Guest guest Posted March 7, 2008 Report Share Posted March 7, 2008 Dear Soumya Matha, Thankyou very much for the encouraging words. Iam happy you are finding the group useful. dhyAna sholkA: aruna kirana jwala, ranjitha, savakasa,vidhrutha japa vAtika, pusthaka bhEthi hasthA,ithara kara varadaya, phuLa kalahAra samsthA,nivasathu hrudhi bAlA, nithya kalyAna rUpA Let that Bala, who is perennially good,Who is reddish like the dawn sun,Who unites people and who given to caution and care,Who meditates with help of the prayer rosary,Who has a book in her hand and other offers protection,Who has the sign of blessing in the other hand,And who stands on a fully open lotus flower.Live in my mind oh! Goddess,as goddess Bala, the ever-auspicious-form. Then you may recite the 108 names of bAlA thus to augment your bAlA spiritual practices. If you have been initiated into the bAla mantra then you may do the mantra-japA before the recital(and may also add the mUla mantra as samputEekaranam to each nAma as nAmAvali and perform a kumkuma pUja to a sriyantram or a prathimA of bAlA): (Nemili bAlA pEetham idol) arunArUpa, mahArUpa, jyothirUpA, mahesvarI,pArvathI vara rUpA cha para brahma swarUpinI. 1{ Meaning:Colured red she is, great form she has,Shines like a light she is, greatest god she is,Daughter of mountain she is, blessed form she has,And she has the eternal divine form.} lakshmI, lakshmI swarUpA, cha lakshyAalakshya swarUpini,gayatrI chaiva savithrI, sandhyA SarasvathI, sthuthI. {Meaning:Lakshmi she is, form of wealth she is,Attainable she is but also unattainable she is,Gayatri she is, Savithri she is,Dawn and dusk she is, Goddess of learning she is,And she is the Vedas taught by hearing.} (bAlA pUjA yantram)veda bEjA, brahma bEjA, visva bEjA, kavi priyA,iCchA sakti, kriyA sakti, Atma saktir bhayankari. 3Seed of Vedas she is, Seed of Brahma she is,Seed of Universe she is, lover of poets she is,Power of self will she is, Power of work she is,Power of the soul she is and she has fearsome mien. kAlikA, kamalA, kAli, kankAli, kAla rUpini,upasthihi swarUpa, cha pralayA, laya kArini. 4Time she is, Lotus she is, black she is,Skeleton she is, form of ages she is,She is the form of accomplishment,She is the final deluge and the reason for that deluge. bAlA with medhA dakshinAmUrthy hingulA, tvaritA, candI, camundA, munda-mAlini,renukA, bhadrA kAli cha mAtangI, sivA shAmbhavi. 5Vermillion she is, Speed she is, Killer of Chanda she is,Fearsome form of Kali she is, Wearer of skull garland she is,Mother of Parasurama she is, She is Kali the protector,Daughter of Sage Mathanga she is and She is Shambahavi the consort of Shiva,yogulA, mangalA gaurI, girijA, gomathI, gayA,kAmAkshI, kAma rUpA cha, kAminI, kAmarUpini. 6The sweet Yoga she is, She is the Gauri who does good,She is daughter of mountain, Soft like a cow she is and Gaya* she is,Passionate eyes she has, she can assume the desired form, She loves all and she is the form of love.* One of the tantrAs.yoginI, yogarUpA cha yoga gnAna siva priyA,umA kAtyAyanI candI ambikA tripurA sundarI 7An adept in Yoga she is, She is of the form of Yoga,She is dear to Shiva because of her knowledge of yoga,Daughter of Mainaka she is, Daughter of Kathyayana she is,She is the killer of Chanda, Mother she is,The most beautiful in the three worlds she is. (Founder of Temple Shri Rajmanya Rajshree as well as Shri Rajguru of Bosala Santhan Nagpur Namely Shree Narayan (Nanaji Maharaj) Vishwanath Shreerangbhattalwar)arunA, tharunI, sAnthI, sarva sidhi, sumangalA,sivA, sidhimAthA cha sidhividhyA, haripriyA. 