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Realisation Of God

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Yoga means not merely doing exercises but it is a Sadhana*. This Sadhana can be perfected through Dhyana Yoga by following the means of Pranayama, concentration and Nadi Sthuddi.Athma vairagya (self detachment) is the path to realisation. Namasankirthanam is the only means to achieve this invaluable.Religion is not reserved for philosophers and theologicians. It is intended for the ordinary man's pilgrim's progress towards God-head.Wisdom is removing ideas of multiplicity and realising the unity of the self: the Jeevatman and Paramatman.Follow the path of spritual strength and not that of miracles. Try to awaken your conscience and lead a purposeful life.The existence of God can only be realised by persistant effort, personal experience and intensive feeling.Once the

"I" in you is erased, you become one with God. For He is the only Reality. You see Him in all humanity.Man is not the mere physical body. He is the Atman (self) encased in the body. The Atman seeks release to join the Paramatman. The sacred mission of Man is to help this process.The whole world lives and moves and has its being in God. Dharma is the means to elevate mankind to the level of feeling the presence of God. Man should practice Dharma to react this Divinity.Saints attained their sanctity through the adoration of God. Seeking refuge in God solves all your problems.Let your minds be imbued with love and devotion to God. Seeking refuge in God solves all your problems.External enemies of man can either be conquered or befriended. But his internal enemies like desire, anger, greed, pride, attachment and jealousy remain concealed, causing untold havoc. They can be vanquished only through His Grace. So let us

pray and fit ourselves to be the recipient of His Grace.Control over sense organs is very much needed for the realisation of God. Singing the names of the Lord devoutly and fervently enables such control.True spritual pursuit leads the Saadhaka* into Samadhi in which the Jagat (universe) and the Jeeva (life) disappear. All relative existences vanish leaving behind only the Brahman, the Absolute.Thoughts and feelings rise in the minds of the ordinary people like waves on the sea. But the mind of a yogi is like a waveless sea. This placid state is due to his mastery over the self.The yogi is a Sanyasin as his mind is completely attached, individuality subdued and his desire utterly annihilated. This state of actionlessness is the Blissful state or Brahmavastha.Those who make an exhibition of their

temple going without real devotion are hypocrites. Temple-visit is in reality an outward manifestation of the inner urge to see His Idol, which is symbolic of the ideal, and to fill the mind and heart with His thoughts.Listen to Guru's teachings and follow them in practice. It is by the triple process of Sravana, manana and Nidhi-dyasana that knowledge is attained..When the mind is stilled, the Bliss in the self can be directly grasped.Remember God can worship Him when you are happy. Forget yourself when you are in sorrows. Then peace comes to you of its own accord. Zeal and courage of the mind can be acquired by serenity.Draupadi's episode reveals that absolute surrender to the Lord alone makes Him shed His Grace on the devotee.The progress to perfection is through pain and suffering. Hard flint must come into collision to produce sparks.Grief grows from desires and attachment. Happiness cannot be attained

from satisfying the desires as new desires crop up. Hence happiness lies in contentment. Happiness leads to peace of mind. Peace of mind results in concentration. Concentration is the basis of meditation. Through meditation mind gets united with Sachchidanada. There is no happiness higher than this.. Experience of the supreme Bliss is the greatest happiness.One should not proclaim that he knows everything. One should be free from ego, pride and prejudice. One should develop self-confidence.Man aspires to enjoy the Supreme Bliss. This can be possible by renouncing the worldly things and by offering the following eight flowers: Nonviolence, Control of senses, Sympathy, Patience, Peace, Austerity, Meditation and Truth. Saga Kapila offered these eight flowers to God and attained union with Him.The existence of God can only be realised by persistent efforts. Personal experience and intuitive feeling, logical arguments and eloquent

speeches do not help to feel the presence of God.In the process of material progress one should not lose oneself in the trifles. Man should not forget the real purpose for which he is created on earth.One who cleans his inner self is ready to receive the grace of God. His inner self reflects in good conduct (sadachar) which is the excellence of his external conduct.When youth vanishes you cannot control the mind. When body is worn out you cannot do sadhana. Strive now earnestly to attain spirituality and the highest perfection.The Ultimate Reality can be perceived only by constant practice.Even the highest learning of shastras supported by logic and creative imagination can take us only to the lower level of awareness.One cannot realise one's soul until the ego vanishes. When the ego is submitted and when there occurs a total surrender to God. One can experience supreme bliss by feeling the presence of

God. In such a state, the minute soul will be merged with the Universal Soul and there will be no difference between Nara and Narayana.All agonies can be easily averted if only man feels that God is the responsible spirit behind all the progress.Bhakti, Karma, Jnana are just means to the same end. Each charts out for us a route towards God. When the highest knowledge dawns on us, the final release is obtained.Manava Jeevans has come to us as God's greatest boon. Let us not throw it away in ignorance.

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