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Nanganallur temple Kumbhabhishekam-July 2nd 2006

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Dear Members, Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevata! Greetings to

one and all! Iam posting this despite my tight schedule as this has been ordained by my Gurunathar Shree Rajagopalar. July 2nd 2006 is an important day for the devotees of Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari Devi of Nanganallur. Devotess of Amba and Disciples of Swami from all over the world will flock to the temple to see the divine event of the Kumbhashekam. I will now dole out some information about the temple and the purpose of doing Kumbhabhishekam. All are invited for the event and any donation for any sum of money is accepted here. Even a rupee for the

khumbhabhishekam is accepted with the same respect and divine fervour as that of a Lakh rupees. As per Alaya Agama Shastras Kumbhabhishekam must be done regularly(or according to a schedule) and not just during renewal and repairs. The divine process of synergising and uniting the mystique powers of Mantras and mystical powers harmoniously with the Srividya Badhha Vigraha of Mahashodasi Rajarajeshwari Devi constitutes Kumbhabhishekam. Kumbha means the Head and denotes the Shikhara or the Crown of the Temple. Swami Rajagopalar An auspicious day is very carefully selected(here by Swami asking Devi Herself) and exactly at the auspicious time fixed thereto, the Kumbha is bathed with the charged and sanctified holy waters in the sacrificial pot and, by a mystique process, these pranic powers trickle down a silver wire and enter the Deity installed inside the sactum sanctorum of the Temple. This then is the secret of Kumbhabhishekam revealed for you

all. Many do not even know what Kumbhabhishekam is and think that it is a way to collect funds from people! Better englightened people might say"Well it is done after renew and repair as the temple needs a ritual to consecrate after a particular renovatory assay." But these views are not correct. The Deity, which was till then resplendent only as a mantrically energized Markatha stone(Maragada kallu), sculptured stone image, is transformed into a vibrant and vivid living chid-Bimba of the Devi with

innate beautitude, grace and grandeur, as the Devi comes and sits in the Vigraha during the time of Kumbhabhishekam conferring Her divine Graces and Blessings on all those Bhakthas and Sevaarthis, who surrender themselves absolutely and take shelter in Her Before,during and after the Kumbhabhishekam. The surya shakthi is absorbed by Grahas(grahas here does not mean just the scietist's concept of a physical planet but rather an entity who had done in the past katorsadhana and risen to control the sphere).Suryashakthi is the gist of the paramatman vibrating above us and is there fore the primal and the inchoatory point. This is the saraamsa of Sauravam. And thus,our Anda(earth) along with Guru, shani and Shukra graha andas absorb a protion of this hiranyam alongwith the Upagrahas and thus manifesting some adidevieeka and adhyatmika shakthi to impact the lives of all sentient and insentient beings of earth. The divine power imparted and encrusted within the idols installed in the temples are all infused spiritial powers, through the medium of Agamas ordained Yagas and Yagnas, from the planets of Jupiter and Venus. Through redressal of genuine difficulties

and grievances of the discerning and deserving bhaktas and devotees, the inherent infused spiritual powers of the installed idols are diminished and eroded over a period of time and would require recharging much akin to a battery. However,Please do not be under the mistaken impression as I have seen with some Shaiva Acharyas, that since the idol has lost some power the deity force of the idol is also weak. Even a Rajarajeshwari idol in a dilapitated temple where worship has not been done for thousand years will give a whacking to any devotee who considers thus. Never play with Devi or Her shakthi. Infact, I remember doing some service to one Shiva temple which just had a hut but I knew that the linga was many yugas old!. I told the fact to the villagers but they did not heed me. I never minded it but began to cut the grass and doing seva. This was near Manali(near chennai) and Lord shiva punished those who slighted Him and the villagers came to their senses and they asked me what they should do. I asked them to build a small temple and atleast light a lamp all the three times of the day. They did it venerently and soon I

stepped out of the scene. Now, recently when I went to the locale, I was surprised(happily) to see a rush there and the watchman asked me to join the queue and not go straight to the Linga. I smiled and stood in the long queue and had my darshan and the funny thing was that I was the last person to have the darshan of the Linga!(being the first to worship but now the last to even see the linga!...that is Tao for you revolving one full round!...there is fun doing good anonymously!,well not really as God alone knows!) (Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari devi idol

photo--it is in the photo album of our group lest this photo does not open up) Now coming to the subject of Kumbhabhishekam,it is also possible that through unintended deficiencies in the conduct of the daily poojas, prayers, aradhanas, etc. To the installed deities in the Sanctum Sanctorum by either in the absolute mental and physical purity of the performing priests or in the proper pronounciation and recital of the prescribed number of mantras or a host of other related

factors the installed idols’ omnipotence (Sannidhya) gets progressively diminished and demands rejuvenation/restoration. Once in a 12 years span, plant Guru (Jupiter) completes one solar circle and returns to his native position after reabsorbing all his infused spiritual powers. So it is necessary that, in the 12th year of planet Guru – Jupiter, returning to his native position, fully recharged with a full complement of infused powers from that indomitable source of solar cosmic energy, a

