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Concentrated Ramblings on Mantra-Pindam-Part-1

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Dear Kailasham, Today evening, I had a talk with Prema Mami again and I was mentioning to her over phone regarding one ancestor of mine who was an astrologer. I will broach upon that most wonderful story presently. But before that, I would like to say something about Gayathri Mantra and Matha swaroopam. The story I mentioned supra reminded me of this email to you which I take the liberty as a close friend to post online(as it contains no personal information or references apart form your name). A daily repetition of Gayathri Mantra does fetch lot of benefits, it would be trite on my part if I repeat parrotlike statements like " Na Gayathro Paro Mantraha...","Gayantham Trayathe' Ithi Gayathri..." and the sorts. You can find it in any book or a plethora of online sites on the subject and it has also become fashionable these days to say that one is doing the Gayathri

mantra. I have seen a spawning of various forms of the mantra these days from CDs, cassettes, books, various online sites, workshops(!!), seminars(Yes, you heard it right) to even a Gayathri Reiki!! So much Kaliyuga where people are begulied very easily in buying a mantra, moorthy or a Master alike.Ofcourse, these assays do make a good job in explaning the potency of the mantra and also bear good references to texts and testimonials by happy "customers" making this a perfect consumerist hotchpot.The proverbial last straw came when I saw an ad online declaring " Thanksgiving sale---Learn Gayathri Mantra in Texas for $45 with an additional benefit of Pastlife regression classes for just $20". So the value of Gayathri mantra is now under a Thanksgiving tag of $45 and seeing the past life comes for as cheap as $20.Quite a deal, I would say! Gone is the pristine beauty of learning Gayathri mantra at the feet of a

master(in many brahamanical households, this mantra is given by the father to the son in an unbroken tradition of Upanayana samskaara when this is referred to as Brahmopadesha, as giving Gayathri mantra was concieved of giving the Brahman verily). I earlier had posted on one ocassion whether the mantra which we have is the original Gayathri mantra we have. My opinion has also been bolstered by the famous Aghori Vimalananda and the information which I recived was direclty from an Athivarna-Avadhutha.I would now keep mum on this as I do not want to rake up any controversy and resreve my comments on this as truth has a way of coming out one day to the right Sadhaka based on his experiential and Upasana mode. I would broach upon the popular mantra here "Om Bhur-Bhuva..."This is the substratum of my e-mails to you from now on.In a course of 3 or 4 emails, I will explain some interesting facets of the mantra. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gayathri mantras we we know, when repeated on the tri-sandhyas(three auspicious times) as in Dawn,Noon and Dusk with reverence and due concentration on Anahatham region(chest region) imagining the BhuthAgni to be burning all sins, a thousand and eight times for one full year will absolve a human of not only all sins but also clear up the ku-vasanas(Vasanakshayam happens). This is vouchsafed for by Narada-Maha-Muni in Padmapuranam. I have grown up in Chennai in West Mambalam dominated by Smartha-brahmins doing "sandhi"(A shortened albeit corrupt version of "Sandhyavandanam") near a water tap in squatted position and mumbling some incoherent nonsense which they term Vaikhari. When questioned by me to repeat the mantra(one such Mama who quite sanctimoniously did the whole procedure twice daily) he let out such a garbled

version of the Mantra that I asked him what benefit he would get by repeated such nonsense. He said " I have office Rama and I can't "waste" my time too much and I have this nitya-karma to be done" It sounded to me as if this was not a nitya karma but a "Karmam"(as Tamils call for some annoying act to be done perforce) to be done.So Gayathri mantra had been renegaded to some exrcise akin to "waste of time". Ofcourse, I would never generlaize this as saying all brahmins from westmambalam are represented by this small statistical sample I have now narrated to you now.I myself belong to such a community and have learnt many things about Gayathri mantra from Ananthakrishna Shastrigal from the area. My demulcent attack is to just narrate my experience objectively(seeking objectivity in subjectivity) and to pur thing sin right perspective for you to understand and follow if possible. I know one can never make a sweeping generalization of anything. ---------<To be continued>------- Yours Yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... IIश्रीराम बलिजेपल्ली II Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

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Dear Sir,


To answer your question with respect to Trishathis and Sahasranamams

is again to touch a hot button much detested by many srividya and

other upasakas. Yes there might be a possibility of the originals

lying hidden from what is normally perceived.



Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , sadhujag sadhujag

<sadhujag wrote:



> Hari Om,


> " Thanksgiving sale---Learn Gayathri Mantra in Texas for $45 with

an additional benefit of Pastlife regression classes for just $20 " .

So the value of Gayathri mantra is now under a Thanksgiving tag of

$45 and seeing the past life comes for as cheap as $20.Quite a deal,

I would say!



> " I earlier had posted on one occasion whether the mantra which

we have is the original Gayathri mantra we have........... as I do

not want to rake up any controversy and resreve my comments on this

as truth has a way of coming out one day to the right Sadhaka based

on his experiential and Upasana mode. "


> While I entirely agree with your view, could it be possible that

other popular manthras/stothrams also have an earlier version i.e.

various sahasranamams, trisathies etc.


> Once again I agree that no controversy should be raked up on

account of our thoughts...


> If possible could I meet you on your next visit to Chennai, please?

> I am resident of Ashok Nagar, within 3 kms of West Mambalam.




> " My demulcent attack is to just narrate my experience objectively

( seeking

> objectivity in subjectivity) and to put things in right

perspective for you to

> understand and follow if possible. I know one can never make a


> generalization of anything. "


> To end with a touch of humour, I once knew of a " GRAHASTHA

SANNYASI " in Chennai, akin to the saffron clad individual

referred to in

> Part II.


> Probably they want to filter devotees with their way of life so

that HIGHER SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND MOKSHA is given by them only to

the persistent devotee!



> sadhujag

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To reply to the " filtering part " :


I had mentioned there that I did not get any " avadhuthic fragrance " .

Avadhuthas do that normally as you say whether they stay in

households on on roads(many read avadhutha geetha and say avadhuthas

reside only on roads wearing rags which again is wrong)....Some

avadhuthas smoke opium and other assorted narcotics, some commingle

with buxom women, some drink a lot...all these form a ploy to remove

insincere and kibosh-devotees and only retain " diamonds " (remove di-

minds and retain " diamonds " if I may act word-savvy a bit here!)


Also,I had met some saints like that and who proved their mettle

when tested by me.This person did not respond back and also utterly

failed the test much to his agony later.I do not want to braoch into

the minor details as it might border on digression.


Jayosthu Sarvamangale'


Shreeram Balijepalli






Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , sadhujag sadhujag

<sadhujag wrote:



> Hari Om,


> " Thanksgiving sale---Learn Gayathri Mantra in Texas for $45 with

an additional benefit of Pastlife regression classes for just $20 " .

So the value of Gayathri mantra is now under a Thanksgiving tag of

$45 and seeing the past life comes for as cheap as $20.Quite a deal,

I would say!



> " I earlier had posted on one occasion whether the mantra which

we have is the original Gayathri mantra we have........... as I do

not want to rake up any controversy and resreve my comments on this

as truth has a way of coming out one day to the right Sadhaka based

on his experiential and Upasana mode. "


> While I entirely agree with your view, could it be possible that

other popular manthras/stothrams also have an earlier version i.e.

various sahasranamams, trisathies etc.


> Once again I agree that no controversy should be raked up on

account of our thoughts...


> If possible could I meet you on your next visit to Chennai, please?

> I am resident of Ashok Nagar, within 3 kms of West Mambalam.




> " My demulcent attack is to just narrate my experience objectively

( seeking

> objectivity in subjectivity) and to put things in right

perspective for you to

> understand and follow if possible. I know one can never make a


> generalization of anything. "


> To end with a touch of humour, I once knew of a " GRAHASTHA

SANNYASI " in Chennai, akin to the saffron clad individual

referred to in

> Part II.


> Probably they want to filter devotees with their way of life so

that HIGHER SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND MOKSHA is given by them only to

the persistent devotee!



> sadhujag

Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru

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Dear Sadhujag,

It is of not much use to search for Guru! The only thing that can be

done is to prepare oneself.


Sadhujag: " Somewhere I remember to have read that at the appropriate

time the Guru himself will come to the individual... "


This is 100% true. Kali Yuga, by its nature throws up many false Gurus

in front of us. It is our duty to use our intellect to choose the

correct one. Else, it is better to stay devoted to the Shan Matha

Dharma established by Sri Sri Adi Sankara - Shaivam, Vaishnavam,

Saktam, Ganapatyam, Sauryam or Kaumaram.


Father will either come Himself or send an appropriate Guru to take us



Sri Subrahmanya Rakshitoham


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