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Concentrated Ramblings on Mantra Pindam-part-3

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Dear Kailasham, I finally could breathe some air after settling down in Albany. The train journey was a bit arduous I would say. There was a flurry this afternoon here which promptly converted to a big downpour of snow. I marveled at the snowflakes by the side of the fireplace on the pane.Large, well formed snowflakes are relatively flat and have six approximately identical arms, so that the snowflake nearly has

the same 6-fold dihedral symmetry as a hexagon or hexagram. This symmetry arises from the hexagonal crystal structure of ordinary ice. What is a mystery is the trigonal structure of triangular snowflakes. I kept admiring the snowflakes as it pattered onto the flakes not that I had not seen it but that every snowflake looked like a new-born emanation from Heaven with a life and message of its own. I try to see even the most things missed by many people like say the embedded designs of a bathroom tissue. (People are in a hurry there too!). I thought of typing out the third part in the afternoon but was immersed in an etheric bliss seeing my “heavenly friends” Just as the trigonal structure, the tripada Gayathri also is a mystery and the chatushpada gayathri is another greater mystery. ‘What is the

connection between the tripada and the trikuta of panchadasi?’- I mulled upon without any scriptural bias for many a meditative session. Now coming to your question?—why did I name these series of emails to you as Concentrated ramblings on Mantra Pindam”? Concentrated as in: I deal with just a few

pockets here and there and my feelings and experiences Ramblings as in: I move from one topic to another without warning as a Rhino moves in Kaziranga from one bush to another and suddenly turns its snout! Mantra-pindam as in: The evoluted energy from a mantra(in this case Gayathri mantra) which forms

an energy grid because of 1. Seer/Yogi related effort 2. Individual Sadhanic effort 3. Deity’s benediction. -------Bien cuit!---- You also reminded me to tell my ancestor’s story which I mentioned in the first part. Yes, that was the inchoatory point of this email. It came in the context of an astrological discussion I had with Prema Mami. I have an ancestor who was a great Vedic Brahmin pundit and astrologer by name Vishnubhatta. He had a buxom young daughter by name Leelavathy.He was an Upasaka nonpareil yet he leaned on astrology as Vanidevi played on his toungue accurately. His predictions never went wrong. He had initiated Leelavathy into Gayathri Upasana at a young age and though she was of a marriageable age he had a strange predilection to deal with. He called Leelavathy and addressed her softly “ My beloved child, I know you are anxious to marry and carry on vedic dharma as is wrought in Shastras but I have cast your horoscope when you were born and I noticed that because of a strange planetary alignment, your husband will not see the day after nuptials is over. So you have two options here. Either get married and become a widow or remain a spiritual spinster for life.” Leelavathy was taken aback for a moment but faced the situation boldy and said, “ Beloved father, your prediction might come true but my upasana and bhakthi toward Gayathri matha will never go wrong.I have utmost faith in her that she will protect me.” Vishnubhatta sighed at the foolish belief of his daughter and then said “ Ok my dear, I will renegade you horoscope and look for a man who has hundred or more years longevity so atleast by his Ayushya Bala you can be a sumangali” Marriage

was performed duly between Leelavathy and Sutejas(a handsome lad who too was well versed in shastras and seeped in spirituality). After the marriage was performed a proper muhurtha was selected by Vishnubhatta for the nuptials (first-night) as per elective astrological calculations. When the nuptials was over, Sutejas expressed a desire to ease himself in a nearby tree(in those days they did not have “attached bathrooms” based on principles of vaasthu) outside the precincts of the village they were staying. Leelavathy was insistent that she should

accompany him there much to his discomfiture. As she stood with a lamp beside the tree waiting for her husband to come out of the bushes, an ogre had jumped form the tree and was proceeding to the side of her husband. She stopped the demon and asked him” who are you and why are you going near my husband?” He replied back “This is the

