Guest guest Posted July 27, 2006 Report Share Posted July 27, 2006 Dear Harekrishnaji, I will answer all your questions but first reduce all anxiety in your mind and be cool. Leave everything in the hands of Amba. I will now answer your questions one by one patiently. Iam also aware you have posted the same questions in other forums too and the owners of those forums also reported the matter to me.I was paitently waiting to serve you best for this query and today after all these days I have received your email. Firstly let me tell you that Srividya is a gurubadhha marga. There might be shastras for many paths and even for Srividya there are texts like Shaktha Pramoda, Parasurama Kalpataru,etc but in all these there has been mention about the greatness of a guru and following His specific instruction to you. It is just you and your Guru and not you,guru and your gurubrathas(your co-disciples). For you he might even give the panchadasakshari starting "e" and not "ka" this is specifically mentioned in Shaktha Pramoda. "Gurubaddha samparadavith Srividya sadmargam" -------------------- Your first question: My concern is how can a person like me who've never got acquainted with a Guru like Rajagopala Swamigal can directly approach him that too for an initiation ? For your kind information, My family stays at the very Nanganallur, Chennai only, but I'm not staying at Chennai. Even though I meet him directly for the first time in the future, how can I directly ask him for an initiation ? ? ? If God wills, and I meet Rajagopala Guruji, can I quote your name as reference for seeking initiation ? ? ? You dont need aquaintanceship for Guru-shishya relationship. This is not a business transaction but an Athmic relationship. You dont need an intermediary or an "introducer" These are western terminologies and one should not maintain a stiff upper lip in spirituality. One need not feel shy. You can ask Him "directly" and see.You may quote my name or this group that is not an issue at all but Iam not a "recommender" in the strict sense. There is no neopotism in Srividya Tantra. Just because He likes me will not mean He will give everyone upadesha. It is your Karmic account He sees. He is the final deciding authority sans recommendations. Pray Amba Rajarajeshwari with true faith without even a trace of suspicion or doubt and a meeting will definitely occur with Swami Rajagopala. Your second question (rather a lengthy and convoluted question) (b) Whether Swayamvara kala parvathi mantra can be chanted without initiation ? Actually this Swayamvara kala parvathi mantra was sent to me by my mother who got it written from Swami Rajagopala (Nanganallur) himself. Rajagopala Guruji has only written the mantra on the piece of paper and gave it to my mother and asked me to chant it daily (There was no Kara / Anga Nyasa mentioned in it), and I was doing it for few days. This is again contrary to your statement on mantra chanting ! ! ! "Every Mantra is having saptangas (7 essential addins ) and they are must while doing upasana.With out these 7 parts Mantra is useless(according to MahaNirvana tantra), except Utchitta Chandali or Mathangi (Only for mathangi not for other raja manthangi , and all )for all other God mantras its must.(what ever the Cult(sampradaya))" Do you say that the above-method is a form of initiation, if you say "Yes", then in that case it is easy for every person to get initiation in this Kaliyuga through the above-method. What do you say for this different school of thought / action practiced in this Kaliyuga ? ? ? If you say "No" your statement is again contrary to your guruji's action, and why is this different school of thought / action ? ? ? Literally you should be following what your Guruji had been doing all these days ! ! ! I would still say that Swami Rajagopala has not given Kara/Anga nyasa due to some reason which I may not even know, but if you see / view this blindly it is drastically contrary to the your statement mentioned above? What do you say for this different school of thought / action ? ? ? ----------------------------- Normally any mantra cannot be chanted without initiation. But some mantras are not so rigid. The shastras lay down general rules and the exceptions are decided by the Guru. And in a few cases the shastras themselves say no initiation is necessary. For example, Vishnu sahsranama(Bheeshma virachita) need not be initiated by a vaishnavaacharya.But the prayoga kramam for each mantra with beeja samputeekarana must be got from an experienced Acharya.More on that later. If Rajagopal Swami has given the mantra written on a piece of paper and given it to your mother(very rarely He does that) and asked you to chant it then you must do it as you asked for it.But to again imbroglio yourself in shastras and what I have quoted from them in my previous postings on Angas is to "throw the baby out with bathwater". This is precisely why I do not quote shasstras much. Everything is decided on a one-to-one basis. There is no Black and white thinking in Guru-shishya relationship. There are many grey areas too. Grey here does not mean shady areas but areas were a disciples poorva karma and punya is seen and taken into account which only a good Guru can do.