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Dattatreya's 24 Gurus-Lesson 7- Surya Acharya

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Posting in Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam Click link below to join Smarthrugaami-Dattavibhavam Click below to join Divine Mother Group Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Dear Datta Priya Bandhus, JAPAKUSUMASANKASHAM KASHYAOEYAM MAHADYUTIM ||TAMORIM SARVAPPAPAGHNAM PRANATOSMI DIWAKARAM || Maalaakamandalu dharah karapadmayugme Madhyastha paaniyugale damarutrishoolam; Adhyastha urdhva karayoh shubha shankhachakre Vande tamatrivaradam bhujashatkayuktam. MEANING: I meditate on Lord Dattatreya, the son of Atri, who has six hands, who holds the rosary and water-vessel in two hands, with damaru and spear in the other two hands, and with conch and discus in the upper two hands. Long time since I posted in my own Dattatreya group. Iam continuing my postings on the Gurus of Dattatreya. In my last posting (Message Number 353), I discussed about Dattatreya's sixth Guru Moon(Chandra). This

posting it is about Sun His seventh Guru. The situation is that of a King asking DattaGuru in His (Datta's) ashram about His gurus'.These Gurus are not to be taken literally but in a symbolic Avadhuthic sense King: Who is your seventh guru? Dattatreya: The sun is my seventh guru. With its bright rays, the sun draws water from everything, transforms it into clouds, and then distributes it as rain without favor. Rain falls on forests, mountains, valleys, deserts, oceans, and cities. Like the sun, I learned how to gather knowledge from all sources, transform that knowledge into practical wisdom, and share it with all without preferring some recipients and excluding others. It is said that 'Tactics' is the servant of strategy. Lord Dattatreya emphasises this point subtly. To get something one has to give. This is the tactic. To get something good one has to give. The sun first gives its energy in the form of rays and then spreads water to all without bias Dattatreya here alludes to a seeker's mind. The seekr's Atma is one but it is filled by the Prakritia Maya and hence flits from source to source, once it gains knowledge and that it is Sadashiva it relaises the undifferentiated reality that is its atman(the sun symbology here) and then starts disseminating whatever it

receives. This does not mean having many gurus in a spiritual sense and trying to learn from all. Many people these days do that and say I have three or four Gurus or in a 'safe' manner"I learn from all" . One can have many guides but Guru is eka(One). One is energy. Sun is one in our solar system and gives the correct energy we need for our nourishment. Eka Guru Eka Shakthi. The Bhavana when trying to amass knowledge should be 'Akartha Bhavana'( non-doer feeling). One does not learn, it is the Guru who sits and learns in you. This is sort of confusing and a 'clever' person might ask who then sists in the Guru to learn. My answer would be "His Guru and so on and so forth till it reaches the Paramam vyomanaadi Guru".And this is not tautological mind you! The dissemination must also be without bias this is another point emphasised by Guru Dattatreya. How will it be if Sun selectively does its job? There will be great ecological imbalnce and the earth will perish with its inhabitants! It is in the ecological balance of spiritual things that such advice was given indirectly by Dattatreya Bhagavan. If one starts doling out davice keeping parochial parameters in mind one will never progress in spirituality. One then clings to that knowledge, to that experience. One also forgets that one owes a great debt to everyone and his/ her environment in amassing that knowledge. The Vedas worship the Sun, Surya, as the source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a material force but a power of life, love and intelligence. Nor is the Sun a distant entity unrelated to us. It has a presence on Earth through the power of its rays, which not only pervade our environment but also touch our very hearts. By the Sun the Vedas don’t simply refer to the outer luminary, the

central star of our solar system. They mean the principle of light and consciousness on a universal level, of which the Sun is our local representative.The Vedas are said to reside in the rays of the Sun, which hold the Vedic mantras. The Vedas are the manifestation of solar intelligence, the light of consciousness on Earth. The sacred syllable OM itself is the sound of the Sun and the essence of

the Vedas. The Vedic mantras carry light and power both for the body and the mind. India, therefore, should be at the forefront of solar research in order to keep up with its ancient Vedic heritage. According to the Vedas, the inner Sun is Prana or vital energy, which manifests through the breath. To increase our personal energy, both for physical health and for mental acuity, the best practice is Pranayama or breath control. Breath carries

