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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Shatha Rudriyam

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Dear All,


I was searching the site after reading below i came across below. Hope this will be usefull in this connections.





1st Anuvaka:


All the Sins will be destroyed, gets leadership and divine benevolence, protection from famine, freedom from fear, getting food, protection of cows. Absence from untimely fear of death, works as shield (kavaca) for virulent fever, curing diseases. Absence from fear of tigers, thieves, from Monsters, Devils, demons, cured of foetal disorders, absolved from the evils stars, getting fulfilled ones desires. Sumptuous rainfall, thinking of one's own clan, blesses with a good son, all wants fulfilled and enemies get destroyed.


2nd Anuvaka:


Destruction of enemies, all the four castes will be under control, possession of wealth, getting kingdom, (getting Job) possessing intelligence.


3rd Anuvaka:


Diseases will be cured.

4th Anuvaka:


Cures tuberculosis, diabetics and leprosy.


5th and 6th Anuvakas:


Expansion of one's own assets, Victory against enemies, blesses with a son of the stature of Rudra, Avoids abortion of ladies, Easy delivery, the Evil stars and the effects to one's own son is averted.


7th Anuvaka:


All the four castes will be under their influence, intelligence will be increased, improvement of health, wealth, progeny, clothes, cows, sons, education, lands, longevity and obtaining liberation.


8th Anuvaka:


Destructions of enemies and possession of ones own kingdom (lands).


9th Anuvaka:


Gets gold, gets girl of his choice, gets Job, Yak-raksha, Bhuta, preta, pisacha will appear and they will be under his influence and control. Blesses with a son, occupies kingly position a son devoted to Lord Shiva. Becomes a poet, the higher ups will be under his away.


10th Anuvaka:


Possession of wealth, diseases being cured, getting rid of the fear due to application of evil mantras. Get rid off the enemity of powerful people, Absence of fear from all living beings, having the darsan of Bhairava, Absence from dangers and untoward fears. No abortion during the third month for ladies, son will be blessed, blesses with clothes, getting married, All sins absolved, All bad dreams, all undesirable things will be averted. Absence of fear from enemies; Health of elephants, horses camels, cows and other cattle assured. All in the family will get peace. No defeat in gambling, untimely death is averted, harmony in distant travel, blesses with son and victory against enemy and no fear from thieves, from king, from forest, from evil minded people and devata bhaya (fear).


11th Anuvaka:


The evil prayoga will be effectively returned back, ensures visits to sacred places. Blesses with progeny, enhances longevity gets the knowledge of past, present and future.




The commentator sayanacharya has divided the entire chamakam into eleven Anuvakas and a catalogue of 347 (three hundred and forty seven) benedictions are furnished to be granted by the chanter. Chamakam is the fourth Kanda and Seventh prapataka of the Yajurveda.


These excellent prayer is intended for the bulk of the people and every thing to be cherished in the world is included in this ascend to the state of Jnani to attain Moksha i.e. eternal happiness. Chamakam assures granting of what all you ask in a full-throated manner unabashed. The creator makes no distinction between the things of the world and the other world. Both belong to him and desire born out of Virtue is really manifestation of divinity and Dharma.


Chamakam furnishes completely the ideal of human happiness and defines in the highest degree the desires and do not delimit to be asked or to be granted.


In the first Anuvaka prayer is made to keep fit in the human being his vitalities internal and sensory organs and mind hale and healthy, a long and peaceful and happy old age.


The Second Anuvaka prominence and leadership, common sense, intellectual acumen, capability to face trying circumstances, Spiritual elevation, worldly splendor and enjoyments.


The third develops innate urge of God and meditative flights and spiritual ecstasy, service to Divinity and humanity and a condition where the world wants him and he wants the world for upliftment.


The fourth assures of courtesy, fitness of the body and the best food for the body, cosy and comfort.


The fifth asks for the Nava ratnas, the precious stones and all the animals to subserve his interest and the qualified materials best in their form for his rituals.


The sixth emphasizes the importance of Indra as a co-sharer in the offerings to the other Gods. Thus makes him big to get the major obtainer of Havis among all Gods and his special honour and supremacy.


The Seventh lists the various instruments necessary for some and sacrifices in the "Homa Kunda", the site of offerings to the fire God with Svahakara.


The ninth is the prime prayer consists of all the contents of four Vedas.


The tenth invokes all the biological species to co-operate in his daily wealth and also for the sacrificial fire. It also involves higher spiritual elevations, and makes it as Jnana Yajna.


