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Pranam. I read this in another group and wished to share.. With Love Shankaree All over again the universal and timeless message from the non-aggressivetraditions spread out from Sarnath-Varanasi on November 25-26 forinternalisation by the international community. Seventy-three monks andscholars from 17 countries of Asia, Europe and the US and 265 of them fromIndia, representing varied dhamma streams, e.g., Buddhism, Hinduism,Sikhism, Jainism, Taoism, etc., drove home the message that in order toreinstate the culture of mutual acceptance and respect, peacefulco-existence, co-operation and co-creation must open friendly, sincere,positive and constructive outlets of interaction. The event—Dharma SanskritiSangam—was organised by Vishwa Buddha Sanskritik Pratishthan. Before thisevent a high-level delegation from India under the

guidance of Shri BhanteJnan Jagat Maharaj, president of the Pratishthan, had visited 15 countriesof the world to meet the scholars there.The historic 'declaration', made and signed at the Shatabdi Bhavan ofSampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, on last day of the DharmaSanskriti Sangam, is eloquent about their holistic agenda and the calendarof activities. The declaration said the world cultures and religioustraditions based on eternal, universal dharma have always promoted harmony,peace and progress through centuries. "While emphasising this we commitourselves on this historic meet of representatives of these cultures atSarnath-Varanasi to promote unity in diversity by establishing understandingthrough dialogues and deliberations. Whereas the world is facing seriouschallenges from aggressive religious and secular forces causing intolerance,violence, lawlessness, and exploitation of nature and mankind, it

isdeclared that a new world order based on truth, spirituality and holisticapproach should be evolved with political will and public determination.Whereas it is proper to promote religious freedom to practice one's ownreligion without any form of suppression from state or society, it isimperative to emphasise that sanctity of freedom of religion does not by anymeans imply any right to impinge upon the freedom, much less plannedprogrammes of destruction of other religions and their cultures. Whereas theaggressive religions have failed to establish harmony, it is incumbent upondharma-based traditions to educate, motivate, and lead the world to freedomfrom conflicts. For this purpose, we emphasise the need for all thesetraditions to come together, evolve and promote effective and appropriatemeans," the declaration added.Inaugurating the Sangam at Sant Atulanand residential school auditorium,Shankaracharya of

Jyotishpeeth Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati said in order tostop the increasing violence, coordination amongst all dhamma-based cultureswas essential.VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal said the exclusivist, fundamentalist andaggressive Christian and Islamic forces were responsible for the spread ofviolence. "Both are playing one-upmanship to establish their hegemony overand swallow up the non-aggressive traditions of the world. They fight eachother, but are unified in snubbing to acknowledge other religious practicesand modes of worship as valid. They make exclusivist claims to salvation andopenly propagate intolerance. But dhamma-based traditions are holistic inworldview and spiritual in nature and practice. They profess holisticprinciples and laws of life ensuring individual happiness," he said.Advisor, Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University, Bangkok assertedthat dharma makes a deep positive impact in our

thought process. It is abouttime that all South and East Asian countries having dhamma-based culturesget united for preserving and promoting their noble ethos. Dr Tin Thein Lwinon behalf of Shri U. Janita, spiritual guide of Mahasantisukha Buddha SasanaCentre, Yangon, stated that in the world some faiths are only interested inspreading violence. Bhagwan Buddha was distressed to see the practice ofextreme merciless violence in the world, and, therefore, gave it the path ofnonviolence and compassion as a remedy. We should follow dharma for the pathof peace and progress.Dr K. Vimal Dhamma Thero, Professor, Kelania University, Colombo, pointedout that the coordination and dialogue amongst the religious leaders wouldgive a positive direction to the world. Shri Suresh Soni, Sahsarkaryavah ofRSS stressed the need for coordination amongst dhamma-based cultures for theholistic progress of humanity at large. Renowned

educationist Dr ShantilalSomaiya while presiding over the inaugural session said Bharat had alwaysrespected different faiths and modes of worship. The concept and ideal ofdharma that originated and flourished in and spread via the holy land ofBharatvarsh, can lead the world towards peace and integral growth.In the academic session, Dr Nongluksana Thepsawasdi, India Studies Centre,Thammasat University, Bangkok, Shri Bhikkhu Anand Thero of Kathmandu, ShriButhpitiye Samitha Thero, Director, Meditation Center, Colombo, SwamiArvindanand, USA, Shri Kobalan of Jakarta, Dr Herman Andro of Jakarta, ShriBrahmavairaagy Swamiji, Brahmavidyapeetham, Trinidad, Dr Murali ManoharJoshi, former Union Minister, Dr Bajrang Gupt, Advocate Bandara of Sri Lankaand various other scholars and saints of different countries gave theirinvaluable inputs for coordinated endeavors to attain global peace andprogress.The concluding session at

Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, waspresided over by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Kaliya. The invocationswere marked by melodious sacred chanting from the Vedic, Buddhist, Jain,Confucian and Sikh traditions. Swami Dayananda Saraswathi of Arsha VidyaGurukulam, Coimbatore, informed that Sri Aurobindo was in favour ofcoordination amongst all religions. "Mutual tolerance, acceptance andnonviolence should be the top priority. When religion is practiced andpreached without force the religious freedom is established and it isessential to maintain such freedom in all situations," he added.RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri K.S. Sudarshan stated that conflict between thedivine and the demonic powers is at a critical stage. "This conference isthe confluence of the spiritual powers. Only such noble dhamma unity wouldbe able to defeat demonic powers," he said.Kanchi Shankaracharya Swami Jayendra Saraswati said Buddhism

is an integralpart of Indian traditions and culture. He stressed the need for bettercoordination among all the Indian ways of worship. He said the Sangam wouldstrengthen the non-violent and spiritual cultures of the world.Acharya Vihangam Yogsadhana inaugurated a dhamma Exhibition on November 24.Shri Ram Prakash Dhir, a full timer from Myanmar, meticulously demonstratedthe spread of dhamma in various Asian countries. The art display of Rangoliby Shri Dada Chaunde and his team from Pune was eloquent and carried muchmeaning. On various occasions during the programmes and particularly duringthe night of November 25 the cultural programme presented by the youngstudents of the host school, Swami Atulananda Vidyalaya, was spirituallyelevating and heart touching.Over 110 delegates undertook a pilgrimage to Kashi Vishvanath temple and theDhamma Chakra Pravartan Center at Sarnath. Forty-four delegates from

eightcountries undertook pilgrimage to Bodhgaya, Nalanda and Rajgir from November28 to 30. The Sangam proved to be a launch pad for regular enhanced andsuperior milestone synchronisation events in different countries ofdharma-based cultural commonwealth. *(FOC)*http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content & pa=showpage & pid=165 & page=27Jan.7, 2007 Organiser.

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