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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Faith is greater than God

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Dear Parishuddha Atman, You have correctly opined here. And I would like to append here that... There is a "Greatest God" and infact there should be one. Else our search for God will be scattered like combing for mustard seeds in a vast Beach.The 'Buddhi'(intellect) and 'Medhas'(spiritual intellect) both become frittered away of their vitalities in their search.There should be a concentrated focus on one 'sagunic' aspect of that 'Paramamvyoman' else it will be impossible to reach the Sayujyic realms of the Paramaatman.This has been exhorted cryptically in the Vedas as 'Ekam Sat'--The pointer or the cue here is to concentrate on that "One which is the greatest". Ekam also has a meaning of "The Greatest" when etymologically extrapolated

in Sanskrit. But this path is not verily a bed of roses. Even AdiShankara fumbled a bit.This path is akin to walking on a

sharp razor with sharp daggers and broken glass pieces below.One should not make a plunge to the abysmal depths of ignorance and be pricked by the 'glass pieces of ignorance' in the name of following a single God or poked by the 'arrogance of Sharp daggers'.This single God thus becomes the 'Greatest' God for the aspirant. Why is the name 'aspirant' used to descirbe a Sadhak in English? It is because there is an inner fire of aspiration in the 'Divya-vyakthi'. And as always aspiration requires a goal. Try to have an aimless aspiration(Roughly,an oxymoron here for you ) and see what happens. You will no more aspire but perspire with boredom! (Gurdjieff) Religion is doing; a man does not merely think his religion or feel it, he “lives” his religion as much as he is able, otherwise it is not religion but fantasy or philosophy.These are the words of a Greek-Armenian religious teacher, mystic-George Gurdjieff. A human sustains by his/her existentiality.A human has to "do" something. Once the "doing'' is dropped then existence happens. It is a natural process much akin to an over ripe fruit falling once it becomes heavy.Like wise a wise man heavy with wisdom should also let it fall or fall Himself. Perform in

existentiality or perish in eternity! It becomes a donkey's burden on his back pulling him to the Mayavic world of ego and arrogance. That too has to drop and he has to go beyond the parameters of knowledge.This is made possible by consummate belief and faith(more than faith 'shradha',which is higher then faith as it involves an element of concentration) in the "Greatest God" according his 'Swabhava' and not 'Sampradaya'. Sampradaya Badhhe Atmaanveshana Viheenaha Kintu Swabhava Baddhe' Sarvam Labdhaha (One is Sampradaya oriented(mores and customs oriented) does not fructify his search for "self" But one who is Swabhava oriented gets it "all".) He might be a vaishnavite but can incline toward Parameshwari and proceed to acknowledge Her as the Greatest.Or he might be a Veera Lingayath and yet adopt the Madhura Nama of Padmaaksha! Swabhava is determined by your past

tendencies and your soul aspiration to freedom but Sampradaya is determined by your blood and it's moorings. It is thus in this sense that "Greatest" is to be understood. To understand fully and analyse threadbare certain concepts without hooking onto an "Analysis Paralysis" mode will help bringing greater spiritual light and

wisdom. Muralidhara Swamiji What Muralidhara Swamiji was referring to, was a rhetorical way of putting forth concepts to make an impact to the listener and the reader of his publications.Literality was not intended. God is the Greatest. Faith is verily God.God lies in faith.It is not an entity or concept apart from the totality called God.It does not strive to acheive ascendancy

but rather augments the search to God and is verily the search itself. God need not be masculine as construed and understood by Christianity of Islam "he" can be feminine with perfect aplomb. Shirdi Sai Baba was an Avadhuta. Avadhutas and Fakirs (for that matter any highly advanced spiritual person) should be understood in a relative manner. Their advices sprout forth for individual cases. To one lady he even gave a mantra "Rajaram" and asked her to chant this. To yet others like Moslem devotees he gave Muslim chants from the Holy Quran and asked them to chant for a given number of times daily. He used to change his treatment from person to person and case to case and thus what was said to one person should again not be misconstructed or fatuously interpreted as the thumbrule. Upasani Baba of Sakori Mutt He gave Gayathri mantra upadesha to one and to yet another(Upasani Baba) he kicked his(Upasani Baba's) pile of stones as he counted with Gayathri mantra. Now which do we say is right?Can we say at all? Also Baba will say that he was after the two pisae' -Shraddha and Saburi.This is to invoke those very heavenly attitudes in that person before he can initiate him into the Baba panthi or spirituality.What he meant Guru is also a moot question here which needs further analysis by the reader of his Charitra. (An example of Travel Itinerary) People parse and analyse

perfectly when it comes to even going to a particular place. They make big lists and elaborate preparations and analyse all possible alternatives. But when it comes to God they read a few books written by half-baked people and form a standard set of opinions.They do not unfortunately make even a simple analysis with both heart and mind of that "preferred destination".Maybe the difference lies in the fact of unknowingness and knowingness of a particular thing. That final destination no one knows so no one thinks about it! This will make people fall into a rut. The word rut was first used in English to describe the condition of a bull elephant(male elephant) during it's mating season.It is said that a bull-elephant sees nothing bu the cow-elephant's(female elephant's) sexual part alone! For "God" be it the "Greatest" or "lesser than faith" cannot be custom-made thus and people maed to fall into a rut. People fall into ruts but rise in love! This is not a computer Intergrated circuit chip which is custom made according to the need of the end user company and then embedded forever(or atleast for many years).At least the poor computer has a chance it's chips are replaced or it is thrown out and a new computer is replaces the obsolete ones. But who will replace one's obsolete and erroneous attitudes? God "must" be a creative concept in our hearts seeking a

