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this version: is the printed Microvitum in a Nutshell, 3rd edition,

version (spelling mistakes only may have been corrected).

I.e., this is the most up-to-date version as of the present




Gandhapisha'ca. The word " pisha'ca " means " a kind of pretayonii " .

Whether or not human beings become devayoniis after their demise

depends upon their nature or mentality. Only those human beings who

were elevated during their lifetimes become devayoniis after they

die. On the other hand, disembodied souls attain the status of

pretayoniis until they are reborn in other forms. That is, when

people with many demerits die, they become pretayoniis according to

their defective mentality. These pretayoniis are divided into several

categories -- durmukha, kabandha, madhyakapa'la, maha'kapa'la,

brahmadaetya or brahmapisha'ca, a'ka'shiipre- ta, and pisha'ca.


Durmukha pretayoniis. There are people who give mental clash to

others due to their lack of education or for some other reason. After

death they want to continue giving mental clash to others as durmukha

pretayoniis. These pretayoniis are reborn as human beings after

undergoing the consequences of their actions for a long, long time.


Kabandha. People who commit suicide due to humiliation, psychic

distortion, frustration or the overpowering influence of excessive

attachment, anger, greed, vanity, jealousy, etc. get the status of

kabandha yoni after death. Wherever these entities happen to see

other human beings under the spell of psychic derangement, they

incite them to commit suicide.


Madhyakapa'la. People who are mentally restless or who have an

unstable nature say one thing in the morning, something else at

midday and something different again in the evening. Due to their

restlessness, they not only cause trouble for themselves, they also

cause trouble for others. They get the status of madhyakapa'la after

their demise.


Maha'kapa'la. Those who harm others while trying to fulfill their own

selfish ends, those who practise Avidya' Tantra in the name of Vidya'

Tantra, and those with a sinister, sadistic nature who mercilessly

kill millions of innocent people by manufacturing lethal weapons get

the status of maha'kapa'la after their demise. They always keep

trying to destroy the living world.


Brahmadaetya or Brahmapisha'ca. Those intellectuals who do not

utilise their intellect for constructive purposes, but rather misuse

their intellect to suppress others or create inferiority complexes in

others get this status after their demise.


A'ka'shiipreta. Those who always engage in destructive activities

goaded by their ambition, regardless of their ability, and those who

are not averse to committing any heinous crime to fulfill their

ambition get this status after their demise. They are reborn as human

beings after reaping the consequences of their actions for a long

period of time.


Pisha'ca. Those who look upon everything as their object of enjoyment

without considering whether or not they are edible, get this status

after their demise. They are a kind of negative microvita.


It has already been stated that microvita move through tanma'tra's,

that is, the inferences of sound, touch, form, taste and smell. These

five inferences are the carriers of these microvita. The movement

from sound to smell represents movement towards crudity, and the

movement from smell to sound represents movement towards subtlety.

Negative microvita prefer the smell tanma'tra' more than the sound

tanma'tra', and in the same way positive microvita prefer the sound

tanma'tra' more than the smell tanma'tra'. In other words, negative

microvita do not like the sound tanma'tra' as much as they like the

smell tanma'tra', and similarly positive microvita do not like the

smell tanma'tra' as much as negative microvita do.


Previously, in another context, I said that various kinds of negative

microvita which have, up to now, been called a " virus " , damage human

beings. Different diseases take the help of different kinds of

tanma'tra's. From country to country, from planet to planet, and from

the far distant frontiers of the universe, these negative microvita

carry the seeds of destructive diseases. These varieties of negative

microvita also spread mean-mindedness and negative psychic complexes.

Similarly, from various planets and distant nebula, varieties of

positive microvita bring pious, sentient thoughts and elevating

sentiments. Likewise, the pious aspirations and sentiments of a

mighty personality and those of many individuals penetrate into the

cosmic wave and spread throughout the universe with the help of these

positive microvita. Positive microvita convert milk into curd and

thereby serve humanity. They also guide human sentiments and ideas

along the path of synthesis so that these sentiments and ideas are

eventually transmuted into pinnacled intellect. You may say that

these positive microvita are the emanations of Parama Purus'a -- the

effulgence of Parama Purus'a.


There are some diseases -- and their number is not negligible --

which are carried by the inference of smell. Most of the skin

diseases and boils which have a bad smell are carried by the smell

inference. The disease of the laryngitis (in which the voice becomes

hoarse and ulcers in the throat emit a foul smell) is invariably

carried by the inference of smell. Those who sing for long periods of

time or deliver lengthy speeches are likely to be attacked by

laryngitis which is carried by negative microvita. This disease can

be avoided or cured if sarvaunga'sana (shoulder stand) and

matsyamudra (fish pose) are practised regularly in ascending and

descending order, then cloves and betel leaves are boiled together

and the warm water is drunk through the nose, and the portion of the

tongue near the uvula is then cleaned with the middle finger of the

hand while the water is still in the throat. Finally, the water

should be ejected from the mouth.


Negative microvita also attack the human mind through the smell

inference. If a person sits in a wine bar or pub and the smell of

different alcoholic beverages enters one's nose, the smell will

influence one's mind. One may also order a drink from the bar! The

scriptures say:


Satsaunges'u bhavenmurtirasatsauges'u baudhanam


" Good company leads to emancipation.

Conversely, evil company leads to bondages. "


Although the human mind and body are attacked via all the five

inferences, virulent attacks come from the smell inference, and then

next from the form inference. Even if a decent man visits an area

which is not usually frequently by decent gentlemen, his mind is

bound to degenerate. When referring to " evil company " , good people

include bad places. Negative microvita carried by the smell inference

cannot easily influence the minds of those who are engaged in

elevating their minds through sa'dhana', those whose minds mostly

roam in the upper plexii, or those who are keen to roam in the upper

plexii. Even if negative microvita do influence the minds of such

people, they cannot influence the mind as easily as the body.


Negative microvita cannot influence a person's mind at all when one's

mind is moving in the higher cakras. They cannot even fully control

the body, although they can have a negative influence to some extent.

If a person in a state of meditation keeps his or her mind

concentrated at a higher cakra for a long time, and immediately after

that negative microvita carried by the smell inference enter the

body, these negative microvita cannot overpower the person, but they

can do so partially. But if the mind moves towards crude objects, at

that time the negative microvita do not spare the person -- they will

attack the person severely. This sort of negative microvita about

which we are talking is called " gandahapisha'ca. "


Ghosts or elves are not really ghosts and elves -- they are

gandhapisha'cas. With the dawning of reason and intellect on the

dogma infected minds of the people of the past, the clouds of

ignorance began to disappear from the human mind. So-called ghosts,

elves, goblins, demons, etc. are disappearing into nothingness. The

disembodied minds of diseased persons who have certain merits or

demerits were sometimes wrongly called " pretayoniis " . In fact, they

are the entities which are the carriers of so-called merits or

demerits. Of all the varieties of negative microvita, those which are

carried by the senses and are harmful are known as " gandhapisha'ca. "

These gandhapisha'cas have their different categories.


P.R Sarkar, 18 September 1988, Calcutta

Shabda Cayanika' Part 18 pp. 135-141

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