(Good Guru is a misnomer...Guru is meant to do Good but I differentiate it because of the curse of Kaliyuga with charlatans). I make it a point that I mention Gurunatha more than shastras. Gurubala then comes>>>>upasanabala>>>then comes>>>>>shastrabala but many people go the reverse route as they think logically but God has a different set of parameters and operates by Divine logic. Else everyone can become gnaanis by merely reading Shastras. Shastras say this say that..etc. They themselves are experiential renditions of what seers have undergone form their Gurus be it the upanishads or the Vedas. Guru sathyam shaastra mithyam(Guru is the truth shaastras are a falsity when compared to Guruvaakya). The problem is these days with a surfiet of 'fake gurus'(excuse my use of the misnomer again) we have become very susupicious of the 'Guru's' motives. Mantra initiation is in one sense transmission of spiritual energy, Shaktipata or imparting of knowledge on part of the Guru and awakening of the dormant powers or revelations of knowledge on part of the disciple. Therefore, some devotees who may have deep devotional feelings, intense aspiration, and good faith do not reap the fruits of the divine grace or experience "Spirituality" first hand as much as a disciple having Mantra Initiation from an enlightened Guru does. The scripture says,"Guru, God, Mantra, place of pilgramage, fortune teller, and herbal medicine give the fruits according to one's faith in them; stronger the faith, more and long lasting the effects of the mantra." The scripture also says, "one who beholds Guru as a human being, Mantra as mere letters, and Idol as just stone, goes to hell." Those are fortunate indeed who have been initiated into mantra by an enlightened Guru. Such great saints bring about a radical change in the life of their devotees. The secret of mantra is very obstruse and complicated; he alone can understand it who unshakable faith and who treads the path of spirituality. The types of Initiation also vary from Guru to Guru from disciple to disciple, from path to path from situation to situation.It can be a powerful shakthipatha with his hands or a mere sparsha deeksha, smarana deeksha, manasika deeksha, swapna deeksha, likhitha deeksha(in your case for this mantra),Jhiva deeksha(where the Tantreeka guru writes syllables on the toungue), Yantreeka deeksha(some Gurus even keep yantras in the thigh of their disciples after energising them, however such forms are very rare and require lot of niyamas), or vadana deeksha(which is very common...just asking the disciple to repeat once or three times the mantra) or Tantreeka deeksha(which cannot be discussed oin this small reply)...there are infact 56 forms of such deeksha patterns in the least.(In one rare case the mantra was written on the clouds! and given to a sadhaka secretly whence the letters could be seen only by the sadhaka). So do not think the mantra is powerless justb because Swami Rajagopala has written on a piece of paper and given it to your mother to hand over to you. It all depends on your faith.Let there also be shraddha.Shraddha is a greater component than faith. It also involves apart from faith a sort of resonance with the Guru and also concentration and not the meaning which we Indians know. See my posting on Shraddha sooktham Shraddhaaagni samdhiyathe' Shraddhayaa hooyathe havihi! The Kularnava tantra says " At the beginning of Japa a Sadhaka is affected by birth uncleanness, and at the end of Japa by death uncleanness." A mantra affected by these two forms of uncleanness is never perfect and fruitful.And Swami sees the "birth uncleanness'' before imparting a mantra and sees to that you do not get a "death uncleanness" after chanting the mantra. Now you mention I will contradict myself if i answer the question either postive or negative. This is wrong as I further strengthen my stand because the same Mahanirvana tantra says that "For shakthi mantra a sahaaktha Guru is the best,for siva mantra shiva guru is best for vaishnava mantra a vaishnava guru is the best,for ganapathy mantra a gaanapathya guru is the best, for surya mantra a saurava guru is the best but for Kaula guru is the best for all the mantras. A wise man should , therefore, heartily desire to take initiation from a Kaula. Whoever has been initiated in a mantra by a Pasu Guru is undoubtedly a Pasu. Whoever has taken a mantra from a veeraguru becomes a veera but whoever has taken mantra from a Kaula Guru(like Rajagopal Swami) knows Brahman soon" You say further that it is easy for everyone in Kaliyuga to get initiation