Guest guest Posted November 14, 2005 Report Share Posted November 14, 2005 Click links below to join (Divine Mother Group) Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru: Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru (Navagraha and Astrology Group) Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana: Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana (Lord Dattatreya Group) Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam: Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam (Shirdi Sai Bab's Group) Click links below to join (Divine Mother Group) Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru: Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru (Navagraha and Astrology Group) Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana: Navagraha_Gnaana_Jyotisha_Vignaana (Lord Dattatreya Group) Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam: Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam (Shirdi Sai Bab's Group) Sayeesha-shyamakarana-varada Sayeesha-shyamakarana-varada Sayeesha-shyamakarana-varada Human at Zygote stage--Just an ''Anda"(Egg) from the "Brahmanda"(Cosmic Egg) "If I shut up the heavens and there is no rain; if I command the locusts to ravage the land; or if I let loose pestilence against My people, when My people, who bear My name, humble themselves, pray, and seek My favor and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear in My heavenly abode and forgive their sins and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:13-14 Dear Mahamuniji and Nayanji, Kameshwari Devi A small clarification here regarding genes and kuladevatas. Kameshwari Devi I generally read queries posed to me on Mondays and hence forth intend to post on Fridays for this group and Thursdays and Saturdays for Datta and Astrology group respectively. Shree Mahaalasa Devi-Example of a Kuladevi(of Goans) Genes has a more poignant connection with Pravara Rishis and the Gotra. Gotra means that which arises from Cow's udders! (Kamadhenu) That then is the etymological connection. Rishis were sort of wish fulfilling cows...Kamadhenus. Genes thus have come from Rishis of yore. There were many rishis and all the races of our planet have come from them. Even though one might argue that we dont have a Gotra and we call ourselves "Shiva gotrikas" or "Narayana Gothrikas" does not sustain a sound argument. The existence of Gotra might have been forgotten. Some brahmins have preserved it scrupulously and passed it on from generation to generation to avoid inbreeding and leading to genetic diseases. All was based on sound eugenics in those days. All Brahmin families trace their roots back to one of the ancient Sages. While there is disagreement on the number of such Sages or 'roots' you could trace back to, they all eventually lead back to either seven or eight such Sages. While knowing your ancestors satisfied idle curiosity, in the ancient period, it provided a means to protect the genetic diversity through ensuring that consanguineous marriages did not take place. 'Saha-gothram' lit. Same ancestry marriages were looked down upon. The ancients had sufficient knowledge about the pitfalls of Consanguineous marriages leading to genetic defects to ensure that by limiting Saha-gothram marriages, significant genetic pitfalls can be avoided in their progeny. See the section below for some details. There is a possible and interesting mythological story as to why this linkage, at least for Brahmins, was not through female chain. Hindu Mythology talks of first stage of creation as being of Unisex. Till the time of creation of female form, the only method of reproduction was through cloning or by splitting and multiplication. The concept of old age or even aging and death was not known at that time. All the Rishis could live as long as Brahma lived or till Brahma Kalpa. Alternately they could, at will, opt for Moksha. Adam,Eve and "God" The procreation started but did not proceed fast enough as the Rishis had no interest in Procreation. Then Brahma decided to split his body into Male and female and created an automatic attraction between the two. This was the stage of creation of Manu and Satharoopi. (Adam and Eve as known to westerners). (Shiva emerging as Veerabhadra to destroy Daksha's already destroyed Yagna by Daakshaayani) Daksha Prajapathi took or married one of the female off springs of Manu-Satharoopi couple and created the human (mammal) female form in which the child will grow in the womb of the mother, thus creating an identity and attachment with the mother. The need to nurse and care and desire to protect and bring up was also an integral part of the female. Creation of female form made Daksha Prajapathi the favorite of Brahma. (It also made Dakhsa too proud which ultimately led to his doom and subsequent restoration.) Daksha had created 15 different human female forms first and then added one more later to make it sixteen. His eldest and dearest daughter Sathi, he presented in marriage (Kanyaka danam started on that day) to Lord Siva or Mahadeva. The second daughter Swaha was given in marriage to Agni deva. (The Rhyming names had started even at that time.) (Shiva in Veerabhadra rupa killing the arrogant King Daksha) The Balance 13 females were to be the starting point for Human beings or Manushya Jathi. They were worried that if procreation progresses too fast and if every one continues to live because of attachment to their children, then there will be no space on