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Dear Gopi Krishna Paritala gaaru

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Dear Gopi Krishna Paritala gaaru, You need not get paranoid for your problem. Buy the book "Health in your hands" volume 1 and 2 by Devendra Vora. This will be of immense help to you. I just

follow asupressure for my health apart from strenght training and yogasanas(6 tibetan rites). I had a bit of bronchitis years ago and I used this treatment myself reading from the book and the problem vanished in the second sitting itself! Many people think that this is a technique which originated in China 5000 years. Actually this originated in India as 'Marma chikitsa' and is still practiced down south. You might also wish to contact Thiruvancore Rajavaidyam salai of

Chennai for this treatment. Press the thumb of your boy with pointed pressure for two important endocrine glands(pitutary and Pineal glands) And also below the middle and index finger for adrelanin gland. This will correct the boy completely(his brain chemistry will be changed for good). However I would advice you to read the book(it is very cheap in India. And if you live in Hyderabad you can get it in any decent bookstore). Also copper-iron-gold

charged water is to be given to the boy. I will not advice magentic therapy or water unless you consult a very good therapist for the same but this treatment can be safely done at home. For faster results please contact the Thiruvancore rajavaidyam where the doctor is a specialist in treating brain related problems especially for children.He knows 'Marma Chikitsa'. Marma Chikitsa (Treatment of Marmas): Variety of methods characterized

by the use of marmas, also called Adankals, pressure-points, reflex points, and vital points. Marmas are hundreds of areas on the surface of the body that nadis ( pranic channels, carriers of prana or bio-energy) join to organs and nonadjacent areas. Marma points are important pressure points on the body, much like the acupuncture points of Traditional . One finds the first reference to them in the Atharva Veda and they are elaborately dealt with by Sushruta. Like the Chinese acupuncture points, Marma points are measured by the finger units (Anguli) relative to each individual.

Their size is measured by finger inches and their location determined by them." Siravedhana(Acupuncture) and Marma Chikitsa (Acupressure) were very prevalent and highly accepted therapies during RgVeda and AtharvaVeda and flourished during Samhita period. It is amazing to read the details of treatment which Sushruta described in the Sushruta Samhita...Chinese literature of Acupuncture when decoded answers to it. In fact 24 channels (meridians) of Chinese Acupuncture are nothing else than Sushruta’s 24 Dhamanis while points on channels are 700 Siras of Sushruta... In fact, this knowledge has already got passed to the nearby countries around India mainly during ‘Buddha’ period and got stored as in cold storage. It is not a coincidence that almost all Buddhist countries have this knowledge and it is the Indian fortune that the origin of this knowledge [of acupuncture]is from India (But rather unfortunate that not many people

in India know this and appreciate this fact..as we sure have a 'tradition' of forgetting our traditions!(and sciences be it mantric or Vedic))The first reference of acupuncture is found in Rig-Veda and at that time separate text was available which was known as ‘Suchi Veda’. Unfortunately this text is not available today. During ancient period, bamboo or wooden Suchi- needles were used for acupuncture. Sushruta has mentioned the art of acupuncture under Vyadhana or Bhedana Karma. During ancient times needles made of wood were used, later on various metal needles were used for this purpose.Sushruta in Sharira sthana 8 ‘Siravyadha’ has advised puncturing the channels (sira) by using needles, which are as small as ‘vrihi’ (vrihi is the outer cover of the rice grain which is pointed at both ends. This means that the acupuncture needle should be as pointed as vrihi. Needles now available of this caliber are of no 26. No detailed mention was made of India which has had acupuncture for the past 7000 years. If we go back to the Indian medical classics, known as the Vedas, said to be written about 7000 years ago, we find "needle therapy" [suchi karma] mentioned there. One volume of the Vedas, known as the Suchi Veda, translated as the "art of piercing with a needle" was written about 3000 years ago and deals entirely with acupuncture. The Indians have both body acupuncture and ear acupuncture. Thus in India, an entire system of treating every type of disease by the ear alone was [also] developed! Some scholars believe that acupuncture probably evolved in prehistoric times out of the modifications of the principles of Ayurved near the snowy bleaks of the Himalayas, where no herbs were available. Now, coming to your problem again, You do not need to take him to psychologists(unless it is very essential) and thereby give him a feeling that he is 'insane' or 'has some problem' when there is none in the first place. However, as a way of disclaimer, I would like to say that you read the book and decide for yourself and not just read this posting and press the points yourself.Also, Acupressure is non-invasive(you just press with fingers and not poke needles for treating a patient).Acupuncture requires experts and if a wrong meridian is poked a detrimental /no result will follow. The best procedure to follow is to

