Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Dear brother Shreeram, Pranaams and first of all “Sarvadhhari Naama Samvathsara Subhaakankhalu”. And I started to feel that my prayers are accepted and I am getting guidance .And I started to retrospect the things and I am putting all of them and kindly suggest me what I have to do. As mentioned initially, My Grand mother gave this ShreeChakra to my father. I heard that she got it from Shri Abhedaananda swamy, about whom I don’t know any details being a layman in this field. But she did the Puja vigorously nearly for a decade, after getting Panchadasi Upadesha. I don’t know her guru’s name. But nearly 15 years back my grand father has expired, since then she stopped her puja and after some years she gave I to my father. Since then my father placed it in puja mandira and my mother used to chant Lalitha sahasra but with out any upadesha. And somebody told them that if ShreeChakra is there, Special puja must be performed during Navarathri but my grand father’s punyathidhi happened to be on Maharnavami, they were unable to decide what to do. And recently my parents have shifted to Vijag and I was attracted to do puja. And I am putting some of my experiences since I started my puja and kindly advise me regarding what I have to do As I said earlier, I feel very peaceful whenever I sit before her and usually I get tears with some emotion and my mind believes really she is there…..Though I don’t do much puja, I like to sit for time there which gives me an excellent mental peace. One night during the last Navrathris I got a dream in which I saw a devi …not remembered exactly how many hands she have but somebody is shouting the name of “Kushmanda”. I read just a few days back of that dream, regarding the Avthars that shrividyopasakas do upasana during the navrathris and I thought its an imagination of my mind since the name appeared peculiar . And a month back I got really a fearful dream in which I saw Devi on a Lion or tiger which I am not sure..with eight hands…with a prasanna vadana…but all of a sudden she cut her head with a sword and picked her head with one hand and the blood was pumped like a fountain …and in the dream itself I am terrified and also has a jugupsa and with my ignorance I thought its some Kshudrasakthi and I told it to my father in the morning, he said She could be ChinnaMastha of Dasamahavidyas…But the fear still remained in my mind and prayed her not to appear in such a fearful form as I always pray her in a sathvika rupa. And as I said in my previous posting, I am in a great trouble since the end of the December, after Rahu entered dhanishta, which was a Naithana tara to my janmathara uttharabhadra in 12th place of my janma raasi. Is this dream relate to any of my present conditions or inadequacy of my puja. Are these dreams are just accidental dreams, not having any significance? Also on Vijayadasami, suddenly I got an inspiration to do ChandiHomam on the coming pournami, but because of some problems I could do it only after another ninedays, on dasami and makha nakshatra…which is a Praktyaktara to me. In sankalpa I didn’t mentioned any wish andput only “shree devi preethyardham” . Will there be any negative effects if the homa is performed on prathyak tara, vipatthaara or Naidhana tara?. Or shall I take it as The mother has inspired me to do homa and reduced my problems to the present condition? And the most important thing is I request your guidance in visiting gurudev at nanganallur. Shall I have to take any prior permision before going there….will he talk to me and guide me without knowing me….and what should I do to make myself to get the Arhatha for upadesha ? I request once again kindly think about me and give your valuable guidance. Kishore. para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote: Dear Kishoreji, Let me handle this at a granular level.Decide for yourself and come to a conclusion using divine sense. First, An object of veneration when dutifully prayed,worshipped,faithfully adored and then transferred will have lot of pranic vibrations in it(Pranapathishtapana to put it loosely).This is true for any object.For a sacred object like Sri Chakra, the divine presence will manifest all the more in a puissant form especially when earlier worshipped by an adept. Second, When the sacred object (here Sri Yantra) comes in the hands of someone else. It will carry some karmic vibrations (bad or good depending on the person) of the earlier worshipper.So, discretion must be greatly exercised by both the giver and the receiver. Giver must see: Whether the recipient is worth it, whether he/she can withstand the rigor attached to the worship modalities,whether any bad karma is being unknowingly transferred. Some erroneously think, what bad vibrations can a venerable object like Sri Yantra carry? Yet, some texts and my own personal experience(and the cousel of my Gurunatha) has proved otherwise. Receiver must see: Whom is he taking from? What worship was he/she doing? Whether he/ she would be able to do justice to the object. Third, Doing Lalitha Sahasranama does need initiation into nothing less than Panchadasi mantra.Iam not acting as a master-intimidator here. Iam quoting again from my own personal experience,shastras,what my Gurunatha said,etc. I have no arguments with some people who claim their Master/Amma/Baba asked all their devotees to do it freely. I have explained why and in what context they say in my earlier postings. Misinterpretations of people under creates an unholy vortex. This is Kali-Prabhava. Fourth, when something is done, doing a thorough job of it, will yield maximum results. Half-hearted attempts with half-baked knowledge will only lead to further detrimental effects. Fifth, euphoric feelings which one gets while meditating should not lull us into a flase sense of complacency. When the mudd underneath(karmic debris, if you please) is even slightly shaken then the pure water(read peaceful life) will become turbid(troublesome). Again, this is not a master-intimidator at work. You may continue your athmic search in whatever way you please as long as faith is there. Sixth, Your prayers for guidance will be answered. Maybe, this posting in reply is a first step for your 'trishna'. One need not feel intellectually inferior to even ask questions or express happiness.'Ask a doubt once and you remain stupid till you ask it and get clarified, else stay stupid for a lifetime.' I have no ego-problems in asking when I don't understand be it College or work or while trying to understand some scripture. Seventh,Regarding your Dhanishta-Nakasthra and malefic Rahu placement. Unless, I see your horoscope, I cannot make any comment.Unfortunately, I do not indulge much in astro-consultations(hobby or profession) and my facility in it is used for spiritual purposes only. You must consult a good Vedic astrologer here(with the astrologer parameters i mentioned in an earlier posting ). Eighth, a wrong pooja done to Sri Yantra done will yield a bad result, i do not see any wrong pooja being done but an inadeqacy of pooja, which will sort of stagnate things.When things get bad, faith should grow strong! Ninth, you might wish to get upadesha from Rajagopala Anandanathar of Nanganallur, Chennai, if you are really earnest about it.Whether you are "ripe" or not, will be decided by him.Or alternatively, you might seek some other Srividya adept as per your convinience. Tenth,continue doing the dhoopa,deepa,naivedya after the 25 name puja methodology given in the files section of our group. I have oft-repeated that those who have a Sri Mahameru or Sri Yantra and who are afraid to go ahead with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana or Trishati or Khadgamala without initiation, can do the puja which has been given by Sri Devi Herself safely. Seeing the earnestness of the devotee, She will Herself guide the person. It so happened that , i started to once chant in complete ignorance Lalitha Sahasranama before initiation and even before I could complete the litany,I felt a goad(Nakuleshwari Devi) on my neck(behind) preventing me from completing it.This was my personal experience. It was Devi's way of saying not to do it without initiation and without delay or hestitation or confusion, I got myself initiated rather miaculously at the temple. I have