Guest guest Posted November 18, 2007 Report Share Posted November 18, 2007 Dear Member, I would beg to differ here a bit here sir. I respect your knowledge and your views on this matter And, I would like to add some more to what you have said in a slightly deviant manner.Please excuse this ignorant person,sir. First, to say "Ucchistha Ganapathi Upasana is for Vamchara only....and further to say,Please don't believe any of these gods.They will always be saying nonsensical promises. Trash everything" This is in my humble opinion-- to border on ignorance emnating out of spiritual arrogance or parochialness. Second,Ucchista Ganapthy is a corruption of the sanskrit original name "Utkrishta" Ganapthi.Brahma when referred to ucchishta is nowhere related to individual rather it is the pure consciousness to be held for eternity while remaining of a offering is physical and thus to be discarded.The concept of Ucchishta Bhrammam ( Final Reality , Sarva Seshi , Akshara Bhramam , the Undecaying Self ) is housed in this Vedam . In adition to housing Purusha sUktham like the other three VedAs , Atharva Vedam salutes with great reverence the Cosmic form of the Creator in a glorious hymn known as " Skhamba sUktham "( AV X.7.1-44 ) .The heights of imagination , the sacredness of the conceptions are matchless.This might be said to be an inner-meaning to this word."Ucchishta"/"Utkrishta" means on a gross level --"leftovers after puja ","discarded","saliva","things found in garbage",etc. But when a person tries to construct the meaning on these disparate words and then makes a connection saying that it is "Discarded Ganapthy" and thus there is an undercurrent of Vamachara, I would say it borders on assinineness. Third,the Upasana of this form of Ganapthi is highly secretive in Srividya lore(It is not necessarily belonging to Vamachara Paddhathi and to ignore or negate the existence of Ukrishta Upasana on the grounds of the gross meaning would be to "throw the baby out with the bathwater").It is also connected with Kundalini yoga too. (Skandagurunatha says any upasana of Kundalini yoga must start from Mooladhara for which Ganesha is the reinging God and thus we start with Ganesha mantras for Srividya Upasana--this was todl by my Gurunathar Sri Rajagopala Swamy. To further quote his words "Without cleaning the mooladhara and without chitta and tatwa shuddhi nothing can happen") Fourth,Sri Chidanandanathar who guides my friend Sri Harsharamamurthyji, and who is a great srividya Upasaka taught this mantra form of Ganapathi only to a select few of his vast number of disciples, and this Upasana is restricted to very few. He does not belong to any Vamachara paddhathi as far as my little knowledge goes(neither does my friend Harsha belong to any such apamarga). Earlier I had done a mistake in revealing the mantra and some upasana secrets in this forum which I deleted instantly upon the chiding of my Gurunathar. I have been ever careful since then. Even a sincere reading of the Utkrishta Ganapthi Stotra provides various benefits and some have even experienced seeing some red light in their mooladhara region and from the Ganapthy idol.Then what more to say of the mantra and the rare and secretive Sahasranama? In the secret Sahasranama of this form of Ganapathi, various important aspects of Srividya Upasana are mentioned.If Utkrishta Ganapathi Upasan were Vamachara-baddha Apamarga as your esteemed words suggest then there would not have been references to our great Srividya Upasana.I have the rare previlege of possessing the Sahasranaama through my father, who had even checked its authenticity with Periyawal of Kanchi in those days.I would remain mum about where he got the initiaiton and the sahasranama. Also, it has been mentioned in Sri Harsha Ramamurthy's site that His Holiness Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamigal of Sringeri Sarada Peetham discoursed in private to Sri Chidanandanatha for more than half an hour, on the meaning of the last two names of this Sahasranama alone!, relating them to the Asparsha Yoga stated in the Mandukya Karika. Chidanandanathar The site further says thumpingly, " `Abhinava Bhaskara' Brahmasri Chidanandanatha [sri `Sir' Nediminti Subrahmanya Iyer], who re-established Shakta Srividya Upasana in its pristine purity, advocated the Upasana of Sri Ucchishtha Mahaganapati. The details of the worship of this form of Ganesha, as associated with Srividya, have been passed on secretly from Guru to Shishya from time immemorial. He published before the world the fact that great Jnanis and Jivanmuktas reached exalted states due to Ucchishtha Ganapati Upasana" The following transcript of the conversation between