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Dear Sir,


I have been formally initiated in Panchadaskshari and all the anga

mantras from my guru. The date fixed for my poorna abhishekam was 2007

magha pournami. But unfortunately my guru attained maha samadhi a few

weeks back. I feel very lost. I do not want the poorna abishegam done

by any body else. Could you please tell me if Panchadaskshari itself is

OK for the full realisation of Amba. Or is maha paduka and

Maha Shodasi required for the full efficacy of Sri Vidya path.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Sir,


Sorry for the late reply.


First thing to understand in the Srividya path is that it is


Amba who decides which mantras are to be given to whom and when. Even



One of the members has said that if one does not get the poornadeeksha

and dies before that he will not get salvation.This is shastraic

injunction which exhorts upasakas to go higher and one need not fear it

to the dot.


However, one might have a chance to be reborn to continue Amba-sadhana

before one becomesa Srividyabaddha mahayogi.


The full glory of Srividya can be had by Mahashodasi,parashodasi and

Guhyashodasi but that does not mean Panchadasi is a low mantra.

Panchadasi is the foundational mantra for all the higher mantras.

without the trikootikaa, you cannot frame the other mantras with

nigooditha beejas.


I suggest you continue to meditate on the mantra given to you and when

the time is ripe Bhagawathy will Herself decide the course upon you.


Constant and rigid Sadhana followed through a number of births is not

enough without the grace of Sri Paraabhattaarikaa.Sometimes Her grace

comes as a sudden surprise. Great teachers have experienced such

occasions. Grace may come when a balance is struck between the actions

of the previous births and those of the present i.e. when Karmasaamya

occurs. Grace glorifies even those who ordinarily appear least fit for

it. It is a mystery. It signifies the will of the Supreme power alone.

That is why it is sometimes amazingly sudden. Grace of Sri

Mahatripurasundari is unconditional. No human effort can bring it into

play (natvatrako.api aatmiiyo puruShaakaaraH nirvahita – Ishwara

Pratyabhijnaa Vritti).


Mantra Japa as explained in the Sadhana texts, is absolutely

necessary to invoke the powers of the Goddess, and when it is performed

with the purport of the mantra, it becomes a sure vehicle to the Divine

Presence. But here is an extra-ordinary example of the grace of Sri



Utathya, a Brahmin boy was born a dunce. He had been a failure in

receiving education or any kind of knowledge. He could neither speak

nor associate himself with people. He knew neither Sadhana nor any

mantra of the Goddess. He only led a pious life on the bank of the

Ganges with a vow that he would always speak the truth. This gave him

the name Satyavrata. He had chosen to pass his days in the forest alone

after it was difficult for him to hear the taunts and face the

affliction inflicted on him by his disappointed parents. One day while

he was sitting outside his hut and repenting over his lot, a hog,

stricken with arrows of a hunter, passed by suddenly. Fears

stricken himself, in a sudden shock, he uttered ai ai. Trembling with

fear, the animal hid itself in the bushy forest behind the hermit's

hut. Immediately, the hunter came there and requested the hermit and

requested the hermit to tell him which way the hog had hidden itself.

It was a puzzling situation for the young man.


On one hand the hunter pleaded for his professional activity and duty

towards the family dependent on him, and on the other hand the hermit's

own heart was overfilled with compassion. For some moments he could say

nothing. Soon he thought to himself: `what involves violence is not

called truth. Even untruth spoken in the excess of compassion is the

real truth. What is useful and helpful for the human beings constitutes

truth and nothing else'.


'satyaM na satyaM khalu yatra hiMsaa dayaanvitaM chaanR^itameva satyam .

hitaM naraaNaaM bhavatiiha yena tadeva satyaM na tathaanyathaiva ..'


Bhagavata 3.11.36]


As mentioned earlier, he had no initiation of a divine mantra and he

did not know the great seed-letter of Mahatripurasundari. Simply, out

of some divine urge, he had pronounced the mantra ai ai without

pronouncing the Bindu. Yet the grace of the Divine Mother descended on

him undesired.


Ashtavakra Gita says: `Fire gives burns even if touched unknowingly'

(anicChayaa.api saMspR^iShTo dahatyeva

cha paavakaH XVIII.37).


And as a result, words of wisdom flowed from his mouth.

He said, " O hunter! Why do you ask me about this again and again just

to suit your end? The fact is that the eyes endowed with sight have no

tongue to speak, and the tongue which could speak does not see at all "

(Devi Bhagavata 3.11.36).


Even the dunce spoke wisdom on being graced by the Divine Mother. Rare

indeed is that great-souled one who is not desirous of either enjoyment

or liberation.




There are twelve ways of surrender to the glory of the goddess who is

the pervading power of Iccha, Jnana and Kriya. She manifests through

these powers individually as well as collectively. She also throws open

the portals of liberation for devotees, who love her with all their

being and obedience to her will.


The twelve ways discussed in the Srividya Upasana Rahasya Shastra are:


1. Meditating on Amba as one's true Self. (Dhyana)

2. Attaining the grace of knowing Her. (Vetti)

3. Reciting her holy names and mantras. (Japati)

4. Perceiving her everywhere. (Alokayati)

5. Thinking of her all the time. (Chintayati)

6. Obeying her. (Anveti)

7. Surrender the ego to her. (Pratipadayate)

8. Understand her. (Kalayati)

9. Laud her. (stauti)

10. Take shelter in her. (Ashrayati)

11. Worship her. (Archayati)

12. Listen to her divine attributes with spontaneous attention.



I would recommedn at this stage to not be depressed on your Gurunatha's

leaving His mortal coils(he still can be contacted easily through His

Guru mantra or just chanting His name with faith and patience).


And also resort to the tenth step in the list given aupra i.e.,



This will solve your current problem.


Hope this helps...


Shreeram Balijepalli


P.S. If you want to, you may wish to contact Sri Rajagopala Swami in

Nanganallur Rajarajeshwari temple. The address is givne in the first

file in our group and talk your herat out to Him.


Anyone desirous of getting Srividya initiation can also ask Him to

iniiate into the path.






Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " ballakrishnen "

<ballakrishnen wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> I have been formally initiated in Panchadaskshari and all the anga

> mantras from my guru. The date fixed for my poorna abhishekam was


> magha pournami. But unfortunately my guru attained maha samadhi a few

> weeks back. I feel very lost. I do not want the poorna abishegam done

> by any body else. Could you please tell me if Panchadaskshari itself


> OK for the full realisation of Amba. Or is maha paduka and

> Maha Shodasi required for the full efficacy of Sri Vidya path.


> Thanks


> Ballakrishnen


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