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Draambeeja Kalpadrumam-Part 3

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Message Number 1365--Part 1 of this article Message Number 1508--Part 2 of this article Dear Somnath and other dear Datta-lotus buds, Iam continuing my post on the significance

of the Draam Beejam.Iam going to state the content in my emails easy for you to digest and expand on certain aspects. Because, last email you complained that you were not able to comprehend certain points. 'Beejam' means seed sound. These seed sounds penetrate one's karmic sheaths and cleanse them of sins and past birth bad vasanas(bad inclinations/proclivities). Why is the word "Vasana" used to describe these proclivities(or one's tendencies to do certain acts)? Sanskrit is a beautiful

language and the term means a subtle influence which stays. A fragrance lingers onto one's body for sometime or for days depending on the quality of the fragrance. In a similar manner, vasanas are one which stay(Vasathe' ithi vasanae'). These subtle "fragrances"(rather smells) make our personalities and these have to be rooted out by clearing out the karmic sheaths which binds our koshas. This is no easy task. It

requires the following 1. Intent---"I have to get out of this rut" 2. Search--"What more is there for my soul to evolve?' 3. Humility---"Iam part of a bigger picture and I bow to the Datta in everyone" 4. Hardwork--"I need to be not lazy but ever awake"(Yeshu supthaeshu jagarthi). 5. Guru guidance--"I need a Guru" Among these the last point is very important.I constantly harp upon the pristine beauty of Gurutwam or

rather Guru-shishyatwam....Blessed is my Guru! Bliss is my Guru-incarnate! Now, some people opine that one needs not a Guru to get our of the rut.I also heard from one source that even a great Datta-upasaka says that after certain stage one becomes one's own Guru.This is a ku-tarkawadam(erroneous logical conclusion/argument).I may accept what all he says but never on this ground. If a person says that he/she can attain liberation without a Guru. It is plain IMPOSSIBLE!! I will have nothing to do with such a person, and to have come from a Datta Marga which emphasises so much on the aspect of Guru and say such words is not called for. Maybe, this is Datta-maya, or maybe Iam made to know in the greater scheme of things that only Guru is needed and is enough and that Iam not mature for such a 'higher' concept as being one's own Guru

"after a certain stage". Why do I deviate from the main topic of beejas into Guru? Because to do a Beejopasana especially one like Draam one needs a Guru. Draam Beejothpanna shakthi (the energy emnating from the upasyu of Draam) needs a collection point. Most of kaliyuga vaasis personalities are fragrmented. Even if they do months or years of upasanas and do obtain a sense of awareness, their inner psyche is fragmented into a million shards of mirror pieces and they get confused seeing varigiated things and experiences. It is here that Guru steps in. He acts as the mirror. Guru is verily the mirror, Somanath,Mera Bhai! Guru darpanam iva--it is said in sutaka upanishad. The Draam beeja when done keeping this "mirror" before you will reflect its puissance better. ----------------- Last article I stopped at the mention of Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad....It is a story in that Upanishad. Prajapati had three kinds of offspring: gods, men and demons (asuras). They lived with Prajapati, practising the vows of brahmacharins. After finishing their term, the gods said to him: "Please instruct us, Sir." To them he uttered the syllable da and asked:"Have you understood?" They replied: "We have. You said to us, ‘Control yourselves (damyata).’ He said: "Yes, you have understood." Then the men said to him: "Please instruct us, Sir" To them he uttered the same syllable da and asked:"Have you understood?" They replied: "We have. You said to us, ‘Give (datta).’ He said: ‘Yes, you have understood. Then the demons said to him: "Please instruct us, Sir." To them he uttered the same syllable da and asked:"Have you understood?" They replied: "We have. You said to us: ‘Be compassionate (dayadhvam).’ He said: "Yes, you have understood."That very thing is repeated even today by the heavenly voice, in the form of thunder, as "Da,Da,Da," which means: "Control yourselves,Give," and "Have compassion." Therefore one should learn these three: self—control, giving and mercy. There is one thing to note in this story. The demons and the Gods not only lie in other spheres but also in one's heart. A demon to-------> to a Man--------> needs to develop Compassion. Many of us think we have this attribute but unfortunately, we do not realize that in many respects we are demons. Daya Daya Daya!--is the need of the hour...daya toward ourselves, Daya toward other people,Daya to the cosmic source.

A man to -----> change to a God(Here it means semi divine beings who throng the plane called swarga(an astral plane))-----------------> needs to develop the attribute of Giving--Giving whatever you have, knowledge,money,literally anything. Dattam! Dattam! Dattam! A God to reach Parabrahmam-----------> needs Dama--->Control of senses as they might fall from such ephemeral states when one's karma

wears down. Dama Dama Dama!! (As I was searching for what image to post here, Amba directed me to post this photo of Ramana here, I bow before this great Saint and before this experience--Blessed be the "be") Once this stage of Dama is crossed then one can be

called Sthithaprajna. Gods bow before such a person.Then such a person goes to conquer the Vishwashakthi. These days everyone becomes an Avatar in his/her right! To be a mystic is not an easy magickal process which can be got by meditating,lighting candles or lamps...who will light your inner lamp somnath? Tell me! Such a person then converts by this "Fourth" Da(if I may posit here) ...Draam into the Dattoham stage. This Beeja is a comprehensive beeja which is the source of all Beejas and maybe second in importance only to the primordial sound--OM.Or maybe even surpasses that when done conscientiously under a Guru guidance. Dattatreyam is a very powerful path and hence it called "Dattatreyam Brahmarandhrastham". Endhuchetha itula chebutaaru Dattayogilu, anna vishyam next posting lo choodhaam... Mari Inka selavu! Meelo Dattudu Vikasinchugaaka! Shreeram Balijepalli




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