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Bindu vishaya

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Dear worshippers of the saffron-lotus feet of Amba, Thankyou for the support shown in running this group. Initially this group was started by me to discuss certain arcane concepts in Srividya Tantra but the membership burgeoned and hence I had to cut down on the technical terms a lot(which was to the dislike of puritans online who wanted me to vomit sanskrit words,textual references and high sounding philopsophical lingo), the group has many newbies to even Amba Rajarajeshwari leave alone Srividya Tantra. It will take me no time to do as the puritans want. I have lot of texts with me and need not copy anything from online sources. Also, many things have been committed to my memory and I type fast and hence there would have been no problem in "impressing" people. This is not my aim(if at all I have any aim in the first place as all is being run by Amba). I want people to freely read my postings and ask me questions which I to the best of my ability and knowledge will answer. I also know which member has raised this issue. He still is part and parcel of this group still.I will not eject him. If he wants let him leave.All I request him is to start a good group on Amba and I will join

his group and learn a few things. Iam a member of more than 75 religious groups online and do not post in any group except learn from them. I have no ego-qualms. I also promise I will not open my mouth in his or other groups about his groups, if he starts one.Also, this is not a challenge to him but simple request. And since we all are children of Amba, I thank him for guiding me and pointing out any wrongs I have done. I also wish him success. Now without harping too much on this non-issue, let me start my posting. ------------------------------***------------------------------ "Bindu" means drop, it is the smallest entity, a hollow circle -time can come out of and go into the bindu, but it is always "hollow".In Sanskrit Bindu has a meaning of "Centre" or "point". According to the now nascent studies in Drop physics a drop has forces, which emanate from its Centre and keep it in a spherical shape and it is the effect of gravity which changes the shape of the "drop". Gravity in spiritual lingo means the "ashudda dijaagra mala" which is like a suction pump which changes the feeling of centeredness and inner being. This arises from ashuddha chetana. Thus, the concept of Bindu not only refers to the centre of the divine movement in an esoteric sense but also that which is included in its purview as all-encompassing. Bindu is a Srividyaconcept insomuchasas to mean "point" which is held to be mysterious or arcane.Recently there was a theory which was doing rounds it was called "space-time mass theory", I wish the scientist had known Srividya tantra as he was close. Really close! His theory proposes a solution for the missing mass of the universe. It states that the very fabric of space-time is another state of matter, hence it has equivalent mass. Therefore the massive fabric of space-time fills the entire emptyness of the universe. The problem is that, even massive Neutrinos and dark matter can not explain the total missing mass of the universe. The volume of space-time itself is massive because it is made of matter. Therefore the 80% missing mass of the universe is indeed the equivalent mass of the total space-time that fills the entire cosmos.This hypothesis, which we call space-time-mass unified theory, explains a universe in which everything (i.e., matter, energy, space, time) is all made of each other and are all from one nature.This fact has also been emphatically stated in one interesting book I had

read-- "Tao of physics". In Srividya Tantra, the Universe is a projection of the Divine! The extent of Universe is the extent of light = Distance Time is the Universe's self extension of light, in other words time is the divine's experience of itself as one and many. So what is the Universe? The answer: The Universe is the Goddess!What we speak of macrocosmically, we experience microcosmically. That which is outside, is also within!So the Universe is a projection of light with respect of time. A. Iccha = will, desire, intention, the Universe that extends out of the Big Bang B. Krya = to do, the action, the Universe is doing something C. Jnana = knowledge 4 upward triangles ( masculine) + 5 downward triangles (feminine) = intimacy God is in union, and that is where the creation of universe is! Large Triangles = privacy of your own consciousness ( inner experience) large triangles create the smaller triangles Large triangles you count down the middle line = inner consciousness Small triangles you count in outer parameters and there are more = outer consciousness Counting the triangles (outside- in)14, 10, 10, 8, central triangle The wheel that is created is the moving clock! A point in Euclidean geometry has no size, orientation, or any other feature except position.A spatial point is an entity with a location in space but no extent

(volume, area or length). In geometry point therefore captures the notion of location; no further information is captured. A line is comprised of infinite points. And a surface comprises of infinite lines and a moving surface develops space and hence bindu is the basis of space! So from nothingness to somethingness. Since a Point has no Dimension, any number of Points can co-exist within one another. In other words, this means that a Point can contain within itself infinite number of Points! A Point (Bindu), which does not occupy Space, is the basis of Space! This means, a Point (Bindu) is independent of Space and yet is the basis of Space! Thus, a Point (Bindu) could be considered to be on the border of Space and Non-Space! Anything, which is independent and subtler than Space can go through the Point (Bindu) any number of times (ad infinitum)! Imagine a Point Moving from a place X to a place Y. There is a Movement. This Movement enables us to perceive Distance. Thus, when we perceive Movement, we unconsciously perceive Space! Movement has to

