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Lalitha Sahasranama Vishaya Soochika--Part 2

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Dear Nama-Archakas, Jagat Charukeshi! Uma Chandrakaanthi! Om Glaum Gam Mahaganaadhipathaye' Namaha The story of Sri Lalitha has its roots in the severe austerities performed by an asura by the name of Bhanda. By chanting the Shata Rudriya Mantra, he managed to win the favour of Lord Sadashiva, who blessed him with the supremacy of the world. Taking advantage

of this, the asuras opress the devas. The Gods, led by Indra perform a maha yagna, to seek the help of the ParaShakti. Out of the sacred fire, there emerges a wondrous figure of the goddess- Sri Lalitha, who agrees to kill the asura. But before embarking on the military adventure, Brahma requests her to choose a mate. Sri Lalitha - an embodiment of the divine mother Herself, throws up a garland which falls around the neck of Lord Shiva. Sri Laitha thus becomes the divine consort of Lord Paremeshwar. Accompanied by Her army, she fights a duel with Bhandasura and the asura is killed.In gratitude and admiration, the vak devis - lords of speech- burst out into a splendid litany of a thousand names- the Lalitha Sahasranama. Agasthya Muni Sri Lalitha Sahasranama is recorded in the second adhyaya of the Brahmanada Purana in the form of a conversation between Maharishi Agastya and Maharishi Hayagreeva. The Sahasranama is not merely a collection names. The entire hymn combines in it poetry, devotion, philosophy and tantric knowledge.Every name has its own significance, representing a particular facet of the Divine Mother The story of Bhandasura also has a philosophical significance .Lalitha signifies the Power of Consiousness and Divine Knowledge. Bhanda, the asura represents the human ego. When the ego comes in contact with the Divine Consiousness, it loses its existence. The word -Lalitha- means one who revels in her transendence. But that's not her only manifestation. This multifaceted poem depicts Her innumerable forms- as maheshwari, as the jagat mata, as the vibrant kudalini shakti ,as the all powerful raja rajeshwari. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is a great gem. It is present as a conversation between Lord Hayagreeva & Sri Agasthya Maharishi.It elaborates the beauty of Sri Matha, the use or worshipping her, her abodes & acts as a key tool for the "Shaktham" order of worship. It is renowned for it's verbal beauty, Goddess Vagdevi or Saraswathy herself composed it. Mere reading of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam washes away our ignorance & sins & makes us a purified soul. The most important thing to be noted is that, we should do it with devotion. If one could do it with involvement & devotion, Sri Matha will shower her graces on them & give them salvation after death & bless them with all the pleasures & wealth in this world.Not only devotion, any work that's done without involvement & devotion, would be useless. Kali yuga is supposed to be the period when, Spiritual values will have least siginficance & people would be involved in sinful worldly activities & forget the worship of Para Devatha, who is Sarva Antharyamini or present in everything. The divine sage Agasthya, who was sent to the Vindhya Mountains for establishing the Dravidian language, Tamizh was very sad about discovering a simplest possible way for the salvation of the sinful souls at this KaliYuga. Some great souls like Agasthya Rishi do exist in this Universe, where people think of their own benefits & try to do harm to others. So with a

disappointed heart the noble soul Agasthya started doing penance, meditating the divine Lord Hayagreeva. Lord Hayagreeva, was immensely pleased by the selfless deed of Agasthya Muni & came before him with his divine Chakram, divine conch Panchajanyam , all the Vedas & an Abhaya Mudra in his four hands respectively.Being immensely happy on the vision of Lord Hayagreeva, Agasthya asks his queries to him. The divine discussion or Samvadham occurs in the Bhramhanda Puranam. Sri Hayagreeva, discusses various Sahasranamams like Manthrini Sahasranamam & Dhandini Sahasranamam. Lord Hayagreeva, also discussed the Birth of Sri Lalithambika, her Crowning or Pattabhishekam, The destruction of the demon Bhandasura, the importance of Matha's 15-lettered syllable, Panchadashakshari & also her divine abode SriPuram. Lalitha Sahasranama contains 1. Poorva Bhaagam 2. The actual Lalitha Sahasranama 3. Uttara Bhagam-Phalashruthi. Here, the important verses of Poorva Bhagam has been discussed.Being overjoyed by the conversation with Lord Hayagreeva & out of the curiosity & anxiety to know Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, Sri Agasthya says to Lord Hayagreeva as follows: Asvanana Mahabhuddhe Sarva Shasthra VisharadhaKathitham Lalitha Devyaha Charitham paramadhbuham Meaning : Oh!Horse faced ,Wise & the learner of all Shasthras, U had told me the history of Lalitha Devi, which was very blissful & miraculous!! Poorvam prathue Bhavo Mathur Thatha PattabhishechanamBhandasura Vadhaha Chaiva Vistarena Thvayodithaha Meaning : First, U told me about the birth of Matha & then about her crowning. Then we also saw her destruction of the demon Bhandasura elaborately. Varnitham Sripuram Chapi

