enormous wealth. The wealth earned by the native is more than his paternal wealth, but one tends to worry about his future. If Mercury is in 3rd it leads to Raj Yoga. If Ketu is malefic here then the native has problem in his abdomen. The more he worries about future, more troubled he is. grandmother or mother of the native suffers, if Saturn is also malefic. Then there would be no benefit from son or house. Remedies 1. Keep black dog.2. Wear an onyx or emerald. Ketu in 12th House Here Ketu is considered to be exalted. The native is wealthy, achieves a big position and spends on good works. If Rahu is in 6th house, along with Mercury, then the effect is even better. One has all the benefits and luxuries of life. If Ketu in 12th house is malefic then one buys land from an issueless person and the native becomes issueless himself. If one kills dogs Ketu gives malefic results. If 2nd house has Moon, Venus or Mars, Ketu gives malefic results. Remedies 1. Worship Lord Ganesha.2. Do not have a loose character.3. Keep a dog. Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep. Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... 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