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[Smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam] [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru message] Nikhumbhala Vivarana

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Annaya/ Brothers,


It was very thrilling reading the mail about Maa Pratyangira. I read from other sites which unambigiously state that "Pratyangira-Krithya Vidhya is a Ugra Sadhana mainly meant for Kshtriyas, Normal People should refrain. This vidhya has krithya vidhi for almost all asthras of our Purana Stories like - Agneyashthra/ RogavimukthAsthra & other great Asthras....Even Agasthya Mahaa Muni said to Lord Rama that Indrajit was more powerful than even Ravana (In Ramayana Uttara Kanda)"


Annaya Indeed very I feel Elated, Happy & Proud that I/we talk with the person who has talked to Maa Prayangira. Hope some day I will decimate all my bad samskaras (they r not many :-)) & be really worthy of your companionship...But most of the time its tug of war between my Samskaras/ Prarabdha & Buddhi.


Avadhoota Chintana Sree Guru Deva Datta !

Ashritha Vatsala Sree Guru Deva Datta !!

Thanks & Regards

- Sainath J.O.


para_anuloma <para_anulomaSmarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:41:35 AM[smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam] Re: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru message] Nikhumbhala Vivarana




Dear Brother,


Sri Pratyangira has been described variously in various Tantras. Nikumbhila Devi, whom you mentioned, who was worshipped by Indrajit, Ravana's son, is none but Pratyangira. However, it is not that Prathyangira Devi did not support Indrajit's upasana but that bad karma took over. When bad karma takes over by virtue of bad actions in this and previous births, then no amount of upasana can save the person. This is to be understood properly. What then would be needed is to do more vigorous sadhana with true prayaschitta bhava.



What happened when Indrajit started to support his father's bad karma?- his own upasana became vyartha and Hanuman went ahead and destroyed Indrajit's worship modality(Kruthya- prayogam) This has nothing to do with Devi Prathyangira. You can substitute the Devi with any other divine shakthi.

It is said that even to this date, there is a particular spot where Indrajit started his worship for Nikhumbhala Devi and many a Tamil-Tantrics I know frequent that place.

Sahasraarjuna/ Kaarthaveeraarju na

Pratyangira is also seen as Mahasudarshana. While Kartaviryarjuna is an Avatara of Sudarshana Chakra, the Jwalavatara of Sudarshana is said to be Pratyangira. That is why it was easy for Karthaveeryaarjuna to do his upasana for Nikhumbhala Devi.

Many things run by Karma and rinanubandhana, Srinivas!

One other legend which comes to my mind is that of Lord Shiva whoassumed the form of Sharabheshwara to calm Nrisimha. Sharabheshwara hugged Nrisimha tightly to calm him down but instead got wilder. Now, both Nrisimha and Sharabha startedcreating havoc!

Sri Mahatripurasundari Rajarajeshwari Devi then seeing this rigmarole, created the MahOgra rupa of Maha Pratyangira devi, with thousands of hands and thousands of lion faces.


This goddess, who is the most fierce form of Sridevi ever known, calmed both Nrisimha and Sharabha by a mere laughter and absorbed all their eenrgies. Thus, Pratyangira represents the summation of the Ugra and Tivra Shaktis of Shiva, Shakti and Narayana.

She holds in her, Sharabha, Nrisimha and Shakti.

Pratyangira Upasana is not a joke. I have repeated this often and to curious people in my group(see my older postings on the subject), dissuaded them from taking the upasana by merely seeing the ugra rupa and getting excited.

She may be worshipped by reciting Pratyangira Rk(Paipaladeeyam) or by Tantrokta mantras for Brahmi, Narayani, Raudri, Ugra Kritya or Atharvana Bhadrakali Pratyangira. Of these, the most severe mantra is that of Atharvana Bhadrakali.

The "ksh..." beejam and Prathyangira Stava-rajam are said to be especially very powerful as also prathyangira -ekaakshari. I refrain from giving out the mantra as even if I type them and someone reads them, it forms a bit of an initiation from me, which I want to avoid. Iam aware of the fact that some online sites(who have no idea what they are doing) and some books available in the mantra do reel out the mantras and beejas(however, I have seen that 99.95% have made one mistake or the other, which will overtime of cultivation by the reader give detrimental effects).

Sri Devi is also seen as the wife of Sharabheshwara, whose other wife is Shulini Durga. Pratyangira Upasana is generally possible by only those who have obtained Purna Diksha of Srividya as Pratyangira is the chief warrior goddess of Sri Lalita's army. Also for shamana(cooling Her) of the marmas after the upasana one needs to do certain mantras from the srividya lore, which can accrue upon only through an initiation.


