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Mantra Rajam--an email sent to Roger Forthwald(a Florida Srividya Upasaka)

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Dear Roger Bhratha, Hreem Haskhaphrem Hreem Swaha! Iam glad that you have joined this group. I do not yearn for numbers in my group though I give an

occasional posting or two to join our group in other . Most of the members here are by word of mouth. Iam happy with this small conclave of mine. I aspire for only quality not quantity. So your compliments that more people should know this group is taken with a pich of salt!The numbers will be taken care of by

Parashakthi. Iam also glad that you have been to Nanganallur and have got the upadesha and are doing it sincerely. This sincerity is sadly missing in some Indian disciples of the Temple. They take both the Guru and his initiation for granted. Supposedly, it is only people in the desert who value water very much and not the inhabitants of the great Amazon river. Iam even more happy that now you are a 'pure vegetarian' and practicing celebacy without touching a drop of wine. Vegetarianism and celebacy must also be of the mind not just in the act. Good, with sincere and singular practice of the mantra and with a 'vimala manaha' you will see Amba. You do not need an intermediary like me to beg favours for you.You can cry like a baby before Her and she will shower Her bounteous petals on Her baby! You chart your path yourself with the aid of Guru.Guru should form the link between you and Amba not me. I can only show an oasis in this desert, Guru is the water picther which will pour water in your cupped hands and Divine mother is the divine water! Nay, Amruta in your hands. Ah!, I feel thirsty for that water again my freind as I type these few lines, because strangely Amba-water is the kind which increases the thirst upon each gulp of it! Dont you think so? Sitting in the pleasant summers of Florida and reading these lines should make you feel that you should come to the temple again and have darshan of pour dear Amba. The mantras of

Amba are varied but the basis of them is the Mahaganapathy and Bala. Some strict Srividya Upasakas opine that one should do a Puraschara vidhi of both mantras and then only even talk about Panchadasi. Swamiji has given you directly the Panchadasi like me, so be glad as He has seen your past lives and thus decided.I have taken many to Him but only a few have received the Panchadasi initiation. Many have received nothing except His blessings(which is more than sufficient). When you sit for the Panchadasi mantra japa, take a sankalpa and offer water into the copper plate.If you know you may recite Sankalpa sooktha before the Japa. Then visualize the Saguna rupa of the Devi in your mental screen and offer your Namaskaras to Her. Thereafter, offer Gandha(sandalwood paste), flowers(preferably red), Dhoopa(Agarbathi-preferably sandalwood or Champa flower or even jasmine),Deepam(sacred lamp) and Naivedya.These can be done in a manaseeka way too using the lamityaadi pancha puja using veejaaksharas. If mantra,Guru,Chakra and Devata are all visualized in one go in the mind then it is called 'Ahangiraopasana'. It gives the benefit of chanting veda mantras once. In Mantra shastras the nama japa is energized using Veejaksharas(Beejaksharas). There is an ancient sanskrit treatise called 'Ekaakshara Nighantu' and in that every syllable has been allotted some meanings.There are many shlokas for even one nama-mantra. Then do the Anganyaasa and Karanyaasa. By this the devatas become Antaranga-devatas(or goddesses sitting in your body as it is with their immanent shakthis). This has been said by even Maharishis. So anganyasa and Karanyaasa does immense good in accelerating the process of divine fructification of the mantras. If you know other nyasaas do it but with the care of a guru and under His watchful eyes. Each time you chant Panchadasi there is a small vibratory effect in your psyche. These will keep accumulating in your body-pysche and one day implode and make you an enlightened being. However if done with faith it will increase the chances of implosion even faster. From Nada comes creation and from Nada-brahmam comes the Prapancham. Every created being has a light.This light has a form and Devas and Rishis found the mantras or the form representations of these created 'light-beings'This has been corroborated by cymatics,the science of the spoken word! Even Ragas have a form.This forms the crux of Nadopasana. Heavy metal will have the form of a 'devil' whereas the mellufluous music of Raga Kedaram has the form of Shiva. Nowadays the Devil has overtaken the Deva in its good but still the victory will be for Good in the end! Youngsters will come to realize the importance of it. Hope is not lost yet! You can do a Manaseeka japa of the mantra or a

Vachaneeka mantra depending on the level of the concentration you are in right now. If you do the Manaseeka mantra do the Gate',gate' technique which I taught you. It will empower you endlessly. I also taught you how to receive the rays of Amba into your heart. Do it mindfully.Many people in the reiki have made the sacred science

which was first imparted by Lord Shiva to Parvathy a farce. I do not therefore intend to reveal it anyone.However, in your case I took and exception. But do not overdo it and find your heart burning with the 'embers of Amba' as you did last Thursday. There is no hurry, your system can be cleansed slowly. There is no hurry for Moksha, it will come automatically. Have a commitment toward Amba that is enough.I myself am a student and Iam still learning many subtle things. So please have patience. There is one mudra which you have to get it from our guru. He normally does not give it to anyone. Iam in no way competent to give it. Also, I might incur His

wrath, Iam just your Guru-bhai not your Guru. So get it from Him. The Mudra is Vaishnavi Mudra: Centring one’s mind on an inward object whilst his eyes are looking outside without shutting and opening of his eyelids, has been called Vaishnavi-mudra. This is kept hidden in all the Tantric works. In Sandilya Upanishad, Sandilya Muni asks Atharvana Rishi the path of Yoga and one pertinent conversation, I have cut-paste-copied below for you to use.: Verse33: With eyes half closed and with a firm mind, fixing his eyes on the tip of his nose and becoming absorbed in the sun and moon, he after remaining thus unshaken (becomes conscious of) the thing which is resplendent, which is the supreme truth and which is beyond. O Sandilya, know this to be Tat (That).Verse 34. Merging

the sound in the light and elevating the brows a little, this is of the way of (or is a part of) the former practice. This brings about the state of Unmani which causes the destruction of the mind.Verse 35. Therefore he should practise the Khechari-mudra. Then he attains to the state of Unmani and falls into the Yoga sleep (trance). To one who obtains this Yoga sleep, time does not exist. Placing the mind in the midst of Sakti and Sakti in the midst of the mind and looking on the mind with the mind, O Sandilya be happy. However the state of Unmani will not be desired by

people around you. You need especially veyr very loving people. Else you will be taken to mental hospitals and psychiatrists like me! As camphor in fire and salt in water become absorbed, so also the mind becomes absorbed in the Tattva (Truth). It is night 9:30 here, time for my sadhana!

Eshwaree! I take leave of you! May weal be with you! Satyam Vijnaanam Ananantham! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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