the subtle essence of speech, which is mantra. The inbreath carries the sound ‘so’ and the outbreath carries the sound ‘ha’. The natural mantra “So’ham” in Sanskrit means, “He am I,” referring to the Purusha or consciousness in the Sun, as the Isha Upanishad (v. 6) so eloquently proclaims. Our very breath is based upon unity with the solar creator and source of life and can be used to connect with its power When Brahma manifested himself by breaking the egg, then he pronounced ‘OM’. This

Omkar itself is the supreme soul and the very physique of Sun god. The four Vedas emerged from all the four mouths of lord Brahma, which were glowing by their own radiance. The powerful radiance emanating from the ‘Omkar’ covered the radiance of the Vedas and ultimately all of them unified. This very Vedic appearance of ‘Omkar’ is the sun god. This radiant sun was the first manifested during the times of creation, hence it was called ‘Aditya’. 5 Lessons which sun teaches us 1. Use up all your energy to 'enlighten' and be 'enlightened' People spend their energy to do useless things to bring them temporal happiness. If one knows even a wee-bit about karma and its implications one

will not behave in this friterring fashion. To use one's time fruitfully in enlightening oneself and others can be said to be a mahayagna ...an antar yagna. Sun's energy does not come from anywhere outside it comes from antar(inside)0 and that is the crux of Atmavidya. 2. Give all to all freely without bias. Lord Dattatreya Himself says beautifully that Sun sucks up water to the clouds and gives it to all without bias. Now in a kundalini sense this means that 'prana' is sucked up to the sahasraara and the 'sudhaa-saarabhivarsha'(Lalitha Sahasranama) is given to the other Avyayaas of the deha to make it a divys deha. In an outward sense this means to help other without any bias. Infact if one has true knowledge he will be raring to share with others or atleast seek one worthy disciple. To give is verily a Guru and to receive silently is verily a student. If bias comes about it means the Guru is half-baked and does not 'know'. Nias means jealousy and it means the 'Guru' still has some way to go before poornaprajna. 3. One should saty where one is yet be powerful. Sun stays where it is and yet it commands enormous respect and power. In Tao te Ching the great book by Laotsu it is said 'The saint knows without going out of his room or even opening its windows. This is because, he roams the three worlds in Himself. The three gunas are the three worlds. If one conquers that one can conquer anything in the world. To stay in a place also refers to sticking to one Guru. Rolling stone gathers no moss. Maybe it gathers lot of dirt! Mnay people these days flit from Guru to Guru

saying "iam collecting honey like a bee". I replied back to them"The bee collects honey for the queen bee , for its hive and does not taste it or digest it, Can you do the same?" One tries to digest all philosophies in the name of free thinking and end up becoming a pompous assfolling others and Himself/herself. To digest just what a true Guru gives is work enough. Therre are three types of Gurus -Sadguru, Karnaguru and Upaguru and if one is fortunate to get an

amalgam of all the three gurus one should better stay with Him till his mokshakala! 4. Your power should never be gauged by others This is one important lesson which I,learnt from the sun. Sun though majestic does not look frightening, maybe irksome during summer. But at the same time clouds look frightening with thunders and lightenings. But what is the power of the sun? The core of the physical sun of our solar system is 15 million degree centigrade! In every second, the Sun spends 700 billion tons of protons (or: Hydrogen) in this way. And only a small fraction (0.7 percent) is turned into light. One should thus remain secretive , especially in spiritual life. 5. One should remain firm comewhat may Sun is bombarded by miliions of heavy particles and yet it remains firm and abosrbs all. The absorbent power of sun is so powerful that it can be used by all of us. To absorb all insults we face and carry on with life. If you even have a self-identity of the insult then you create a new karma. You will be born again to give back that insult to that person again. Absorbing also means forgiving and forgetting. These are the five lessons we learn from this great Master, Om Ayeeim Krom Kleem, Kluum, Hraam Hreem Hroom Sauhu Dattatreya Swaha! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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