One needs to be extremly cautious during Pratyangira Upasana. For every thousand recitation of her mantra, an equal number of Bala needs to be done. Some tantras also say that 1008 repetitions of Gayathri are needed for one mantra of prathyangira! Such is the puissance.According to Pratyangira Kalpa of Akasha Bhairava Tantra, equal number of Sharabha Japa is also necessary. The side effects of this mantra are severe.

In the words of Harshaji of Kamakoti Mandali:"To quote a personal example, every year during Shishira Ritu, Iundertake this purashcharana for a month. During this time, skin getscharred, eyes turn red, there is severe acidity and a sense of a hugeentity residing within. By the end of Purashcharana, it becomes sooverpowering that thousands of Bala mantra Japa becomes necessary tocalm Sri Paramba. Pratyangira Devi destroys all Abhicharas, Kritrimasand can break most of the known Krityas. Without complete guidancefrom an accomplished master, Pratyangira Upasana simply measn riskingone's life. The easier way is to worship Sri Lalitamba through thedivine Sahasranama. By simply doing this, one gets protection fromPratyangira, Sharabheshwara, Varahi and Martanda Bhairava".

Let me narrate one experience from my side too!

I used to frequent one Tantric in Chennai and finally after years of seva to Him, I learnt certain procedures for PrathyangirA, including a way to do a homa(using red chillies,cloves, etc). I have stopped doing it at the behest of my Srividya Guru who said "We have nothing to do with it".

During those days, I had one "friend" who was in business and he tempted me with good money and opportunities, to make me do a krithya for him. His intention was to decimate a guy in Indonesia. I said forthright, "I will not do such a thing, what harm has he done. Even if he has done some harm, it gives us no right to kill him, we have to bear our sufferings with a smile". I tried to instill some sense in him thus. But he would not listen and said "You have backstabbed me, Goodbye!". I just smiled and kept quite as he leaved in a huff.

Now, this guy acting very pious and humble had taken from me a prathyangira mantra, few weeks before the face-off. This person after the incident, used the very same mantra on me! Sitting and doing in the night a procedure given by me!

Can you attack your Guru?(Though, i never arrogate myself to the position of a guru, if I give a mantra to someone, I automatically become his Mantra-Guru atleast)

As I said before everything is determined by karma.

That night, I saw a hand(nakha-damshtra -yuktham) strangling my neck. I could see just a white light and the experience was really terrifying.I did not see the Devi and my voice was choked. I could not even think and started communicating with the "white-light- apparition- shakthi" athmically.

Following was the dialogue:

" Who are you, why do you strangle me?"

"Iam Prathyamgira, if I reveal to you, you will be burnt to cinders. Keep quite, Fool!"

" What wrong have i done? Why this strangulation? "

She then showed me a scene of this "friend" of mine doing the krura-kruthya on me.

I then realized what had happened.

I then said " Amma, to die in your hands is my bhagya. Many millions of years of my papa will be decimated by your mere touch.Iam a sinner, a total sinner and abhagyin, Iam thankful to !@##$$ (my friends name) for doing this to me. Who will have the bhagya in this kaliyuga to see you so freely and still talk with you! It is verily your karuna...."

I could not speak for some time.

I felt the hand on my neck releasing a bit but the white light was still there.

I then spoke out aloud.

"Amma Amma Amma....nandri nandri(thankyou in tamil)....atheetha kripaa meedhi("your compassion is great"...in telugu...when emotional, a combination of Tamil, Telugu and English come)....But Amma, i gave the mantra to this guy and he is harming me because I rejected his request of using your mahashakthi for a nefarious purpose. Please burn me to cinders, if you think my statement is wee-bit wrong"

Lo behold! I could then see two eyes(very fierce and leonine) appear in the white light, looking at me very seriously as if to test my sincerity.


And She turned back and I could see hoards of Her ganas behind Her shouting "PRATHAYNGIRA PRATHYANGIRA. ..PRATHYANGIRA. .." And the white light disappeared, I could see a faint image of a human form but of a lion mane(from behind) walking away into AkAsA.

This happened @ 4 am-ish in Chennai, two years before my marriage.

Why was I attacked in the first place? Because, I had given the mantra to a shatha and dushta."Na shathaaya na dusthaaya... karhichit. ."(Lalitha Sahasranama) . This was my karmic angle.

What happened later? My "friend" was severely punished. He even tried to commit suicide by drinking Dettol because he had a "love-failure" and "business-failure" .

But this taught me 5 lessons.

1. Guru's upadesha is to be followed

2. Never fall for sensationalism and the romance and mysticsm of tantra and lose your head.

3. Never give mantras to undeserving people.

4. Karma leaves none(including the Guru)

5. Don't play with ugra-Shakthi' s too much, unless you know how to handle their energies.


With this caveats, please do your research on the deity and seek out a true upasaka and then take the initiation.