earth. Hence, probably, the concept of Old age and death was introduced. God of Death and Terminator Genes. Yama Dharma Raja had invented a way of self-destruction or terminator genes. Hence the balance thirteen girls of Daksha were given to Lord Yama in marriage for introducing Terminator genes. Thus the concept of automatic aging and death became a part of all living beings on earth. Yama got the name of God of death. The concept of soul and cycle of birth and death gave rise to need for a resting place in between, death and subsequent birth. (Based on past Karma, one is to be born with certain other individuals or souls in the next birth and these souls would not have died together. Hence there has to be a place where a soul may rest for some time waiting for the proper time for his reentry in to the world. Thus arose need for Pitruloka. Sradham is performed for people in Pitruloka. We believe that one has to wait for a maximum period of lifetime of three generations. Hence we call only three generations during Sradham.) Daksha Prajapathi wanted a person to look after, like a mother, every soul that entered Pitruloka. Hence he decided to create the 16th daughter, to look after the children of all the 13 sisters with equal affection. This daughter was named Swadha. (People who perform Sradha (Thevasam) will recollect that they say Swadha Namah at the end of Shradha ceremony. This is to pay obeisance to the universal mother who looks after all the dead, till they return to earth or attain moksha. The thirteen daughters were given to thirteen Rishis after introducing terminator gene. There was no stopping the mankind after that. Terminator genes or no terminator genes, it is continuing to multiply and envelop the earth. The Y-chromosomes from the Rishis did not have terminator genes. These got transferred through the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi or Satharoopi. There were no mutations of Y chromosome. Thus the Rishis who were unisex probably established the Gothra through male lineage. The other casts or races are possibly through the male off springs of Manu(not to be confused with the king who had written Manusmriti) and all of them are after spitting into male and female form and not from Unisex Rishis. It will be an interesting topic for research as to whether Y-chromosomes or even genetic DNA build up of Brahmins is different from other males.Infact the intelligence compotent research done by one Andhra University professor regarding Brahmins and other castes came to one very common conclusion but I will not discuss it here as it is senstive and also I personally believe that genetic make up can be changed with huge sadhanic effort and also by Homas. I had given an earlier article in one group long time ago about the effect of Homa and spiritual genes. There are some genes known as spiritual genes which are not known to Genetists(I know my sister who is a top scientist in Genetics in New york will not like me for this!). These spiritual genes hold the keys of Para to change their physical counterpart. Genetic engineering research has established that there are 44 chromosomes in every human being (there being 22 pairs in all, and one pair out of these is the sex chromosome which can either be an X-X or an X-Y pair). Each chromosome contains DNA contributed by one of the parent. Hence linkage of DNA to parent is possible and thus it is possible to trace back lineage. The researchers, to their surprise, found that they did not have to go deep or far. They noticed that Y-chromosomes get transferred from father to son as such and without much change. They found that through generations, the male chromosome lineage could be established. With this technique, the researchers could trace the male lineage and establish the claims of lineage of Jewish saints by clans from different parts of the world. The south Indian Brahmin community can possibly provide the best sample for this type of research, since we have been maintaining this type of record of male lineage through ages. Families belonging to same Gothra have been living far apart from each other and unknown to each other. It should be possible to get good sample to establish this fact of transfer of Y-chromosome lineage. The female egg does not carry a Y chromosome. Hence if a male is born, then the entire Y chromosome is from the male sperm. The father gives the Y chromosome imprint fully to a male child. Thus if you track the Y chromosome, it should be possible to link up, through father to grand-father to great grand-father etc. (See Note below) The next question that rises is whether such linking of lineage through Gothram is required. The very reason for such linkage is the presumption that inbreeding should be avoided. The destruction of the community starts with inbreeding. There is a possibility that the female from the same gothram will carry an X chromosome from the father. Thus if she marries a person from the same gothram, there can be same X chromosome from husband and wife. This will affect all female children born. It was probably not possible to trace lineage through female, as there was possibility of mixing up of X chromosome from both parents in the female. Thus to prevent inbreeding, our forefathers established a system of Gothra through male lineage, and advised against marriage in same gothra, most likely with the knowledge that Y chromosome gets transferred as such. Vedas are eternal, without beginning or end and is