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Datta Jayanthi Vishaya Soochika

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Posting made by Shreeram Balijepalli on the auspicious occasion of Dattatreya Jayanthi in Smarthrugaami Dattavi'bhavam . Click link to join Dattatreya Group Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam Click link to join Divine Mother Rajarajeshwari Devi group Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Dear Datta Priya Bandhavas, This year's Dattatreya Jayanthi, popularly known as Datta Jayanthi falls on December 15th. This is the most important day for Dattatreya Devotees.Datta Jayanti is a Hindu festival celebrated to commemorate the day of the birth of Lord Dattatreya, that is, the day that the Datta Principle became active on earth. Dattatreya Jayanthi falls on a Pournami and this month the star is Rohini and the day is Thursday. Thursday is also the day for Guru(Preceptor).It falls in the auspicious month of Margashira(Marghazhi month). All these make this Datta-Jayanthi very auspicious and important to garner the blessings and good tidings from Dattatreya Avadhuta Raja. Anusuya is the model of chastity. She is(I use the words 'is' because they both still exist in their planes..their age being many million years of years!) the wife of Atri Maharishi, a great sage and one of the seven foremost seers and sages. She is well established in the Pativrata Dharma, the main elements of which are devotion to husband and regard of him as God Himself. She did severe austerities for a very long time in order to beget sons equal to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu Trinity.This was many aoens ago(one aoen means 4 yugas!) Once, Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvati requested their husbands (the Trimurtis) to test the Pativrata Dharma of Anusuya, by asking her to give them alms with an unclothed body. (Anasuya Devi encompassing the trinity with Her chastity and taposhakthi) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva came to know of the austerity and desire of Anusuya. So, they agreed to their wives' request, as they knew that by agreeing to it, they would also be fulfilling Anusuya's wish. They put on the garb of Sannyasins and appeared before Anusuya, asking her to give them alms as specified by their wives. Anusuya was in a great dilemma. She could not say "No"

to the Sannyasins. And she had to maintain her Pativrata Dharma also, which she would be violating if she appeared naked before men other than her own husband. She meditated on the form of her husband, took refuge at his feet and sprinkled over the three Sannyasins a few drops of water used for washing the feet of her husband. Immediately the Trimurtis were transformed into three babies on account of the glory of her chastity. At the same time, there was accumulation of milk in her breast. She thought that these children were her own and fed them with the milk, in a nude state and cradled them. She was eagerly expecting the arrival of her husband who had gone

to have a bath. (Atri Maharishi is one of the seven Vedic Rishis, the other six are Gritsamada, Visvamitra, Vamadeva, Kanva, Bharadvaja, and Vasistha. ) As soon as Atri Rishi returned home, Anusuya related all that had happened during his absence, placed the three children at his feet and worshipped him. But, Atri knew all this already through his divine vision. He embraced all the three children. They became one child, with two feet, one trunk, three heads and six hands. Atri Rishi blessed his wife and informed her that the Trimurtis themselves had assumed the forms of the three children to gratify her wish. He of great fame [Rama] came to Atri’s hermitage, there bowed down to him, whereupon that sagacious Atri received Rama like his own son. . . The renowned recluse then summoned Anasuya, his virtuous wife who was likewise given over to

asceticism, and bade her welcome Sita. A scene from Ramayana involving AtriMaharishi and Anasuya In the

meantime, Narada went to Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvati and informed them that their husbands had been turned into children through

the power of the Pativrata Dharma of Anusuya and that they would not return unless they asked for their husbands as alms from Rishi Atri. Thus Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvati assumed the form of ordinary women, appeared before Atri and asked for their own husbands as alms. Atri duly honoured the three ladies and, with folded palms, prayed to them that his wish and the wish of Anusuya should be fulfilled. Then, the Trimurtis appeared in their true form before Atri and said, "This child will be a great sage according to your word and will be equal to us, according to the wish of Anusuya. The child will bear the name of Dattatreya." Saying this they disappeared. Lord Datta Bhagavan Who is regarded as an Incarnation of the Trinity. The child Dattatreya soon attained

