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nice Yantra..more knowledge needed

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Dear Vamsee, My intention was not to confuse you but to enlighten you and maybe the language used was a bit confusing in the end. Hatha vidya, is a particular system of Yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama, a sage of 15th century India, and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. In this treatise Swatmarama introduces Hatha Yoga as 'a stairway to the heights of Raja Yoga' hence a preparatory stage of physical purification that renders the body fit for the practise of higher meditation. The ancient Rishis used to practice the Sookshma Vidya which some these days call the Sookshma Hatha yoga Which involves 1. Breathing 2. Poses--Asanas 3. Mantra Uccharana 4. Naadi Sanchalana 5. Dharana 6. Vipareetha Dhyana 7. Anandopurusha Samadhi. The info which you are getting in these posts, I can bet, you will never get anywhere in any text, even the famous Patanjali Yoga Sutra. You say: from

whatever little I've read hatha yoga, I'd like keep it up onpedestal along with bhakti, karma and jnana yoga..Just for the sake ofargument, doesn't the word Hatha Yoga itself have everything containedin it? "Ha-Sun, Tha-Moon, Yoga- Union".. To place a tool for achieving a means on the same pedestal with the end might be a bit of the "untruth" I was talking about yesterday. Unless, you have derived immense satisfaction out of your Hathayogic practices and became so involved that the Asana-Asanakartha(you) and the Asanaphala(fruit of the Asana) became one. When that eko-anandaha-purusha-unmatta state is acheived, you have practiced the Rishi level

Sookshma Vidya with or without your cognizance or with or without your Cognitive apparatus being apparent of this. Now coming to the nomenclature and the etymology Ha=Sun Tha=Moon Yoga=Commingling of the Ida and Pingala Naadis. True,very true my dear freind but it was with the sookshma-drishti that Swami Swatmarama appellated thus. Also, there are not just3 Naadis as many people misconstrue but more thn 70000 Naadis in the body which have to be controlled using the supra mentioned sookshma vidya and then a flow can be superimposed on the Ida-pingala and a "sammelana"(commingling) can be brought about. The above is an ancient diagram of some of the major Naadis(you can clearly see here that it is more than just 3) So, if it is just Ha and Tha then what about Venus Naadi which can be beejised as "Shu" and the saturnine Naadi which can be Beejised as "Sha" Then we will get a mind boggling 70000 syllabilic medley of a name! It might then be "Hathashusha......."Yoga, which was not the intention of the appelator. Sir Johnwoodroffe Clearly, the correspondences vary according to the school and the text. In the Laya Yoga

tradition of the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana, the Padaka-Pancaka, and the commentary by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon) ( The Serpent Power), the Ida or lunar channel on the left is associated with Shakti-rupa or the female principle; the Pingala or solar channel on the right with the masculine principle (according to the Sammohana-tantra the purusha). The central channel or Sushumna is associated with fire and the union of the two. Patanjali Finally, if Patanjali thought like you

that Hathayoga can be placed on the same pedestal as Bhakthi,Karma, Gnana or Raja Yoga then why did he put it in the first few steps to reach Samadhi. He could have very well said "Please do Hathayogic exercises and enter into samadhi" This is my humble take on this.Please correct me if Iam wrong. You then go on to say in an enthusiastic way Siva samhita lone kada andi..that Lord Shiva himself was thefirst Hatha Yoga and that is the reason there are 8,40,000 yogicexercises just like there are 8,40,000 species? isn't the point of beingin a posture to re-align our chakras to understand the essence of aparticular species? And forthe sake of argument with Gorakhnath and Matsayendaranath asauthorities even tantra has been dependent on Hatha yoga..kaaaada? I appreciate that you being a teenager are so fired up for Hathayoga. I too am an youngster like you alebit a bit more cautious. What you have putforth here is an excellent point. 8,40,000 yogic asanas for the 8,40,000 different species. What you have said regarding the pose for knowing the essence of a particular species is also true. But this has a sexual Tantric implication and this has to be practiced with a yogini Stree the subject matter of which, I will elaborate over phone and not over this forum dedicated for Dakshinachara. This requires the guidance of a super-expert like Sage Agasthya Himself.Also, the ida-pingala union is nothing but the male-female unity within. To say Tantra has been dependent on Hathayoga is true to an extent when it comes the supra-mentioned and other Makara practices of the Vamachara but there is also sadachara,samayachara,dakshinachara Tantric practices which are not dependent on Hathayoga.Please think over. I would not rush here, where Yogis fear to tread! You further say... so..the reason I started our discussion yesterday..was I felt youplaced more value on taoistic exercisesthan hatha yoga...So anduke..I was saying hatha yoga exercises wereatleast just as dynamic as taoistic ones..Even in a posture, there aretonnes of things that need to be arranged (for instance the breath, thegaze, the

structure).. Mayurasana First let me say that Iam not against Hathayoga. I personally practice Hathayoga including the Mayurasana which you were mentioning and you also are aware of this. This discussion stemmed from our combined project and where I reffred to the Taosit mode as being good for a continous sequence of movement but never ever did I mention in the project that it was superior or that Hathayoga is inferior. Maybe this is what comes when one is emotionally attached to the tool than the work in the hand. "The baby is thrown along with the bath water". I

have an open mind toward all religions be it the sufi or Christianity or Taoism. Bhogar with his disciple Mahavtar Babaji in the background. Infact, Taoism has itself stemmed from the Tmail Siddha Yoga movement with Bhogar going to Mahachina(present day China) to spread the philosophy. So Maybe even Taoism can be called sister path of Hathayoga. What you say above is correct and when all is aligned the point of staticity is tried for by the yogi. He tries to stop all workings of the internal organs and then concentrate the prana on the "essence of the species"(mentioned supra). In this way Hathayoga is much superior to Taoism. So, I will keep

mum here because, I might myself get a bias for one path when Iam a nobody here to compare and comment on paths. Finally, you said: And I agree that the hatha yoga I have beenexposed to has been stripped out of it's spiritual dimension..it's abare exercise form for the modern era, like aerobics, kickboxing,swimming..this kali yuga strips everything down and twists it away...metotally agree..but dynamic exercises kaadu ante, I felt here may be some"untruth"... Thankyou for agreeing with me on this atleast. I was talking about the currently practiced version of Hathayoga which is where this dichotomy of our argument started. SO now coalizing all the info said above by me, you can come to the conclusion yourself whether I meant that Hathayoga is not a dynamic one?...If this was the conclusion you reached. Iam sorry for this

misunderstanding. I did not mean it this way. But good thing now I have found out about the Surya Yantra..Ilaantisecretive knowledge appu dappudushare chestu undu..More discussion more knowledge.. Thankyou but this

is not so secretive(atleast the Yantra) but the surya namaskara is onething which I could afford to share as it is not soemthing related to Srividya path where I have to take the permission of my Gurunatha for even the smallest revelation. And as you say More discussion ...more knowledge.... The whole post is in a positive sense and nothing personal intended any where. I remain ever your friend and ... Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli. P.S. I will complete the Swasa parikriya and panchadasi series soon.




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