narrated this experience also before.I know that Nakuleshwari or Sri Devi does not place a goad(ankusha) at the necks of all who read Lalitha Sahasranama without initiation but she might create some tensions for sure. I do not know why She kept that on me in the first place. I just accept it as a blessing.Even a curse from Her divine lips is a blessing and a benediction for me. Eleventh, do not let fear(bhaya) or disgust(ghrina) come in your mind nor let lethargy assail you, after you read this rather lengthy email-reply. Instead, take my pointers stated above and make your search for Srividya light true. And don't be bamboozled by master-initimidators(be it even myself) in this path. Success will be yours. Sri Devi tatwa will beste your heart. Situations are created by paradevatha and enacted by us on Her behalf as Her puppets, however, we too have an element of divine, which is defined by the God in you. Hold on to that God, that light, rest will fall in place. Onward, Shreeram Balijepalli Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "Kishore" <burra_k wrote:>> Dear brother shreeram,> Pranams...really I am lucky to be a member of this group...I used to > learn so much from your interactions but beeing not a learned person, > I always remain scilent.But I have some doubts which I must clear to > make my mind peaceful.> > My grandmother(age85) used to do shreechakra archana for a long time > but because of her health conditions she sent the shreechakra to our > home,three years back.Though we do not do much puja, we used to offer > dhupa deepa naivedya as nitya puja. But after we took our own flat 2 > years back, i was strongly attracted towards it and started to do > panchopachaara puja and lalitha sahasram.I don't know how to do the > puja completely....but after somebody mentioned to me that I shoudn't > do SriLalitha sahasra as i have no upadesa, I stopped it and started > to offer kumkuma by chanting "Om Shree Maathre namah" after chanting > Gayathri manthra.Actually I had no other wishes but just her grace > and every day I used to pray her that I may get the guidence to do > the puja.But as long as every thing is going well we will be > happy....When things get bad, the doubts will start to raise..> > I have a problem that if any planet enters dhanishta nakshatra, i > used to get very fiercefull impact.But this time when rahu entered > Dhanishta in december, suddenly the entire picture is changed and i > got a severe financial blow which I feel may be very difficult to > comeout of it in near future.Is it have any relation with my not > perfoming puja with out proper guidence? Is it not sufficient if I > offer dhupa,deepa,naivedya with chanting of her first name, till I > learn the vidhaana?...But I experience good mental peace whenever I > sit before the Shreechakra which makes me to feel that its not the > adverse impact from my puja....but still I want to confirm...> > And my real problem is how to get a guru...I don't know anybody who > can teach me and give upadesha....A couple persons I know, but my > mind won't accept them....It may be because I am still not riped to > get Upadesha....Kindly guide me in this matter...> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 Dear Brother Sriram, I am a new joinee to this group & even I am interested in this path of meeting my Eternal Mother. Let me breifly introduce myself. I am Guruprasad Nayak - 30 yrs, an aspirant of Sri Vidya. I was in search of proper path that suites me better & now after 14 years got information about this path. I am married with one kid, working for a MNC Software company in Bangalore When I was in Class X, I was ordered by my Physical mother to perform pooja during Navaratri using Lalita Sahasra Nama due to her problem to perform it. Thereafter she passed away in two years & I became mad without her, as she was the only one thing I ever knew in my life. ( Though I had the clare-Voyance of her death before hand when I was too young like many other accidents in this world which most of times I was intimated in my sleep) Unlike the children of my age I never went out to play. I was happy in the company of my mother. I used to read lots of Novels which used to fascinate me. After her death, I lost my interest in everything & started to wonder in streets of my home town like mad without attending the college/ Mingling with any body for that matter (But some how, everytime I passed the exams miracally without any difficulty). Then I got engaged into Pshycology books & felt that it too has got some limitations. Thereafter my spiritual journey started without my knowledge in the search of which is endless/ which is permanent. I used to go to Kali Mata temple near to my place as I always felt my Mother in her & she used to answer all my prayers & questions. She was the one who looked me after my mother with all care. In my journey once I came to the dead end & thought I will end up my life as the grief of my bereaved mother was unbearable. But at that time I got a book by Paramahamsa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi & it revived a new hope in me & my search. I must admit that I tried many paths/ philosophies, but none enticed me like Sri Vidya & I feel that Sri Mata is close to my heart than any other dities/ path. Though I know Panchadashakshari Mantra of Sri Mata, I don't want to begin my sadhana at once as it may lead to complications as I don't even know basic qualification required to do Japa of this Shakti Mantra. Again the problem is to find a suitable Guru, from whom I can get initiation into this path. Several times I thought I will write the mail to you for Guidance but postponed thinking that I may get the Guru. But now I am unable to be without my Eternal Mother & I need to meet her at any cost. When she is Omniscient, why she is still getting rid of me? Am I unworthy or am I not her child? Please help me to meet her. After reading this mail, if you feel that I can be a dust on the holy feet of Guru & Mother, please guide me as to what I need to do and how I can see my Mother. I will do all that is required to get her grace.para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote: Dear Brother,1. If Srichakra is there, nithyapuja must be done not just a specialpuja during navaratri.2. During the Punyathithi of your grandfather, the "special puja" can beavoided and just a nithyannika puja be done alongwith naivedyam.3. You need initiation into Panchdasi(not just in Lalitha Sahasranama orBala mantra) to do Lalitha Sahasranama.4. Srividya Upasana is beyond Naidhana Taras, Janma Taras and otherastrological phenomenon. There is no link between those and the woshipmodalities and experiences.5. Chinnamastha is not a Kshudra-shakthi. She is one of theDashamahavidhyas.6. The dream might mean 2 things:1. Chinnamastha Matha Darshana.or2. The severance of ego(Head is a sanketham for that) required forSrividya upasana(Many people I know have similar dreams).Incidentally"Kushmanda" has a meaning of a "brahmin head".In either case there is nothing to fear. Yad Bhaavam, Tat Bhavathi!7. Get the Chandi Homam done.Please don't do it yourself. I do not seeany negative effects if the homam is done by learned people with properprocedures,homachara and ahuthis done.Decide which Chandi Homam needs tobe done-1. Ordinary 2. Shatha Chandi 3. Sahasra Chandi.--according toyour capacity and inclination. Obviously, Sahasra-Chandi Homam(Yagam)will give maximum benefits.8. Homa muhurtha nirnaya will be done by the priests who perform it andso, please do not fret on the strength of tha Tara-balam.Also,prathyaktara,vippathhara,etc as is the practice of seeing Tarabalam asper birth star and the day's star in Andhra is not to be reckoned forsuch noble acts but for starting some important assays and other stuff.9. Please talk with swami Rajagopala swami and mention my name and mylocation(USA) and about this internet group(for breaking ice ) and thenseek his blessings to come and visit Him and get initiated atleast inPanchadasi, so that you can chant Lalitha Sahasranama.10.He will decide your arhatha.Hope this helps...Shreeram BalijepalliRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , burra kishore<burra_k wrote:>> Dear brother Shreeram,>> Pranaams and first of all "Sarvadhhari Naama SamvathsaraSubhaakankhalu".