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Removing spiritual posions

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Dear Brother R(name withheld for privacy reasons), I can understand you angst. I know your addiction has captured your soul. Rajarajeshwari Devi can help you. If the addiction involves a physical/chemical addiction, such as alcohol or smoking, you will need to treat both the body and mind. In other words, once a chemical addiction has

been established, you should use physical means to help the body recover from the chemical addiction. However, the chemical addiction was not the cause of the problem because the addiction started in the mind. Therefore, you must also treat addiction in the mind.I also know that your sexual self-abuse is also a form of addiction apart from your smoking habit. To successfully treat an addiction in the mind, I recommend adopting the attitude that you are literally fighting a battle for your soul. There is indeed an adversary, a villain, in this battle, namely forces that are seeking to prevent your spiritual progress through the addiction. The essence of an addiction is that it causes your mind to feel that you cannot move beyond a certain point, you cannot rise above a certain level on your spiritual path. In other words, the addiction is like a hook in your

mind that pulls you back to a certain level or perhaps even to lower levels. In every addiction, there is an enemy without and an enemy within. The enemy within is the human ego, do not bother about outer enemies. There are some lower ethereal beings which keep the addict in their hold. This is not the subject of discussion here. I have cured before a person of drugs before. This was because I faced a personal tradegy with one friend of mine becoming a slave of drugs. Compared to him your case is not so serious. Yes, even a 15 year old addiciton can be

cured. An unholy alliance is formed between the human ego, which wants to hold you back and prevent you from uniting with your Atman, and the outer forces, which want to keep you trapped in the material universe. If your soul is not aware of these forces, it cannot protect itself effectively, and therefore it becomes an ignorant victim of these forces. It becomes easy prey for those forces who stalk the world, seeking whom they may devour. First protect yourself from this by chanting the 25 names of Amba which is there in the first file of our group.Constantly

chant the name of Rajarajeshwari and fill your consciousness with the nama. You can also use the Violet flame to consume all imperfect energies stored in your energy field. Yet in the end, the cause of any addiction is an imperfect belief about yourself, about Parabrahmam and about your relationship to Parabrahmam. To effectively overcome this belief, you need to consciously see the belief for what it is, namely an imperfect belief. You must then decide to replace it by making a better decision that affirms the reality that you are a son

or daughter of Paramam. Let me say that an essential element of any recovery from addiction is willpower. The addiction started with a decision you made, and it has been reinforced by many smaller decisions that all weaken your will to break the pattern. So it is important to know and acknowledge that the essence of fighting any addiction is that you must strengthen your will to break the pattern. You can call for your Atman and for Amba Rajarajeshwari to reinforce your will, but the most efficient way to strengthen your will is through love. You must find something that you love so much that you realize the addiction is standing in the way of expressing or experiencing that love, and therefore you are willing to give up the addiction

to reap the reward of what you love. You might love another person, a particular activity, your own soul, spiritual growth, or Rajarajeshwari Amba. If you can find a love that is greater than the downward pull of the addiction, you have won half the victory.I can assure you that Divine Mother Rajarajeshwari has love to 'spare', and She will be happy to give you a portion of her love for your soul.(You have emailed me saying whether Amba has some love to 'spare'?) Remember that love is not a commidity which diminishes when one gives. Love is endless and increases with each act of love. Another important tool is to realize that an addiction is simply a habit that has been created and reinforced by numerous repetitions of certain actions and thoughts. To break such a pattern will take time, and it is beneficial to make up a short affirmation which affirms the positive decision you are using to replace the toxic decision. However, don’t seek to overpower the old habit by creating a new one. Always ask your self to consume the imperfect thoughts and feelings. You might have heard the popular saying that what you resist persists. There is some truth to this, in

the sense that if you give negative thoughts too much attention, you reinforce them. Therefore, it is better to consciously surrender the thoughts to your self and ask it to consume them and to replace them with Divine truth. If you make an effort to build the habit of surrendering imperfect thoughts, you will have taken a major leap forward on your spiritual path. Another aspect is that in some cases, depending on how severe the addiction is, it will be strongly advisable to seek the help of a skilled professional. There are many forms of therapy

that can help you more quickly get to the bottom of the dysfunctional decision that caused the addiction. Traditional psychotherapy can have an effect, but because the science of psychology is currently so based on a materialistic view of the world, it is not the best tool for helping you solve deep-seated psychological problems. There are a number of new and alternative psychological healing methods that are far better at doing this. I would advice you to adopt Kerala Ayurvedam which in Kottakal runs a de-addiciton center. Approach them and inform them of your twin addicitons(Alcoholism and intense masturbation). They will

show a way too. Also accupressure will help greatly in strengthening your endocrine glands which Iam sure would have weakened with these two addictions. You were asking about Hypnotherapy. Well,there are certain forms of therapy that are called hypnotherapy, yet they do not put you in a deep trance, you have full control over the session, you can remember everything and the therapist does not put any unwanted suggestions

into your mind. These forms of hypnotherapy are more like a guided meditation that can help you get in touch with deep aspects of your psychology. You may adopt this.(You can even try Silva type of meditation programs.)You may also try supraliminal tapes and CDs(however beware of buying it from some organisation, they will also put in a message stating that 'I love these CDs and I buy more of them'- a new addicition will set in!. You can try subliminal studios where you can create your own supraliminal CDs and tapes) I will help you out my brother, but first have confidence in yourself. Confidence means to 'confide' in one

self. You are not a sinner rather you are a child of Amba.Do visit Nanganallur temple when you come to Chennai and ask for strength from Devi remove both the spiritual poisons. May Eshwaree bless you! My Blessings too are there for you. Your Annayya, Shreeram Balijepalli




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