Sri Chidanandanathar and Sri Mahaswamigal has been produced below(cut-paste-copied from Once when Sri Chidanandanatha visited Sringeri, he was blessed with the fortune of discussing the secrets of Sri Ucchishtha Ganapati Upasana with Mahaswamigal. A scholar who was present there recited a certain Sahasranama of this form of Ganapati. Having heard this Sahasranama, which neither conveyed the greatness of Sri Ucchishtha Ganapati even partly nor the associated secrets of Srividya Upasana, Sri Chidanandanatha immediately expressed his disapproval. Before he could speak further about the actual Sahasranama, Mahaswamigal raised his right hand, commanding Sri Chidanandanatha to remain silent. After the scholar left, Mahaswamigal had the following conversation with Sri Chidanandanatha. Mahaswamigal: Do you know about the Sahasranama of Sri Ucchishtha Ganapati? Can you recite the same? Chidanandanatha [hesitantly]: Unable to control my enthusiasm, I blurted out about the Sahasranama earlier. However, I cannot speak untruth before your Holiness. My Guru ordered me to protect this Sahasranama and the related mantras with utmost secrecy. I am unsure if this Sahasranama can be recited under the present circumstance. By reciting the Sahasranama now, I will incur the sin of disobeying my Guru. I have never been in such a fix in my entire life. There can be no one better than your Holiness who can advice me about the right course of action. Mahaswamigal: If your own Guru appeared right here and asked you to recite the Sahasranama, would you still hesitate? Chidanandanatha: When Guru himself orders, how can there be any room for hesitation? Mahaswamigal: Is your Guru Sri Guhanandanatha restricted to a physical form and present only in Badarikasharama? Is he not present here now and everywhere? [sri Chidanandanatha was immensely surprised to hear his Guru's name and place of residence form Mahaswamigal as he had not revealed these details before anyone till then. He was filled with tears of joy; his body trembled and he immediately fell at the lotus feet of Mahaswamigal]. Chidanandanatha: I will act according your orders. Please forgive my earlier ignorance. Mahaswamigal: Your Guru Guhanandanatha, I or Kodanganallur Sundara Swamigal may appear different physically but are same in essence. Understand this truth well. Have you read Acharya's work – Manisha Panchakam? Chidanandanatha: I have read the work but have not realized its inner purport yet. Mahaswamigal: Very soon, you will realize its inner purport. After that, you will reach the same state as the three of us. So, confidently recite the Sahasranama now. [sri Chidanandanatha now began to recite the Purva Pithika of the Sahasranama, which is a conversation between Sri Dakshinamurti and Sanaka. It is significant to note that the pAdukA of Ucchishta Mahaganapati is traditionally called mahA mahA pAdukA and is actually referred to as Dakshinamurti Mahapaduka. It should be carefully observed that Sri Dakshinamurti is the Rishi for Samayachara]. Mahaswamigal: There is no need to recite these verses now. Recite the Sahasranama starting with xxx [the first actual name in the Sahasranama]. Chidanandanatha was surprised beyond measure once again. He now understood that Mahaswamigal knew the Sahasranama well and began to recite the names in the Sahasranama. At a certain place in the Sahasranama [called Matrika Mala traditionally], Sri Chidanandanatha forgot some of the names. Immediately Mahaswamigal prompted him with the right set of names. He then concluded the Sahasranama with the two final and glorious names of Ganapati. Mahaswamigal then discoursed on the inner significance of these two names to Chidanandanatha for more than 30 minutes. Chidanandanatha: I would be blessed to hear the Sahasranama from thy holiness which will help me to get clarifications regarding some of the names. Mahaswamigal: I will recite the Sahasranama at leisure on another occasion. The true Sahasranama of Ucchishtha Ganapati is indeed the one recited by you. Your pAtha is almost close to the correct one. But there are some mistakes in some of the names recited by you. Having said so, Mahaswamigal corrected those names and explained the correct pAtha to Sri Chidanandanatha. Sri Chidanandanatha wrote down those corrections in a piece of paper and left Sringeri. Later, that piece of paper was lost. He then desired to meet Mahaswamigal again and get guidance from him in privacy. Before his plan could materialize, Mahaswamigal attained Mahasamadhi. However, all the doubts were clarified one day, as though Mahaswamigal himself appeared before Chidanandanatha and uttered the correct paTha. Correct pAtha of the Sahasranama