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Kal Bairo.....

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Hi all:


I know this is out-of-scope of this group, but i still decided to

make this posting, as i want more ppl to be aware of the truth and

not fall for any evil temptations. Yesterday i was personally witness

to a most gruesome ritual in a so-called " Kali Mandir " where Mahakali

Devi is supposedly invoked and grants boons to devotees. Nothing

could be farther from the truth.


First of all, Mahakali is a very compassionate deity and the only

reason why she might " harm " some ppl is to wind up their negative

karma and set them free. She's the Divine Mother after all and wants

our freedom over everything else. Secondly, I'm well aware that

Mahakali can also be propitiated through the left-hand path of

Aghora, and there have also been plenty of adepts who have

accomplished the same. But in order to be successful in the path of

Aghora, one not only needs to have a very very very powerful Guru who

can save them from any calamity, but also have a tremendous level of

detachment that enables one to embrace the dark side and accept

everything as a part of creation.


However, that's not what I saw yesterday. It was a " pooja " involving

offering of cigarrettes (instead of agarbathi) and rum/vodka (instead

of Ganga jal) to Kal Bhairo, who's supposedly the " consort of

Mahakali " . Drums would be beaten and many young women would dance

vigorously, which looks not very different from a sponsored epileptic

fit. Then a so-called " Mahakali Avishkaar " would be performed where

Mahakali supposedly comes into a person's body and starts granting

boons to the " devotees that have faith in her " .


And not only this, I even saw rum and cigarettes being offered to

Sannidis of planets Mars (Mangal Dev) and Saturn (Shani Dev). This

indicates not only ignorance but also catastrophic danger (Mars and

Saturn are EXTREMELY powerful forces and I've NEVER come across any

pooja or tantra in any scripture that offers rum/cigarettes to these



Friends, here's my sincere advice to each and everyone of you: PLEASE

stay away from these groups, for your own safety and well-being.

They'll do whatever they can to recruit new members, specially those

that are emotionally disturbed.


We are all worshippers of Sarvamangala Shri Rajarajeshwari Devi, who

not only fulfills all our desires abundantly, makes our life happy

and joyous, but also grants us moksha and liberation. We have the

best deal and can never hope for anything better.


Here's an interesting piece of information I came across on Kal

Bhairo, and would like to share with everyone.....





Kal Bairo is a well-known deity in the West Indies and is depicted as

the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red eyes.

His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri. Worship of Kal

Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to satisfy

some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice of

an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this deity.

While some differences may exist in the performance of the worship,

the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.


In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple

dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is offered.

African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West Indies

brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog. In

Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he is

called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark Deity

is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish

community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal Bhairo

worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a chicken,

goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a black

flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the persons

performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo often

grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound

however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems and

consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.


Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many

generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current generation

families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even know

that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship feel

the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why should I

bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore parents?


Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents borrowed

a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You

enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the

unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is assigned

to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage of

debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-repayment

linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it will

happen in some future birth.


Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark

deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value. When,

for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs,

they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get to

complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in purgatory

until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that

animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the

years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows. When

a person dies an untimely death, that person's soul was not prepared

for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the astral

dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an

animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has

died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the

person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in its

effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a human

body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in the

first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an angry

spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that animal, or

all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of the

sacrificed animal. The possession of the person's body can vary in

intensity dependent upon the person's karmic background, how

religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what kind

of foods they eat.


Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo

into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some pundits

during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva

represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship

this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine

plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of

Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord

Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth

plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the

tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that union

between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit be

correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee and

their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to find

problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often,

mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the

appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members begin

to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen

frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire may

destroy the house and other financial distress result.




In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first 35

days of a child's life after birth, one Deity will visit the child's

body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic debt,

however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and they

inhabit the child's body instead. In a recent case, a mother said

that when each of her children were being born, they will choke

almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she had

to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.


This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past debts

and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed an

animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice for

their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these

children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and

disaster after disaster forced them to seek help.


You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or in

sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?


As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their material

wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important thing

away - the person's true happiness. What is the ultimate happiness to

a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually the

presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the



Kal Bairo will usually take away a person's child through

miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost

guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in this


The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and neck

pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable sex

life is taken away.

Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in the

night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is

unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the


People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals die

suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will

suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people generally

miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal and

the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.





To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a

Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask

Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva

becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is granted re-

birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as Lord

Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person's earth

parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This

rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of

caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is contacted

to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages and

resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want the

family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each

member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even in

more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to

believe or cooperate.


To break the curse from the entire family, all members must

contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja and

the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute an

equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil is

so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts to

believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his

share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other

family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put the

amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the total

cost. In this way, all the family members come under the protection

of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person will

continue to suffer.


Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice

changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the

family must continue to attach themselves to God through the worship

of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:


A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy person

The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-

ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal

Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their 3rd

eye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other






Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the following



Their body will darken in color

Their eyes will have dark rings around them

Their eyes may become red or pink

Their body will vibrate during prayers

They will experience pain in the joints

Women will experience problems with their uterus

The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken


Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and


The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to the

color black





From debts owed by parents or grandparents

By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

By eating food from a death ritual

By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

By sleeping in a North-South position

By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to Kal







YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.


To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the causes

as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and bad

karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where Kal

Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not

perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person who is

knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.


There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But

like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things that

will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself in

DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made, the



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Hey there,

just wana thank you for your detail info. but i was told by some

learned scholars that KAL BAIRO is a form of Lord Shiva. N he is also

known as kala bhairavan which has a dog as his companion. plz

clarify. your advice or knowledge is very much needed and appreciated.

thanjk you n GOD bless


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " Liberation Crown "

<liberationcrown> wrote:


> Hi all:


> I know this is out-of-scope of this group, but i still decided to

> make this posting, as i want more ppl to be aware of the truth and

> not fall for any evil temptations. Yesterday i was personally


> to a most gruesome ritual in a so-called " Kali Mandir " where


> Devi is supposedly invoked and grants boons to devotees. Nothing

> could be farther from the truth.


> First of all, Mahakali is a very compassionate deity and the only

> reason why she might " harm " some ppl is to wind up their negative

> karma and set them free. She's the Divine Mother after all and


> our freedom over everything else. Secondly, I'm well aware that

> Mahakali can also be propitiated through the left-hand path of

> Aghora, and there have also been plenty of adepts who have

> accomplished the same. But in order to be successful in the path of

> Aghora, one not only needs to have a very very very powerful Guru


> can save them from any calamity, but also have a tremendous level


> detachment that enables one to embrace the dark side and accept

> everything as a part of creation.


> However, that's not what I saw yesterday. It was a " pooja "


> offering of cigarrettes (instead of agarbathi) and rum/vodka


> of Ganga jal) to Kal Bhairo, who's supposedly the " consort of

> Mahakali " . Drums would be beaten and many young women would dance

> vigorously, which looks not very different from a sponsored


> fit. Then a so-called " Mahakali Avishkaar " would be performed where

> Mahakali supposedly comes into a person's body and starts granting

> boons to the " devotees that have faith in her " .


> And not only this, I even saw rum and cigarettes being offered to

> Sannidis of planets Mars (Mangal Dev) and Saturn (Shani Dev). This

> indicates not only ignorance but also catastrophic danger (Mars and

> Saturn are EXTREMELY powerful forces and I've NEVER come across any

> pooja or tantra in any scripture that offers rum/cigarettes to


> deities).


> Friends, here's my sincere advice to each and everyone of you:


> stay away from these groups, for your own safety and well-being.

> They'll do whatever they can to recruit new members, specially


> that are emotionally disturbed.


> We are all worshippers of Sarvamangala Shri Rajarajeshwari Devi,


> not only fulfills all our desires abundantly, makes our life happy

> and joyous, but also grants us moksha and liberation. We have the

> best deal and can never hope for anything better.


> Here's an interesting piece of information I came across on Kal

> Bhairo, and would like to share with everyone.....


> *******************************************************************



> Kal Bairo is a well-known deity in the West Indies and is depicted


> the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red eyes.

> His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri. Worship of Kal

> Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to satisfy

> some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice


> an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this deity.

> While some differences may exist in the performance of the worship,

> the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.


> In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple

> dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is


> African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West


> brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog.


> Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he is

> called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark


> is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish

> community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal


> worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a chicken,

> goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a


> flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the persons

> performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo often

> grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound

> however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems and

> consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.


> Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many

> generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current


> families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even


> that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship


> the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why should


> bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore parents?


> Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents


> a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You

> enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the

> unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is assigned

> to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage of

> debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-repayment

> linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it


> happen in some future birth.


> Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark

> deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value. When,

> for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs,

> they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get to

> complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in


> until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that

> animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the

> years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows.


> a person dies an untimely death, that person's soul was not


> for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the


> dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an

> animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has

> died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the

> person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in


> effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a human

> body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in


> first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an


> spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that animal,


> all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of


> sacrificed animal. The possession of the person's body can vary in

> intensity dependent upon the person's karmic background, how

> religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what


> of foods they eat.


> Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo

> into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some pundits

> during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva

> represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship

> this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine

> plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of

> Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord

> Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth

> plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the

> tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that union

> between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit be

> correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee and

> their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to


> problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often,

> mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the

> appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members


> to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen

> frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire may

> destroy the house and other financial distress result.




> In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first 35

> days of a child's life after birth, one Deity will visit the


> body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic


> however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and


> inhabit the child's body instead. In a recent case, a mother said

> that when each of her children were being born, they will choke

> almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she


> to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.