> And I started to feel that my prayers are accepted and I am gettingguidance .And I started to retrospect the things and I am putting all ofthem and kindly suggest me what I have to do.> As mentioned initially, My Grand mother gave this ShreeChakra to myfather. I heard that she got it from Shri Abhedaananda swamy, about whomI don't know any details being a layman in this field. But she didthe Puja vigorously nearly for a decade, after getting PanchadasiUpadesha. I don't know her guru's name. But nearly 15 years backmy grand father has expired, since then she stopped her puja and aftersome years she gave I to my father. Since then my father placed it inpuja mandira and my mother used to chant Lalitha sahasra but with outany upadesha. And somebody told them that if ShreeChakra is there,Special puja must be performed during Navarathri but my grandfather's punyathidhi happened to be on Maharnavami, they were unableto decide what to do. And recently my parents have shifted to Vijag andI was attracted to do puja.>> And I am putting some of my experiences since I started my puja andkindly advise me regarding what I have to do>> As I said earlier, I feel very peaceful whenever I sit before her andusually I get tears with some emotion and my mind believes really she isthere…..Though I don't do much puja, I like to sit for timethere which gives me an excellent mental peace.> One night during the last Navrathris I got a dream in which I saw adevi …not remembered exactly how many hands she have but somebody isshouting the name of "Kushmanda". I read just a few days back ofthat dream, regarding the Avthars that shrividyopasakas do upasanaduring the navrathris and I thought its an imagination of my mind sincethe name appeared peculiar .> And a month back I got really a fearful dream in which I saw Devi on aLion or tiger which I am not sure..with eight hands…with a prasannavadana…but all of a sudden she cut her head with a sword and pickedher head with one hand and the blood was pumped like a fountain …andin the dream itself I am terrified and also has a jugupsa and with myignorance I thought its some Kshudrasakthi and I told it to my father inthe morning, he said She could be ChinnaMastha of Dasamahavidyas…Butthe fear still remained in my mind and prayed her not to appear in sucha fearful form as I always pray her in a sathvika rupa. And as I said inmy previous posting, I am in a great trouble since the end of theDecember, after Rahu entered dhanishta, which was a Naithana tara to myjanmathara uttharabhadra in 12th place of my janma raasi. Is this dreamrelate to any of my present conditions or inadequacy of my puja.> Are these dreams are just accidental dreams, not having anysignificance?> Also on Vijayadasami, suddenly I got an inspiration to do ChandiHomamon the coming pournami, but because of some problems I could do it onlyafter another ninedays, on dasami and makha nakshatra…which is aPraktyaktara to me. In sankalpa I didn't mentioned any wish andputonly "shree devi preethyardham" .> Will there be any negative effects if the homa is performed onprathyak tara, vipatthaara or Naidhana tara?. Or shall I take it as Themother has inspired me to do homa and reduced my problems to the presentcondition?>>> And the most important thing is I request your guidance in visitinggurudev at nanganallur. Shall I have to take any prior permision beforegoing there….will he talk to me and guide me without knowingme….and what should I do to make myself to get the Arhatha forupadesha ?>>> I request once again kindly think about me and give your valuableguidance.>> Kishore.>>>>> para_anuloma para_anuloma wrote: Dear Kishoreji,> Let me handle this at a granular level.Decide for yourself and come toa conclusion using divine sense.> First, An object of veneration when dutifullyprayed,worshipped,faithfully adored and then transferred will have lotof pranic vibrations in it(Pranapathishtapana to put it loosely).This istrue for any object.For a sacred object like Sri Chakra, the divinepresence will manifest all the more in a puissant form especially whenearlier worshipped by an adept.> Second, When the sacred object (here Sri Yantra) comes in the hands ofsomeone else. It will carry some karmic vibrations (bad or gooddepending on the person) of the earlier worshipper.So, discretion mustbe greatly exercised by both the giver and the receiver.> Giver must see: Whether the recipient is worth it, whether he/she canwithstand the rigor attached to the worship modalities,whether any badkarma is being unknowingly transferred. Some erroneously think, what badvibrations can a venerable object like Sri Yantra carry? Yet, some textsand my own personal experience(and the cousel of my Gurunatha) hasproved otherwise.> Receiver must see: Whom is he taking from? What worship was he/shedoing? Whether he/ she would be able to do justice to the object.>> Third, Doing Lalitha Sahasranama does need initiation into nothingless than Panchadasi mantra.Iam not acting as a master-intimidator here.Iam quoting again from my own personal experience,shastras,what myGurunatha said,etc. I have no arguments with some people who claim theirMaster/Amma/Baba asked all their devotees to do it freely. I haveexplained why and in what context they say in my earlier postings.Misinterpretations of people under creates an unholy vortex. This isKali-Prabhava.> Fourth, when something is done, doing a thorough job of it, will yieldmaximum results. Half-hearted attempts with half-baked knowledge willonly lead to further detrimental effects.> Fifth, euphoric feelings which one gets while meditating should notlull us into a flase sense of complacency. When the muddunderneath(karmic debris, if you please) is even slightly shaken thenthe pure water(read peaceful life) will become turbid(troublesome).Again, this is not a master-intimidator at work. You may continue yourathmic search in whatever way you please as long as faith is there.> Sixth, Your prayers for guidance will be answered. Maybe, this postingin reply is a first step for your 'trishna'. One need not feelintellectually inferior to even ask questions or express happiness.'Aska doubt once and you remain stupid till you ask it and get clarified,else stay stupid for a lifetime.' I have no ego-problems in asking whenI don't understand be it College or work or while trying to understandsome scripture.> Seventh,Regarding your Dhanishta-Nakasthra and malefic Rahu placement.Unless, I see your horoscope, I cannot make any comment.Unfortunately, Ido not indulge much in astro-consultations(hobby or profession) and myfacility in it is used for spiritual purposes only. You must consult agood Vedic astrologer here(with the astrologer parameters i mentioned inan earlier posting ).> Eighth, a wrong pooja done to Sri Yantra done will yield a bad result,i do not see any wrong pooja being done but an inadeqacy of pooja, whichwill sort of stagnate things.When things get bad, faith should growstrong!> Ninth, you might wish to get upadesha from Rajagopala Anandanathar ofNanganallur, Chennai, if you are really earnest about it.Whether you are"ripe" or not, will be decided by him.Or alternatively, you might seeksome other Srividya adept as per your convinience.>> Tenth,continue doing the dhoopa,deepa,naivedya after the 25 name pujamethodology given in the files section of our group. I have oft-repeatedthat those who have a Sri Mahameru or Sri Yantra and who are afraid togo ahead with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana or Trishati or Khadgamalawithout initiation, can do the puja which has been given by Sri DeviHerself safely. Seeing the earnestness of the devotee, She will Herselfguide the person. It so happened that , i started to once chant incomplete ignorance Lalitha Sahasranama before initiation and even beforeI could complete the litany,I felt a goad(Nakuleshwari Devi) on myneck(behind) preventing me from completing it.This was my personalexperience. It was Devi's way of saying not to do it without initiationand without delay or hestitation or confusion, I got myself initiatedrather miaculously at the temple. I have narrated this experience alsobefore.I know that Nakuleshwari or Sri Devi does not place agoad(ankusha)> at the necks of all who read Lalitha Sahasranama without initiationbut she might create some tensions for sure. I do not know why She keptthat on me in the first place. I just accept it as a blessing.Even acurse from Her divine lips is a blessing and a benediction for me.