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The wheel of karma is a juggernaut. It does not make any compromise. Nothing is spared. Every action/thought has an opposite reaction in the domain of karma . Human birth is considered to be a boon. When we have taken a human birth, we must make ourselves aware every moment that we are blessed ones. We must realize that human birth is a rarity, and God has given us this rare gift of human body to realise HIM.There are no greenhorns or rookies in the path of spiritual pursuits. There is nothing like right devotion or wrong devotion , as it cannot and must not be qualified . It is the intensity that varies from person to person based on ones karma. Closeness to God enlivens and rejuvenates a person ,and not disappointments.The very fact that one remembers God is because of HIS grace and HIS will.

Any activity , however big or small , is because of HIS benevolence and finally resides in HIM after its fruition. One cannot get close to HIM, if one goes to him with a pre - conceived notion. God is merely an observer. HE never intereferes with the laws of nature except in few cases, the guru takes the karma of an individual upon himself for certain reasons.Such cases are EXTREMELY RARE. Such births are one in a zillion!!!!!!!!Karma does good to the good and the bad like it does bad to the bad and the good. Even every thought is monitored.Nature being perfect, it can never go wrong. Past has vanished, and future is unknown. We have only the Present to exercise our free-will to align our path with HIS mission. Therefore we must NOW restrain our thoughts, control our mind through meditative techniques and introspection . These techniques help us to take control of situations and not vice versa. Hence SELF -CONTROL is

paramount.Here is an infallible barometer, given by Swami Sivananda, (which was jotted down by me sometime back in my personal diary),to find out the degree of ones spiritual progress. How would you feel, if: 1.Your clean hands or best clothes are stained. 2.You stumbled down or commit a blunder and are laughed at. 3.You are hurt accidentally or stung by an insect or scorpion. 4.You suffer from illness or pain. 5.You do not succeed in your efforts. 6.You do not get a thing that you want, or find that some thing you possess is missing. 7.You are kept waiting for a long time by some other person. 8.You are insulted or abused for no reason. 9.Others fail in their duties towards you. 10.You suffer a loss or bereavement. If none of these can disturb your peace of mind and you are indifferent to them, you have won the struggle and achieved 50% self control. God sends trials and troubles to

strengthen your character: Greet them and test yourself. Isn't this beautiful?It is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every moment of our life we face challenges. However, we have lost our self-control and self- awareness.We lay imaginary rules and expect others to match to our expectations, we expect people to speak what our ears like to hear, others to behave the way our eyes like to see irrespective of our own conduct. We never pause a moment to think before we act. Problems are self - created because of our foolish actions arising out of our own expectations. Who are we to blame God?. So let us surrender to the Lord with Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) and put the reins of our lives on HIS hands and allow HIM to run the chariot, HE will guide us to our destination - The Abode

Of Eternal Bliss. Regards,Lalethaa Ganesh.Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.

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