be at a certain Speed. If the Speed is higher it will reach the place Y Earlier. If the Speed is lower, it will reach the place Y Later. Thus, when we perceive any Movement we also unconsciously perceive Time! Thus, Space and Time are not only related but also cannot be mutually exclusive. This, in other words, means that Space and Time have to co-exist ! If there is no Space, there is no Time and vice versa. Thus, when Space reduces to a Point (Bindu), Time also has to reduce to a Moment (Kshana)! In view of the above, anything, which is beyond Space and Time, has to pass through the Point (Bindu) or the Moment (Kshana), when it has to enter the realm of Space and Time! What we have discussed above about Space and Time is not Mumbo Jumbo but are truths accepted in the realm of Mathematics! If we accept this, a bit of introspection would give us a vague idea in understanding the following Tantric beliefs underlying the role of Bindu (Point) and Kshana (Moment) : · All Space ultimately get reduced to Bindu, which is a Point in the realm of Space. · Bindu is the meeting ground between the Unmanifest (Macrocosm) and the Manifest (Microcosm). · Chit (Consciousness), because of its subtle nature, can penetrate through Bindu ad infinitum. · All Time ultimately get reduced to Kshana (Moment), which is a Point in the realm of Time. · The Absolute, which is beyond Space and Time, has to expresses itself through the Bindu (Point) in the realm of Space and the Kshana (Moment) in the realm of Time! The word Bindu when used as a Centre of Consciousness of Microcosm (Manifest) is known as simply Bindu and when used as a Centre of Consciousness of Macrocosm (Unmanifest) is known as Maha^ Bindu. Similarly, the word Kshana when used as a Centre of Consciousness of

Microcosm (Manifest) is known as simply Kshana and when used as a Centre of Consciousness of Macrocosm (Unmanifest) is known as Maha Kshana. Since Space (A^ka^sha) and Time (Ka^la) are related in the realm of the Manifest (Microcosm), Maha^ A^ka^sha and Maha^ Ka^la are related in the realm of the Unmanifest (Macrocosm).

The concepts of A^ka^sha (Space) & Ka^la (Time) get personified in Bhuvaneshvari and Ka^li - the 5th and 1st Maha Vidyas of the Dasha Maha^ Vidyas (the Ten Wisdom Godesses). As all Space ultimately get reduced to Bindu (which is a Point in the realm of Space), all Time ultimately get reduced to Kshana (which is a Point in the realm of Time) and as Space & Time have to co-exist, Bindu, A^ka^sha

and Ka^la or Maha Tripurasundari, Bhuvaneshwari and Ka^li share a unique relationship, with Bhuvaneshwari and Ka^li co-existing together ! Bindu in Sanskrit means a Point or Centre. Bindu in Sanskrit also refers to a Drop. A Drop has forces, which emanate from a Centre and keep it in a Spherical shape. Thus,

the concept of Bindu not only encompasses the Centre but also the thing encompassed. Maha^ means Great or Eternal. Thus by Maha^ Bindu is meant the Great or Eternal Point. One can understand the adjective ‘Great’, but why ‘Eternal’ ? It is because this Great Point is in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). In Tantra, the Word ‘Maha^’ is invariably used for referring to the states in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). Bindu and Maha^ Bindu are Tantric concepts, which has to be understood carefully. Let us use Point as the nearest meaning for Bindu. Maha^ Bindu 0 (Zero) is an intriguing Entity in Mathematics ! Its behavior is mysterious and unpredictable ! In Mathematics, 0 (Zero) represents anything from ‘Nothing’ to ‘Everything’ except Infinity (><) ! Thus, 0 (Zero) and >< (Infinity) are Bipolar or are Polar Opposites ! While 0 (Zero) is Potential and Static (Equilibrium), >< (Infinity) is

Kinetic and Dynamic ! This 0 (Zero) of Mathematics is nothing but the Bindu of the Tantra. We have already agreed that the Space in the Manifest originates from the Bindu (0). Then what is Infinity (><) ? It is nothing but boundless Space ! What happens when this boundless Space regresses ? It regresses into Bindu (0) ! During Pralaya (Dissolution), even the boundless Space has to merge into Bindu (0). Hence, Tantra says that 0 (Zero) subsumes >< (Infinity)! As may be seen from the numbers given below, 0 (Zero) balances the >< (Infinity) on both the sides : - >< ….-n……-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1 (0)

+1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9.+10,….+n……. + >< As many people think, 0 (Zero) is not only Void; it is also Plenum! The state of being both Void and Plenum, the state of being in Equilibrium, is also called Purna (Whole) in Sanskrit. Though this conception strictly

applies only to the Absolute, it also applies to ‘Bindu’, which is an extension or the primary differentiate of the Absolute. This ‘Bindu’ is known as Maha^ Bindu in Tantric Literature. This conception is beautifully depicted by the Purna Ahuti Mantra : “ Purnamadaha-Purnamidam-Purnat-Purnam-Udachyate’. Purnasya-Purnamadaya-Purnameva-Vashishyate’” Meaning thereby : This is Purna ! That is Purna ! Purna has come out of Purna ! If Purna is removed from Purna, what remains is Purna !. Mathematically, this would mean : This is Infinity (Zero) ! That is Infinity (Zero) ! Infinity (Zero)has come out of Infinity (Zero) ! If Infinity (Zero) is removed from Infinity (Zero), what remains is Infinity (Zero) !. Emergence of the Manifest As per Tantra, the Parama Shiva (Absolute) is Praka^sha (Consciousness, in its subtlest state). It has Vimarsha (Will Power, in its subtlest state), but in a quiescent state. When it (Absolute) wants to manifest something out of itself, for itself, there is a self-moved Will or Deliberation or Reflection acting upon itself called Vimarsha. The Tantra calls Praka^sha (Consciousness, in its subtlest state) as A^di Shiva (Original Shiva) and Vimarsha (Will Power, in its

subtlest state) as the A^di Shakti (Original Shakti). This Will (Vimarsha) creates a Stress (Spanda), which vibrates and concentrates itself into a Point called Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). In Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) both Shiva & Shakti are in a

