Guest guest Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Dear Suhrud, I like your name "Suhrudh" better than Demendo Degrue' Costamendillo. Suhrud means "a good heart". Did you know, the word Hrudaya was formed spirituo-etymologically in Sanskrit because the word is a combination of "Hruth" and" Aadaya". Bringing the God in that particular center. This is not the physical heart which the doctors here at Strong Memorial Hospital,Rochester might look at with their scalpel or knife but a spiritual center. Glad you asked me a "hindu" name from me and glad I gave it to you, else my toungue would have been tired with Costamendillo...everytime! Now, Mantras have a close connection with this "Hruth-Adaya", my friend. We both too are connected with this "Hruth", else, a person from Malta and Madras don't exactly meet on common grounds!You must one day come and walk the walk with me in Arunachalam, it is not exactly meditteranean rather hot if you walk on an afternoon.Maybe your tender lotus petal feet(thus made due to wearing socks 24 hours a day!) will not be able to bear the scorching tar-road heat of Thiruvannamalai. Ok, now Iam in Albany enjoying my holidays(well deserved). I went to attend a talk given by Chinna Jeeyar Swami and got his autographed book on Bhagavad Geetha yesterday in Newjersey. We then did some shopping in Apna Bazaar and zipped back home to do a mini-anusthan for the Grahana-kalam and then took bath and refreshed ourselves with the Pulihora Annam given as prasad in the venue. ok,last post, I abruptly stopped at the 15 keys to mantra-sadhana. I have converted out emails into postings in my group for the benefit of members,Suhrudh(Message number 1366 in Smarthrugaami Group and Message number 3023 in Rajarajeshwari group). I also included in my blogs. I created three totally. One for service activities which we do under the Smarthrugaami Dattavaibhavam group Parasparadevobhava(Rangavadhutha's famous words)... Siddhasiddhantham(Datta's philopsophy is called thus) and one for my Beloved mother...Sarvanandamayi(the Bindu point) to discuss Srividya Tantra and Goddess Rajarajeshwari Upasana. So, do join our groups, I already sent you a link. ------------- Now, the first key---- The vibration....that day, I had to rush to school because of the shuttle(which created a vibration in me!..hehe)... Vibration is nothing but shabda brahman. I will just reveal a secret here Suhrudh which my Gurunathar told me... Shabda is the key to transcend time and then space. First it is time Suhrudh and then it would be space not both at a time as some misguided yogis think. You westerners are better in one way Suhrudh, we Indians keep fighting and lose our precious knowledge whereas you guys keep record of what we have. However, there are more lacunae in the west than India spiritually which makes me go back to my land. Also, recording is no big deal. Infact, it becomes a hindrance--a real pest to your own spiritual path. If you keep recording other people's experiences or for that matter your own experiences, then where will be the time dear friend for further spiritual progress. To inspire is onething but to record is a form of intellectual ego. "You scracth my back and I scratch my back"---This was said by Matt to me for recording my Kundalini experience(can we appellate it torture?). I said "I dont need anyone to scratch my back--but I will help you to scratch your back, if you feel lazy. I can scratch my back with my own hands". I do not like people overtly trying to influence people in the name of Kundalini and fleece them of money be it books or mantras. When the time is appropriate I will come with a series of books myself....targetted at young minds. I suffered a lot Suhrudh doing Kundalini and when I turned to help, the "intellectual parasites" (that is the name I have kept for Srividya Intellectuals who know nothing but to parrot texts) lent no helping hand to me. When a man is dying if you say to him"Look my child, it is all in the blah blah...". It means the person has not understood Karma-siddhantham. The first major precept is to help others who come to you because there is a rinanubandhana between that person and you in the first place. Similarly, a mantra also has a relationship with you--a Karma at a different level with you. Even the paint sticking on your wall has a karma with you else it will not be there, then what to speak of Mantras, my dear friend. The spandha was the primordial intent which sparked out as an electric hint--the intuition as we commonly call.... Ano Divo Bruhataha Parvatha Da Saraswathi Yajatha Ganthu Yagnam Havam Devi Jujushana Ghruthachi Sagamnno Vachamusathi Srunothu! May the Mother Saraswathy flow down the planes of light, Through the peaks of the mountains to the plain fields following the lubricated path to reach up-to the tip of out toungues and reside over there forever and ever. May we reside in Her, as She resides