manhood. As he had the rays of the Trimurtis and as he was a great man of the highest wisdom, all the Rishis and ascetics worshipped him. He was gentle, peaceful and amiable. He was an Avadhuta - an ascetic who always remains naked. He preached the Truth of Vedanta. Dattatreya taught his Avadhuta Gita to Lord Subramanya. This is a wonderful book which contains the truths and secrets of Vedanta and the experiences of Self-realisation. (The above image is from an Origins of Christian denominations webpage but I strongly dissapprove Dattatreya Path mere Dogmatic-Paganism as portrayed by the unkowing author.It is a high-level spiritual path with pantheistic notions on Parabrahmam and with the ascetic notion on achieving ascendancy over the self.) Once, while he was roaming happily in a forest, he met King Yadu, who, on seeing Dattatreya so happy, asked him the secret of his happiness and the name of his Guru. Dattatreya said, "The Self alone is my Guru. Yet, I have learnt wisdom from twenty-four other individuals and objects. So they, too, are also my Gurus." Dattatreya then mentioned the names of his twenty-four Gurus and spoke of the wisdom that he had learnt from each as follows: "The

names of my twenty-four Gurus are earth, water,air, fire, sky, moon, sun, pigeon, python, ocean, moth, honey-gatherers , Black bees, elephant, deer, fish, the dancing-girl Pingala, raven, baby, maiden, serpent, arrow-maker, spider and beetle." He then goes on to explain why he chose each as His Guru and what he learnt from them.(Please see my postings which I have started to make about each Guru). The king was highly impressed by listening to these enlightening words of Lord Dattatreya. He abandoned the world and practised constant meditation on the Self. Dattatreya was absolutely free from intolerance or prejudice of any kind. He learnt wisdom from whatever source it came. All seekers after wisdom should follow the example of Dattatreya. THINGS TO DO ON DATTA JAYANTHI DAY(15TH OF DECEMBER THIS YEAR 2005) 1. On Dattatreya Jayanthi, get up at Brahmamuhurta and meditate.Brahma Muhurtha is 5 gadiyas(one gadiya is 24 minutes) before sunrise and normally people get up at 3 A.M. to

finish their morning ablutions.According to Vedic astrology, the day is divided into 30 periods called muhurtas. The brahma-muhurta begins 1 hr 36 minutes before sunrise and lasts for 48 minutes. Ideally, the time for the special mangal arati ceremony, when incence, burning ghee lamps, scented water, fragrant flowers, peacock feather fan and other auspicious items are offered to God in the temple, accompanied by sweet melodic music and mantras, should be during this brahma-muhurta. Often this is as early as 4.30 or 5.00am. The timing will vary according to the sunrise time because the brahma-muhurta time always depends on the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise determines the times of all the muhurtas in the day. The time early in the morning, one and a half hours before sunrise, is called brahma-muhurta. During this brahma-muhurta, spiritual activities are recommended. Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day. (Bhagavata Purana, 3.20.46) Fast and do some Datta Sadhana throughout the day. Or atleast do a Dattatreya Homa. Do not mix with anybody.One of Dattatreya's Guru was a maiden and He learnt the value of solitude from the maiden's bangles! Live in total seclusion and be cheerful