Unipolar state. The Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) is Nirguna (Without Characteristics) and Samashti (Combined). What it Combines ? It Combines Shrishti (Creation), Stithi (Preservation) and Samha^ra (Dissolution). The Maha^ Bindu (Nirguna) has a Saguna (With Characteristics) Orientation also known as Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). Here again both Shiva & Shakti are in a Unipolar state but tending towards Polarisation. This Differentiates into Ka^rana Bindu (Causal Point) as it is still in Maha^ Ka^rana (Great Causal). From this Ka^rana Bindu (Causal Point) emanates Na^da, containing within itself the subtlest form of Sound (Shiva) and Light (Shakti). The Na^da then concentrates

itself into a Bindu (Point) known as Ka^rya Bindu (Action Point). Here Shiva & Shakti get polarized and are in a Bipolar state. The Ka^rya Bindu (Action Point) has predominance of Shakti Characteristics (Ra^jas - Activity). Thereafter, Ka^rana-Ka^rya Bindu Sa^marasya (Congress) occurs – leading to the emergence of Bi^ja (Seed). The 3 Bindus - Ka^rana, Ka^rya & Bija are also referred to as Sveta (White), Rakta (Red) and Mishra (Mixed) Bindu (Point) respectively.

It is the inter relationship between last 3 Bindus – Ka^rana, Ka^rya & Bija, which causes the emergence of the Mula Trikona (Root or Original or First Triangle - Inverted) – the Form Pattern – which kick starts the Creation in the actual sense ! This is the Innermost Triangle of the Sri Chakra, with the Unipolar Saguna Maha^ Bindu at the Centre. The 3 Bindus – Ka^rana, Ka^rya & Bija – are in the border between the Unmanifest (Macrocosm) and the Manifest (Microcosm). Whatever happens hereafter happens in the Manifest (Microcosm)! In Srividya tradition, Lalita Maha^ Tripurasundari is Worshipped as Saguna Maha^ Bindu and Maha^ Tripurasundari Parabhattarika is Worshipped as Nirguna Maha^ Bindu. Here, we have a Nirguna Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) with Shiva & Shakti in a Unipolar state. We also have a Saguna Maha^ Bindu (Point) where, again, Shiva & Shakti are in a Unipolar state, but tending towards Polarisation. We then have a Mula Trikona (Original Triangle - Inverted) with the aforesaid Saguna Maha^ Bindu at the Centre. The 3 corners of the Triangle are Ka^rana (Sveta - White), Ka^rya (Rakta - Red) and Bi^ja (Mishra - Mixed) Bindus (Points), which have Shiva & Shakti in a Bipolar state. Thus, it can be conceptualized that : § Nirguna Maha^ Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Unipolar) could probably be positioned in the Shiva-Shakti Tatva; § Saguna Maha^ Bindu (Shiva & Shakti – Unipolar, but tending towards Polarisation) could probably be positioned in the Sada^shiva Tatva; § Ka^rana Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably be positioned

in the Ishwara Tatva; § Ka^rya Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably be positioned in the Shuddha Vidya Tatva; and § Mishra Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably be positioned in the Ma^ya^ Tatva Strictly speaking,

only the Parama Shiva (Absolute), Shiva & Shakti (Shiva-Shakti) Tatva and Sada^shiva or Sada^khya Tatva are said to be in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). Because, up to this stage, Shiva & Shakti, though tending towards

Polarisation still remain Unipolar. However, during subsequent Differentiation, the Polarisation (of Shiva-Shakti relationship) actualizes and the Tatva becomes Bipolar. Seen in this context, Shiva, Shakti & Sada^shiva Tatvas are in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm) and Ishwara Tatva onwards (Shiva-Shakti relationship being

Bipolar) all the Tatvas are in the Manifest (Microcosm). It is here that the Tantra makes a fine difference. According to Tantra, Manifestation

happens at 2 Levels – Shukshma (Subtle) and Sthula (Gross). The Manifestation at the Shukshma Level begins from the Ishwara Tatva and the Manifestation at the Sthula Level begins after Ma^ya^ Tatva. Henceforth, whenever we use the word ’Manifestation’ it would need to be qualified – Shukshma (Subtle) or Sthula (Gross). To get a clearer idea of the concept, we have to tabulate various stages or levels of Consciousness (Chit) vis-à-vis Principles (Tatvas) and understand the movement from the Subtle (Shuksma) to Gross (Sthula). It can be seen there from that Manifestation actually happens at 2 Levels and in 3 Stages – Divine (Emergence of Atma through the Divine Triad : Mahesh, Vishnu & Brahma), Spiritual (Emergence of Jivatma – the Individuality Triad) and Temporal (Emergence of Jiva – the Personality Triad). If we go through the Annexure, once again, carefully, we cannot fail to miss the correspondence between the Personality Triad, the Individuality Triad & the A^tma with the Divine

Triad. The following Table will make it amply clear : Jiva (Living Being) Jivatma (Soul of Living Being) A^tma (Over-Soul) Trimurti (Manifested Divinity) Bhautic (Physical) Ma^nasic (Mental - Higher) Kanishta (Younger) A^tmic (Higher) (Brahma) Swapnic (Astral) Buddhic (Intellectual) Madhyama (Middle) Anupa^daka (Vishnu) Ma^nasic (Mental - Lower) A^tmic (Spiritual -