> This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past debts

> and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed an

> animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice


> their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these

> children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and

> disaster after disaster forced them to seek help.


> You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or


> sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?


> As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their material

> wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important


> away - the person's true happiness. What is the ultimate happiness


> a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually


> presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the

> following:


> Kal Bairo will usually take away a person's child through

> miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost

> guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in


> way.

> The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and neck

> pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable sex

> life is taken away.

> Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in the

> night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is

> unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the

> mornings.

> People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals


> suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will

> suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

> The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people


> miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal


> the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.





> To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a

> Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask

> Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva

> becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is granted


> birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as


> Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person's earth

> parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This

> rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of

> caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is


> to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages


> resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want the

> family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each

> member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even


> more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to

> believe or cooperate.


> To break the curse from the entire family, all members must

> contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja and

> the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute


> equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil


> so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts


> believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his

> share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other

> family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put


> amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the total

> cost. In this way, all the family members come under the protection

> of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person


> continue to suffer.


> Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice

> changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the

> family must continue to attach themselves to God through the


> of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:


> A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

> Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy person

> The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-

> ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

> Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal

> Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their 3rd

> eye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other

> Devatas.





> Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the following

> symptoms:


> Their body will darken in color

> Their eyes will have dark rings around them

> Their eyes may become red or pink

> Their body will vibrate during prayers

> They will experience pain in the joints

> Women will experience problems with their uterus

> The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

> The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken

> marriage

> Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

> If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and

> dance

> The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

> The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to


> color black





> From debts owed by parents or grandparents

> By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

> By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

> By eating food from a death ritual

> By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

> By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

> By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

> By sleeping in a North-South position

> By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to


> Bairo






> YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.


> To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the


> as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and bad

> karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where Kal

> Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not

> perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person who


> knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.


> There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But

> like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things that

> will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself


> DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made, the




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Dear Sir:


what you're saying is actually correct. Kal Bhairav or Kaala

Bhairavan is a form of Lord Shiva, who rules the crematoriums and

such places and also functions as a gatekeeper between the human and

spirit worlds. He's the one who actually protects us from malevolent

spirits. He has a dog as a vehicle. It's also true that some of the

Tantric procedures for Kaal Bhairav worship involve offering of

alcohol, tobacco and meat.


However, worship of Kaal Bhairav gives tremendous courage and

confidence to the sadhak, creating the mindset that nothing is

impossible. Such a sadhak is prepared to take on absolutely any

challenge in life and is determined to come out victorious. Kaal

Bhairav also protects the sadhak from all evil influences, including

life-threatening situations.


However, it's also very very easy for a lower spirit to pose as Kaal

Bhairav and start misleading people in big numbers. And that's

exactly what I was getting at. All these procedures of offering

cigarettes and rum to the 'deity' will make it look very much like a

Kaal Bhairav pooja, but the real truth is that it's an evil entity

that poses as Kaal Bhairav and practically sucks everyone's blood.

That's the problem!!!


I could personally see myself that most ppl looked very distressed

and mentally unbalanced. Also, there's a tremendous urge to

intimidate anyone that attempts to walk away from the pooja, by

saying things like " you don't have enough faith, god will punish you

if you leave " or similar. This can never happen when a real deity

(such as Kaal Bhairav) is worshipped. In case of a real deity, the

deity is always tolerant, forgiving and patient....He or She does not

punish the devotee as a matter of revenge.


So what i'm really getting at is that this is a Tamasic worship of

evil entities POSING as Mahakali and Kaal Bhairav. These evil

entities are what I was referring to as " Kal Bairo " and " Kateri " . So

I hope you do not confuse Kaal Bhairav with Kal Bairo. Kaal Bhairav

is a form of Shiva who protects us from spirits, Kal Bairo is an evil

entity that offers quick riches followed by untold ruin.


Also, I can understand if tamasic substances are offered to Kaal

Bhairav. But NOWHERE in scripture or otherwise is it authorized to

offer tamasic substances like alcohol and cigarettes to MANGAL DEV

and SHANI DEV!!!!!!! Now, the nine planets are all powerful Munis and

Mahayogis, and they're only involved in dispensing one's karma in a

detached manner. They also help the person out if rightly

propitiated. And of course, they can curse the person if insulted



But offering rum and cigarettes to Mars and Saturn.....it's like

opening your front door to the most bloodthirsty criminal in town

(read bad karmas dispensed by planets Mars and Saturn) and grovelling

before him to attack you :-) That's what confirmed all my suspicions,

when I saw this happening.


My only intention it to create awareness among people so that they do

not fall prey to any form of tamasic evil worship masquerading

as " Kaal Bhairav " worship or anything else.


We are all children of Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari Devi, who not only

fulfills all our desires abundantly, but also gives us moksha and

emancipation. We cannot ask for a better deal than this....so there's

no need to dabble with anything else.