like this(obviously referring to my Guru's act for you alone). The act has been done out of compassion for you because you could not come and that it is a not a Srividya mantra which requires your presence in the strictest sense.You have sadly miscontrued the intention behind the act. As I said befor he never does like that for anyone and maybe saw your past births and behaved for you alone. Remember" Initiation is always one-to-one". Mahaniravana Tantra further says a Kaula Guru Himself decides His deeksha pattern. You have said "if you see blindly...this is in contradiction to your statement and what do you say for this school of thought" Firstly, I do not see spirituality blindly rather with the aid of my Guru and my own discernment. If my Guru wavers I tell Him that. I have been to other Gurus too and have held them responsible and questioned them forcefully whenever I found a contradiction with shaastras. But with Swami Rajagopala the equation changed. He is a true upasaka with the backing of Amba and no question shaashtras before Him. He will laugh at my face and do exactly opposite of what Tantras and shastras say and to me He proved many times that He reigns supreme when it comes to his disciple's wlefare and not shastras. Shaastras are mere papers,bhoorjapatras,palmleaves my dear friend but a true srividya adept is the Living Goddess Herself. Secondly, I have not contradicted my statement in anyway and have elucidated the above with "shaastraic" proof as you have requested, Also,whatever my Guru says to me I follow. Thirdly, "School of thought"...this is a perelu western world. Dont you see the word "thought" in the words? Thought is a tool an adjunct and a gubernatorial appendage to our soul Sri Harekrishnaji we dont need that in matters of Guru or Goddess. Maybe you refer to a practice and it is sampradaya baddha and there is no thought here. This is not intellectualisation of things but internalisation of Guru and Goddess divinity in you. In the Kulaagama, Gurus have been described as of six classes 1. Instigator 2. Inaugurator 3.Explainer 4. Director 5.Teacher 6.Illuminator Swami Rajagopal dons all these roles step by step and the instigation is not verbal but at a manasika level and hence I knew some day you will agin come back to me for further explanation. He has acts as inagurator ie., one who inagurates a Sadhaana and its aims in a manner he feels best for a disciple. The trouble with people is that they take Shaastras too seriously without looking at 1. The intent 2. Time 3. Context I pray to Amba Bhavani for all to come out from this self-imposiing rut. The fact that Swami did not give Kara and Angnyaasa is from this second category of a Guru(Inaugural job). To put it simply, Inauguration need not be merely ribbion cutting it can be opening of a curtain or anything which the inagurator decides. If this be so for a material mundane thing then imagine your soul matter. He takes your soul ubbirame fidei to use a latin term used by lawyers and you surrender to his Wisdom. -------------------- c) You've said that Lalitha Sahasranamam & Lalitha Trishathi parayana krama should be done after getting initiation from a guru ? Could you let me know the exact verse and it's meaning where is this mentioned either in LS / LT / both ? Suppose if Swami Rajagopala / Any Srividya Upasaka has advised me to chant LS / LT (hypothetical) without giving any initiation, then it is very well contrary to your statement that it is not be chanted without initiation into any Srividya mantra ? What do you say for this different school of thought / action ? There are no mentions in the LS and LT but a reference in Chandi tantra and other samhitas. However, even in Bharmanda Upanishad it is stated elsewhere that it should be done with an initiation. It is also obvious because LT is an explantion of Panchadasi mantra in verse form and if panchadasi needs initiation will not an explantion to it require an intiation? You also say "Suppose Rajagopala gave..." Hypotheses dont make for spoirituality my dear friend. He never gave and will never give. I cannot comment on other upasakas. Even in the rare case it is given He sees the disciple's past birth and seexs whether he got an initiation into Srividya. Do not forget past births. We are a continuum of our past births right from our first emnation from brahmanda. In Bhuvaneshwari Tantra it is given that a " A brahmana(one who knows Brahman not by birth) can give mantras to all castes" If you look at contradictions in my statements which I made from shaastras I can quote many more which will confuse you all the more.Because one shaastra might say "Vishnu is greater thsn Shiva" Yet another can say "Shiva is greater than Vishnu" When these basic issues itself have so much confusion then what more to tell about advanced things like Deeeksha and saptangas? Maybe you can ask the person who wrote the shaastra the very