Lower) Jyeshta (Elder) Adi (Mahesha) Trimurti (Divine Triad) Swarupa (Self-State) Guna (Characteistics) Kritya (Duty) Shakti (Energy) Tanmatras (Connectors) Brahma Chit (Consciousness) Ra^jas (Mobility) Shrishti (Creation) Vidyut (Electricity) Connects Matter with Matter Vishnu A^nanda (Bliss) Satva (Equilibrium) Stithi (Preservation) Pra^na (Vitality) Connects Matter with Mind Mahesha Sat (Existence) Tamas (Inertia) Samha^ra (Dissolution) Kundalini (Spirituality) Connects Mind with Spirit Thus, everything at the Lower (Grosser) Level gets derived from the Higher (Subtler) Level. This Derivation or Differentiation from the Higher (Subtler) to the Lower (Grosser) is what is known as Manifestation. This Derivation or Differentiation is facilitated by certain

Facilitators (Prisms), which Differentiate the Higher (Subtler) Tatvas into Lower (Grosser) Tatvas. These Facilitators at the highest (Subtlest) Level, being almost in the Unmanifest, carry the Pre-fix Maha^ - Maha^ Ka^la (Great Time), Maha^ A^ka^sha (Great Space), Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) and Maha^ Ma^ya^ (Great Veil). The Maha^ Bindu referred to here is the Saguna Maha^ Bindu. The Facilitators, at Lower (Grosser) Level, being almost in the Manifest, do not carry any pre-fix and are simply known as Ka^la (Time), A^ka^sha (Space), Bindu (Point) and Ma^ya^ (Veil). The

Bindu (Point) referred to here is the Mishra (Mixed) Bindu (Point). In the Shukshma

(Subtle) Shrishti (Manifestation), all the Higher-level Facilitators facilitate Differentiation through the Saguna (With Characteristics) Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). While, in the Sthula (Gross) Shrishti (Manifestation), all the Lower-level Facilitators facilitate Differentiation through the Mishra (Mixed) Bindu (Point). This is how the Infinite, Finitizes

itself; the Limitless, Limits itself; and the Unmanifest, Manifests itself ! Tabulation of Levels of Consciousness vis-à-vis Tatvas THE ABSOLUTE SUPER INTEGRATED STATE UNMANIFEST Shiva – Shakti Tatvas Integrated State (Shiva/Shakti – Unipolar) Unmanifest Sada^shiva Tatva Integrated State (Shiva/Shakti – Unipolar) Unmanifest | | Ishwara Tatva Maha^ Ka^la Maha^ A^ka^sha Maha^ Bindu Maha^ Ma^ya^ | | ShuddhaVidya Tatva Adi Plane Mahesha (Manifested Divinity – 1st Stage) (Sat/Tamas/Samha^ra/Kundalini) Manifest (Subtle) (Shukshma Shrishti) Anupa^daka Plane Vishnu (Manifested Divinity – 2nd Stage) (Ananda/Satva/Stithi/Prana) Manifest (Subtle) (Shukshma Shrishti) Higher A^tmic Plane Brahma (Manifested Divinity – 3rd Stage) (Chit/Rajas/Shrishti/Vdyut) Manifest (Subtle) (Shukshma Shrishti) | | Ma^ya^ Tatva Ka^la A^ka^sha Bindu Ma^ya^ | | PanchaKanchuka Tatvas Ka^la Kala^ Avidya Niyati Ra^ga | | Purusha Tatva A^tmic Plane ATMA Manifest (Subtle-Gross) (Shukshma-Sthula Shrishti) | | Prakriti Tatva Lower A^tmic Plane JIVATMA (Individuality Triad) SPIRITUAL Manifest (Grosser) (Sthula Shrishti) Buddhi Tatva Buddhic Plane Manifest (Grosser) (Sthula Shrishti) Ahankara Tatva Higher Manasic Plane Manifest (Grosser) (Sthula Shrishti) | | Manas Tatva Lower Manasic Plane JIVA (Personality Triad) TEMPORAL Manifest (Grossest) (Ati-Sthula Shrishti) Pancha-Jn^nendriya & Karmendriya Tatvas Astral Plane Manifest (Grossest) (Ati-Sthula Shrishti) Pancha-Tanmatra & Bhuta Tatvas Physical Plane Manifest

(Grossest) (Ati-Sthula Shrishti) Ok, more on this in another posting someother time. Yours yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli




Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Group Owner

<para_anuloma wrote:


> Dear worshippers of the saffron-lotus feet of Amba,




> Thankyou for the support shown in running this group. Initially

this group was started by me to discuss certain arcane concepts in

Srividya Tantra but the membership burgeoned and hence I had to cut

down on the technical terms a lot(which was to the dislike of

puritans online who wanted me to vomit sanskrit words,textual

references and high sounding philopsophical lingo), the group has

many newbies to even Amba Rajarajeshwari leave alone Srividya Tantra.


> It will take me no time to do as the puritans want. I have lot of

texts with me and need not copy anything from online sources. Also,

many things have been committed to my memory and I type fast and

hence there would have been no problem in " impressing " people.


> This is not my aim(if at all I have any aim in the first place as

all is being run by Amba). I want people to freely read my postings

and ask me questions which I to the best of my ability and knowledge

will answer.


