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Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari Story Part 14

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Dear Shaktha prajwalitas, Guru eva moksha, Guru eva Mokshakaraka Guru eva Pralaya, Guru eva Pralayakaraka! Last part I concluded saying that Amba comes out of Her temple like Kali everyday. Yes, it is true, Amba does come out of the temple daily in the night. A few have even seen Her. This happens mostly when all are in deep sleep. She surveys the area for reasons best known to Her. (Madurai Meenakshi Amba) Many devotees of Madurai who lost their way to Nanganallur were directed by Madurai Meenakshi Amba Herself to the temple in disguise. The lady used to say " My elder sister (Rajarajeshwari Devi) lives there in the temple" When swami was questioned who this elder sister was he just showed them the idol! They were taken aback as they had been guided by Meenakshi Ammai

Herself. One night Divine mother appeared as a frisky and playfiul little girl before an young man named Pandurangan and She again repappeared in the same form emerging from the flame of a lamp and bestowed on him the gift of poesy! His story was given as a posting by me in one of my older postings. Just as Swami had foretold, the Devi came to the home of Srimathi Kumuda Narahari, asked her for a drink, food and tambula(Tambula poorita mukhi!), gave her kumkuma and left. (Bala) Not only that She came again in the form of a little girl(Bala) when Sri Narahari's son was alone at home. My own birth

was due to a Shaligrama-Mahameru and one yogi by name Swaprakashanandaji doing a parikriya tantrically and giving my father and mother navaneeta(butter) and made my mother at a very old age(after crossing her menopause) to give birth to me. Iam a living miracle.I do not need any other miracle of Amba. Talking about pregnancy and births. A pregnant woman was afflicted by the force of Black magic. The swami asked her to worship the divine mother in a kalasam(Sacred pot of water) for 12 days. She started to worship and

on the third day,in the evening, the woman saw Divine mother in the place where the kalasam was placed. Mother told her that She would come again at midnight and vanished. The kalasam was back at its place. Exactly at midnight, Mother woke her up and stood before Her with the Trident in Her hand. The Devi said "End this worship in seven days. The baby in the womb is struggling to breathe. It is not able to bear the heart of this procedure. Who but a woman, can know the pain of a woman. How could he?(referring to Swami Rajagopala)". She then blessed the woman and disappeared. The woman came rushing to Swamiji and informed Him what happened" If that is the will of Amba Iam noone to oppose it", he replied with divine humility. Another woman was worshipping the Divine mother as Sarvamangala for 20 years. Suddenly one day both her hands and feet got paralysed. Every day her mother used to see the swami and take kumkuma for her daughter. The swmai told her, " Mother Herself will come and cure your daughter, don't worry". Many days passed and the Divine mother did not come. Her mother then thought "Ok this swmaiji just tells such things like all devoted people to console others" But swmaiji is not a 'free time consoler" He meant what he said and he says what he means. One day frustrated the woman threw away kumkuma brought by her mother and said "Its useless, no devi can help me" It must have been 11 pm. Divine mother walked into the hospital ward in the form of a nurse and sat on the bed next to her head. Stroking lovingly, Mother said to her " Why are you angry with me? Until yesterday, you had to suffer because of your karmas" Next day, seeing the woman walking as if she were a marathon walker!, the doctors and nurses were amazed. This was a medical miracle. They did not know of any nurse working therw with the description which the lady

said! There is a woman in USA who bows down to the Devi everyday. One day after she had just finished cooking, she thought longingly that the food cooked ought to be served to Devi. Immediately, Swami appeared there and sat down to eat!! The woman served , he ate the food silently and vanished before the lady could say "Amba parameshwari". Many years ago a devotee in Madras(now called Chennai) prayed to Swami that his marriage must be solemnized in the presence of the Devi. The devotee meant that the marriage rites should take place right in front of the sanctum sanctorum at the Ashram. in Nanganallur. But Swami told him" Iam coming, what more do you want?" In several homes in Nanganallur, when they are about to offer cooked food(naivedyam) to the Devi, Swami will walk in

unannounced and with no prior arrangement, sit down, eat food, and leave. Those who served him food would be happy as if they served the Divine mother Herself. I not only had that bhagya once but also had several times the bhagya to serve his eyes when they had a problem by pouring eye drops. A small Balm for my Guru who pours balm to my soul! Whenever I get a chance, I do also press his feet. But since I saty long distance away from the temple I unfortunately dont get to do it regularly! One day however, I intend to settle very close to the temple. Now why do I tell all these stories? Is it to unburden myself? No! These are not stories which burden myself rather which elevate my soul. I tell these true stories to you all because, you all should believe that such miracle happen in this age too. You dont need to read just purans and be satisfied. No that will take you nowhere near God. God is something experiential. If you are brave, God will come near you. If you are critical Maya will come near you. Mind is the axe which seperates your heart and soul. It leads heart to believe in logicality and not what the

soul really is. The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose. Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creatrix. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed. The real miracle is the love that inspires them.In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. And all expressions of love are maximal. (To be continued...) At His holy feet, Ayieem Tripura Devyai Vidmahe Kleem Kameshwaryai Dheemahi Sauhu Tanna Klinna prachodayaath! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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