> Eleventh, do not let fear(bhaya) or disgust(ghrina) come in your mindnor let lethargy assail you, after you read this rather lengthyemail-reply. Instead, take my pointers stated above and make your searchfor Srividya light true. And don't be bamboozled bymaster-initimidators(be it even myself) in this path. Success will beyours. Sri Devi tatwa will beste your heart.> Situations are created by paradevatha and enacted by us on Her behalfas Her puppets, however, we too have an element of divine, which isdefined by the God in you.> Hold on to that God, that light, rest will fall in place.> Onward,> Shreeram Balijepalli>> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , "Kishore" burra_k@wrote:> >> > Dear brother shreeram,> > Pranams...really I am lucky to be a member of this group...I used to> > learn so much from your interactions but beeing not a learnedperson,> > I always remain scilent.But I have some doubts which I must clear to> > make my mind peaceful.> >> > My grandmother(age85) used to do shreechakra archana for a long time> > but because of her health conditions she sent the shreechakra to our> > home,three years back.Though we do not do much puja, we used tooffer> > dhupa deepa naivedya as nitya puja. But after we took our own flat 2> > years back, i was strongly attracted towards it and started to do> > panchopachaara puja and lalitha sahasram.I don't know how to do the> > puja completely....but after somebody mentioned to me that Ishoudn't> > do SriLalitha sahasra as i have no upadesa, I stopped it and started> > to offer kumkuma by chanting "Om Shree Maathre namah" after chanting> > Gayathri manthra.Actually I had no other wishes but just her grace> > and every day I used to pray her that I may get the guidence to do> > the puja.But as long as every thing is going well we will be> > happy....When things get bad, the doubts will start to raise..> >> > I have a problem that if any planet enters dhanishta nakshatra, i> > used to get very fiercefull impact.But this time when rahu entered> > Dhanishta in december, suddenly the entire picture is changed and i> > got a severe financial blow which I feel may be very difficult to> > comeout of it in near future.Is it have any relation with my not> > perfoming puja with out proper guidence? Is it not sufficient if I> > offer dhupa,deepa,naivedya with chanting of her first name, till I> > learn the vidhaana?...But I experience good mental peace whenever I> > sit before the Shreechakra which makes me to feel that its not the> > adverse impact from my puja....but still I want to confirm...> >> > And my real problem is how to get a guru...I don't know anybody who> > can teach me and give upadesha....A couple persons I know, but my> > mind won't accept them....It may be because I am still not riped to> > get Upadesha....Kindly guide me in this matter...> >>>>>>>>> > Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, withoutdownload.> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 13, 2008 Report Share Posted April 13, 2008 Dear Brother,First of all, apologies to Sreeram garu for posting it before his reply to your mail. I couldnot stop my fingers from typing this. Jai Kali maa!. It is fascinating to read a mail of this kind when one opens his mailbox in the morning, with the freshness of japam. Let me introduce to you an excerpt from my Gurugaru's life. His search for mother began in his early twenties, and he kept on praying, "Mother, Oh! Mother when will you come, when will you come". This went on, and people around him used to regard his ways as to be crazy. There were days when he used to sit in the balcony, during the dushera festivals when it drizzles, and look at the sky waiting for her dasrshan. Then on durgaashtami, around 2:30 AM, he had the divine darshan of mother and her upadesa as well. Since then he adorned the 'Amma upasana' under the guidance of Lord Dattatreya and his able guru Parama Pujya Sri Ganapati Sacchidananda swamiji. He is employed in the postion of a Branch Manager. Donot mind brother! for introducing these names here, that should not bother you. Though I am no near to your coordiantes, all the thoughts that are running in your mind currently are products of the showered grace of mother (that it proved by events in your life). And, with Shreeramji's guidance, I am sure you will find what you are seeking. The very fact that you had waited for a Guru all this while, and your growing impatience and the necessity rising inside of you to have one guru and perform Sri vidya upasana itself is a grace of the Mother. Praying mother to shut the ego of this ignorantly typing person, and also restricting to Shreeramji's regulations (he is the only one in this group as per my knowledge who can give directions on such mails. Excuse me) I pray for Mother's grace to shower on you and all of us. To know, and To reach! (with sincerity, obedience, perseverance, and discipline)Jaya Guru Datta! Nah Mathuhu Paradevata!Bhaktically,Dattabantu Languages are different - but the thought is one Sounds are many - but the Rhythm is the same Cows are many - but milk is the same Gurus appear many - yet He is only one." ------education never ends----- ramakrishna venkata b-tech dep of material science iit-bombayguruprasad nayak <hgp_nayakRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Sent: Saturday, 12 April, 2008 1:08:28 AMRe: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: SriChakra archana Dear Brother Sriram, I am a new joinee to this group & even I am interested in this path of meeting my Eternal Mother. Let me breifly introduce myself. I am Guruprasad Nayak - 30 yrs, an aspirant of Sri Vidya. I was in search of proper path that suites me better & now after 14 years got information about this path. I am married with one kid, working for a MNC Software company in Bangalore When I was in Class X, I was ordered by my Physical mother to perform pooja during Navaratri using Lalita Sahasra Nama due to her problem to perform it. Thereafter she passed away in two years & I became mad without her, as she was the only one thing I ever knew in my life. ( Though I had the clare-Voyance of her death before hand when I was too young like many other accidents in this world which most of times I was intimated in my sleep) Unlike the children of my age I never went out to play. I was happy in the company of my mother. I used to read lots of Novels which used to fascinate me. After her death, I lost my interest in everything & started to wonder in streets of my home town like mad without attending the college/ Mingling with any body for that matter (But some how, everytime I passed the exams miracally without any difficulty). Then I got engaged into Pshycology books & felt that it too has got some limitations. Thereafter my spiritual journey started without my knowledge in the search of which is endless/ which is permanent. I used to go to Kali Mata temple near to my place as I always felt my Mother in her & she used to answer all my prayers & questions. She was the one who looked me after my mother with all care. In my journey once I came to the dead end & thought I will end up my life as the grief of my bereaved mother was unbearable. But at that time I got a book by Paramahamsa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi & it revived a new hope in me & my search. I must admit that I tried many paths/ philosophies, but none enticed me like Sri Vidya & I feel that Sri Mata is close to my heart than any other dities/ path. Though I know Panchadashakshari Mantra of Sri Mata, I don't want to begin my sadhana at once as it may lead to complications as I don't even know basic qualification required to do Japa of this Shakti Mantra. Again the problem is to find a suitable Guru, from whom I can get initiation into this path. Several times I thought I will write the mail to you for Guidance but postponed thinking that I may get the Guru. But now I am unable to be without my Eternal Mother & I need to meet her at any cost. When she is Omniscient, why she is still getting rid of me? Am I unworthy or am I not her child? Please help me to meet her. After reading this mail, if you feel that I can be a dust on the holy feet of Guru & Mother, please guide me as to what I need to