> I also know which member has raised this issue. He still is part

and parcel of this group still.I will not eject him. If he wants let

him leave.All I request him is to start a good group on Amba and I

will join his group and learn a few things. Iam a member of more than

75 religious groups online and do not post in any group except learn

from them. I have no ego-qualms. I also promise I will not open my

mouth in his or other groups about his groups, if he starts one.Also,

this is not a challenge to him but simple request. And since we all

are children of Amba, I thank him for guiding me and pointing out any

wrongs I have done. I also wish him success.


> Now without harping too much on this non-issue, let me start my




> ------------------------------***------------------------------


> " Bindu " means drop, it is the smallest entity, a hollow circle -

time can come out of and go into the bindu, but it is

always " hollow " .In Sanskrit Bindu has a meaning of " Centre "

or " point " .




> According to the now nascent studies in Drop physics a drop has

forces, which emanate from its Centre and keep it in a spherical

shape and it is the effect of gravity which changes the shape of

the " drop " .


> Gravity in spiritual lingo means the " ashudda dijaagra mala "

which is like a suction pump which changes the feeling of

centeredness and inner being. This arises from ashuddha chetana.


> Thus, the concept of Bindu not only refers to the centre of the

divine movement in an esoteric sense but also that which is included

in its purview as all-encompassing.


> Bindu is a Srividyaconcept insomuchasas to mean " point " which is

held to be mysterious or arcane.Recently there was a theory which was

doing rounds it was called " space-time mass theory " , I wish the

scientist had known Srividya tantra as he was close. Really close!


> His theory proposes a solution for the missing mass of the

universe. It states that the very fabric of space-time is another

state of matter, hence it has equivalent mass. Therefore the massive

fabric of space-time fills the entire emptyness of the universe.





> The problem is that, even massive Neutrinos and dark matter can

not explain the total missing mass of the universe. The volume of

space-time itself is massive because it is made of matter. Therefore

the 80% missing mass of the universe is indeed the equivalent mass of

the total space-time that fills the entire cosmos.This hypothesis,

which we call space-time-mass unified theory, explains a universe in

which everything (i.e., matter, energy, space, time) is all made of

each other and are all from one nature.This fact has also been

emphatically stated in one interesting book I had read-- " Tao of

physics " .






> In Srividya Tantra, the Universe is a projection of the Divine!


> The extent of Universe is the extent of light = Distance


> Time is the Universe's self extension of light, in other words

time is the divine's experience of itself as one and many.



> So what is the Universe? The answer: The Universe is the Goddess!

What we speak of macrocosmically, we experience microcosmically. That

which is outside, is also within!So the Universe is a projection of

light with respect of time.


> A. Iccha = will, desire, intention, the Universe that extends out

of the Big Bang


> B. Krya = to do, the action, the Universe is doing something


> C. Jnana = knowledge


> 4 upward triangles ( masculine) + 5 downward triangles (feminine)

= intimacy


> God is in union, and that is where the creation of universe is!


> Large Triangles = privacy of your own consciousness ( inner



> large triangles create the smaller triangles



> Large triangles you count down the middle line = inner




> Small triangles you count in outer parameters and there are more

= outer consciousness



> Counting the triangles (outside- in)14, 10, 10, 8, central


> The wheel that is created is the moving clock!





> A point in Euclidean geometry has no size, orientation, or any

other feature except position.A spatial point is an entity with a

location in space but no extent (volume, area or length). In geometry

point therefore captures the notion of location; no further

information is captured.




> A line is comprised of infinite points. And a surface comprises

of infinite lines and a moving surface

> develops space and hence bindu is the basis of

> space! So from nothingness to somethingness.



> Since a Point has no Dimension, any number of Points can co-

exist within one another. In other words, this means that a Point can

contain within itself infinite number of Points!




> A Point (Bindu), which does not occupy Space, is the basis

of Space! This means, a Point (Bindu) is independent of Space and yet

is the basis of Space! Thus, a Point (Bindu) could be considered to

be on the border of Space and Non-Space!


> Anything, which is independent and subtler than Space can go

through the Point (Bindu) any number of times (ad infinitum)!


> Imagine a Point Moving from a place X to a place Y. There

is a Movement. This Movement enables us to perceive Distance. Thus,

when we perceive Movement, we unconsciously perceive Space! Movement

has to be at a certain Speed. If the Speed is higher it will reach

the place Y Earlier. If the Speed is lower, it will reach the place Y

Later. Thus, when we perceive any Movement we also unconsciously

perceive Time! Thus, Space and Time are not only related but also

cannot be mutually exclusive. This, in other words, means that Space

and Time have to co-exist ! If there is no Space, there is no Time

and vice versa. Thus, when Space reduces to a Point (Bindu), Time

also has to reduce to a Moment (Kshana)!


> In view of the above, anything, which is beyond Space and

Time, has to pass through the Point (Bindu) or the Moment (Kshana),

when it has to enter the realm of Space and Time!


> What we have discussed above about Space and Time is not

Mumbo Jumbo but are truths accepted in the realm of Mathematics! If

we accept this, a bit of introspection would give us a vague idea in

understanding the following Tantric beliefs underlying the role of

Bindu (Point) and Kshana (Moment) :


> · All Space ultimately get reduced to Bindu, which is a

Point in the realm of Space.