in us. May our utterances cause comfort and harmony and even initiation to the utterer and the listener! This comes in Saraswathy Sooktham. When I was learning the ghanam for Saraswathy mantra, I also happened to dwell more on the meaning of this mantra.The meaning of this vedic hymn is not so obvious my dear friend. I had the revelation of its meaning when travelling from winnipeg to ottawa by a bus! It is an invocation to bring about the word down from the sahasrara, the highest peak of Manasa sarovaram which is the brahma manasa sarovara, which exists in our sahasrara. People spend so much money to see the Manasarovar lake in China when the very powerful Manasarovara can be actualized in ourselves sitting in the comfort of our homes. Then hymn speaks of Ghritaachi, Ghrita which is ghee is called clarified butter. It lubricates the brain, the cerebral system.The cow has something extra-terrestrial in its being recognized as holy.The essence of Milk in its ultimate state is Ghritam,lubricating the cerebral system,so that the flow from the higher centers can distribute to the lower ones without blockages.I do not mean the cows in USA..Hehe! which are given growth hormones and fed with chicken broth. I mean the cows in India which are fed with satwic ahara sans the growth hormones. So dont expect such results with the Vitaminized milk which we get here in Newjersey. That is why I go and get myself Indian cow ghee for my spiritual purposes. Remember, Suhrudh a simple rule for everything Artificiality=ease=pain later Naturalness=difficulty=effortless effort later. After an intuitve person dies, volumes are written about him. When alive no one evn ventures insomuchas to meet him. He/she might cry our loud and hoarse. However, while returning from Newjersey yesterday, I was doing an Arka-vidya prayoga. I had earlier showed you a site about Tennati, I had gathered somthing similar. What Master EK said was right regarding the 7th tissue which gets activated in our frontal lobe and for this Ghritaachi is the medium--the easiet medium.Then some voice(not mine) kept ringing all the way to Schenectady "You cannot impose purity,mantras,sense into people unless they are ready..."The voice kept coming again and again...I replied back mentally sitting back in the Toyota Seinna which my brother-in-law was driving" Am I ready for the purity?"...The voice "seemed" to smile and kept chanting again "You cannot impose purity,mantras, sesne into people unless they are ready..." Then I understood, why it was saying thus and whose voice it was(one of the Parivaradevatas).Lucky, I heard the voice during Grahana-punya kalam. The purified secretions in cow's ghee do increases the vitality of the sacral center.Intaoist exercises I used to tap the sacral center and then activate it with a mantra. It was a sort of Tao-srividya syngery.However, the cow which gives the milk and thereby the butter and the ghee must be tended to lovingly.Even in India too lot of cows are tortured for milk and when they become barren they are left. The very term "Barren lady" in telugu--Godduraalu comes from "Go ki addu andhuvalena aodduraalu" -an obstruction to "Go" The "Go" is the energy beyond the 7 planes. Look, you say you are taken to ninth heaven whenever you see your girl friend Marietta....something similar(albiet a million times more, else Yogis will be in search of their Mariettas!) happens which lifts the mantra-doer to the plane of Go or the Go-loka and then reaches an electric hint state..the state of eternal intution. The tip of the tounge also has a deeper influence on the recitation of mantras. Indays of yore(and even today) in some states in south, black magicians who do evil prayogas are castrated of their toungues and teeth. Note, I have used the word "Castrated" because the toungue and the teeth are their main organs to embelish their power in nefarious ways. The weilindg goes awry because of the corruption of their Vital spirit. A saatwic mantra keeps this Vitality intact. Mother Mira of Aurobindo Ashram(see my posting on Her and my experience in Her Pondycherry ashram at Her samadhi in one old posting) used to lay emphasis on this "Vitality". She used to check whether the person was "Vital" before she could help him/her. What is the ultimate accomplishment of the "word"? It is the initiation.The speaker is initiated aswellas the listener when the mantra is chanted. Taittereya Upanishad(remember my story of the fire-fowls--tittirri pakshis which created the taittreya upanishad) says here that "The utterer is the preceding form.The listener is the succeeding form.The teaching is the means of transmission.Flow of the word(mantra) is the bridge.Such is the wisdom". I know this email sounds a bit hard to digest, so read it many times to digest just like you masticate manytimes before you gulp a hard food. The information you get in my email will not be got anywhere online or offline as I