do and how I can see my Mother. I will do all that is required to get her grace.para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca> wrote: Dear Brother,1. If Srichakra is there, nithyapuja must be done not just a specialpuja during navaratri.2. During the Punyathithi of your grandfather, the "special puja" can beavoided and just a nithyannika puja be done alongwith naivedyam.3. You need initiation into Panchdasi(not just in Lalitha Sahasranama orBala mantra) to do Lalitha Sahasranama.4. Srividya Upasana is beyond Naidhana Taras, Janma Taras and otherastrological phenomenon. There is no link between those and the woshipmodalities and experiences.5. Chinnamastha is not a Kshudra-shakthi. She is one of theDashamahavidhyas.6. The dream might mean 2 things:1. Chinnamastha Matha Darshana.or2. The severance of ego(Head is a sanketham for that) required forSrividya upasana(Many people I know have similar dreams).Incidentall y"Kushmanda" has a meaning of a "brahmin head".In either case there is nothing to fear. Yad Bhaavam, Tat Bhavathi!7. Get the Chandi Homam done.Please don't do it yourself. I do not seeany negative effects if the homam is done by learned people with properprocedures,homachar a and ahuthis done.Decide which Chandi Homam needs tobe done-1. Ordinary 2. Shatha Chandi 3. Sahasra Chandi.--according toyour capacity and inclination. Obviously, Sahasra-Chandi Homam(Yagam)will give maximum benefits.8. Homa muhurtha nirnaya will be done by the priests who perform it andso, please do not fret on the strength of tha Tara-balam.Also,prathyaktara, vippathhara, etc as is the practice of seeing Tarabalam asper birth star and the day's star in Andhra is not to be reckoned forsuch noble acts but for starting some important assays and other stuff.9. Please talk with swami Rajagopala swami and mention my name and mylocation(USA) and about this internet group(for breaking ice ) and thenseek his blessings to come and visit Him and get initiated atleast inPanchadasi, so that you can chant Lalitha Sahasranama.10.He will decide your arhatha.Hope this helps...Shreeram BalijepalliRajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, burra kishore<burra_k > wrote:>> Dear brother Shreeram,>> Pranaams and first of all "Sarvadhhari Naama SamvathsaraSubhaakankhalu" .> And I started to feel that my prayers are accepted and I am gettingguidance .And I started to retrospect the things and I am putting all ofthem and kindly suggest me what I have to do.> As mentioned initially, My Grand mother gave this ShreeChakra to myfather. I heard that she got it from Shri Abhedaananda swamy, about whomI don't know any details being a layman in this field. But she didthe Puja vigorously nearly for a decade, after getting PanchadasiUpadesha. I don't know her guru's name. But nearly 15 years backmy grand father has expired, since then she stopped her puja and aftersome years she gave I to my father. Since then my father placed it inpuja mandira and my mother used to chant Lalitha sahasra but with outany upadesha. And somebody told them that if ShreeChakra is there,Special puja must be performed during Navarathri but my grandfather's punyathidhi happened to be on Maharnavami, they were unableto decide what to do. And recently my parents have shifted to Vijag andI was attracted to do puja.>> And I am putting some of my experiences since I started my puja andkindly advise me regarding what I have to do>> As I said earlier, I feel very peaceful whenever I sit before her andusually I get tears with some emotion and my mind believes really she isthere…..Though I don't do much puja, I like to sit for timethere which gives me an excellent mental peace.> One night during the last Navrathris I got a dream in which I saw adevi …not remembered exactly how many hands she have but somebody isshouting the name of "Kushmanda". I read just a few days back ofthat dream, regarding the Avthars that shrividyopasakas do upasanaduring the navrathris and I thought its an imagination of my mind sincethe name appeared peculiar .> And a month back I got really a fearful dream in which I saw Devi on aLion or tiger which I am not sure..with eight hands…with a prasannavadana…but all of a sudden she cut her head with a sword and pickedher head with one hand and the blood was pumped like a fountain …andin the dream itself I am terrified and also has a jugupsa and with myignorance I thought its some Kshudrasakthi and I told it to my father inthe morning, he said She could be ChinnaMastha of Dasamahavidyas… Butthe fear still remained in my mind and prayed her not to appear in sucha fearful form as I always pray her in a sathvika rupa. And as I said inmy previous posting, I am in a great trouble since the end of theDecember, after Rahu entered dhanishta, which was a Naithana tara to myjanmathara uttharabhadra in 12th place of my janma raasi. Is this dreamrelate to any of my present conditions or inadequacy of my puja.> Are these dreams are just accidental dreams, not having anysignificance?> Also on Vijayadasami, suddenly I got an inspiration to do ChandiHomamon the coming pournami, but because of some problems I could do it onlyafter another ninedays, on dasami and makha nakshatra…which is aPraktyaktara to me. In sankalpa I didn't mentioned any wish andputonly "shree devi preethyardham" .> Will there be any negative effects if the homa is performed onprathyak tara, vipatthaara or Naidhana tara?. Or shall I take it as Themother has inspired me to do homa and reduced my problems to the presentcondition?>>> And the most important thing is I request your guidance in visitinggurudev at nanganallur. Shall I have to take any prior permision beforegoing there….will he talk to me and guide me without knowingme….and what should I do to make myself to get the Arhatha forupadesha ?>>> I request once again kindly think about me and give your valuableguidance.>> Kishore.>>>>> para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ... wrote: Dear Kishoreji,> Let me handle this at a granular level.Decide for yourself and come toa conclusion using divine sense.> First, An object of veneration when dutifullyprayed,worshipped, faithfully adored and then transferred will have lotof pranic vibrations in it(Pranapathishtapa na to put it loosely).This istrue for any object.For a sacred object like Sri Chakra, the divinepresence will manifest all the more in a puissant form especially whenearlier worshipped by an adept.> Second, When the sacred object (here Sri Yantra) comes in the hands ofsomeone else. It will carry some karmic vibrations (bad or gooddepending on the person) of the earlier worshipper.So, discretion mustbe greatly exercised by both the giver and the receiver.> Giver must see: Whether the recipient is worth it, whether he/she canwithstand the rigor attached to the worship modalities,whether any badkarma is being unknowingly transferred. Some erroneously think, what badvibrations can a venerable object like Sri Yantra carry? Yet, some textsand my own personal experience(and the cousel of my Gurunatha) hasproved otherwise.> Receiver must see: Whom is he taking from? What worship was he/shedoing? Whether he/ she would be able to do justice to the object.>> Third, Doing Lalitha Sahasranama does need initiation into nothingless than Panchadasi mantra.Iam not acting as a master-intimidator here.Iam quoting again from my own personal experience,shastras ,what myGurunatha said,etc. I have no arguments with some people who claim theirMaster/Amma/ Baba asked all their devotees to do it freely. I haveexplained why and in what context they say in my earlier postings.Misinterpretations of people under creates an unholy vortex. This isKali-Prabhava.> Fourth, when something is done, doing a thorough job of it, will yieldmaximum results. Half-hearted attempts with half-baked knowledge willonly lead to further detrimental effects.> Fifth, euphoric feelings which one gets while meditating should notlull us into a flase sense of complacency. When the muddunderneath(karmic debris, if you please) is even slightly shaken thenthe pure water(read peaceful life) will become turbid(troublesome) .Again, this is not a master-intimidator at work. You may continue yourathmic search in whatever way you please as long as faith is there.