Apourusheyam (not of human origin). The word Apourusheyam means, Rishis or "Manthra Drashtas" were only a medium for revelation of Mantrams, and their individuality just disappeared while composing the Riks of Vedams due to their Divine Enlightenment. Its contents are the expressions in words - prose, verse and song / music - of the divine inner visions of truth experienced by the ancient saints, sages and seers (Rishis). There are four Vedams - Rik, Yajus, Saamam and Athharvam. The Manthrams with Chhandass (see box) are in verse and are found in all the four Vedams; the prose form is found in Yajurvedam; while Saamam is a musical version of the Chhandass Manthrams. Rishi - Chhando - Devathas of Vedams Each portion of Vedam has a Rishi (who composed it), a Chhandass (specific metre) and a Devatha (a deity) in whose praise the Rik has been composed. Usually each Sooktham has a particular Rishi - Chhando - Devatha. But it is not a universal law. Rishi, Chhandass, and Devatha can change anywhere between the Riks and it is not necessary that it changes at the beginning of Sooktham only. Actually when Vedam is taught by-heart (as is the practice among Kerala Namboothiris), Rishi - Chhando - Devathas are not taught except for Pavamaana Mandalam. For Pavamaana Mandalam ("Cherumanam") it is taught, as it becomes useful while performing "Cherumanam Homam". Example for Rishi - Chhando - Devatha System : For "Aano Bhadra Sooktham" it is like this : Rishi - Raahoo Gano Gothamah: (Rishi "Gothama" son of Rahoogana ) Chhandass - Jagathy Devatha - Viswadevatha (Universe) For the Sooktham "Thyamooshu Vaginam" it is like this : Rishi - Thaarkshyo Arishta Nemih Chhandass - Thristup Devatha - Thaarkshyah Gaayathri, Ushnik, Anushtup, Brihathi, Pamkthi, Thrishtup, Jagathi, Athrishti, Athija-Gathi and Viraat are different Chhandass. When Riks are chanted as Manthrams, the method is slightly different which is explained below. At the beginning and end of the chanting of several (not all) designated Manthrams for prayers (hymns from scriptures, "Manthropaasana"), a specific Chhandass is said. For example, during Sandhhyaavandanam, the specific Chhandass before and after the Pranavam (AUM) chant is : Brahma Prajaapathi, Rishi : Devee Gaayathree, Chhandah : Paramaatmaa, Devathaa.And the Chhandass used for Gaayathri is : Gaathino Viswaamithrah : Rishi : Gaayathree Chhandah : Savithaa, Devathaa.The Method : With the tips of the ring and middle fingers and the thumb together, touch the top of the head while mentioning Rishi (the first line), then touch under the nose (above the upper lip) for Chhandass, and then on the chest ("Hridayam", heart) for Devatha. This Mudra or Nyaasam and the method are the same for all Chhandass. It is said that words (Vachanam) originated from Rik, acting (Abhinayam) from Yajus, music (Sangeetham) from Saamam and aesthetics (Rasam) from Athharvam. In Yaagam the Rithwik, Hothan, recites Manthrams from Rigvedam, Adhwaryu from Yajurvedam, Udgaathaavu (Udgaathan) sings from Saamavedam and Brahman from Athharva Vedam. The function of Brahman (Rithwik) is to observe the proceedings, advise, and in case of mistakes, to have the doers perform Praayaschitham (atonement). It is said that Rigvedam evolved from Agni (fire / energy), Yajurvedam from Vaayu (air / wind), and Saamavedam from Sun. Just as among the gods, Agni is considered as the primary one, Rigvedam is taken as the prime Vedam, while the others are its derivatives in a sense, but important in their own way. Vishnu, in the incarnate form of Shreerama or Shreekrishna, is perhaps considered by most people in the country, as the primary god, as is evidenced in "Raamaayanam", "Bhaaratham" and "Bhaagavatham". However, Rigvedam surprisingly does not contain too many Manthrams in praise of Vishnu. This has even led to an incorrect view that Vishnu's importance grew during the post-Vedic era. This is not true, like for instance, in Agnishtoma Yaagam , as a part of Somakrayam, although it is king Soman who is ceremonially welcomed, the Devatha for the Ishti (Aathithhyeshti) is Vishnu, showing that both are one and the same. Vedas contains the end goal, the means of achieving the goal, and in fact, every aspect of knowledge which one is seeking. The seed of a tree cannot give all the details of the tree into which the seed transforms, till it actually germinates and grows. In humans, even the latest DNA analysis of genes cannot give the precise characteristics and behavioural pattern of the individual and the transmission of traits from generation to generation, until the seed develops in the mother's womb and later grows outside it. In the same manner, the meanings and concepts contained in the Veda Manthrams cannot be fully grasped until they pass through the divine and sharp minds of the learned sages, and then they are developed for our consumption in the form of Smruthis, Puraanams, Ithihaasams, etc. Thus, "Vedey Sarvam Prathishtthitham" is literally and unequivocally true, with Sarvam representing "entirety" in a far superior sense than our ordinary minds perceive! Kuladevata or Kuladevi also has a connection to genes in so much that the spiritual genes were originally transmitted from the rishis due to their sadhanas for the particular deity for that particular clan-inchoation.I can say this much but I would not want to dwell upon the origins of Rishis publicly. As the words "Rishi moolaha Nadimoola Na pruchatti kaschana"(Never ask the origins of a Rishi or a river). Genes