was also obtained from Pitambaram Ayyadurai Iyer, whose family had worshipped the copy of Sahasranama for centuries and Sri Chidanandanatha attained Siddhi in his Upasana. The correct pAtha however was never shared with anyone except two of his direct disciples. The few available handwritten copies carry incorrect pAthas as the correct pAtha has never been publicized according to the instructions of Mahaswamigal. [Once during a vision, Brahmasri Chidanandanatha corrected some of the names and stated that the correct pAtha would be available to advanced upAsakas when time was right. He also confirmed of his conversation with Mahaswamigal and describes the Tithi and Nakshatra on which he was blessed with guidance from Mahaswamigal]. The secrets of Sri Ucchishtha Ganapati Upasana – Sahasranama, mantra traya, paduka, ashtottara shata mahanyasa and mahabhisheka vidhi - are preserved in Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham to this day. ------------------------- The Ucchishta Ganapati Sahasranaamam also known as "Chatush Guhyanama Sahasrakam "(4 Secretive sahsaranamas) is part and parcel of one of the 64 Tantra Sastras viz., Uddamaresha Tantra. This is learnt by traditional method from a qualified Upasaka. Many have developed a wrong notion, either on account of fear or frivolity, regardingthe Utkrishta Ganapati Upasana cult. This I would say is very unfortunate. On the contrary, the Swarupa of Utkrishta Ganapati depicts tbe epitome of Advaita cult. For an ordinary man, the concept of understanding the Swarupa of Ucchishta Ganapati with His consort Goddess Nila Saraswathi alias Neela Vani in naked form cannot be comprehensible, unless perceived in depth with detachment so that the Tattva(essence) of Shivoham or Aham Brahmasmi will ' become understandable.The connotation of interpreting Ucchishta as * remnant*/*garbage* is apparently wrong in this context. In Manduka Upanishad, the Tattva is explicitly described through the seventh mantra. Similarly, in Atharva Veda, in all the three Suktas-27 Riks,the concept is well defined. One who takes to the Ganapati Upasana should know definitely the efficacy of the propitiation of Utkrishta Ganapati. There have been many savants in the'past, who'.were adept in this cult not only for the purpose of contributing towards society's welfare, but also for- self-realisation It may not'-be' out of place that the' truth of mastery, over this • Utkrishta Mahaganapati cult was possessed by the late-His Holiness Sri Narasimha Bharati., Sringeri Pitam. There may be a misgiving that the cult of worship of Utkrishta Ganapati descended to our country from China/ Tibet(Mahachina Tantramarga), but it is refuted from the evidence available in Atharva Veda and this cult has a hoary past in our own country. It is not possible to deal with the subject in a limited way but attempt is made to put it in a nutshell in this endeavour with my little and unbaked knowledge. Almost all the great -Mahapurushas must have been initiated into this Upasana, which not only enlivened them with Atma Vichara leading to Cosmic Consciousness or Self-realisation, but also a powerful medium to do away with evil deeds by practising absolute Seeshtacham. Among the few who may be located in this country, who are still found to be an authority in the cult and Upasaka is one Sri Matakavi Sundara Sarma of Tanjore, a Sanskrit and Tamil Scholar nonpareil and author of many books on religious treatises, who has been fortunate enough to be blessed and given the title *Rama Pranan* by His Holiness Sankarar charya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam and 'Mahakavi' by BLH. Sankara-charya of Govardhana Peetam, Puri, and 'Kavi Chakravarti *' by Kasi Pandita Sabha, Varanasi. ^-------------------------- (This image is nto an exact depiciton of Utkrishta Ganesha) The tantrik compilation Sharadatilaka gives a most beautiful meditation on Utkrishta-Mahaganapati (Arthur Avalon's English introduction): "...he is to be meditated upon as seated on a lotus consisting of the letters of the alphabet. The sadhaka should meditate upon an island composed of nine gems, placed in an ocean of sugarcane juice; a soft gentle breeze blows over the island and makes the waves wash the shore thereof. The place is a forest of Mandara, Parijata and other Kalpa trees and creepers, and the light from the gems thereon casts a red glow on the ground. The six gladdening seasons are always there. The sun and moon brighten up the place. In the middle of the island is a Parijata tree whereon are the nine gems and beneath it is the great Pitha (altar) on which is the lotus whereon is seated Mahaganapati. His face is that of the great