> Sixth, Your prayers for guidance will be answered. Maybe, this postingin reply is a first step for your 'trishna'. One need not feelintellectually inferior to even ask questions or express happiness.'Aska doubt once and you remain stupid till you ask it and get clarified,else stay stupid for a lifetime.' I have no ego-problems in asking whenI don't understand be it College or work or while trying to understandsome scripture.> Seventh,Regarding your Dhanishta-Nakasthra and malefic Rahu placement.Unless, I see your horoscope, I cannot make any comment.Unfortunate ly, Ido not indulge much in astro-consultations (hobby or profession) and myfacility in it is used for spiritual purposes only. You must consult agood Vedic astrologer here(with the astrologer parameters i mentioned inan earlier posting ).> Eighth, a wrong pooja done to Sri Yantra done will yield a bad result,i do not see any wrong pooja being done but an inadeqacy of pooja, whichwill sort of stagnate things.When things get bad, faith should growstrong!> Ninth, you might wish to get upadesha from Rajagopala Anandanathar ofNanganallur, Chennai, if you are really earnest about it.Whether you are"ripe" or not, will be decided by him.Or alternatively, you might seeksome other Srividya adept as per your convinience.>> Tenth,continue doing the dhoopa,deepa, naivedya after the 25 name pujamethodology given in the files section of our group. I have oft-repeatedthat those who have a Sri Mahameru or Sri Yantra and who are afraid togo ahead with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana or Trishati or Khadgamalawithout initiation, can do the puja which has been given by Sri DeviHerself safely. Seeing the earnestness of the devotee, She will Herselfguide the person. It so happened that , i started to once chant incomplete ignorance Lalitha Sahasranama before initiation and even beforeI could complete the litany,I felt a goad(Nakuleshwari Devi) on myneck(behind) preventing me from completing it.This was my personalexperience. It was Devi's way of saying not to do it without initiationand without delay or hestitation or confusion, I got myself initiatedrather miaculously at the temple. I have narrated this experience alsobefore.I know that Nakuleshwari or Sri Devi does not place agoad(ankusha)> at the necks of all who read Lalitha Sahasranama without initiationbut she might create some tensions for sure. I do not know why She keptthat on me in the first place. I just accept it as a blessing.Even acurse from Her divine lips is a blessing and a benediction for me.> Eleventh, do not let fear(bhaya) or disgust(ghrina) come in your mindnor let lethargy assail you, after you read this rather lengthyemail-reply. Instead, take my pointers stated above and make your searchfor Srividya light true. And don't be bamboozled bymaster-initimidator s(be it even myself) in this path. Success will beyours. Sri Devi tatwa will beste your heart.> Situations are created by paradevatha and enacted by us on Her behalfas Her puppets, however, we too have an element of divine, which isdefined by the God in you.> Hold on to that God, that light, rest will fall in place.> Onward,> Shreeram Balijepalli>> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, "Kishore" burra_k@wrote:> >> > Dear brother shreeram,> > Pranams...really I am lucky to be a member of this group...I used to> > learn so much from your interactions but beeing not a learnedperson,> > I always remain scilent.But I have some doubts which I must clear to> > make my mind peaceful.> >> > My grandmother( age85) used to do shreechakra archana for a long time> > but because of her health conditions she sent the shreechakra to our> > home,three years back.Though we do not do much puja, we used tooffer> > dhupa deepa naivedya as nitya puja. But after we took our own flat 2> > years back, i was strongly attracted towards it and started to do> > panchopachaara puja and lalitha sahasram.I don't know how to do the> > puja completely.. ..but after somebody mentioned to me that Ishoudn't> > do SriLalitha sahasra as i have no upadesa, I stopped it and started> > to offer kumkuma by chanting "Om Shree Maathre namah" after chanting> > Gayathri manthra.Actually I had no other wishes but just her grace> > and every day I used to pray her that I may get the guidence to do> > the puja.But as long as every thing is going well we will be> > happy....When things get bad, the doubts will start to raise..> >> > I have a problem that if any planet enters dhanishta nakshatra, i> > used to get very fiercefull impact.But this time when rahu entered> > Dhanishta in december, suddenly the entire picture is changed and i> > got a severe financial blow which I feel may be very difficult to> > comeout of it in near future.Is it have any relation with my not> > perfoming puja with out proper guidence? Is it not sufficient if I> > offer dhupa,deepa, naivedya with chanting of her first name, till I> > learn the vidhaana?... But I experience good mental peace whenever I> > sit before the Shreechakra which makes me to feel that its not the> > adverse impact from my puja....but still I want to confirm...> >> > And my real problem is how to get a guru...I don't know anybody who> > can teach me and give upadesha.... A couple persons I know, but my> > mind won't accept them....It may be because I am still not riped to> > get Upadesha.... Kindly guide me in this matter...> >>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ---> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, withoutdownload.> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 13, 2008 Report Share Posted April 13, 2008 Dear Brother Ram, I wonder, we all look to be seperated by time & space, yet make the flowers of Garand to the Mother Divine who is in our heart being, her a thread passing through & connecting all of us (The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly everything). ramakrishna venkata <sripadavallabha wrote: Dear Brother,First of all, apologies to Sreeram garu for posting it before his reply to your mail. I couldnot stop my fingers from typing this. Jai Kali maa!. It is fascinating to read a mail of this kind when one opens his mailbox in the morning, with the freshness of japam. Let me introduce to you an excerpt from my Gurugaru's life. His search for mother began in his early twenties, and he kept on praying, "Mother, Oh! Mother when will you come, when will you come". This went on, and people around him used to regard his ways as to be crazy. There were days when he used to sit in the balcony, during the dushera festivals when it drizzles, and look at the sky waiting for her dasrshan. Then on durgaashtami, around 2:30 AM, he had the divine darshan of mother and her upadesa as well. Since then he adorned the 'Amma upasana' under the guidance of Lord Dattatreya and his able guru Parama Pujya Sri Ganapati Sacchidananda swamiji. He is employed in the postion of a Branch Manager. Donot mind brother! for introducing these names here, that should not bother you. Though I am no near to your coordiantes, all the thoughts that are running in your mind currently are products of the showered grace of mother (that it proved by events in your life). And, with Shreeramji's guidance, I am sure you will find what you are seeking. The very fact that you had waited for a Guru all this while, and your growing impatience and the necessity rising inside of you to have one guru and perform Sri vidya upasana itself is a grace of the Mother. Praying mother to shut the ego of this ignorantly typing person, and also restricting to Shreeramji's regulations (he is the only one in this group as per my knowledge who can give directions on such mails. Excuse me) I pray for Mother's grace to shower on you and all of us. To know, and To reach! (with sincerity, obedience, perseverance, and discipline)Jaya Guru Datta! Nah Mathuhu Paradevata!Bhaktically,Dattabantu Languages are different - but the thought is oneSounds are many - but the Rhythm is the same Cows are many - but milk is the same Gurus appear many - yet He is only one."