Good luck!



Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " jasyindar "

<jasyindar> wrote:



> Hey there,

> just wana thank you for your detail info. but i was told by some

> learned scholars that KAL BAIRO is a form of Lord Shiva. N he is


> known as kala bhairavan which has a dog as his companion. plz

> clarify. your advice or knowledge is very much needed and


> thanjk you n GOD bless


> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " Liberation Crown "

> <liberationcrown> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all:

> >

> > I know this is out-of-scope of this group, but i still decided to

> > make this posting, as i want more ppl to be aware of the truth


> > not fall for any evil temptations. Yesterday i was personally

> witness

> > to a most gruesome ritual in a so-called " Kali Mandir " where

> Mahakali

> > Devi is supposedly invoked and grants boons to devotees. Nothing

> > could be farther from the truth.

> >

> > First of all, Mahakali is a very compassionate deity and the only

> > reason why she might " harm " some ppl is to wind up their negative

> > karma and set them free. She's the Divine Mother after all and

> wants

> > our freedom over everything else. Secondly, I'm well aware that

> > Mahakali can also be propitiated through the left-hand path of

> > Aghora, and there have also been plenty of adepts who have

> > accomplished the same. But in order to be successful in the path


> > Aghora, one not only needs to have a very very very powerful Guru

> who

> > can save them from any calamity, but also have a tremendous level

> of

> > detachment that enables one to embrace the dark side and accept

> > everything as a part of creation.

> >

> > However, that's not what I saw yesterday. It was a " pooja "

> involving

> > offering of cigarrettes (instead of agarbathi) and rum/vodka

> (instead

> > of Ganga jal) to Kal Bhairo, who's supposedly the " consort of

> > Mahakali " . Drums would be beaten and many young women would dance

> > vigorously, which looks not very different from a sponsored

> epileptic

> > fit. Then a so-called " Mahakali Avishkaar " would be performed


> > Mahakali supposedly comes into a person's body and starts


> > boons to the " devotees that have faith in her " .

> >

> > And not only this, I even saw rum and cigarettes being offered to

> > Sannidis of planets Mars (Mangal Dev) and Saturn (Shani Dev).


> > indicates not only ignorance but also catastrophic danger (Mars


> > Saturn are EXTREMELY powerful forces and I've NEVER come across


> > pooja or tantra in any scripture that offers rum/cigarettes to

> these

> > deities).

> >

> > Friends, here's my sincere advice to each and everyone of you:


> > stay away from these groups, for your own safety and well-being.

> > They'll do whatever they can to recruit new members, specially

> those

> > that are emotionally disturbed.

> >

> > We are all worshippers of Sarvamangala Shri Rajarajeshwari Devi,

> who

> > not only fulfills all our desires abundantly, makes our life


> > and joyous, but also grants us moksha and liberation. We have the

> > best deal and can never hope for anything better.

> >

> > Here's an interesting piece of information I came across on Kal

> > Bhairo, and would like to share with everyone.....

> >

> >



> >

> > Kal Bairo is a well-known deity in the West Indies and is


> as

> > the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red


> > His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri. Worship of Kal

> > Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to


> > some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice

> of

> > an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this


> > While some differences may exist in the performance of the


> > the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.

> >

> > In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple

> > dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is

> offered.

> > African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West

> Indies

> > brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog.

> In

> > Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he


> > called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark

> Deity

> > is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish

> > community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal

> Bhairo

> > worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a


> > goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a

> black

> > flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the


> > performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo


> > grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound

> > however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems


> > consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.

> >

> > Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many

> > generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current

> generation

> > families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even

> know

> > that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship

> feel

> > the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why


> I

> > bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore


> >

> > Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents

> borrowed

> > a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You

> > enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the

> > unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is


> > to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage


> > debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-


> > linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it

> will

> > happen in some future birth.

> >

> > Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark

> > deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value.


> > for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs,

> > they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get


> > complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in

> purgatory

> > until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that

> > animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the

> > years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows.

> When

> > a person dies an untimely death, that person's soul was not

> prepared

> > for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the

> astral

> > dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an

> > animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has

> > died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the

> > person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in

> its

> > effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a


> > body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in

> the

> > first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an

> angry

> > spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that


> or

> > all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of

> the

> > sacrificed animal. The possession of the person's body can vary


> > intensity dependent upon the person's karmic background, how

> > religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what

> kind

> > of foods they eat.

> >

> > Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo

> > into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some


> > during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord


> > represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship

> > this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine

> > plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of

> > Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord

> > Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth

> > plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the

> > tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that


> > between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit


> > correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee


> > their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to

> find

> > problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often,

> > mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the

> > appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members

> begin

> > to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen

> > frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire


> > destroy the house and other financial distress result.