Jeeranodharana Kumbhabishekam is required to be performed to all the installed deities of gods and goddesses in the garbhagrahas of all temples in a temple complex through medium of an elaborate chain of Yagas/Yagnyas to restore to these idols their full potence of infused powers, i.e. To restore complete and full Sannidhyam. At an appropriate muhurtham time on an auspicious date, when the planets Jupiter(Guru) and Venus (Sukra) are in the ascendant Kumbhabhishekam is done. There are many types of Kumbhabhishekam and that will make it an all the more elaborate posting, so let me stop my speeding fingers here. One last thing, since you have patiently read this posting. I want to tell that one should

consider a temple to be akin to our human body. The holes in the gopuram is the spinal column in our body and thus the gopura khumba is the head. The six major holes refer to the six major chakras. This is the secretive idea behind the Agama which onky a handful know(or rather bother to know). The idol is nothing but your atma inside. It is not that the atman is impure. Many people say in the temple " Please save this paapaatma!" No! This is absolute nonsense. How can Atma be paapa or punya when it is beyond both and eternal. However there still is praakriti maya. And hence a need for 'cleaning the soul' In a similar manner the idol needs a cleaning and re-energizing. Hope now, you all have understood the significance of Khumbhabhisheka? The water and abhisheka done on the khumab symbolizes the words "Sudhasaarabhivarshini" as eulogised in Lalitha sahasranama for Sahasraara. Doest Amba Rajarajeshwari devi idol need

a good reenergisation and renewal? The hands of varada and abhaya which has served people also needs some celebration and thus the most important event of the temple, Kumbhabhisheka is done on July 2nd 2006 under the auspices and guidance of my Gurunatha Rajagopalar. Iam tempted to type my Gurumantra but I should not so I refrain from it and chant it instead in my mind. I request all of you to chant OM NAMO RAJAGOPALA ANANDANATHA! HREEM SARVAMANGALA RAJARAJESHWARI PARADEVATA! Atleast

once and get the blessings of reading this posting done under His and Her guidance. I request all of you to contribute generously to this divine event. Contributions may be by check money order or DD or any other format. It should be addressed to SREE SAMAJAM (Sree

samajam is a registered trust and so one can claim income tax sop for the same) And the address is SARVAMANGALA RAJARJESHWARI TEMPLE 18/29 16TH STREET, THILLAIGANGA NAGAR, NANGAINALLUR(ALSO CALLED NANGANALLUR FOR SHORT) PALAVANTHAANGAL RAILSTATION AREA, CHENNAI 600061 TAMILNADU,INDIA Many have expressed their desire to do dasamsa(giving exactly ten percent of their income(not wealth)) and those checks are to be addressed to Swami.(The name being A.V.RAJAGOPALAN). Swamiji said specifically that if anyone wishes to contribute for the whole day as the main sponsor he/she may pay either solely or jointly with others a sum of $3500 U.S. Khumbhabhishekam being a costly affair needs substantial donations and I request all of you to be liberal here. As mentioned in an earlier posting once, When I was doing my Certified financial planning course in Canada, I calculated that by saving on one cup of Coffee in Starbucks everyday one can earn 1 million dollars using the principle of compund

interest. Just imagine how many dollars or rupees we would have wasted for our silly urges and impulsive buying. Will not a donation to Khumbhabhisheka for our dear dear Mother not worth our pecuniary attention? Also, it is promised by Swami that those who attend, help or donate to the khumbhabhisheka will gain three things immidieately: 1. Dosha nivritti(removal of any malefics affecting life) 2. Amba karuna(graces and compassion of Amba) 3. Spritual upliftment. Let us all aspire for more than these three in a positive way. Now, some facts about this temple. 1. This temple is built as per Srividya Shastras(parushurama kalpataru) and hence strictly speaking the kumbhabhisheka will be according to those dictums. It is the only temple in India to be built like that. 2. It is the only temple in India which has Devi in the Mahashodasi rupa. 3. It has a mention in Thirumoolar's Thirumantiram(Nangai) and hence is very very old temple. 4. The pradakshina in this temple is reverse(apradakshina). 5. No outside obejcts allowed in the temple except flowers and ghee. 6. Mantra Kumkuma is supplied inside for the devi worship and only that is to be used. 7. Highly orthodox and strict yet divine environment is maintained in the temple(including enetering the temple without shirt or vest for men) 8. More than 40 powerful yantras have been

installed to make it equivalent to 50 shakthi peethams 9. Regular srividya worship is done alongwith navarana puja. 10. This is the only srividya temple where navarana milk is given at the end of the day for the lucky few who come at that time. (as many srividya temples do not give the milk to commoners) I REQUEST ALL MEMBERS TO NOT READ THIS POSTING AND FORGET ABOUT IT BUT IN A PROACTIVE WAY TO CONTRIBUTE FOR THE PROPOGATION OF SRIVIDYA, AMBA AND HER NAMA THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.SHE IS ASMUCH YOUR MOTHER AS SHE IS MINE AND SHE HAS NO FAVOURITES ALL ARE HER

CHILDREN. Please feel free to email me in this regard(and only in this regard please) if you still have any questions as to how to send the money to the Trust. Ambaa Raudrini Bhadrakaali Bagalaa Jvaalaamukhii vaishnaviBrahmaani Tripuraantakii Suranutaa Dediipyamaanojjvalaa!Chaamundaashritarakshaposhajananii Daakshaayanii PallaviiChidruupii Paradevataa Bhagavatii Shrii raajaraajeshwarii Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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