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Dear S Garu,(Name and other personal information withheld for privacy reasons) Iam happy you have decided to contribute Rs.******** to Subramanyam Garu. I will cc this email to him too. His email is datta_gururaya Vasudevananda Saraswathy Vasudevananda Saraswathy is respected by my Gurunatha. However my Gurunatha got his Mahashodasi mantra directly from Lord Dattatreya Himself. So

Iam lucky to have my paramaguru as Dattatreya. Even if everything goes away for me that fact alone remains that my Paramaguru is Datta. Isn't that enough for me for births? Money,fame,health, wealth, wife and children, friends, goodlooks all wither away just your count of Good and bad deeds remain. First increase this bank balance by doing such charitable deeds. Everything runs in this jig-jig Jagath by Amba. Amba is the first primordial shakthi, the first adi-karana from which we have emnated as a spark. Till that spark seeks back its flame it will keep burning as a coal ember filled around with dust and soot. Amba is everything chit-consciousness is everything. Yesterday night I

spent my time meditating on "Sacchidekam Brahma" and felt I drifted into a dissolution. Did not know what to make of it! I have not reported yet to my Gurunatha about this.I also did it without any provocation from anyone as a stream of thought. The dust and soot is the Maya. Mother Maya is not a bitch as many vedantists say. She too is a mother and She too loves you and respects you but if you fight with Her like some unadvanced Yogis, then she will torment you with pleasures and pains. Amaya is the true mother. Maya is a fiction and then a stage comes when Amaya also becomes fiction. Then you have truly ascended. Anuloma is the right vision and para meaning beyondness when merged becomes para anuloma(my ID) Which is going beyond the sense of even rightness. Then you

become truly ascended. When the barriers of good and bad dissolve and you become nothing but a fiction and merge into the supreme reality. Aspiring for this is our chitta-kartavya. The greatest symbol of the Mother is the Shriyantra, from the center of which She arises like the solar orb at morn, but in a blaze of light excelling the brilliance of countless midday suns and the coolness of innumerable moons. The center is the Point, or Bindu -- that is, the

Mother as Concentrated Power ready to create. Around Her is the Universe, together with its Divinities or Directing Intelligences. From the Point the World issues. Into it on dissolution, it enters. The extended Universe then collapses into an unextended Point, which itself then subsides like a bubble on the surface of the Causal Waters, which are the Immense. Lord Dattatreya who is one of the greatest Srividya upasakas(others being Durvasa,Shiva, Kumara,Vishnu,etc) dwells great importance to Srividya mantras and hence initiated Swami Rajagopala into it. You too may take initiation into it when you coem to Chennai. Mantra, in the words of a distinguished Indian, has been called "meaningless jabber". When we find Indians thus talking of their Shastra, it is not surprising that Europeans should take it to be of no account. They naturally, though erroneously, suppose that the Indian always understands his own beliefs, and if he says they are absurd it is taken that they are so. Even, however, amongst Indians, who have lost themselves through an English Education, the Science of Mantra is largely unknown. There are not many students of the Mimamsa now-a-days. The English-educated have in this, as in other matters, generally taken the cue from their Western Gurus, and passed upon Mantravidya a borrowed condemnation. There are those among them (particularly in this part of India), those who have in the past thought little of their old culture, and have been only too willing to sell their old lamps for new ones. Because they are new they will not always be found to give better light.

Let us hope this will change, as indeed it will. Before the Indian condemns his cultural inheritance let him at least first study and understand it. It is true that Mantra is meaningless -- to those who do not know its meaning; but to those who do, it is not "Jabber"; though of course like everything else it may become, and indeed has become, the subject of ignorance and superstitious use. A telegram written in code in a merchant's office will seem the merest gibberish to those who do not know that code. Those who do may spell thereout a transaction bringing lakhs of "real" Rupees for those who have sent it. Mantravidya, whether it be true or not, is a profoundly conceived science, and, as interpreted by the Shakta Agama, is a practical application of Vedantic doctrine. My friend in USA does research in cymatics(she is a bengali lady of

immense mental acuity) and has invented an instrument to accurately record the visual representation of mantras and the sound of OM. You would be surprised to know that when OM is chanted through the instrument...SRI YANTRA appears! Please visit www.cymaticsource.com At any point in the flow of phenomena, we can enter the stream, and realize therein the changeless Real. The latter is everywhere and is in all things, and hidden in, and manifested by, sound as by all else. Any form (and all which is not the Formless is that) can be pierced by the mind, and union may be had therein with the Devata who is at its core. It matters not what that form may be. And why? What I have said concerning Shakti gives the answer. All is Shakti. All

is Consciousness. We desire to think and speak. This is Iccha Shakti. We make an effort towards realization. This is Kriya Shakti. We think and know. This is Jñana Shakti. Through Pranavayu, another form of Shakti, we speak; and the word we utter is Shakti Mantramayi. For what is a letter (Varna) which is made into syllable (Pada) and sentences (Vakya) '? It may be heard in speech, thus affecting the sense of hearing. It may be seen as a form in writing. It may be tactually sensed by the blind through the perforated dots of Braille type. The same thing thus affecting the various senses. But what is the thing which does so? The senses are Shakti, and so is the objective form which evokes the sensation. Both are in themselves Shakti as Cit Shakti and Maya Shakti, and the Svarupa of these is Cit or Feeling-Consciousness. When, therefore, a Mantra is realized, when there is what is called in the Shastra Mantra-Caitanya, what happens is the union of the consciousness of the

Sadhaka with that Consciousness which manifests in the form of the Mantra. It is this union which makes the Mantra "work". I can go on and on but I will stop here lest your valuable time is usurped. Jayosthu Paramba Shreeram Balijepalli P.S. Do send an email to Subramanyamji and He will respond favourably




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