8Colour of the dawn she has, She is young,Peaceful she is, She is all the divine powers,Good she always does, She is the consort of Shiva,She is the mother of the divine powers,She is the knowledge of divine powers,And she is very dear to Lord Vishnu. padmavatI padma-varnA padmAkshI padma sambhavA,dhArinI, dhAritrI, dhatrI, Agamya-gamya-vAhini 9Sits she on lotus, She has the colour of lotus,Eyes like lotus she has and she is born out of a lotus,She carries the world, She is the earth,Mother she is, She cannot be reached,She is the vehicle which takes us everywherevidyAvatI mantrasaktI mantrasidhI parAyanI,virAt-dhArinI, dhAtrI, vArAhI visva rUpinI 10She is wisdom personified, she is the power behind chants,She is the fruit of chants, attached to her devotees she is,She is the one who bears the primeval Godhead,She is the mother, the female aspect of Varaha she is,And she is the one who assumes the form of universe.parA-pashyA, parA madhyA, divyA vandhya vilAsinI,nAda bindu, kalA jyOtir vijayA bhuvanesvarI. 11She is beyond sight, she is in the middle of everything,She enjoys divine music, She is the centre of musical note,She is brilliance of arts, Victorious she is,And the mother of the entire universe she is. aIimkArinI bhayankarI, klEemkArI, kamala priyA,saUm-kArI siva-pathnI cha para-tatva-prakAsinI. 12She is the one who chants Aiim, She is very fearsome,She is the one who chants Kleem, She likes lotus,She is the one who chants Saim, She is consort of Shiva,And she is the one who sheds light on the supreme knowledge.hrEemkArI AadhimAyA cha mantramUrthiparAyanI,idham tripura sundaryA nAmam-ashtothara-shatham. 13She is the one who chants Hreem, She is the primeval illusion,She is the form of chants, attached to her devotees she is,These are the 108 names of Tripurasundari. phala-shrutI:(The merits of chanting the above litany) prAtha:kAle' paTten-nityam sarva sampaTthi dAyakam,dwikAle paTten nityam bhakti mukti pradAyakam. 14Chanting this in the morning leads to all sorts of wealth,Reading this twice daily leads one to devotion and salvation.trikAle paTten nityam sarva sidhi pradhAyakam,ashtOthara sahasrEna labhathE' vAnchitham phalam. 15Reading this three times a day gives one all divine powers,Reading it 1008 times gives one whatever he desires.AyurArOgyamAisvarya, JnAna viTtham yasO balam,ashtothara shatham divyam nAma stOtram prakEerthitham. 16One who sings these one hundred eight names,Would get long life, health, wealth, wisdom, money, fame and strength. You may use the photos in our group's photo section or take a printout of the pictures posed with this posting and frame it. Hope this helps...See also below appendix-1 for information on nemili bAlA pEetham. One small experience with regards to nemili bAlA narrated by Srimathy Prema Venugopalan Amma of Montreal,Canada over phone recently: One mAmi(Tamil bramin lady) came to her house to pay a casual visit. She saw a small booklet on nemilI bAlA pEetham.She started reading the first few pages and she became interested and she requested Prema Mami thus: "Iam going to India and since it is a long flight from Toronto to Mumbai and from there to Chennai. I would like to read this book during my travel to ward off ennui. Can I please borrow this book". Prema Mami agreed and gave the book. This lady read the book completely in the flight. Upon arriving in India,She forgot about the book and kept it in her handbag, though a desire cropped up in her mind to visit the temple.But she thought, "Oh Mother! Who will take me to you?". When her relatives met her in the airport they said " We are going soon to a temple nearby are you willing to come with us? It is a special temple." And she was taken to, ofcourse, as you might have guessed- nemili bAlA pEetham! She was flooded with devotional bliss and happiness. May you too be flooded with such bliss,benediction and bounty! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Appendix-1:Nemili bAlA pEetham information:(Source: Nemili Sri Bala is a small and young Goddess, the size of the little finger but considered as powerful as the sun by her devotees. Sri Bala Peetam is not a temple, but a small house where the Sri Bala idol decided to reside. Nemili is located 55kms from Vellore, 24 kms from Kanchipuram, 16 kms from Arakonam, 30 kms from Sholingur, 20 kms from Kaveripakkam. About a hundred years ago, the Goddess appeared in Shri Subramania Iyer's dream, asking him to come and fetch her from the river Kushasthalai. For about three days, Shri Subramania Iyer searched the backyard of his home and the river banks but in vain. The next day, he got hold of the three-inch bronze idol in the river, which he consecrated and placed in the center of his house, which is now currently the Bala Peetam. The prime deity of this temple is Raja Rajeswari, the family deity of the pundits over there. The deity Bala Thiripura Sundari has supposed to come on earth as a child goddess. The devotees are expected wish and pray, without offering something in return as a bribe. It is believed that she is upset by the bargaining attitude of devotees. The prayers to the Goddess should not be accompanied by a promise to be fulfilled on attainment of the wish. Sri Kanchi Paramacharya performed pooja here in 1945 along with his religious group for three full days. It was Thirumuruga Kripananda Variyar, who told the following quotes "I see in this great peetam, the collection of all our Gods on earth". Temple Practices: Since the deity is a child, the prasadam is chocolates and biscuits. The devotees are given only chocolates. The decoration or the alankaram of the deity also is a pretty simple plain vanilla small silk paavaadai. Temple Address: Nemili Sri Bala Peetam, # 22, Chatram Street, Nemili, Vellore District 631051 Ph: (o4177)-247216 Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , sowmya ram <sowmyarmohan wrote:>> Hello Sir,> > I am newly added proud member to this group, the every information i receive will be treasured, you are doing an amazing job , it just cant be expressed in words> I am basically trying very hard to find "Bala Tripurasundari" picture, and i would also be more than happy to know what the dyana mantra in "Bala TripuraSundari mathra japam" exactly means. ( I am refering to Aruna Kirana Jalay ranjitha ........manthra). > > Thank you,> > Sowmya.> > > > > > > > > > Krishna Prasad wrote:> Hari OM!> > Jai Ambe,> > Dear Sriramji,> > Listen to the Chorrnika... and real peace in my mind.> > Please one request if you have any "Dhambadhi Niyamam" rules. if it is allowed to post on this elite Ambaal group please post it. other wise please send me email as private if it is not.> > Jai Ambe Bhavali Mahakalyai namaha!> > With Love & OM!> > Krishna Prasad> > Group Owner para_anuloma wrote:> Dear Member of Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Group,> > Om srI gurubhyONamahA:> > Rajarajeshwari Choornika is a prose cum poetical form of sanskrit verse recitiation authored by Sri vidya Upasaka sri vidhyaadeesha Anandanatha.> > It contains a vivid description of fruits,flowers,places where Amba is worshipped(and srividya upasana followed),Achaaras,beauty of Paraamba Herself,etc.> > A mere hearing of the sanskrit verse will bring weal to all.> > Please listen to my rendition in google video, where I have tried to sing it and added lot of pictures in the video presentation.(Please excuse my voice, which is a bit hoarse and tired because of a lengthy vedic chanting just before the choornika recitation).> > Please click link to hear and enjoy the video's bliss:> >> > My older videos can be accessed here> > Rajarajeshwari Dandakam :> >> > Charanashrungarahitanataraja stotram--> >> > > jai sarvamangale'!> > Yours yogically,> > Shreeram Balijepalli> > > > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...> II & #2358; & #2381; & #2352; & #2368; & #2352; & #2366; & #2350; & #2348; & #2354; & #2367; & #2332; & #2375; & #2346; & #2354; & #2381; & #2354; & #2368; II > > > > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. 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