same doubts if you are fortunate to have his/her darshan! (d) If a person has got initiated into Srividya Bala Mantra / Chandi Navakshari Mantra through a guru, and has been doing japa of the same for quite some time, over the time the person felt an interest in Srividya Panchadashi (this could be the other way round that the person got initiated into Srividya Panchadashi and found interest in Bala, Chandi Navakshari mantra), should he wait for the guru to come an give initiation to that mantra / can he chant self as he has already been into that marga through a guru ? He should approach his Shakta or Kaula Guru who gave him initiation. Why wait for another Guru when you have been given Balamantra(because technically a Balamantropasaka must be having Panchadasi and higher mantras too). Navakshari Chandi mantra must be got from a Guru. There are no compromises for certain things as the mantras are powerful. (e) You've mentioned on my last month's mail reply that the original gayatri mantra has been lost and what is available today is only the surya mantra with gayatri chandas (chandoktha gayatri mantra) ? Could you let me know is there any proof for the above statement. Also you've mentioned that Sage viswamithra who first discovered the original gayatri mantra has imparted to few disciples / followers, in that case it should be available even today in some form / other. Could you let us know on which sacred scripture is that available today ? ? ? This is a question best left unanswered because many are doing the Gayathri mantra as they believe it to be and also quote scriptures like Gayathri tapini upanishad in favour of this. Unfortunately there is no scripture that we kaliyuga manavas know of which has it. Also just because Vishwamitra discovered the mantra and passed it to a few of disciples does not mean they have been inscribed into shaashtras and they have been given to brahmins or the like which is being still practiced. Ofcourse some very advacned yogis do have it in this kaliyuga but keep it very very secretive to say the least. I have come to possess this information directly from my Father's Avadhutha Guru and also corroboration in Aghora book of Vimalananda fame. Again you cant toward scriptures. Scriptural understanding is necessary but noit scriptural validity for everything. Even quoting Gayathri taapini upanishad for curren Gayathri mantra is not correct entirely because it noweher mentions there is no other gayathri mantra!(Exclusion is not reckoned in while explaining. This is the logical fallacy which interpreters fall into when explaining shaastras) I have been the Gayathri mantra as given to kaliyuga manavas and Iam doing it because of the initiation.I have not been so fortunate to receive the original Gayathri mantra. If you ask a puritanical shastra oriented guy he will laugh at such things. But he who laughs has the best laugh...if there are lasts to spirituality i.e., ------------- (f) Out of the Shanmadha upasanas, is it only shakthi/devi who has multiple forms/moola mantras or is it even applicable for other mathas like Saivism/Vaishnavism/Kaumaram/Ganapathiyam/Sauram ? ? ? Ofcourse it is applicable to all Mathas!! Who said only Shaktham has multiple forms and multiple moola mantras. Please do some research here and you will find a wealth of information. Since this forum is mainly dedicated to shaktham I will indluge in shakta related queries alone. -------- (g) Could you suggest me a book (with tamil transliteration/meaning) for the entire Srividya upasana from scratch so that we get to know what/why/how upasakas should worship / pray goddess / ambal with entire parayana krama list ? ? ? I would suggest you start with Dr. Najan's books then slowly graduate to books like Srividya Saparya Kramam. All books available with Giri Trading agencies.Here too I would say that Dr. Najan has written with respect to his mandali and Guru practices and that should not set in confusion regarding the actual rituals or technicalities. Read Srividya tatuwam by Him it is good. - All of the above replies I laydown at the charanaaravindam of my Gurunathar Sri Rajagopala Swami.The defects are mine alone and the credits go to Him. If you have any further clarifications to be required feel free to email me. Hope this helps... Eshwaree rakshathu! Yours yogically Shreeram Balijepalli Shreeramji, First of all I would like to thank you for the patience you had taken to answer all my questions even without ignoring even one. It is my internal anxiety and drive for Ambal Upasana which has propounded me to ask such questions to you. Thanks Shreeramji for bearing the aggression and anxiety in my questions and answering all of them patiently, but speaking from the heart, i still cannot accept some views of yours which I feel strongly that they are rather misunderstood, mispreached in the society without understanding the real essence and meaning, but