> · Bindu is the meeting ground between the Unmanifest

(Macrocosm) and the Manifest (Microcosm).

> · Chit (Consciousness), because of its subtle nature, can

penetrate through Bindu ad infinitum.

> · All Time ultimately get reduced to Kshana (Moment),

which is a Point in the realm of Time.

> · The Absolute, which is beyond Space and Time, has to

expresses itself through the Bindu (Point) in the realm of Space and

the Kshana (Moment) in the realm of Time!


> The word Bindu when used as a Centre of Consciousness of

Microcosm (Manifest) is known as simply Bindu and when used as a

Centre of Consciousness of Macrocosm (Unmanifest) is known as Maha^

Bindu. Similarly, the word Kshana when used as a Centre of

Consciousness of Microcosm (Manifest) is known as simply Kshana and

when used as a Centre of Consciousness of Macrocosm (Unmanifest) is

known as Maha Kshana. Since Space (A^ka^sha) and Time (Ka^la) are

related in the realm of the Manifest (Microcosm), Maha^ A^ka^sha and

Maha^ Ka^la are related in the realm of the Unmanifest (Macrocosm).


> The concepts of A^ka^sha (Space) & Ka^la (Time) get

personified in Bhuvaneshvari and Ka^li - the 5th and 1st Maha Vidyas

of the Dasha Maha^ Vidyas (the Ten Wisdom Godesses). As all Space

ultimately get reduced to Bindu (which is a Point in the realm of

Space), all Time ultimately get reduced to Kshana (which is a Point

in the realm of Time) and as Space & Time have to co-exist, Bindu,

A^ka^sha and Ka^la or Maha Tripurasundari, Bhuvaneshwari and Ka^li

share a unique relationship, with Bhuvaneshwari and Ka^li co-existing

together !



> Bindu in Sanskrit means a Point or Centre. Bindu in Sanskrit

also refers to a Drop. A Drop has forces, which emanate from a Centre

and keep it in a Spherical shape. Thus, the concept of Bindu not only

encompasses the Centre but also the thing encompassed. Maha^ means

Great or Eternal. Thus by Maha^ Bindu is meant the Great or Eternal

Point. One can understand the adjective `Great', but why `Eternal' ?

It is because this Great Point is in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). In

Tantra, the Word `Maha^' is invariably used for referring to the

states in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). Bindu and Maha^ Bindu are

Tantric concepts, which has to be understood carefully. Let us use

Point as the nearest meaning for Bindu.






> Maha^ Bindu

> 0 (Zero) is an intriguing Entity in Mathematics ! Its

behavior is mysterious and unpredictable ! In Mathematics, 0 (Zero)

represents anything from `Nothing' to `Everything' except Infinity

(><) ! Thus, 0 (Zero) and >< (Infinity) are Bipolar or are Polar

Opposites ! While 0 (Zero) is Potential and Static (Equilibrium), ><

(Infinity) is Kinetic and Dynamic ! This 0 (Zero) of Mathematics is

nothing but the Bindu of the Tantra. We have already agreed that the

Space in the Manifest originates from the Bindu (0). Then what is

Infinity (><) ? It is nothing but boundless Space ! What happens when

this boundless Space regresses ? It regresses into Bindu (0) ! During

Pralaya (Dissolution), even the boundless Space has to merge into

Bindu (0). Hence, Tantra says that 0 (Zero) subsumes >< (Infinity)!

As may be seen from the numbers given below, 0 (Zero) balances the ><

(Infinity) on both the sides :


> - >< ….-n……-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1 (0)

+1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9.+10,….+n……. + ><


> As many people think, 0 (Zero) is not only Void; it is

also Plenum! The state of being both Void and Plenum, the state of

being in Equilibrium, is also called Purna (Whole) in Sanskrit.

Though this conception strictly applies only to the Absolute, it also

applies to `Bindu', which is an extension or the primary

differentiate of the Absolute. This `Bindu' is known as Maha^ Bindu

in Tantric Literature. This conception is beautifully depicted by

the Purna Ahuti Mantra :





> " Purnamadaha-Purnamidam-Purnat-Purnam-Udachyate'. Purnasya-

Purnamadaya-Purnameva-Vashishyate' "

> Meaning thereby : This is Purna ! That is Purna ! Purna has come

out of Purna ! If Purna is removed from Purna, what remains is

Purna !. Mathematically, this would mean : This is Infinity (Zero) !

That is Infinity (Zero) ! Infinity (Zero)has come out of Infinity

(Zero) ! If Infinity (Zero) is removed from Infinity (Zero), what

remains is Infinity (Zero) !.


> Emergence of the Manifest As per Tantra, the Parama

Shiva (Absolute) is Praka^sha (Consciousness, in its subtlest state).

It has Vimarsha (Will Power, in its subtlest state), but in a

quiescent state. When it (Absolute) wants to manifest something out

of itself, for itself, there is a self-moved Will or Deliberation or

Reflection acting upon itself called Vimarsha. The Tantra calls

Praka^sha (Consciousness, in its subtlest state) as A^di Shiva

(Original Shiva) and Vimarsha (Will Power, in its subtlest state) as

the A^di Shakti (Original Shakti). This Will (Vimarsha) creates a

Stress (Spanda), which vibrates and concentrates itself into a Point

called Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). In Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) both

Shiva & Shakti are in a Unipolar state. The Maha^ Bindu (Great Point)

is Nirguna (Without Characteristics) and Samashti (Combined). What it

Combines ? It Combines Shrishti (Creation), Stithi (Preservation) and

Samha^ra (Dissolution).