contact a certified accupressurist regarding this. Acupressure techniques: Pressing and reducing points There are two ways that acupressure points are manipulated: pressing (reinforcing) and reducing them. Most are probably familiar with the first, but not with the second method. To press points, use something blunt. Usually the fingers are used to press, but I find that for many points the fingers may be a bit too thick, so you'd have to press quite long and firmly. Ideal would be something 3 to 4 mm thick, like a (preferably used) pencil eraser that's on the

other side of a pencil. Some points can be pressed using a fingernail.(however i will not advice this course unless you do it under expert supervision) Pressing points for less than half a second can already have a distinguishable effect. So for just trying out a point you could press it only briefly. To get a full effect however, pressure should be applied for at least half a minute, but preferably longer. One to two minutes should do.(I give pumping pressure) To reduce a point, turn a finger over it in counter-clockwise direction, also for one to two minutes. I think it's a good idea not to get into the habit of doing the same points every day. Do them when you feel you need them, don't overdo it. Pay attention to what effects points have on you. If you're weakened (from age, disease or whatever), be sure to not reduce points more often then necessary. You could also additionally press these points for a few seconds. Do a point on both sides of the body. Feeling if it works When you are not feeling any effects from pressing points, several things may be the case. You may not be pressing on the exact right spot (acupuncture points are about 0.5 mm diameter, so you'll have to be precise). Try different spots around the location you first tried. You shouldn't press lightly, but you shouldn't hurt yourself either. Also, don't press for just a few seconds (although if you're very sensitive you might already notice effects then). To feel if acupressure is working (for knowing that the location of the point is accurate), I usually sense what's happening in my face. Many of the points also have some subtle effect on the quality of vision. You may see more clearly and more colors. Meditation will develop your child's ability to feel the effects.(But if he is adamant not to

do it then leave it...meditation comes naturally not by forcing it) If you're tense, you may not feel much, although usually you'll become less tense by using the techniques on this site. What manipulation of points brings about Acupuncture points can be manipulated in various ways. To keep things simple, acupressure books usually just mention pressing the points. If you've ever seen an acupuncturist you may have noticed that he will turn needles after inserting them or do other manipulations. Acupuncturists also

apply heat by burning stuff called "moxa" or using a laser, or apply electric currents. By simply pressing a point, you are reinforcing it. You, thereby, increase energy in areas that the point influences. Reducing a point is actually not the opposite of reinforcing it. By reducing, you remove a blockage of energy. A blockage may be felt as tension, pain or heat. Energy acumulates there which starts moving again after removing the blockage. So if you reduce a point after you reinforced it, you get reinforcement and removal of energy blockage. They don't cancel each other out. In acupressure, you can reduce a point by continually moving a finger counterclockwise over it. An acupuncturist will turn his

needle immediately after insertion. Meeting the doctor in chennai is really helpful.Unfortunately, I do not have the exact address of his clinic but it can be found very easily. He lives in Mylapore near Vivekananda college. His clinic's name is Thiruvangore(thiruvancore) rajavaidya salai.Any autowallah in the Mylapore area will take you there. Also,one Tamil Channel shows a regular program on his treatment(i guess it is either raj or vijay tv) Also, sincere prayers to amba will help. If you are initiated into panchadasi.Take some vibnhuti and khumba of water in your hand and chant

the lalitha sahasranama and then sprinkle the same over the boys head daily twice. Faith leads to felicity..... Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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