> >


> >

> > In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first


> > days of a child's life after birth, one Deity will visit the

> child's

> > body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic

> debt,

> > however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and

> they

> > inhabit the child's body instead. In a recent case, a mother said

> > that when each of her children were being born, they will choke

> > almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she

> had

> > to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.

> >

> > This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past


> > and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed


> > animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice

> for

> > their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these

> > children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and

> > disaster after disaster forced them to seek help.

> >

> > You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or

> in

> > sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?

> >

> > As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their


> > wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important

> thing

> > away - the person's true happiness. What is the ultimate


> to

> > a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually

> the

> > presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the

> > following:

> >

> > Kal Bairo will usually take away a person's child through

> > miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost

> > guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in

> this

> > way.

> > The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and


> > pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable


> > life is taken away.

> > Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in


> > night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is

> > unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the

> > mornings.

> > People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals

> die

> > suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will

> > suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

> > The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people

> generally

> > miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal

> and

> > the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.

> >

> >


> >

> > To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a

> > Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask

> > Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva

> > becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is


> re-

> > birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as

> Lord

> > Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person's earth

> > parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This

> > rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of

> > caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is

> contacted

> > to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages

> and

> > resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want


> > family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each

> > member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even

> in

> > more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to

> > believe or cooperate.

> >

> > To break the curse from the entire family, all members must

> > contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja


> > the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute

> an

> > equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil

> is

> > so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts

> to

> > believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his

> > share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other

> > family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put

> the

> > amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the


> > cost. In this way, all the family members come under the


> > of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person

> will

> > continue to suffer.

> >

> > Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice

> > changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the

> > family must continue to attach themselves to God through the

> worship

> > of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:

> >

> > A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

> > Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy


> > The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-

> > ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

> > Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal

> > Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their


> > eye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other

> > Devatas.

> >

> >


> >

> > Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the


> > symptoms:

> >

> > Their body will darken in color

> > Their eyes will have dark rings around them

> > Their eyes may become red or pink

> > Their body will vibrate during prayers

> > They will experience pain in the joints

> > Women will experience problems with their uterus

> > The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

> > The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken

> > marriage

> > Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

> > If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and

> > dance

> > The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

> > The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to

> the

> > color black

> >

> >


> >

> > From debts owed by parents or grandparents

> > By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

> > By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

> > By eating food from a death ritual

> > By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

> > By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

> > By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

> > By sleeping in a North-South position

> > By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to

> Kal

> > Bairo

> >

> >



> >

> > YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.

> >

> > To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the

> causes

> > as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and


> > karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where


> > Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not

> > perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person


> is

> > knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.

> >

> > There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But

> > like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things


> > will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself

> in

> > DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made,




> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's always better to offer anything to god before eating it,

whether it's meat or fruit or whatever. But there's no way I can come

to terms with things such as " halal " meat. The great saint Swami

Sriyukteshwar, in his book " The holy science " ellucidates very

clearly that the human body is biologically and physiologically

suited only for vegetarian food. Meat is ideally meant to be consumed

only when no other option is available (such as Eskimoes in Alaska).


Secondly, even if an animal needs to be killed, it can be killed only

if there's already an existing rnanubandhana between the animal and

its killer. Even so, unless the killer does it in a very detached

manner, with a sense of simply fulfilling his rnas, he acquires loads

of new karma by undertaking such a killing. Also, animals have a very

high level of consciousness compared to plants. Hence, the curse of

an animal is far more powerful than the curse of a plant.

Slaughterhouses are places filled with the vibrations of angry and

fearful animals. These animals are helplessly watching their fellow-

beings being taken away and hacked before their very eyes amidst all

the screaming and howling. And the first thought that runs in their

mind is " when will be my turn? " , or " will i be next? "


Goats also have a high level of consciousness and their curses are

not in vain. Today in some middle-eastern countries, the " most

popular entertainment " is watching a public execution at a stadium.

People gather at the arena from all over the city just to witness two

parties, the victim and the miscreant. A mullah then comes up on

stage and recites the Koran on what the allowed punishmnet is. Then

the victim's party takes a hacksaw or any sharp instrument and cuts

off the head of the other person in front of thousands of people. And

all the people then cheer enthusiastically " Allah ho akbar " , or

whatever the slogan is.


One cannot help thinking about a causal relationship between the

perverted thinking of all these people and the perverted way in which

the goats are killed.


I personally think most people are already aware deep inside of them

of the brutalities of animal slaughter. It would be very instructive

to watch out for the little kids. I was personally present at a

thanksgiving party where they cut the turkey and start eating it. I

was offered the turkey, which I declined, and I ate the vegetarian

items instead. There was a little kid who saw me declining it and

asked me why. I just replied that I eat only fruits and vegetables.