> The Maha^ Bindu (Nirguna) has a Saguna (With Characteristics)

Orientation also known as Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). Here again both

Shiva & Shakti are in a Unipolar state but tending towards

Polarisation. This Differentiates into Ka^rana Bindu (Causal Point)

as it is still in Maha^ Ka^rana (Great Causal). From this Ka^rana

Bindu (Causal Point) emanates Na^da, containing within itself the

subtlest form of Sound (Shiva) and Light (Shakti). The Na^da then

concentrates itself into a Bindu (Point) known as Ka^rya Bindu

(Action Point). Here Shiva & Shakti get polarized and are in a

Bipolar state. The Ka^rya Bindu (Action Point) has predominance of

Shakti Characteristics (Ra^jas - Activity). Thereafter, Ka^rana-

Ka^rya Bindu Sa^marasya (Congress) occurs – leading to the emergence

of Bi^ja (Seed). The 3 Bindus - Ka^rana, Ka^rya & Bija are also

referred to as Sveta (White), Rakta (Red) and Mishra (Mixed) Bindu

(Point) respectively.



> It is the inter relationship between last 3 Bindus – Ka^rana,

Ka^rya & Bija, which causes the emergence of the Mula Trikona (Root

or Original or First Triangle - Inverted) – the Form Pattern – which

kick starts the Creation in the actual sense ! This is the Innermost

Triangle of the Sri Chakra, with the Unipolar Saguna Maha^ Bindu at

the Centre. The 3 Bindus – Ka^rana, Ka^rya & Bija – are in the border

between the Unmanifest (Macrocosm) and the Manifest (Microcosm).

Whatever happens hereafter happens in the Manifest (Microcosm)! In

Srividya tradition, Lalita Maha^ Tripurasundari is Worshipped as

Saguna Maha^ Bindu and Maha^ Tripurasundari Parabhattarika is

Worshipped as Nirguna Maha^ Bindu.


> Here, we have a Nirguna Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) with Shiva &

Shakti in a Unipolar state. We also have a Saguna Maha^ Bindu (Point)

where, again, Shiva & Shakti are in a Unipolar state, but tending

towards Polarisation. We then have a Mula Trikona (Original Triangle -

Inverted) with the aforesaid Saguna Maha^ Bindu at the Centre. The 3

corners of the Triangle are Ka^rana (Sveta - White), Ka^rya (Rakta -

Red) and Bi^ja (Mishra - Mixed) Bindus (Points), which have Shiva &

Shakti in a Bipolar state. Thus, it can be conceptualized that :


> § Nirguna Maha^ Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Unipolar) could

probably be positioned in the Shiva-Shakti Tatva;

> § Saguna Maha^ Bindu (Shiva & Shakti – Unipolar, but

tending towards Polarisation) could probably be positioned in the

Sada^shiva Tatva;

> § Ka^rana Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably

be positioned in the Ishwara Tatva;

> § Ka^rya Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably

be positioned in the Shuddha Vidya Tatva; and

> § Mishra Bindu (Shiva & Shakti - Bipolar) could probably

be positioned in the Ma^ya^ Tatva





> Strictly speaking, only the Parama Shiva (Absolute), Shiva

& Shakti (Shiva-Shakti) Tatva and Sada^shiva or Sada^khya Tatva are

said to be in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm). Because, up to this stage,

Shiva & Shakti, though tending towards Polarisation still remain

Unipolar. However, during subsequent Differentiation, the

Polarisation (of Shiva-Shakti relationship) actualizes and the Tatva

becomes Bipolar. Seen in this context, Shiva, Shakti & Sada^shiva

Tatvas are in the Unmanifest (Macrocosm) and Ishwara Tatva onwards

(Shiva-Shakti relationship being Bipolar) all the Tatvas are in the

Manifest (Microcosm).


> It is here that the Tantra makes a fine difference. According

to Tantra, Manifestation happens at 2 Levels – Shukshma (Subtle) and

Sthula (Gross). The Manifestation at the Shukshma Level begins from

the Ishwara Tatva and the Manifestation at the Sthula Level begins

after Ma^ya^ Tatva. Henceforth, whenever we use the

word 'Manifestation' it would need to be qualified – Shukshma

(Subtle) or Sthula (Gross).




> To get a clearer idea of the concept, we have to tabulate

various stages or levels of Consciousness (Chit) vis-à-vis Principles

(Tatvas) and understand the movement from the Subtle (Shuksma) to

Gross (Sthula). It can be seen there from that Manifestation

actually happens at 2 Levels and in 3 Stages – Divine (Emergence of

Atma through the Divine Triad : Mahesh, Vishnu & Brahma), Spiritual

(Emergence of Jivatma – the Individuality Triad) and Temporal

(Emergence of Jiva – the Personality Triad). If we go through the

Annexure, once again, carefully, we cannot fail to miss the

correspondence between the Personality Triad, the Individuality Triad

& the A^tma with the Divine Triad. The following Table will make it

amply clear :


> Jiva

> (Living Being)

> Jivatma

> (Soul of Living Being)

> A^tma

> (Over-Soul)

> Trimurti

> (Manifested Divinity)

> Bhautic

> (Physical)

> Ma^nasic

> (Mental - Higher)