------education never ends-----ramakrishna venkatab-techdep of material scienceiit-bombay guruprasad nayak <hgp_nayak (AT) (DOT)>Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Sent: Saturday, 12 April, 2008 1:08:28 AMRe: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: SriChakra archana Dear Brother Sriram, I am a new joinee to this group & even I am interested in this path of meeting my Eternal Mother. Let me breifly introduce myself. I am Guruprasad Nayak - 30 yrs, an aspirant of Sri Vidya. I was in search of proper path that suites me better & now after 14 years got information about this path. I am married with one kid, working for a MNC Software company in Bangalore When I was in Class X, I was ordered by my Physical mother to perform pooja during Navaratri using Lalita Sahasra Nama due to her problem to perform it. Thereafter she passed away in two years & I became mad without her, as she was the only one thing I ever knew in my life. ( Though I had the clare-Voyance of her death before hand when I was too young like many other accidents in this world which most of times I was intimated in my sleep) Unlike the children of my age I never went out to play. I was happy in the company of my mother. I used to read lots of Novels which used to fascinate me. After her death, I lost my interest in everything & started to wonder in streets of my home town like mad without attending the college/ Mingling with any body for that matter (But some how, everytime I passed the exams miracally without any difficulty). Then I got engaged into Pshycology books & felt that it too has got some limitations. Thereafter my spiritual journey started without my knowledge in the search of which is endless/ which is permanent. I used to go to Kali Mata temple near to my place as I always felt my Mother in her & she used to answer all my prayers & questions. She was the one who looked me after my mother with all care. In my journey once I came to the dead end & thought I will end up my life as the grief of my bereaved mother was unbearable. But at that time I got a book by Paramahamsa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi & it revived a new hope in me & my search. I must admit that I tried many paths/ philosophies, but none enticed me like Sri Vidya & I feel that Sri Mata is close to my heart than any other dities/ path. Though I know Panchadashakshari Mantra of Sri Mata, I don't want to begin my sadhana at once as it may lead to complications as I don't even know basic qualification required to do Japa of this Shakti Mantra. Again the problem is to find a suitable Guru, from whom I can get initiation into this path. Several times I thought I will write the mail to you for Guidance but postponed thinking that I may get the Guru. But now I am unable to be without my Eternal Mother & I need to meet her at any cost. When she is Omniscient, why she is still getting rid of me? Am I unworthy or am I not her child? Please help me to meet her. After reading this mail, if you feel that I can be a dust on the holy feet of Guru & Mother, please guide me as to what I need to do and how I can see my Mother. I will do all that is required to get her grace.para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca> wrote: Dear Brother,1. If Srichakra is there, nithyapuja must be done not just a specialpuja during navaratri.2. During the Punyathithi of your grandfather, the "special puja" can beavoided and just a nithyannika puja be done alongwith naivedyam.3. You need initiation into Panchdasi(not just in Lalitha Sahasranama orBala mantra) to do Lalitha Sahasranama.4. Srividya Upasana is beyond Naidhana Taras, Janma Taras and otherastrological phenomenon. There is no link between those and the woshipmodalities and experiences.5. Chinnamastha is not a Kshudra-shakthi. She is one of theDashamahavidhyas.6. The dream might mean 2 things:1. Chinnamastha Matha Darshana.or2. The severance of ego(Head is a sanketham for that) required forSrividya upasana(Many people I know have similar dreams).Incidentall y"Kushmanda" has a meaning of a "brahmin head".In either case there is nothing to fear. Yad Bhaavam, Tat Bhavathi!7. Get the Chandi Homam done.Please don't do it yourself. I do not seeany negative effects if the homam is done by learned people with properprocedures,homachar a and ahuthis done.Decide which Chandi Homam needs tobe done-1. Ordinary 2. Shatha Chandi 3. Sahasra Chandi.--according toyour capacity and inclination. Obviously, Sahasra-Chandi Homam(Yagam)will give maximum benefits.8. Homa muhurtha nirnaya will be done by the priests who perform it andso, please do not fret on the strength of tha Tara-balam.Also,prathyaktara, vippathhara, etc as is the practice of seeing Tarabalam asper birth star and the day's star in Andhra is not to be reckoned forsuch noble acts but for starting some important assays and other stuff.9. Please talk with swami Rajagopala swami and mention my name and mylocation(USA) and about this internet group(for breaking ice ) and thenseek his blessings to come and visit Him and get initiated atleast inPanchadasi, so that you can chant Lalitha Sahasranama.10.He will decide your arhatha.Hope this helps...Shreeram BalijepalliRajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, burra kishore<burra_k > wrote:>> Dear brother Shreeram,>> Pranaams and first of all "Sarvadhhari Naama SamvathsaraSubhaakankhalu" .> And I started to feel that my prayers are accepted and I am gettingguidance .And I started to retrospect the things and I am putting all ofthem and kindly suggest me what I have to do.> As mentioned initially, My Grand mother gave this ShreeChakra to myfather. I heard that she got it from Shri Abhedaananda swamy, about whomI don't know any details being a layman in this field. But she didthe Puja vigorously nearly for a decade, after getting PanchadasiUpadesha. I don't know her guru's name. But nearly 15 years backmy grand father has expired, since then she stopped her puja and aftersome years she gave I to my father. Since then my father placed it inpuja mandira and my mother used to chant Lalitha sahasra but with outany upadesha. And somebody told them that if ShreeChakra is there,Special puja must be performed during Navarathri but my grandfather's punyathidhi happened to be on Maharnavami, they were unableto decide what to do. And recently my parents have shifted to Vijag andI was attracted to do puja.>> And I am putting some of my experiences since I started my puja andkindly advise me regarding what I have to do>> As I said earlier, I feel very peaceful whenever I sit before her andusually I get tears with some emotion and my mind believes really she isthere…..Though I don't do much puja, I like to sit for timethere which gives me an excellent mental peace.> One night during the last Navrathris I got a dream in which I saw adevi …not remembered exactly how many hands she have but somebody isshouting the name of "Kushmanda". I read just a few days back ofthat dream, regarding the Avthars that shrividyopasakas do upasanaduring the navrathris and I thought its an imagination of my mind sincethe name appeared peculiar .> And a month back I got really a fearful dream in which I saw Devi on aLion or tiger which I am not sure..with eight hands…with a prasannavadana…but all of a sudden she cut her head with a sword and pickedher head with one hand and the blood was pumped like a fountain …andin the dream itself I am terrified and also has a jugupsa and with myignorance I thought its some Kshudrasakthi and I told it to my father inthe morning, he said She could be ChinnaMastha of Dasamahavidyas… Butthe fear still remained in my mind and prayed her not to appear in sucha fearful form as I always pray her in a sathvika rupa. And as I said inmy previous posting, I am in a great trouble since the end of theDecember, after Rahu entered dhanishta, which was a Naithana tara to myjanmathara uttharabhadra in 12th place of my janma raasi. Is this dreamrelate to any of my present conditions or inadequacy of my puja.> Are these dreams are just accidental dreams, not having anysignificance?> Also on Vijayadasami, suddenly I got an inspiration to do ChandiHomamon the coming pournami, but because of some problems I could do it onlyafter another ninedays, on dasami and makha nakshatra…which is aPraktyaktara to me. In sankalpa I didn't mentioned any wish andputonly "shree devi preethyardham" .> Will there be any negative effects if the homa is performed onprathyak tara, vipatthaara or Naidhana tara?. Or shall I take it as Themother has inspired me to do homa and reduced my problems to the presentcondition?