internally. Forget the body by breathing deeply and going deep insde while meditating on the effulgence that is Dattatreya.Try the 'Soham' technique to release from the bodily attachment and enter deep bliss.Then make your breath velvety.Velvet breathing is infact a technique to disassociate yourself from the body and enter the deep recesses of the mind. Identify yourself with the blissful Self ,thus. Study Dattatreya's glorious works, namely, the Avadhuta Gita and the Jivanmukta Gita.Read the whole of Sri Guru Charitra(and any other Avadhuta SadGuru's Charitra...say Sai Sat Charitra).All this must be done peacefully and not read as a routine with other people around. Worship Lord Dattatreya's (or, your own Guru's) form. Dattatreya Ashtottaram or Sahasranama can either be played using an audio instrument the whole day or a chant-box be switched on with a Datta Mantra like "Om Draam Dattatreyaaya Namaha". The sahasranama and Ashottara Namavali should be recited the first thing in the morning with adumbara fruits(fig fruits),fig leaves and other fragrant flowers. Ritualistic worship of Lord Datta (Satyadattapuja): This is a ritualistic worship of Lord Datta similar to the commonly

performed ritualistic worship of Lord SatyaNarayana (Satyanarayan). This is done by following the basic steps of Hindu rituastic worship, namely, cleaning the premises and the altar, cleansing oneself, and preparing the holy sacrament (prasad), etc., before the worship, performing arati of Lord Datta, distributing the sacrament among the attendees, etc. Instead of Lord Datta's statue, wooden slippers (Paduka) and the fig (Oudumbar) tree are used for His ritualistic worship. On Datta Jayanti, seekers are advised to repeat (chant) six malas (6 x 108 = 648 times) 'OM DRAAM DATTATREYAAYA NAMAHA' Take wholesome resolves that you will follow the great teachings of Lord Dattatreya this Holy day. If this is done one can realize the 'evading' self soon with the graces of Dattatreya. Let this holy instant fructify for all those who read this posting. Lord Dattatreya is the integrated, unified form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He is the Trimurthy of Powers - power of creation, power

sustaining this creation, and power of Annhilation or Elimination. Whoever through constant enquiry and incessant ceaseless, effort tries to achieve and attain that power, to them that universal Supernatural power, gets accrued and appropriated. As the sacred tale relates that Dattatreya is the son of Atri and Anusuya. In an individual's spiritual sadhana effort, Atri is transcendental, superior and the above-state of the three Gunas(Satwa, Rajas, Tamo Gunas).'Atrivan Manasa'-- means not just a reference to Sage Atri in Durga Sooktha but the fact that He had conqured and thus negated the existence of the Three gunas(Atri thus means "without the three"). Having achieved that higher stage of evolvement, one should ascend to a state breaking the knot of the gross, subtle and casual body states, when these three puras are cut as sunder, at tha coveted state the sadhaka attunes his total mondedness free from and rid of jealousy and co-exists in equal mindedness with supra-consciousness. Then the Triumeveriate Powers of creation, of Sustaining and of Eliminating will be his precious possession since that sovereign power vests itself in him as his all as his wherewith all encompassing. Yoga is the realised relationship of the divine. The sadhaka combines his power with the universal power of the Supersoul (Paramatma). Such blessed person is a Yogi. He enfolded the all pervading Universal Power combining it in his person. He is Datta Shakti, such sublimated identity of individual divine power and universal power is Datta Mukti(Datta Salvation). This is the highest scriptural Sastra that is Truth. That is Datta Tradition. It is a Siddha Tradition. The Sadhaka through rigourous practice penance, awakens his dormant, latent power in him and relates the same in permanant connection with the universal Divine power, becomes a power circle and all aura circle and form of Divine

power. (Sri Sadguru Swayamprakasa Brahmendra Saraswatyavadhuta Swamigal- A Datta Avadhuta) ((((Sri Sadguru Sadasiva Brahmendra Saraswatyavadhuta Swamigal (Judge

Swamigal)))) Thus this is the Holy rahasya(Secret) of Datta Upasana revealed to you all. I salute to my Parama Guru,Dattatreya, the Guru of

my Guru Rajagopala Swami on this auspicious occasion and my swa-Guru Rajagopala Ananda Natha of Nanganallur Rajarajeshwari temple,Chennai. Mahapari-Niravana-eva Sacchidekam Parabrahmaasi! Dattapada-eva- Mama- sarvamasi! Om Namo Bhagavathe Dattatreyayaa! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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