And when the kid was finally offered the turkey, she too declined it

saying " I don't want to eat this dead bird!! " That was enough to

cause everyone else to feel uneasy, and they too felt disinclined to

eat the turkey after hearing these words.


So I really think it's obvious as to what nature intended for humans.

I rest my case here.



Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , bill kumar

<billupa1> wrote:


> Yes, Kal Bhairav is a form of Lord Shiva. As regards animal

sacrifice, I find it strange that people abhor sacrificing animals

for pleasing a deity and yet don't seem to associate

such 'sacrifices' being done in millions every day just to please the

taste buds, greed and violence of humans! I mean how can one condemn

ritual animal sacrifice and at the same enjoy eating animal flesh,

encouraging the senseless killing of mute animals. Go veg with God

and yourself and be happy! If you can not help but eat flesh, is it

not better to eat meat first offered to God? I believe that is what

Muslims do. Before putting the knife to the animals throat thrice,

they utter the Kalma, and then let the blood flow out of the throat

as the animal dies a painful death.They call it 'halal' meat and do

not eat meat of an animal not sacrificed in such a ritualistic manner

by a Muslim. So, every single animal killed by a Muslim for human

consumption is, in effect, a sacrifice to Allah.


> jasyindar <jasyindar> wrote:

> Hey there,

> just wana thank you for your detail info. but i was told by some

> learned scholars that KAL BAIRO is a form of Lord Shiva. N he is


> known as kala bhairavan which has a dog as his companion. plz

> clarify. your advice or knowledge is very much needed and


> thanjk you n GOD bless


> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " Liberation Crown "

> <liberationcrown> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all:

> >

> > I know this is out-of-scope of this group, but i still decided to

> > make this posting, as i want more ppl to be aware of the truth


> > not fall for any evil temptations. Yesterday i was personally

> witness

> > to a most gruesome ritual in a so-called " Kali Mandir " where

> Mahakali

> > Devi is supposedly invoked and grants boons to devotees. Nothing

> > could be farther from the truth.

> >

> > First of all, Mahakali is a very compassionate deity and the only

> > reason why she might " harm " some ppl is to wind up their negative

> > karma and set them free. She's the Divine Mother after all and

> wants

> > our freedom over everything else. Secondly, I'm well aware that

> > Mahakali can also be propitiated through the left-hand path of

> > Aghora, and there have also been plenty of adepts who have

> > accomplished the same. But in order to be successful in the path


> > Aghora, one not only needs to have a very very very powerful Guru

> who

> > can save them from any calamity, but also have a tremendous level

> of

> > detachment that enables one to embrace the dark side and accept

> > everything as a part of creation.

> >

> > However, that's not what I saw yesterday. It was a " pooja "

> involving

> > offering of cigarrettes (instead of agarbathi) and rum/vodka

> (instead

> > of Ganga jal) to Kal Bhairo, who's supposedly the " consort of

> > Mahakali " . Drums would be beaten and many young women would dance

> > vigorously, which looks not very different from a sponsored

> epileptic

> > fit. Then a so-called " Mahakali Avishkaar " would be performed


> > Mahakali supposedly comes into a person's body and starts


> > boons to the " devotees that have faith in her " .

> >

> > And not only this, I even saw rum and cigarettes being offered to

> > Sannidis of planets Mars (Mangal Dev) and Saturn (Shani Dev).


> > indicates not only ignorance but also catastrophic danger (Mars


> > Saturn are EXTREMELY powerful forces and I've NEVER come across


> > pooja or tantra in any scripture that offers rum/cigarettes to

> these

> > deities).

> >

> > Friends, here's my sincere advice to each and everyone of you:


> > stay away from these groups, for your own safety and well-being.

> > They'll do whatever they can to recruit new members, specially

> those

> > that are emotionally disturbed.

> >

> > We are all worshippers of Sarvamangala Shri Rajarajeshwari Devi,

> who

> > not only fulfills all our desires abundantly, makes our life


> > and joyous, but also grants us moksha and liberation. We have the

> > best deal and can never hope for anything better.

> >

> > Here's an interesting piece of information I came across on Kal

> > Bhairo, and would like to share with everyone.....

> >

> >



> >

> > Kal Bairo is a well-known deity in the West Indies and is


> as

> > the dark deity in Hinduism. He has a demon-like face with red


> > His female counterpart is referred to as Kateri. Worship of Kal

> > Bhairo is performed because of material greed. In order to


> > some material desire, usually to acquire wealth, a live sacrifice

> of

> > an animal is made and rum and cigarettes are offered to this


> > While some differences may exist in the performance of the


> > the desires and the outcomes are substantially the same.

> >

> > In the Indian Province of Madhya Pradesh, devotees built a temple

> > dedicated to the dark Deity Bhairav to whose idol, liquor is

> offered.

> > African slaves who inhabited the British colonies in the West

> Indies

> > brought Kal Bairo from Africa as a voodoo deity with a black dog.