>>> And the most important thing is I request your guidance in visitinggurudev at nanganallur. Shall I have to take any prior permision beforegoing there….will he talk to me and guide me without knowingme….and what should I do to make myself to get the Arhatha forupadesha ?>>> I request once again kindly think about me and give your valuableguidance.>> Kishore.>>>>> para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ... wrote: Dear Kishoreji,> Let me handle this at a granular level.Decide for yourself and come toa conclusion using divine sense.> First, An object of veneration when dutifullyprayed,worshipped, faithfully adored and then transferred will have lotof pranic vibrations in it(Pranapathishtapa na to put it loosely).This istrue for any object.For a sacred object like Sri Chakra, the divinepresence will manifest all the more in a puissant form especially whenearlier worshipped by an adept.> Second, When the sacred object (here Sri Yantra) comes in the hands ofsomeone else. It will carry some karmic vibrations (bad or gooddepending on the person) of the earlier worshipper.So, discretion mustbe greatly exercised by both the giver and the receiver.> Giver must see: Whether the recipient is worth it, whether he/she canwithstand the rigor attached to the worship modalities,whether any badkarma is being unknowingly transferred. Some erroneously think, what badvibrations can a venerable object like Sri Yantra carry? Yet, some textsand my own personal experience(and the cousel of my Gurunatha) hasproved otherwise.> Receiver must see: Whom is he taking from? What worship was he/shedoing? Whether he/ she would be able to do justice to the object.>> Third, Doing Lalitha Sahasranama does need initiation into nothingless than Panchadasi mantra.Iam not acting as a master-intimidator here.Iam quoting again from my own personal experience,shastras ,what myGurunatha said,etc. I have no arguments with some people who claim theirMaster/Amma/ Baba asked all their devotees to do it freely. I haveexplained why and in what context they say in my earlier postings.Misinterpretations of people under creates an unholy vortex. This isKali-Prabhava.> Fourth, when something is done, doing a thorough job of it, will yieldmaximum results. Half-hearted attempts with half-baked knowledge willonly lead to further detrimental effects.> Fifth, euphoric feelings which one gets while meditating should notlull us into a flase sense of complacency. When the muddunderneath(karmic debris, if you please) is even slightly shaken thenthe pure water(read peaceful life) will become turbid(troublesome) .Again, this is not a master-intimidator at work. You may continue yourathmic search in whatever way you please as long as faith is there.> Sixth, Your prayers for guidance will be answered. Maybe, this postingin reply is a first step for your 'trishna'. One need not feelintellectually inferior to even ask questions or express happiness.'Aska doubt once and you remain stupid till you ask it and get clarified,else stay stupid for a lifetime.' I have no ego-problems in asking whenI don't understand be it College or work or while trying to understandsome scripture.> Seventh,Regarding your Dhanishta-Nakasthra and malefic Rahu placement.Unless, I see your horoscope, I cannot make any comment.Unfortunate ly, Ido not indulge much in astro-consultations (hobby or profession) and myfacility in it is used for spiritual purposes only. You must consult agood Vedic astrologer here(with the astrologer parameters i mentioned inan earlier posting ).> Eighth, a wrong pooja done to Sri Yantra done will yield a bad result,i do not see any wrong pooja being done but an inadeqacy of pooja, whichwill sort of stagnate things.When things get bad, faith should growstrong!> Ninth, you might wish to get upadesha from Rajagopala Anandanathar ofNanganallur, Chennai, if you are really earnest about it.Whether you are"ripe" or not, will be decided by him.Or alternatively, you might seeksome other Srividya adept as per your convinience.>> Tenth,continue doing the dhoopa,deepa, naivedya after the 25 name pujamethodology given in the files section of our group. I have oft-repeatedthat those who have a Sri Mahameru or Sri Yantra and who are afraid togo ahead with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana or Trishati or Khadgamalawithout initiation, can do the puja which has been given by Sri DeviHerself safely. Seeing the earnestness of the devotee, She will Herselfguide the person. It so happened that , i started to once chant incomplete ignorance Lalitha Sahasranama before initiation and even beforeI could complete the litany,I felt a goad(Nakuleshwari Devi) on myneck(behind) preventing me from completing it.This was my personalexperience. It was Devi's way of saying not to do it without initiationand without delay or hestitation or confusion, I got myself initiatedrather miaculously at the temple. I have narrated this experience alsobefore.I know that Nakuleshwari or Sri Devi does not place agoad(ankusha)> at the necks of all who read Lalitha Sahasranama without initiationbut she might create some tensions for sure. I do not know why She keptthat on me in the first place. I just accept it as a blessing.Even acurse from Her divine lips is a blessing and a benediction for me.> Eleventh, do not let fear(bhaya) or disgust(ghrina) come in your mindnor let lethargy assail you, after you read this rather lengthyemail-reply. Instead, take my pointers stated above and make your searchfor Srividya light true. And don't be bamboozled bymaster-initimidator s(be it even myself) in this path. Success will beyours. Sri Devi tatwa will beste your heart.> Situations are created by paradevatha and enacted by us on Her behalfas Her puppets, however, we too have an element of divine, which isdefined by the God in you.> Hold on to that God, that light, rest will fall in place.> Onward,> Shreeram Balijepalli>> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, "Kishore" burra_k@wrote:> >> > Dear brother shreeram,> > Pranams...really I am lucky to be a member of this group...I used to> > learn so much from your interactions but beeing not a learnedperson,> > I always remain scilent.But I have some doubts which I must clear to> > make my mind peaceful.> >> > My grandmother( age85) used to do shreechakra archana for a long time> > but because of her health conditions she sent the shreechakra to our> > home,three years back.Though we do not do much puja, we used tooffer> > dhupa deepa naivedya as nitya puja. But after we took our own flat 2> > years back, i was strongly attracted towards it and started to do> > panchopachaara puja and lalitha sahasram.I don't know how to do the> > puja completely.. ..but after somebody mentioned to me that Ishoudn't> > do SriLalitha sahasra as i have no upadesa, I stopped it and started> > to offer kumkuma by chanting "Om Shree Maathre namah" after chanting> > Gayathri manthra.Actually I had no other wishes but just her grace> > and every day I used to pray her that I may get the guidence to do> > the puja.But as long as every thing is going well we will be> > happy....When things get bad, the doubts will start to raise..> >> > I have a problem that if any planet enters dhanishta nakshatra, i> > used to get very fiercefull impact.But this time when rahu entered> > Dhanishta in december, suddenly the entire picture is changed and i> > got a severe financial blow which I feel may be very difficult to> > comeout of it in near future.Is it have any relation with my not> > perfoming puja with out proper guidence? Is it not sufficient if I> > offer dhupa,deepa, naivedya with chanting of her first name, till I> > learn the vidhaana?... But I experience good mental peace whenever I> > sit before the Shreechakra which makes me to feel that its not the> > adverse impact from my puja....but still I want to confirm...> >> > And my real problem is how to get a guru...I don't know anybody who> > can teach me and give upadesha.... A couple persons I know, but my> > mind won't accept them....It may be because I am still not riped to> > get Upadesha.... Kindly guide me in this matter...> >>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ---> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, withoutdownload.> Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Group. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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