The Eleventh Anuvaka brings out the long list of benedictions asked for in the odd divine number and even human numbering. Chamakam roots are firmly implanted in the worldly desires ultimately leading to the divine fulfillment. It is prayed that the Divine is immortal, infinite and is the cause of earth and heaven, space and time, reborn after the end of every thing and is the presiding deity.




On 3/7/07, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:







Dear Alfred,



My heart gladdens as you email me that you were inspired by my postings to do sadhana on Lord Shiva. Glad to note that you are learning Shata Rudriyam yourself and you are in the eight Anuvaka.



Westeners like you rush to our land in search of eternal peace and Vedic wisdom, whereas our folks rush here to California and Newyork in search of tags like " Microsoft " , " Cisco " . " Oracle " !!


Not that Iam against materiality but that Iam against " only-materiality " .


I loved my days in Sholingur,Chennai and Thiruvannamalai more than the bedded comfort of Rochester.My legs used to ache walking the 14 kms walk of Arunachala valam but my heart used to feel light and blissful. Unnaamulaiyaane' Potri! Arunaachalame' Potri!



Since now you plan to go to Arunachala, time it with your first full recitation in Arunachala sannidhi and don't forget Divine Mother Unnamulai Ambal (Apeethakuchambal--Apithakucha-Ambika)when you go there.





(Arunachala Koil)


I had many an experience there with one recent experience where my sister and I washed the samadhi of a yogi (which had a linga atop).


This happened a couple of years ago when we were doing our Girivalam on a hot afternoon!(we were brave, thats all I can say!, else we were termed morons by my father, who asked us to walk in the night like all). We soon began to see why our father called us " morons " , the heat was unbearable, we were fried like French fries in hot oil!(maybe they too have a respite after a few minutes but this seemed endless), we wished we heeded our father's words-- " Thandaichol mikka mandiram illai " !(No greater mantra than father's words!)



The road was tar-furnace, the small respite was stones which pricked our feet,then the greenery was just thorns on the end of the road. To compound the problem we did not wear socks. My sister was cursing me " You said we will not get full results if we wear socks but now I feel Iam in hell " I replied back " Yes we are and maybe this will purge us, don't curse me praise the Lord!! " But then even I too felt the heat--I skimpered from the bushes to the tar road to the stones alternatively and finally we found a stone slab out of nowhere to rest. We both sat exahusted on it. Out of nowhere a smiling young yogi (andi-yogi) came to us and said, " There is a yogi samadhi here will you both wash it? " We were surprised " Where is the water, Mister??? " we wanted to shout! We nodded our heads sheepishly. He said in chaste Tamil " Mikka Nandri " and then he brought a Vaali(an ancient type of bucket) full of cool water " We washed the samadhi applied chandan to the linga but actually we felt more happy because the cool water sort of provided the required manna to our blistered soles!



We got down grudgingly to complete our Arunachala valam and He said to us " Children,good good, you now go, hope your feet feels fine " He said in broken english. We replied back " Oh! Ayya you know english " He smiled back and said " Canada Canada " (We were then in Canada) and we smiled and tunred our heads and after a certain distance I said to my sister " How did he know we were in Canada? " My sister brushed it away as a non-event. Next time when I went for Girivalam, to my consternation, neither did I find any samadhi that place nor any young andiappan!



The place is filled with Yogis and Siddhas, Alfred. It is only because of poorvajanma vasanas that you want to go there from Sunnyvale,USA.


There are three types of prayer modes, my friend


Kaayika, Vaachika and Maanasika.


Kaayika is a vedic fire ritual,because one's limbs and material are used to perform this ritualistic prayer.

Vaachika is oral prayer

Maanasika is mental prayer


Shatha Rudriyam is used in all these three prayer modes.There is nothing as noble or purifying as Shata Rudriyam.


Even for Chittanaischalya, the freedom from emotional upheavals in one's life, the Shatarudriyam is highly recommended by people who know Vedic tradition well.



In Kaivalyopanishad it is said that


Yah Shata Rudriyam Adhite Sah....Brahmahatyaayaah Puto Bhavathi, Suvarnasteyaath Puto Bhavathu....


" One who repeats the Shata Rudriyam is freed from the sin incurred by killing a Brahmana(a spiritual person in search of Brahman) or robbing gold.... "



Kurma Purana also has a story of Vasumanaas, a king who did Gayathri Upasana for many years and due to this, Lord Shiva appeared before Him and said " Listen to these secret names of mine given to you together, even though they are mentioned individually, in different parts of vedas. Add the word, Namaha, to each word and do Namaskara,living a life of Dharma. You will free yourself from Samsaara "



What is the logic here?