> In

> > Guyana Kal Bairo is also known as Landmaster and in Trinidad, he


> > called Dee. In the Muslim religion, the equivalent of the dark

> Deity

> > is Qurbani; in Christianity, he is called Satan; in the Spanish

> > community, he is known as Santaria. Amongst West Indians, Kal

> Bhairo

> > worship takes place in the form of a Rum Puja, in which a


> > goat or pig is sacrificed, rum and cigarettes are offered and a

> black

> > flag is raised. Material wealth is usually asked for by the


> > performing the puja and documented cases show that Kal Bhairo


> > grant their wishes. Pleasant and inviting as all this may sound

> > however, worship of this dark deity is not without its problems


> > consequences, for any debt which is incurred must be repaid.

> >

> > Once the sacrifice is made for the first time, no matter how many

> > generations ago, Kal Bairo demands continuance and current

> generation

> > families who do not continue the tradition and who may not even

> know

> > that their parents or grand-parents practiced Kal Bairo worship

> feel

> > the negative effects in their lives. One may rightly ask why


> I

> > bear the consequences of the actions of my parents or fore


> >

> > Let us examine the scenario of borrowed money. Your parents

> borrowed

> > a loan from a bank and built the house in which you grew up. You

> > enjoyed the fruits from that debt and when your parents die, the

> > unpaid debt falls to you, the children. All unpaid debt is


> > to the future generations. There is no escape from this bondage


> > debt between two people and as long as that debt and debt-


> > linkage exist, the two will meet. If not in this birth, then it

> will

> > happen in some future birth.

> >

> > Now someone in your lineage may have made a sacrifice to the dark

> > deity and each life-form on earth was given a certain value.


> > for example, your grandfather killed the chickens, goats or pigs,

> > they terminated that life before its time. That soul did not get


> > complete its karma in its animal form and now must wait in

> purgatory

> > until it can be reborn again. In other words, the spirit of that

> > animal becomes very angry and as more animals are killed over the

> > years, the number of angry spirits increase and the debt grows.

> When

> > a person dies an untimely death, that person's soul was not

> prepared

> > for death and this soul may get lost and wander around in the

> astral

> > dimension looking for a body to take re-birth. Similarly, when an

> > animal is killed in ritual sacrifice, that defenseless animal has

> > died an untimely death. The spirit of the animal is angry at the

> > person who ended its life before its time. This angry spirit, in

> its

> > effort to continue its karmic life on earth, has to possess a


> > body to continue the rest of the time it was supposed to live in

> the

> > first place. The person most likely to be possessed by such an

> angry

> > spirit is either the person who has taken the life of that


> or

> > all the people who have participated in the eating of the meat of

> the

> > sacrificed animal. The possession of the person's body can vary


> > intensity dependent upon the person's karmic background, how

> > religious the person was prior to the Kal Bairo worship and what

> kind

> > of foods they eat.

> >

> > Sometimes, persons with good intent unknowingly attract Kal Bairo

> > into their lives due to a catastrophic mistake made by some


> > during a Durga Puja ritual. Mother Durga, the consort of Lord


> > represents the procreative forces and family and devotees worship

> > this Deity to receive her blessings. During the Puja ritual, nine

> > plates of prasad offerings are made to worship the nine forms of

> > Mother Durga. Now remember that Mother Durga is married to Lord

> > Shiva. Yet some of the less knowledgeable pundits offer the tenth

> > plate to Kal Bairo instead of to Lord Shiva. The symbolism of the

> > tenth plate offering in the puja ritual is to recognize that


> > between Mother Durga and Lord Shiva. Therefore, how can a pundit


> > correct in offering that tenth plate to Kal Bairo? The devotee


> > their family, thinking all is well, continue their lives only to

> find

> > problems and hardships begin to infest their lives and often,

> > mysterious occurrences begin to manifest themselves such as the

> > appearance of worms or black bugs in the house. Family members

> begin

> > to have bad dreams; tempers flare and quarrels and fights happen

> > frequently; health problems surface; job problems occur; a fire


> > destroy the house and other financial distress result.

> >


> >

> > In the ancient Puranic texts, it is stated that during the first


> > days of a child's life after birth, one Deity will visit the

> child's

> > body each day. When a child is born with a heavy load of karmic

> debt,

> > however, the evil spirits prevent the visits of the Deities and

> they

> > inhabit the child's body instead. In a recent case, a mother said

> > that when each of her children were being born, they will choke

> > almost to the point of dying. Her priest always told her that she

> had

> > to make an animal sacrifice to save the child and she did.

> >

> > This was a case where Kal Bairo wanted to be repaid for past


> > and so he choked the child to scare the parents who then killed


> > animal to satiate his thirst for blood. The parents made a choice

> for

> > their innocent child who now incurred more bad karmas. As these

> > children grew they began to encounter all types of problems and

> > disaster after disaster forced them to seek help.

