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Subodha's take on shaktha matters

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Dear Kannanji, Subodha is my mother's pet name. Dattu is another name because my original name on the birth certificate was Ram Dattatreya but someone frightened my mother that I will become a sanyaasi and so changed my name to shreeram to be safe. But I have had my escapades to the forest and frightened my mother more than AdiShankaracharya,including trying to burn myself for Devi! Iam glad to know that you like my postings. I will continue to share whatever little I know and feel. Knowing, feeling, being ,doing and then finally having.....this defines a divine human being. In these I stay as ...yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli kankan_73 <kankan_73 wrote: Dear Subodha,I am reading this post first time. You have covered many importantthings in this post. Many thanks to you. Reading your views arealways a pleasure. I feel I am lucky to join this group, though Idont remember how I came to your group. Normally I search forsomething in or Google and reach somewhere else and I think itis the same way I reached your group. I feel Devi has guided orpointed me to you for my spiritual upliftment.Best regards,KannanRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Subodhawrote:>> Dear Sridevi priyas,>> Many people enter shaktha because of the following wrongreasons.You may peruse my analysis and come to a sane conclusion.Iamnot discouraging you from this path but asking you to have your headon your shoulders.>> 1. Erotic

nature of Godess:>> Well, This is a singular crowd puller. Many deny that they arebeing pulled to Godess Rajarajeshwari Devi by this factor. They evengo great lengths in proving their piety and tell me,"Subodha! Iconsider Her like my Mother. How can I ever think of Her likethat?.Do you ever get a sexual feeling like that?". I say thetruth," Yes, I do. I asked swami about it and he said it is normaldo not pay much attention to it". This seems to shock them. They sayboth me and my Gurunatha are not so error-free regrading this.I begto differ with them.>> Eroticity is a natural component in any human being. Man first hasto heed to biology then to humanness and then the inherent divinityin Him/Her. Withou this it becomes a perversity. Lust sets ininstead of Love and they eye the breasts of the Divine mother'sstatues with lust but pretend they are Her children. This then isnot "error-free".Many westerners

enter this path for the newperspective on 'sex'.This too can be avoided.>> Godess Rajarajeshwari Devi Herself has said ,"Lust is the greatestrespect you show to a woman but express it fully" This 'vaak' meansthat if you lust a woman express it fully and do not inhibit itinside.This way you become free from it. When you sit for meditationand have lustful thoughts say to Divine mother boldly," Ma! Iamlusting you.Please forgive me" Express this.>> Many men come to shaktha(even women of different sexualorientation) because deep inside they have an unsatisfied sexuallibido.the libidinious psyche permemates into religion because hecannot express it in the society for fear of ostracisation.>> Expressing it in shaktha is dangerous. Especially when one is notstrong or identified with Shiva tatwa.This then is my humble take.Subodha might err here too,if so please forgive me in this delicatetopic Ma! If

you do not like what you see on the screen then youmight be interested in this one-liner>> A computer beat me at chess once.> But, it was no match for me at kick boxing!>> Kick Subodha not my Ma in Her heart like this!>> 2.Power>> Many people who come to Nanganallur temple say to me,"Shakthivaayinda koil da subodha!"(Very powerful temple!). I ask them do youhave a temple of Lord Vishnu nearby. They reply back "Yes".I saythen that too is powerful.They laugh at me." Subodha,perumala vidaAmbal ki power Jaasthi da Abhistu"(Subodha, Amba is more powerfulthan Lord vishnu, Idiot..literally translating). I then keep quite.People fall prey for images. Just because Lord Vishnu looksbeautiful, 'saumya'(gentle) and pleasant does not mean he has lesspower than shakthi.Iam saying this despite beinga shaktha.>> When I used to say, Guru is more powerful than even Parabrahmam ormy

Divine mother, People used to look pitifully at me but used totell me as a consoling grace,"Subodha, we appreciate your devotionfor your gurunatha but he is just a human da!. But we know he mightbe having some small time powers but can he matchParashakthi". 'Small time powers', this then is the key tounderstanding human psyche. It is not a question of Guru havingsmall time or big time powers. When you enter into a power race noone wins. Even Divine mother Rajarajeshwari will be defated beforesome other ancient Deity who will be unearthed in posterity!.Thenthere will be a mad rush behind that deity.>> Power then is not a yardstick to spirituality. People naievly askme,"Does your swami have siddhis or is your deity as powerful as mydeity?" It is like a small child saying,"My dady greatest,My daddybigger than your Daddy".This is not a mark of maturity.>> Power lies in your bhakthi,in your heart,in yourself not

in anyform.This is Subodha's take>> 3.Tantra>> I can write volumes on this subject.But that would be a fruitlessassay.People in this aeon are more interested in this than any otherAeon because of the latent negativity in them which seeks fastresults.>> Ancients used to fear tantra very much and underwent manydisciplines before engaging themseleves in the final Practice ofTantra,Srividya,Kundalini etc. But these days everyone has access tobooks,Cds,tapes,swamis and mantras and becomes a 'swami'Himself/Herself after some years of practice and 'imparts' his wisdom(read his/her two cents) to this.>> People are attracted toward Devi because she represents the entirecosmogny of Tantra. This is true but one should tread a carefulpath. Fools rush were anegls fear to tread.>> Wise to be an angel and fear hastiness. Tantra is a divine matter.One need not take oneself seriously

but one should also not be tooplayful.A distinction should be made.>> Rajarajeshwari Devi who looks so "saumya" can destory your wholelife if one plays with Her shaktha Tantra.This is my take on this.>> 4.Articles--Yantras(Sri yantra) and stuff>> This is another trend for people to come. Even if people do notfit in the above catogories I have mentioned. They have a craze forarticles, especially menfolk. A man is said like "articles/toys" anda woman is said to like "people and relationships". This is notpsychology but it comes a biological impetus from the hormones. Ifyou give a man a "toy"(be it a car or a machine) he talks about itmore than a woman. There was a research done on babies in thisregard and surprising all babies responded in the same way. The malebabies looked at the articles given it more than female babieswhereas female babies looked more at the faces of people!>> But