creative expression."Serious creativity" nevertheless! Your point is well taken nevertheless my dear friend as this is just a posting in the form of an elaboration and 'discussion'. I commend you for your posting and entreat you to contribute further such interesting postings. One member in a previous posting has opined that one should refrain from trying to "Understand Devi" but rather "Stand under the wings of the Devi". A very noble thought despite a humourous play of words I would say. I would rather "sit" in the heart of my Amba and make Her first "sit" in my heart before that.While I do Kumkumaarchana or Kamalaarchana to the Mahameru daily I say in the end "Rajarajeshwari Sthirobhava and then show a mudra to my heart and say Idam sthale' thistha thistha'.This means "My dear Sweet Mother Rajarajeshwari devi stay ! and let it be so! ....stay here in my heart region" This is not a mere ritual as I

feel that She sits there for a few seconds andthen stops giving that feeling after sometime.Rituals and these concepts are like a paper weight which is palced on a paper. They just prevent the papers from flying off. In other words,preventing people from going awry and in the case of Srividya Tantrachara and Homachara mind from going awry and to give a focus.'Mana acahara' or the cultivation of mind is very important more than any other "achara". Mere discussions will not help.The bhava and sphurita must be present. But there is no harm in "understanding" as the very process of "trying" to understand God-head in any form be it Amba or Vishnu is in itself a mayavic play enacted and compered by them. We are but puppets in their benevolent hands.They will themselves end it in their own way. This is my humble take on the issue. Either you become their skeptic or a staunch believer."Understanding" is thus not for the mind but for the heart. Jiddu Krishnamurthy My father's cousin brother Jiddu Krishnamurthy used to give big lectures in fantastic halls about spirituality(if I may use

such words) but one man who was a sweeper in the Adayar Library used to attend it regularly much to the amusement of people.My father asked him engagingly as to what he gained by those lectures as he did not "Understand" the language. He replied in Tamil smiling with his broken tooth " Saamy! manasu la puriyaathathu nenjikku puriyummayaa!"-"My Lordship! what the mind cannot understand can be understood by the heart". I was a very small child then and that was my first lesson in spirituality.I was moved even as a child then.I too belonged to his category. As a child I never understood what JK was speaking.I just sat and saw my "father's cousin" feeling proud that so many "rich idiots" were attending his lectures(as a symbol of 'elan and educated clan feel').But the sweeper opened my eyes.I understood him in that holy instant.Infact he understood God and gained full benefit than the intellectuals who sat in JK's lectures.Wheneever I sit before my computer and type my postings I

do not think or prepare anything.I just type what comes to me naturally and add images in the end.I just try to "understand" the process in me and explain the understanding to myself by typing.It serves both a selfish and altruistic purpose thus. Initially such concepts like "Greatest","Best",etc are needed. Then one should do away with that as they are mere externalities...mere rigmaroles enacted by a feeble mind in search of a crutch. When the cruthces are finally left the legs become strong and move with greater vigour.But before I move with such ardent vigour let me do one important thing.... Bow down to the Sweeper and the "Greatest God" in him. Eshwaree Rakshathu! Shreeram Balijepalli Ravi Sankar <revathiravisankar wrote: Dear SirThere is no such thing as the greatest god. There is only aspects of God. There are so many angles. This reas any Sahasranama and understand the numerous aspect. However, there is one Issue we can all discuss and that is what is greater than God.Let me refer to yoy a conversation that can invoke

contemplation in you and take you to spiritual heightsR Ravi SankarGOSPEL OF FAITHBy Sri Hari GURUJI SRI MURALIDHARA SWAMIJISwamiji, Do you think that there is anything greater than God ? Yes,.. I believe that Faith is even greater than God. Suppose God appears before us, but we are doubtful if it is God or not, what is the use? But if you have faith, even a stone image can talk to you. So I believe that faith is the greatest of all. This faith should be firm and unshakable. I think, I get what you are saying. Could you please illustrate this further, Swamiji... Let me tell you a small anecdote in Shirdi Sai Baba's life. Once a lady devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba was very adamant that she should receive some sort of Upadesam (Initiation or Guidance) from him. But Baba refused to oblige.That lady went on a severe fasting. On seeing this, a few people informed Baba

about this. Baba called her and softly asked her , "Do you think my Guru gave me any initiation or upadesam ?" She replied , "He must have Baba... , or how could you have become so exalted." Baba smiled and said , "My Guru asked me to give two coins as Guru Dakshina (offerings to Guru). I didn't know where to get the coins. Sensing my plight he said , 'My dear son, I asked you two coins of Nista and Saburi , i.e. Shraddha and unshakable faith in me , patience and perseverance .I had unshakable faith in him. So should you. So.... now do you see that faith and patience are the greatest things. Is it possible to overcome fate? With the divine grace and with our effort, we can overcome fate. If there is faith, then there is no fate. Which is the biggest hurdle for realization ? Lack of faith.

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