MahaVibhavavistharamSri Panchadahsaksharya mahima Varnisthaha Thatha Meaning : Then you described Sripuram, which is Matha's divine abode & also the siginificance & greatness of the fifteen-lettered syllable of Sri Matha the Pancha Dashakshari. Manthrini Dandini Devyoho Prokthe Nama Sahasrake Nathu Sri Lalitha Devyaha Proktham Nama Sahasrakam Meaning : You had told me the Sahasranamams of Sri Manthrini Devi & also that of Sri Dandini Devi, but you had not told

me the divine Sahasranamam of Sri Laithambika Mamava Yogyatha Nasthi Srethum Nama Sahasrakam Kim Artham Bhavatha Noktham Thathra Me Karanam Vadha Meaning : I think I am not dignified enough to hear the divine 1000 names of Sri Lalithambika.Please tell me the reason of your not telling me the Sahasranamam.So, Saint Agasthya feels guilty that, he is not dignified to know Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, is spite of being a purest soul. So Lord Hayagreeva consoles him in the following verses & gives him the wisdom of knowing Sri Laitha Sahasranamam. LopaMudhra Pathe Agasthya Savadhana Mana Shrununamnam Sahasram Yathroktham Karanam

Thadhami Thei Meaning : Hey Agasthya! Hey Husband of the great lady Lopamudra! Please listen to my words with a peaceful mind. Rahasyam Ithi Mathvaham Nokthavamsthe na ChanyathaPunascha Pruchathe Bakthya Thasmatha Thathe Vadamyaham Brooyath Shaishyaya Bakthaya Rahasyam Abhi Deshika Bhavatha Na Pradheyam Syadha bakthaya Kadhachana Meaning : Any Guru will not tell the secrets or give Manthra

Upadesham to his disciple, until his disciple shows his devotion & interest in knowing the same. In the following verses Sri Hayagreeva discusses the greatness of Sri laitha Sahasranamam & the prerequisites of a person, who chants the same , chants Pancha Dashakshari & does Sri Vidya Upasana. Na Shataya Na Dustaya Na Vishvasaya KarhichithSri Mathru Bakthi Yukthaya SriVidhya Raja Vedhine Upasakaya Shudhaya Dheyam Nama Sahasrakamyani nama Sahasrani Sadhya Siddhi Pradhanicha Meaning :The devotee who chants Sri Laitha Sahasranamam should be

filled with devotion for the Sri Matha & should not be a bad person(dhushta) & should not be reluctant(Avishvasam). Such a person would get all the Siddhis as an effect of chanting Sri Matha's names. Puranam SriPuram iva Shakthynam Lalitha Thatha SriVidhyo Upasakanam Cha Thatha Deva Paraha Shivaha Thatha Nama Sahasreshu Paramethath Prakirthitham Yathasya patanath Devi Priyathe Lalithambika Meaning : Sri Puram is the greatest of all the cities, Sri Vidya is the greatest of all Upasanas, Sri Lalithamba & Lord ParaShiva are the greatest of all the deities. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is the greatest of all the Keerthanam or songs,

reading which Laitha Devi is immensely pleased. Bhilva Pathraihi Chakraraje Yo Archayeth LalithambikamPadhmair Va Thulasi Pushpair Ebir Nama SahasrakaihiSadhyaha Prasadham Kuruthe Thasya Simhasaneswari Chakraraja Mabyrchya Japthva Pancha Dashaksharim Meaning : Sri Lalithambika should be worshipped with Bhilva leaves, Thulasi leaves & Lotus flowers. The Sri Chakram, which is the divine abode of Sri Matha & is the king of all the chakras (Chakra raja) should also be worshipped & the Pancha

Dashakshari Manthram, which is the King of all the Manthras(Manthra Raja) should be chanted. After explaining the importance of Sri Lalithambika & her Sahasranamam, Lord Hayagreeva tells the actual Sahasranamam to Saint Agasthya. At His holy feet, Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli




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