elephant with the moon on it. He is red and has three eyes. He is held in loving embrace by his beloved who is seated in his lap and has a lotus in her hand. In each of his ten hands he is holding a pomegranate, a mace, a bow, a trident, a discus, a lotus, a noose, a red water-lily, a sheaf of paddy and his own tusk. He is holding a jewelled jar in his trunk. By the flapping of his ears, he is driving away the bees attracted to his temples by the fluid exuding therefrom, and he is scattering gems from out of the jar held in his trunk. He is wearing a ruby-studded crown and is adorned with gem." Sharadatilakatantra, Agamanusandhana Samiti, 1933. As a passing reference, I would say, that the Brihastsara Tantra a voluminous work in the digest class, divided into five paricchedas (divisions) and also including a series of stotras (hymns) and kavachas (armours) mentions in its Pariccheda -2 about the mantra of Utkrishta Ganapthy. Hope the above detailed information puts the concept of Utkristha Ganapthi Upasana in the right perspective. If I have made any mistakes in the above positng, it is solely due to my ignorance(all the merits of the posting going to my Gurunathar Sri Rajagopala Swamy). Rakthamoorthim ganeshancha sarvaabharana bhooshithamRakthavasthram thrinethram cha rakthapadmaasane sthithamChaturbhujam mahaakaayam dhvidantam susmithaananamIstancha dakshinehasthe dantham cha dhadhathaaha karePaashaankushou cha hasthaabhyaam jataamandala veshtithamLalaate chandrarekhaadhyam sarvaalankara bhooshitam At His Holy Feet, Shreeram Balijepalli Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "krishnarao" <lanka.krishnarao wrote:>> > > > > From :- krishnarao {SriparasuKanandanAtha)> Subject :-> Ucchista Ganapati Upasana / Puja Proecedure> > > priya mahASayah,> > in ambal group> >: "subrabalaji" subrabalaji subrabalaji > >Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:15 pm (PST) writes--------> >Dear Members - where can I find the Puja and Upasana procedures for > >Ucchista Ganapati. I heard from some Sri Vidya Upasakas that the > >worship of Ucchista Ganapati is an important aspect. Also I have > heard > >from some that it is the only way to Moksha. Also I heard that one > >gets rare Siddhis with such Upasana and also one has to strictly > >adhere to procedures.> > >Regards> >Balaji> ==========================================> > In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is clearly > mentioned> that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the > vAmAcAra methods.> > When any one approaches his guru for the first time, his > intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.> The guru who is "swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh" is initiating with a mantra > of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not say > any thing about god in an establishing voice.> "kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt"> > Even in the books like "soundarya lahari", the way to > emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like "muKam bindum > kritwa", "naram varSIyamsam". They appear like mAdana prayOgAs to > attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya> who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches him to > show him the way for liberation?> > Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric objective of > the guru,> he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the materialistic > benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on the > roadside, thinking it all so precious. > > My guru was telling "what ever is written in the scripture, > even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.> It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about your > own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own > swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa mantra > or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state of > misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,> > "SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih> pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|> viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA ||"> > I dont understand how can any other god can give any one > the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered to > be the sole distributors of mOkSha?> > "sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah> na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam ||"> > Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be saying > nonsensical promises. Trash every thing. > > -- > L.Krishnarao> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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