reveal a gist of the essence, so drink it faster than your Gatorade bottle. --------------------------- Iam typing this email in parts and save it in draft here is my second...spandana on the subject.... The streets of Schenectady are cobbled with snow. More snow than even Rochester, but the place, I stay here is serene. Just like our apartments at the edge of Rochester with the Genesse river next to us.My baby is slpeeping blissfully unawares of her dad typing Suhrdh some gibberish about Mantropasana. Wish I could enter into such a meditative state like her. Though my talk about has been digressive a bit...I would like to say that it was essential for you to understand the concept of Spandana and ghrita. Talking about Ghrita, one of the keys of Mantropasana is the Mantra-purascharana and in this too Ghrita is essential. Many these days do homa/havan/yaga/yagna(in a rare case) using Mahisha-ghrita(buffalo ghee), this will yield Tamasic results.Nowwonder they feel very hungry after a bout of Homam.Thier Jatara Agni is activated than the Bhootha Agni. I used to do Homa with "Maha-pancha-gavya-Ghritam"(The five cow products mixed with 16 other herbs). It is available in any Kerala Ayurvedic shop. One Namboodiri Assan Madhavan taught me a Kerala Tantreeka procedure to do the Viraja Homam and other mantreeka homas. It was good stuff!! The vibration is very important my friend. Someone online is running a Gayatri Reiki(It is strange, nevertheless a bold attempt to combine both Gayathri mantra and reiki) and when I heard how they chanted the Gayathri Mantra, I fell down laughing from my chair. And they claim lot of testimonials in their site. Kali-yuga, Ghora-Kaliyuga, my friend. People have become 1. Jealous 2. Lustful 3. Greedy for money 4. selfish and parochial in their thinking. 5. Anger due to ego Now a mantraic vibration must be targetted to remove these 5 main negative qualities.To eliminate ego totally is not possible. If it were the 'leela" would stop and the body drops down into Nirvikalpa samadhi or if it wants to come back into savikalpa samadhi.(There are 16 kinds of samadhi, maybe more,described in Vachaswaretha Tantra) Birth and death are two commas in the poem of life,Suhrudh.My dream is to earn some money and then go to some peaceful place(oflate I have been thinking of Horsley Hills,Ooty and even Kodaikanal apart from Hyderabad outskirts) and do my sadhanas, anonymously. Anonymity is required to gather and stoke the fire inside me Suhrudh.Fire is the core of any yogic practice. I have profound reverence for the word "Agni" in sanskrit. I keep reading the Agni Sooktham and each reading seems different to me. A mere parrot like chant of the vedic mantras without stoking the "real fire" does not help. The flames of the fire are the tougue of fire. They are seven in number, and each toungue has its own color.These toungues have their specific functions and only if you know how to handle them you should really do the Homa/havan. Each time the intent of the offering changes the colour of the fire(you noticed me and asked this as to why the colour of the fire keeps changing when I do homa--in India). The change of colour is not just an aspect in India, even if I do the Havan here properly, the colour will change.These specific toungues come forward and accept it. The ingredients offered(Ahuthi) might be the same but the mantraic vibration(intention behind it) changes the colour "miraculously". This is the power of Aadya-spandha.You burn your pschological trash in the fire of knowledge but your physical trash is burnt in a living and blazing fire.When the mantra is chanted, the vibration is creates acts as a fricitonal fire, this is a purifying fire and it burns your spiritual trash. When learning about mantras do not be gullible or follow anyone blindly. I might sound as if I follow my Guru blindly but Hell, No!! I test Him. He knows that and He responds back wherever He is and wherever I might be. This is the Guru-shishya leela and howmuchever I might try to raise from it, I cannot.Do not trust anyone unless you have tested them very much. Not even me, my friend. I might write or type what makes perfect sense to me but might sound gibberish to you.And do not place total faith even on someone who seems trustworthy,for such trust sooner or later invites fear. For your peace of mind, Trust God and serve all. To place faith in a guru is ultimate and to have a Prapanna Bhava or pRapatthi is something beyond your current capacity, Suhrudh, don't even attempt it with your bottle of Heinkein beer!(Iam glad you have left alcohol--I was just pulling your leg here). Heinkein Beer and Mantras don't gel well, why again it is the clash of vibrations, my friend.... I have this competition coming up where I have to memorize the whole of Bhagavad Geetha and then give a lecture and a write-up. Iam game for it. It is not a competition as such but an event. One member of our group notified that to me. One who does a memorization of sansksrit words and sholkas finds that it is much akin to push-ups(mental pushups??). Sure! It is fun memorizing verses. Our minds are like a muscle. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Not only does memorizing slokas purify our hearts, it is like doing pushups with the mind. You told me you like to walk every day to keep your body fit…right? Srila Prabhupada said “Even if you only remember one verse, if you fully realize that verse and carry it with you wherever you go, you’ll achieve perfection in Krishna consciousness", then what to speak of the full Bhagavad Geetha? In school, I used to attend competitions by Ahobila Mutt for Bhagavd Geetha and win prizes, that was when I was in sixth std. Now that skill has to be revived like an elephant's memory(or is it the Airavatha?). People in Ahobila Mutt used to mistake a Smartha like me to be a Vaishnava just because I used to sport a Nama(Thiruman included) out of Love for Vishnu(I was still more naughty and spoke their language too very well!hehe!). I also had great time learning Divya Prabandhams and pasurams.The old man of the Ahobila Mutt who was the principal(I think he is no more now) took a special liking for me and presented the stories of the Alzhwars. Each time a mantra is committed to memory, a vibration is created in the frontal lobe dendrite. The vibrations when clustered form a Kavacha(armour or shield) on the doer. Now, Vibrations can be further trifurcated into 1. Kavacha aavrutha 2. Krithya Avrutha 3. Kriya-chakra Avarutha I don't want to talk about Krithya Prayogas here as many have burnt their fingers/souls with deities like Prathyangira, Kiratha Varahi, Raktha Matangi, Jhrumbhini Devi, Shoolini,Jwalamalini,etc. Kriya-Chara mantras are internal and is a subject in itself, I will dwell on it later. Kavacha mantras are what I would deal here. I went and had my meal just now. My sister's Chennagadda curry was simply marvellous! However, to compensate the tamasa I had to ingest Allam Pacchadi(ginger paste) and downed some Chandan Sharbath....Brahmana Bhojana Priyaha! Haha! The leaves here outside my window rustle gently as I type these lines on my laptop. Excuse my typos in this and other emails. I just type fast without referring or inducing any deliberate thought process and thus, what comes out is generally my raw, unblemished thought process never embelished by any quotes from any texts and lateral arguments, except what I remember off my head at any given moment regarding a subject(I then use quotes, if I know the source).Also, many of my emails or postings are not logically presented. There will be digression here and then an off-shoot there. It just like any friendly discussion, nothing done to impress anyone. Vibration is the key to a mantra...the most important key to any mantra. You might have heard Auditory persons(NLP) say "It doesn't sound good to me", if the mantra devata hears you pronounce the mantra wrongly then the deva/devi will say the same. Then it will spell trouble for you Suhrudh. Better say "Amma, Amma Amma.." Cymatics the study of sound and the patterns it creates have found that when the word /sound /mantra "Om" is chanted into their cymatic spectrometer, a Sri Yantra is formed. In an earlier study one lady from England found the shape of a man and a dog when She was reading the Kala-Bhairava Stotra in a similar instrument. This means that the mantraic vibration is connected to its etheric component and the compnent brings forth a matrix of the mantra devata or the mantra moorthy. This is simply amazing, isn't it, Suhrudh? I will end this email with a Biblical story my friend, A Biblical prophet said in Malachi 3:3 says: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study class and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next class. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn’t mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot then she thought again about the verse that says: “He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.” She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. the man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?” He smiled at her and answered, “Oh, that’s easy— when I see my image in it.” If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you. A mantra's vibration does exactly that, it burns you and then you begin to see the image of the Mantra Moorthy in it....then something has been achieved by you my friend.... More keys will be given to you during the week, wait for my emails. For now, let me take some rest and play with my baby!(These two are important now for me) Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Bored stiff? Loosen up...Download and play hundreds of games for free on Games. Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru We won't tell. 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