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Pranams to all Sadhakas ,


There are some more chakras in additional to the Major Chakras.


Above Anjana chakra there are two more charkas-

They are Soma chakra and Mana chakra . Antharathmavu (Inner soul)

existence in Somachakra .


From somachakra, a narrow beam starts, like searchlight Prakasa and

it flows in between Anjana chakra and Mooladhara.


Above somachakra – mana chakra exist. Mind starts from mana chakra.

Above mana chakra - chandra mandalam ( Hamsam) .

In center of the Hamsam -paramasiva and sakthi exist.


We know that our body divided in to three parts. (Thantric view)

1. Agni

2. Surya

3. Soma.


From agni – bhur loka

From surya –bhuva loka

From soma - swarga loka.


Bhuloka have three-dimensional i.e., length, breath, and thickness

Our nearest Sooksma loka is bhuva lokam.


Bhuva loka is four-dimensional.

We call this bhuva loha as Pretha loka- there vibrations are

different. After dead, the soul travels ( Tharaga roopa) in to this

loka .


When our Prana /Jeeva leave from the physical body and it travels

higher and higher mandalas ie, Inner mandalas.

The meaning of Pretha is " Prahashena Gamekkunnathu'.

That means when Giva begins it's travel to above and above

then we call it Pretha..


After awaking of the Kudalini and it enters Manipooraka chakra, then

a person knows all the details and happenings about Pretha-loka.


For when each person die, then their Kudalini littering (sparks) and

then by the power of the Kudalini kicks the Geevathmaavu in to



Thus we die in Bhu-loka, and born in Bhuvar-loka.


One year in Bhu-loka equals One day in Bhvar loka.


After Bhvar-loka the Geeva (soul) travels in to Swarga loka.

Swarga loka is considered as manasika thalam.


Swarga loka is also considered as Prapancha mind.


Bhur-Bhuva-Swa lokas is considered as Mahavishnu's Samrajya.


He is lying in between the three lokas, so we say that he is full

authority of all Prethas.


So a soul enters in Pretha loka ( Bhuva loka) it can saw Bhu-loka and

Swarga loka.

Thus a soul in Bhuva loka dies, at the same time it born in Swrga



A soul enters in Swarga loka he is not attachment to Bhuloka and

again the soul's rebirth occurs.


In Pretha loka, there are various types of evil sprits (Satanic


By doing their bad habits Yaksha , Kinnara, Gandharva, Kubera –

Persons also enters in Bhuvarloka.


Also some soul becomes aggressive and then the souls attack to Bhu-

loka persons.

The family attachment is not removing if a soul in Bhur-loka.

But the soul enters in Swarga- loka the attachment is removed.


So the important thing is that we can send all the Prethas in

to Vishnu loka.

This kriya is known Verpaadu kriya. We can attract Prethas in to



Doing Thilahoma we can send the prethas in to Vishnu loka,.


Above Swarga loka there exist MaharLoka , The Sadhakas enters in



The soul can enter into Saytha loka at the time of Mahapralaya kala.

Some Souls directly re-birth from Sathya loka they are known

as " Avathara "


Eg. In my Guru's opinion Rasamani Devi's incarnation is Matha

Amruthananthamayi Devi).


NB: If I have any mistake, any where in my posting please forgive



With Pranams

Nayan pradeep

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