it again depends on perception from individual to inidividual and cannot be commented generically & generalize the same. Sorry that I did not frame my question properly regarding seeking Srividya Upasana from a guru in my last mail. (a) My concern is how can a person like me who've never got acquainted with a Guru like Rajagopala Swamigal can directly approach him that too for an initiation ? For your kind information, My family stays at the very Nanganallur, Chennai only, but I'm not staying at Chennai. Even though I meet him directly for the first time in the future, how can I directly ask him for an initiation ? ? ? If God wills, and I meet Rajagopala Guruji, can I quote your name as reference for seeking initiation ? ? ? (b) Whether Swayamvara kala parvathi mantra can be chanted without initiation ? Actually this Swayamvara kala parvathi mantra was sent to me by my mother who got it written from Swami Rajagopala (Nanganallur) himself. Rajagopala Guruji has only written the mantra on the piece of paper and gave it to my mother and asked me to chant it daily (There was no Kara / Anga Nyasa mentioned in it), and I was doing it for few days. This is again contrary to your statement on mantra chanting ! ! ! "Every Mantra is having saptangas (7 essential addins ) and they are must while doing upasana.With out these 7 parts Mantra is useless(according to MahaNirvana tantra), except Utchitta Chandali or Mathangi (Only for mathangi not for other raja manthangi , and all )for all other God mantras its must.(what ever the Cult(sampradaya))" Do you say that the above-method is a form of initiation, if you say "Yes", then in that case it is easy for every person to get initiation in this Kaliyuga through the above-method. What do you say for this different school of thought / action practiced in this Kaliyuga ? ? ? If you say "No" your statement is again contrary to your guruji's action, and why is this different school of thought / action ? ? ? Literally you should be following what your Guruji had been doing all these days ! ! ! I would still say that Swami Rajagopala has not given Kara/Anga nyasa due to some reason which I may not even know, but if you see / view this blindly it is drastically contrary to the your statement mentioned above? What do you say for this different school of thought / action ? ? ? © You've said that Lalitha Sahasranamam & Lalitha Trishathi parayana krama should be done after getting initiation from a guru ? Could you let me know the exact verse and it's meaning where is this mentioned either in LS / LT / both ? Suppose if Swami Rajagopala / Any Srividya Upasaka has advised me to chant LS / LT (hypothetical) without giving any initiation, then it is very well contrary to your statement that it is not be chanted without initiation into any Srividya mantra ? What do you say for this different school of thought / action ? (d) If a person has got initiated into Srividya Bala Mantra / Chandi Navakshari Mantra through a guru, and has been doing japa of the same for quite some time, over the time the person felt an interest in Srividya Panchadashi (this could be the other way round that the person got initiated into Srividya Panchadashi and found interest in Bala, Chandi Navakshari mantra), should he wait for the guru to come an give initiation to that mantra / can he chant self as he has already been into that marga through a guru ? (e) You've mentioned on my last month's mail reply that the original gayatri mantra has been lost and what is available today is only the surya mantra with gayatri chandas (chandoktha gayatri mantra) ? Could you let me know is there any proof for the above statement. Also you've mentioned that Sage viswamithra who first discovered the original gayatri mantra has imparted to few disciples / followers, in that case it should be available even today in some form / other. Could you let us know on which sacred scripture is that available today ? ? ? (f) Out of the Shanmadha upasanas, is it only shakthi/devi who has multiple forms/moola mantras or is it even applicable for other mathas like Saivism/Vaishnavism/Kaumaram/Ganapathiyam/Sauram ? ? ? (g) Could you suggest me a book (with tamil transliteration/meaning) for the entire Srividya upasana from scratch so that we get to know what/why/how upasakas should worship / pray goddess / ambal with entire parayana krama list ? ? ? Ohm Tath Sath HarekrishnaSV Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2012 Report Share Posted October 16, 2012 Hi all, Does anyone have the Sri Tadepali Raghavanarayana Shastry gari jeevitha charitra in pdf format ? I could not find all the pages / parts through internet search. I got only couple of PDF files. Whoever it has, request all to provide me all parts of the jeevita charitra book in pdf format Thanks, Murthy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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