The Nama os the Lord is greater than the Naami. In other words the name " Rudra " is greater than Lord Rudra Himself. There is a certain truth to this attitude.There

is no name without a Naami. The name Vivekananda had gained a sacred status only because of the Naami,the person and the same goes with a notorious person(say Osama).


It is clear therefore that Naama has no meaning without the Naami. But it is not true that the Naami having quit the scene with all the bio-graphical non-details,had left behind the Nama, the name,whose content survives the levelling hands of time?



In other words, Alfred, the content survives even in the absence of the historical Rudra.It is said that Hanuman used to do the japa of Lord Rama even when Lord Rama was around.This might sound outright silly to a westener like you but it is very logical for Hanuman to do so because the person " Rama " cannot be rolled and put in the mind it is only japa which fixes it.Japa being an act of repetition, the naami has no place there.



Shata Rudriyam which you do is popular in Southindia as Namakam.In the first nine sections of the Rudram, the word namaha appears three hundred times.This hymn is followed invariably by another hymn where the syllables and " me " occur every sentence.Cha means and and Me means for me/me/to me.


First you supplicate with Namaha and then you begin to ask.


Suppose you go to your boss in Heinz and say " Hey Richard give me that... " will he give you that?, Maybe a good whack on your back!


But try this " Hey Richard! You are great....you played real well...wow what a homerun it was..... " This is Namakam for your Richard and then


You say " Richard, I need this file to be disposed off tonight to that section...And I also need the packers to come in....And I need the Heinz proposal to move today... " Then Richard will do everything you request him(or atleast the probability of him doing it is great.



This is Chamakam!!


I know this is stretching things a bit but still it drives home the point.


The Shatha Rudriyam consists of eleven anuvaakas. Each Anuvaaka has a number of hymns in different vedic meters. Each hymn has a seer,rishi and a devata.There are also places where more than one hymn is attributed to a given rishi.



This is found in Krishna Yajurveda taittariya Samhita under the fourth chapter as the fifth (Namakam) and Seventh Sub Chapter as Chamakam.



Veda meka gunam japtva tadahynva vishuddhyate |Rudrai Kaadashini Japtva takshanaa Deva shuddhyati || (Yamasmruti).



By reciting Veda once he becomes pure on that day. But by Rudradhyayam the very next moment he gets purified.


The persons who wrote the treatises (meaning) of Rudradhyayam are Maha pandit Shayanacharya, Bhatta Bhaskara, Visnu suri. Shrimadabhinava, Shankaracharya. The present text contains the agreed views of all the four commentators. Rudra is (Shiva), Agni Svarupa. It is stated that �Shriyamieche ddhutaashanaat� people desirous of all auspicious things have to worship the Agni Svarupa Rudra through Japa, Homa, Abhiseka and Archana. In our Country persons born during the time of bad stars, and at such bad times of maturity of girls(Dur-rajaswam) and during the intervening bad conjunction of stars as per horoscope and to get over the evil effects and difficulties and to obtain Shanti, Rudrabhishekam and Rudrarchana will be performed. Some others conduct in an elaborate way Maha Rudram and Atirudram. It is to be noted here that Shrimadabhinava Shankara Bhagavadpada had written Commentary for Namakam and not for Chamakam.





(Rudra Homam)



Rudram and Chamakam are exclusively intended for three main classes of persons. Who are (1) afflicted with troubles and miseries (2) Seekers of knowledge (3) for pleasures of earth and heaven and for riches. These three are Sakama and these goals ultimately leads to the fourth goal, the highest form of mediation (Nishkaama) which leads to liberation.



Rudram is fire itself. He has two forms one terrible and the other auspicious i.e. reflected in this Brahmana.


Rudro Vaa Esha yadagnih tasyante tanuvow Ghora Anya Siva anya |Yacchatarudriyam Juhyeti yaivasya Ghora tanuh tam tena shamayati ||



By chanting Rudras he pacifies his terrible form.


This is Karmakanda which is very efficacious and dictated in Veda Bhaga of Shata Rudriyam. The other is the regular worship in temples and houses i.e. upaasana khanda which stands on a high pedestal


It is said:


Chamakam Namakam caiva purusa suktam tathaiva ca |Nityam trayam prayunjano Brahmaloke mahiyate ||

He who ever recites Namakam and Chamakam along with Purusa suktam daily will be honoured in Brahmaloka.


More on this later, for now, my jataraagni is roaring and I have to feed some Ahuti for it!


See you on Sunday...before you go!


Yours Yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli











Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...






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