On the other hand, Lalitha sahasranama after panchadasi initiation will serve a purpose more than prathyangira upasana.

Srividya upasana is the ultimate. Dont forget this!


Yours yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli


Smarthrugaami- Dattavaibhavam, "Sreenu J.O." <srisainath78@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Brothers,> > Curiosity made me to search about "Sri Mahaa Pratyangira Maatha". Some Interesting things came out....> Indrajit s/o Dashakanta was devotee of Mother & adept in Homa of Matha Nikumbala, which was another name for Maa Pratyangira .....> Raavana & Raamachandra used Pratyangira Shakthi in War on each other.> Raavana was adept in Pratyangira Vidhya [ Then how strong Kaarthaveeryaarjuna of Haihaya dynasty must be to subdue the great Raavana. How strong must be his Guru Sadhana of Lord Dattatreya, that even Raavana who has Pratyangira Vidhya cannot win over him ]> Pratyangira Maatha is fierce & Devi of justice. thats why even though Meghanaada was his devotee SHE did not protect him in war against Lakshmana.> Ahi Raavana was also another upaasaka of Maa

Pratyangira.> Pratyangira Vidhya was redeemed by Shankaracharya of Sidheshwari Peetam @ Courtaallam & HH gave the proper way of doing "Mahaa Pratyangira Homam" to the present world.> > Avadhoota Chintana Sree Guru Deva Datta ! > Sath Chit Ananda Swaroopa Sree Guru Deva Datta !!> > Thanks & Regards> - Sainath J.O.> > > > > Sreenu J.O. srisainath78@ ...> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> Cc: SmarthruGaami DattaVibhavam Smarthrugaami- Dattavaibhavam> Saturday, March 8, 2008 10:44:44 AM> Re: [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] "Sri Pratyangira Maatha" Temple in Hyd> > > Dear Brothers,> > Today I went for darshanam/ archanam of Sri Pratyangira Maatha. Felt very very happy, there are wall statues of Guru Sainatha, Guru Dattatreya, Sri

Ganesha, Kumaraswami, Kaala Bhairava apart from Dasha Mahaa Vidhyas .....> > There is a big Shoolam near Mother, In Ashtottara Shata Naam Archana - there are names like "Preta Samasina" / Ghora/ Aghora - which tell us about Firce aspect of Mother ......> > There is a temple of Radha-Madhava Swami also, Yagna Kundam with "Spices/ Red chillies put aside in plate"> > The Priest "Mallikarjuna Rao" detailed below things (On MAA TV)...> If ones does Mantra Japa of Matangi Maatha Perfectly, A Parrot (Raama Chilaka) will come & sit on shoulder of Sadhaka.....> If one does Mantra Japa of Dhoomavati Maata Perfectly @ Mid night - A Crow will shout in midnight....> One who wants to come up in Politics, one need to do Sadhana of Bhuvaneshwari Devi.> Mother Pratyangira has Lakh Mukas .....> > Mani Shekar Sir/ Subramanyam Annaya in fact this temple if very near ro Manishekar Sir`s

House...> > Route : Sec-Bad -> Dilshuknagar Bustop -> Kotha Pet Fruit Market -> go ahead will find Rama Krishna Puram Board on left to Main road -> take the straight road will find this temple ....> > > Avadhoota Chintana Sri Guru Deva Datta ! Jaya Jaya Karunaa Saagara Sree Guru Deva Datta !!> > Thanks & Regards> - Sainath J.O.> > > > > Sreenu J.O. srisainath78@ ...> RajaRajeshwari Kalpatharu Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> Cc: SmarthruGaami DattaVibhavam Smarthrugaami- Dattavaibhavam> Saturday, March 1, 2008 9:44:30 AM> [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] "Sri Pratyangira Maatha" Temple in Hyd> > Dear Brothers,> > A Morning Program was telecast on Friday on MAA TV as detailed below> > "Sri Pratyangira

Maatha" Temple is located in Ramakrishna Puram, Dilshuknagar, Hyd (they gave bus Route also - Bus No. 90D). It is said Homam is done for Devi with Red Chillis/ Spices, but only fragrance emnates out of homa kunda. Lot of Suvasinis were present doing Pooja. It is said, doing Archana of this Jagadamba will drive away Loans/ Poverty/ Cure Incurable diseases will build a imprenatable kavacham for the Sadhaka.....> > Just wanted to share this Info reg Sri Pratyangira Devi Temple in Hyd brothers.... .> > Thanks & Regards> - Sainath J.O.> > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ>

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