> Kanishta

> (Younger)

> A^tmic (Higher)

> (Brahma)

> Swapnic

> (Astral)

> Buddhic

> (Intellectual)

> Madhyama

> (Middle)

> Anupa^daka

> (Vishnu)

> Ma^nasic

> (Mental - Lower)

> A^tmic

> (Spiritual - Lower)

> Jyeshta

> (Elder)

> Adi

> (Mahesha)


> Trimurti

> (Divine Triad)

> Swarupa

> (Self-State)

> Guna

> (Characteistics)

> Kritya

> (Duty)

> Shakti

> (Energy)

> Tanmatras

> (Connectors)

> Brahma

> Chit

> (Consciousness)

> Ra^jas

> (Mobility)

> Shrishti

> (Creation)

> Vidyut

> (Electricity)

> Connects Matter with Matter

> Vishnu

> A^nanda

> (Bliss)

> Satva

> (Equilibrium)

> Stithi

> (Preservation)

> Pra^na

> (Vitality)

> Connects Matter with Mind

> Mahesha

> Sat

> (Existence)

> Tamas

> (Inertia)

> Samha^ra

> (Dissolution)

> Kundalini

> (Spirituality)

> Connects Mind with Spirit


> Thus, everything at the Lower (Grosser) Level gets derived

from the Higher (Subtler) Level. This Derivation or Differentiation

from the Higher (Subtler) to the Lower (Grosser) is what is known as

Manifestation. This Derivation or Differentiation is facilitated by

certain Facilitators (Prisms), which Differentiate the Higher

(Subtler) Tatvas into Lower (Grosser) Tatvas. These Facilitators at

the highest (Subtlest) Level, being almost in the Unmanifest, carry

the Pre-fix Maha^ - Maha^ Ka^la (Great Time), Maha^ A^ka^sha (Great

Space), Maha^ Bindu (Great Point) and Maha^ Ma^ya^ (Great Veil). The

Maha^ Bindu referred to here is the Saguna Maha^ Bindu. The

Facilitators, at Lower (Grosser) Level, being almost in the Manifest,

do not carry any pre-fix and are simply known as Ka^la (Time),

A^ka^sha (Space), Bindu (Point) and Ma^ya^ (Veil). The Bindu (Point)

referred to here is the Mishra (Mixed) Bindu (Point).




> In the Shukshma (Subtle) Shrishti (Manifestation), all the

Higher-level Facilitators facilitate Differentiation through the

Saguna (With Characteristics) Maha^ Bindu (Great Point). While, in

the Sthula (Gross) Shrishti (Manifestation), all the Lower-level

Facilitators facilitate Differentiation through the Mishra (Mixed)

Bindu (Point). This is how the Infinite, Finitizes itself; the

Limitless, Limits itself; and the Unmanifest, Manifests itself !





> Tabulation of Levels of Consciousness vis-à-vis Tatvas





> Shiva – Shakti Tatvas

> Integrated State (Shiva/Shakti – Unipolar)

> Unmanifest

> Sada^shiva Tatva

> Integrated State (Shiva/Shakti – Unipolar)

> Unmanifest


> |

> |

> Ishwara Tatva

> Maha^ Ka^la

> Maha^ A^ka^sha

> Maha^ Bindu

> Maha^ Ma^ya^


> |

> |

> ShuddhaVidya Tatva

> Adi Plane

> Mahesha (Manifested Divinity – 1st Stage)

> (Sat/Tamas/Samha^ra/Kundalini)

> Manifest (Subtle)

> (Shukshma Shrishti)

> Anupa^daka Plane

> Vishnu

> (Manifested Divinity – 2nd Stage)

> (Ananda/Satva/Stithi/Prana)

> Manifest (Subtle)

> (Shukshma Shrishti)

> Higher A^tmic Plane

> Brahma

> (Manifested Divinity – 3rd Stage)

> (Chit/Rajas/Shrishti/Vdyut)

> Manifest (Subtle)

> (Shukshma Shrishti)


> |

> |

> Ma^ya^ Tatva

> Ka^la

> A^ka^sha

> Bindu

> Ma^ya^


> |

> |

> PanchaKanchuka Tatvas

> Ka^la

> Kala^

> Avidya

> Niyati

> Ra^ga


> |

> |

> Purusha Tatva

> A^tmic Plane


> Manifest (Subtle-Gross)

> (Shukshma-Sthula Shrishti)


> |

> |

> Prakriti Tatva


> Lower A^tmic Plane




> (Individuality Triad)


> Manifest (Grosser)

> (Sthula Shrishti)

> Buddhi Tatva

> Buddhic Plane

> Manifest (Grosser)

> (Sthula Shrishti)

> Ahankara Tatva

> Higher Manasic Plane

> Manifest (Grosser)

> (Sthula Shrishti)


> |

> |

> Manas Tatva


> Lower Manasic Plane




> (Personality Triad)


> Manifest (Grossest)

> (Ati-Sthula Shrishti)

> Pancha-Jn^nendriya & Karmendriya Tatvas

> Astral Plane

> Manifest (Grossest)

> (Ati-Sthula Shrishti)

> Pancha-Tanmatra & Bhuta Tatvas

> Physical Plane

> Manifest (Grossest)

> (Ati-Sthula Shrishti)





> Ok, more on this in another posting someother time.











Yours yogically,


> Shreeram Balijepalli

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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