> >

> > You may very well ask, does everyone who kill animals for food or

> in

> > sacrificial rituals incur a load of karmic debt?

> >

> > As stated before, Kal Bairo usually grant the person their


> > wishes for wealth for a period of time but takes one important

> thing

> > away - the person's true happiness. What is the ultimate


> to

> > a Hindu? It is their children and their daily well-being. Usually

> the

> > presence of Kal Bairo in your life is indicated by any of the

> > following:

> >

> > Kal Bairo will usually take away a person's child through

> > miscarriages, abortions or death at a young age. It is almost

> > guaranteed that the first child or the youngest child will go in

> this

> > way.

> > The womb of women become twisted and they have severe back and


> > pains; therefore their enjoyment of love making and pleasurable


> > life is taken away.

> > Kal Bairo sometimes take the form of dead relatives and come in


> > night and make love to females in the home. One sign of this is

> > unexplained bruises on the body especially noticeable in the

> > mornings.

> > People who own animals may see that one or more of these animals

> die

> > suddenly for no apparent reason. e.g: a healthy milking cow will

> > suddenly fall over and die for no explainable reason.

> > The circumstances will appear to be so natural that people

> generally

> > miss the relationship between the DEATH of their child or animal

> and

> > the DEBT owing to the dark Deity Kal Bairo.

> >

> >


> >

> > To remove the effects of Kal Bairo, a householder must perform a

> > Durga Puja[the correct way!]. The purpose of this puja is to ask

> > Mother Durga to accept them as her own children and so Lord Shiva

> > becomes their new father. Through this puja, the person is


> re-

> > birth with the new mother as Mother Durga and the new father as

> Lord

> > Shiva. With these new parents, the sins of that person's earth

> > parents and grand-parents are no longer attached to them. This

> > rebirth cleanses the householder from past bad karmas. A word of

> > caution at this point. Once a knowledgeable Holy Person is

> contacted

> > to conduct the puja, the family will face all kinds of blockages

> and

> > resistance. The reason is that the negative forces do not want


> > family to correct their life and stop the sacrifices. Once each

> > member of the family is aware of this, they can overcome it, even

> in

> > more severe cases when one or two family members do not want to

> > believe or cooperate.

> >

> > To break the curse from the entire family, all members must

> > contribute equally to the monetary costs of performing the Puja


> > the dakshina to the preceptor. Each family member must contribute

> an

> > equal amount of money from their own earnings. Sometimes the evil

> is

> > so attached to one family member that he will resist all attempts

> to

> > believe that anything is wrong and will refuse to contribute his

> > share or to participate in the puja. In such a case, if the other

> > family members are willing to help and protect him, they must put

> the

> > amount on behalf of that person and must add 10% more to the


> > cost. In this way, all the family members come under the


> > of the GOD-PARENTS. If someone does not participate, that person

> will

> > continue to suffer.

> >

> > Once the Durga puja is complete, the family will begin to notice

> > changes in their lives. As the positive change cycle begins the

> > family must continue to attach themselves to God through the

> worship

> > of Lord Shiva. The following should be done:

> >

> > A Lord Shiva puja should be performed each year

> > Family members should chant the mantras provided by the holy


> > The family should set up an altar in the homes and bathe the shiv-

> > ling when they kneel to say their prayers.

> > Devotees of Lord Shiva will find that after they return from Kal

> > Bairo, they eventually will develop high psychic ability, their


> > eye will open and they will have visions of Lord Shiva and other

> > Devatas.

> >

> >


> >

> > Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the


> > symptoms:

> >

> > Their body will darken in color

> > Their eyes will have dark rings around them

> > Their eyes may become red or pink

> > Their body will vibrate during prayers

> > They will experience pain in the joints

> > Women will experience problems with their uterus

> > The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches

> > The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken

> > marriage

> > Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits

> > If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and

> > dance

> > The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol

> > The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to

> the

> > color black

> >

> >


> >

> > From debts owed by parents or grandparents

> > By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice

> > By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja

> > By eating food from a death ritual

> > By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo

> > By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo

> > By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat

> > By sleeping in a North-South position

> > By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10th prasad plate to

> Kal

> > Bairo

> >

> >



> >

> > YES … YES … and … YES. This can definitely be done.

> >

> > To prevent the effects of Kal Bairo in your life, do avoid the

> causes

> > as outlined above. In the unavoidable cases where the debt and


> > karmas originated from parents, fore parents or in cases where


> > Bairo was attracted into your life because your pundit did not

> > perform the Durga Puja ritual correctly, consult a holy person


> is

> > knowledgeable in the Vedic scriptures.

> >

> > There is help in overcoming the negative forces of Kal Bairo. But

> > like the story of the [Churning of the Ocean] the first things


> > will be eliminated will be the poisons. This will manifest itself

> in

> > DOUBT, in NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and once a little progress is made,




> >



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