irrespective of man or woman. Everyone seeks an easy solutionto life's problems>> I have graha problems: wear a gem or rudraksha>> I want wealth: worship sri yantra or kubera yantra>> I want 'Divine mother-spirituality': Keep a mahameru in the houseand worship it.>> The list is endless. Iam not against yantras, I myself have thembut Iam against people who think that is a passport to their success.>> I knew one person who used to kiss his diamond ring and say to me"Subodha innum 2 years la naa king da!"(I will be a king in two yearsbecause of this diamond ring!). The 2 years passed and now it is 5years he still is working in the same organisation as a clerk!Thediamond ring still sticks to his ringfinger.>> People 'kiss'(read worship and emotionally get attached) themahameru and think Devi Rajarajeshwari will be pleased and grantthem instant moksha....Moskhas for

sale! Anybody?...This then is mytake on this.>> 5.Problems and the easy way out.>> This is also a crowd puller.Yes, true this is true. I too was inthat trap for a few months.Later I came to my senses.>> Problems come because of our karma.This is the hard fact of lifewhich noone wants to accept. Praying for strength is the wayout.Ofcourse praying for guidance and a way out is also correct. Butmany use shaktham like a tissue paper! I abhor such attitudes.Oncethe problem is over they dont even visit the temple anymore. Devi isnot there to fix your problems temporarily.She fixes it permamnetlyand hitches your wagon to Parabrahmam.Use Devi for that...and alsofor your problems.>> This is not a quick fix solution or an easy way out.It is ahallowed and esoteric spirituality.>> Parabrahmam moves cyclically.>> To quote a humourous quote of Herman De zwaan>>

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.> 1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.> 1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.> 1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.> 1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.> 2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.>> People come back so to speak!>> This then is my take on the subject.>> 6.Simply different and exciting!>> True for me too this path is exciting but this excitement comeswith caution,temperence and a right attitude not just a 'fetish'type of desire to show everyone Iam different,brave,openminded!!>> You can be different,bave and openminded in the worship of lordRama also but young people in India say,"Awww bhajans are nice butboring!, we need the excitement of Tantra". I can only laugh insideat such

attitudes.Let Divine mother Rajarajeshwari protect thesewaywrad children. They just want to try a new thing, a new fad andonce it gets worn out they go for another. This will wear theirmental apparatus very quickly and they age faster. Studies haveshown that trying different things is good to a certain extent toomuch of it will lead to faster aging.> This then is my humble take on this.>> 7.Erudtion,mantric knowledge,Rules and snobbery>> Erudtion is ok. I myself am well read on different things fromTaoism to Tibetan Buddhism to tantra shastras to mantra shastras. Ihave also been to many countries and places within India.But if allthis gives me go.I will be doomed! But experience is also ofparamount importance.I sincerely pray,cry,meditate to the best of myability...as jesus puts it>> With all my might, with all my soul, with all my heart.>> Experience will crystallize your

knowledge and make it useful toyou.Else it becomes useless tinsel.You only arrogate yourself to bea scholar. For one thing you know for one secret you unearthParabrahmam can produce thousand more. This is my quote here on thissubject.>> Mantric knoweldge is good but over dependence on mantras andtantras(sadhanas and anushtanams) will only make you addictive toit. You end up losing the goal for the path,if at all there is agoal in the first place.>> Rules is another category where people try to fall.They like beingtold what to do and what not to do to feel secure inside.Sabbath wasmade for man man was not made for sabbath!.Please note this. This isa sickening approach to Devi.She is freedom personified and manplaces rules as a barrier before Her.>> Snobbery is also one more thing which I get peeved at. What isthere to be snobbish about srividya? People say they have done kotikoti punya to

have come to this path.That is all alright. But youwill be surprised to know that a 'pookari'(low caste flower seller)in front of the Nanganallu rRajarajeshwari Temple has seen Devibecause of her bhakthi. She rarely comes into the temple but justchants Her name and strings the flowers.One day she forgot to giveher regular flower offerings to Devi and Devi appeared before Her inthe night in the hut and demanded Her flowers" Enna Kulandai?Ennakku innikku pookal illai yaa?"(What my child are there noflowers for me today?)>> The 'Pookari' cried and immidieately rushed to the temple thatnight and placed flowers on the closed temple doors. She was not asrividya upasaki, neither does she know sanskrit or for that matterproper local lingo! I hope the srividya snobs take a cue from thisincident.>> What then is the correct attitude what is the conclusion?>> A conclusion is simply the place where you got

tired of thinking!>> Conclusion anyways!: Heart should speak more brain and mind shoulddictate less.>> Rituals should direct you notcontrol you and press!>> Melt in the love and be silent>> For silence is will be her domainand your caged soul's vent!>> I have summed it in verse form for you spontaneously>>>> A careless word may kindle strife.> A cruel word may wreck a life.> A timely word may level stress.> A loving word may heal and bless>> Hope my words above do not fall in the first three mentionedcatogeries.I have typed what I have felt on this matter for a longtime. These are strictly my personal views and any defects in theabove views are mine alone.>> Ever your well wisher and wayfarer in your path to Mother andDivinity,>> At Her Holy Feet>>>>> I remain,

with my head on shoulders and try to be likethat 'pookari' in my devotion to Ma!,>> Yours yogically,>> Subodha>>>>>>>>>>>> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...>>>> Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru>>>>>>> > > !>




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