or no genes everything depends on the aspiration of the person. I have seen idiotic and dull "brahmins" and very intelligent and spiritually minded " low-caste" people. The vedas say "All are Shudras by birth but become brahmins or other castes by their behaviour" Brahmin means one who is behind Brahmana and not something born out of blood. For an asura like Hiranyakasipu a spiritually minded son like Prahalad was born. However being a brahmin does expose one to many concepts of God if the family is really evolved.I respect my brahminical parentage and upbringing but do not cling to unwanted appendages and vainglorious brahminical moorings. Worshipping a kuladevi or kuladevata(In my case Goddess Kameshwari(Rajarajeshwari in her kalyana kola) is our Kuladevi. will definitely please both the pravara Rishi in His Mandala and the devi who will bestow fast succcess in spiritual field. According to Hinduism, every family has a particular deity whose worship brings about worldly and spiritual progress. The practice of worship of Kuladevata , the form of God worshipped hereditarily down the many generations of the family. There are five principles in the universe as given below. Creation - PrajApati Sustenance - Vishnu Multiplicity - MeenAkshi Dissolution - Siva Giving/Bliss - Brahma Only when one imbibes all of these universal principles, he can attain Moksha (Final Liberation). When one commences upon the spiritual practice of this principle, all five universal principles begin to increase in him. Worship of the family deity or the principle of the religion of birth alleviates the intensity of one's destiny. Due to the augmentation of spiritual progress and alleviation of destiny, one should worship the family deity (Kuladevata). Some of the steps in achieving this end are performing the family deity's ritualistic worship, chanting verses in Its praise, studying relevant holy texts, visiting Its place of worship as often as possible, etc. It is suggested that one should visit their kuladevata temple more frequently and perform pujas. Obtaining the blessings of Kuladevata can bring a good climate over their family and help them lead a noble life leading to final liberation. Those who do not know their gotra or kuladevi can know it from a competent Naadi Astrologer in Chennai. Hope this posting has further thrown some more light on the issue. Eshwaree is my Kuladevi!(I mean the immanent feminine-divine in me and you and not just Kameshwari) Sadashiva in me is my Pravara Rishi(Not just Angeerasa,Yavanaashwa and Ambarisha)! Parabrahma-anurakthi is my Kula!(Not just Vaidki-Brahmana Kula) Guruseva is my Gothra Achara(Not just Harithasa Gothra Achara) Aham-Atma-Brahmaasi is my Veda!(Not just Krishna-Yajur Veda) Karuna-Sahaja-Mudita is my genetic materia!(Not just that of my parents and forefathers') Let us all aspire for the Super soul beyond the physical genes and obtain the nirvanic Super-genes. Sacchidekam Brahma!...undivided, original, changeless, unlimited and blissful...All a mayavic play nevertheless!! Kameshwaree Putroaham!! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "Mahamuni" <mahamuni@c...> wrote:>> Namaste,> > And what of those who did not incarnate in a body born in India this lifetime? Surely spiritual souls are incarnating everywhere these days, as it is sorely needed in this dark time.> > Pranams,> > Surya> - > nayanpradeep > Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru > Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:42 AM> [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Importance of Kula Devathaa in Japa sadhana.> > > > Dear Sadhakas,> > Kula Devathaa is very important in each person. We know that Genes > are present in our body. In our activity Gene's roll is very > important. Most Genes are Inherent from our father or mother .> > Each Devathaa have their own vibrations ( spandanas) or level. In > mantrajapa is done properly, and then our vibrations and the > Devatha's vibrations is becomes equal level.> > That is why for each Devathaa , japa mantra is a particular number. > When the particular number is done then the Devathaa is wake up.> Then the devata and sadhaka are not two, both becomes one. Then we > get the blessings from the Devathaa. Also we know that Guru- Devatha- > mantra- yantra are one. The vibrations present in Guru- Devathaa- > mantra- yantra are one.> > But why is our japa and sadhanas are not properly done? > > In each person, have kula devathaa . kula devataa's involved Gene is > inherent from our father and mother. They got the gene form their > father and mother and so on.> > In the same Gene, kula devathaa's vibrations (spandanas) involved. > whenever, there one's kula devathaa's temple damaged or there is no > Pooja takes place, then kula devatha's vibrations changed and this > will indirectly affect this persons Gene. > > Then it affect all persons japa sadhanas . Then the sadhana is not > done properly so we cannot do japa properly.> > There are two cases,> > 1. kula devathaa for mother. > 2. kula devathaa for father. > > In upasana the two-kula devataas are equal importance.> But in Sakthi upasana we take more importance to kula devataa for our > mother. > > If the sadhakas do not know his/her kula devataa then ask their > parents or elders, otherwise easily find it in the Jyothesha marga> (astrology).> > > with Pranams > > Nayan pradeep. Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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