right time to devour him as he is evacuating his bowels and defiled. Iam a Brahmarakshasa and my nature is to devour human flesh. Please do not prevent me from acting my nature” Leelvathy’s eyes were burning like embers of coals as she uttered “You wretched creature you dare not even breathe your presence on my husband.From my upasana I see that you were a Brahmin yourself albeit a bigoted one at that who did not share any knowledge and thus attained brahmarakshasatwa. The lamp I hold is not an ordinary lamp. It is a avicchinna-lamp of my upasana(vicchina meaning unbroken or constantly burning—akhanda deepam as they call). If you want eat me and go but not my husband” The Brahmarakshasa quaked like an aspen leaf in a tempest,with fear, and said “ Oh holy lady, I see Gayathri Devi protecting you from all sides and thus I cannot even near you else I would have promptly devoured you. Now let me go” She became verily Mahakali Herself and thre the lamp on the ogre who was burnt to cinders. The next day, she stood before her father and said” Look at me father! Iam still a sumangali, so much for your astrology” Vishnubatta was nonplussed! He took the comment very seriously. On one side he was happy for his daughter and on the other side he was devasted that his prediction had been falsified. It was not like the modern “Jataka shiromanis” and “Jyotishya Samrats” and “Brahmashrees” who will grovel on customers’ feet for a few pennies more and venture to change Rahu, Shani or Guru from their “houses”. Well, after all it is just a Moving affair like how I moved from Rochester to Albany this week. What’s the big deal ‘bout it? Vishnubhatta did not belong such a genre of astrologers. He immediately took out his bundle of palm manuscripts and said(somewhat similar to the story of Raghavendra swamy) “I will consign this to pyre flames in Smashana and give a curse to Vani in Brahmaloka for speaking falsehood through my tongue” He had the gumption to say this as he was really pure and a very great upasaka. As he was hastening to consign the manuscripts to flame, Saraswathy Devi who saw all this rigmarole and came down in the guise of an old woman and accosted Vishnu Bhatta “Hey old Brahmin, stop, why are rushing like this to the funeral pyre? Why don’t you have some buttermilk, Why are you taking these manuscripts with you?” Vishnubhatta narrated the whole sequence of events.

“Oh, are you that great, Can you tell with the power of your astrology where Saraswathy devi is?” For Vishnubhatta it was child’s play! He knew from Shastras dn his intuitive experiences the time and place of birth of Saraswathy and which aeon she was born in and promptly cast her horoscope and then turned to the geriatric lady and said “According to

my astrological calculations coupled with prashna. She must be in 15 meters of vicinity from me right now…and my commonsense says it is you who has come in disguised form to fool this old Brahmin” For once Kadambary Devi was Aghast! She said “ Bhala Vishnu Bhatta! Bhala!(wow great! To convert it for Americans!) your astrological prowess is superlative that you could predict the movement of lokasanchanrini Herself. Why then do you say these scriptures are false and why do you want to levy a curse on Jaganmatyha herself?” Vishnubhatta sobbed

uncontrollably and said amidst tears” I cannot tolr\erate that I have uttered a falsehood” Devi replied softly “ MAY YOUR GENRE AND YOUR VAMSHA BE SUSTAINED IN SPIRITUALITY ! YOUR ANSWER LIES WITH THE MANTRASAANI(MIDWIFE) WHO AIDED YOUR WIFE IN GIVING BIRTH TO LEELAVATHY.” Thus saying she disappeared. Vishnubhatta was startled by this

surreal experience but nevertheless gathered some chutzpah and ran to the old mantrasani. And upon being questioned regarding the birth of Leelavathy she replied with faltering voice “ Oh Vishnubhatta Garu, you had given me a lemon to throw out when the shirodaya (head of the baby comes out ) of Leelvathy happened. I threw the lemon as instructed outside for you to note time but the lemon had hit the window sill and came back. I did not notice it till I cleaned the baby, swaddled it and placed it on soft bedding nearby. Vishnubhatta asked anxiously “What was the time interval?” She replied back “Maybe a gadiyam(24 minutes)” In a Gadiyam whole horoscopes change drastically.So the mantrasaani’s words solved the conundrum of the wrong prediction. Ok Kailasham, I have to sleep now it is getting rather late and morning I have to arrange for the invoice as we discussed before….net email I will narrate some interesting things on matrix and effects….keep your fingers crossed. ------------<To be continued>-------------- Namo ChandassAm mAthaha! Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... IIश्रीराम बलिजेपल्ली II Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

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