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Advent of Alavandar

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Dear Members,


Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came across and thought could share it with you all.




In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated into Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in those days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such scholarliness and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far and wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of all the scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for his wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he was made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€.


A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. Some elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana Kavi. The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much that,

he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time," so on and so forth. A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent to all the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the boy arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge the Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also others who were prepared to bet on the side of the boy. Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi) by answering every question to the satisfaction of all present. Ultimately the turn of the boy came. And he spoke

thus: â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should deny them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost satisfaction of all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me. If on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine then he should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this position of “Asthana Kaviâ€. The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no subject in the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to argue either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the boy in a trice and defeat the "child" retaining his “everlasting supremacy†The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements. " 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has

given birth to a progeny as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.) 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous, dharmic person who never commits any sin) 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a righteous wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by thought) The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials also to the satisfaction of all. The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was not a ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that when he, the only child of his mother was right there in front of every one and this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried and tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way to deny this statement. The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How could this also be

denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood thereby! The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come out with any plausible explanation to deny this. The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! God! How could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of this statement. However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed. At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was nearing. His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and he was being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was left in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the “young boy†whom he scoffed at, initially as a

“childâ€. “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have learnt a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do anything you say." The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his ego to take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. He gave back to the Kavi all the honour back. The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him whether he (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer convincing explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been named by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who had arrived to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his scholium for each statement. “ 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a ‘Puthravatiâ€. No doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his mother has not given

birth to any other child beside him. According to sastras just one child does not give the status of “motherhood†(Puthravati). One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly one child does not confer "motherhood" (puthravati) So, in order to attain the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more children and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya dhan†was feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s mother is “Puthravati†2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No doubt this king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects) commit, the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the King, he being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his subjects. Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any sin?

Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan. 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.†During the wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to Agni, likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we say that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€. The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely pleased with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. A sincere "Gayathri Practitioner" is never betrayed by Vedamatha Gayathri




Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli





Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II





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Dearest Para_Anuloma,


Your words bring in peace and wisdom.


May Rajarajashri Rajarajeshwari Sri Tulurvanavasini shower her

bountless love and affection on you! May you be blessed!


Katoor Vivek

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Have no doubt about it. Yes, Gayathri mantra can bring in realization



Let me quote a story form my family.This was my great grandfather's



He(my great grandfather's brother) was roaming in the streets of

Srikakulam(our native place in Andhra--near Orissa border)like a

vagabond in those days. Playing joodham(gambling) chewing

tobbacco,etc. He was once derided by some girl stating that he was a

useless scum. He got angry and challenged the girl, " Tell me what you

want me to do, I can do it "


She was clever she knew he had lot of courage and was no brahmin and

just like a rowdy though belonging to a vaideeka family and if she

asked " Can you jump form this bridge? " , he could have jumped off.


So she asked him " Can you chant Krishna Yajur Veda fully? If so,

chant it now and then seek my hand like a man, else accept that you

are a eunuch " (In those days calling someone eunuch was considered a

personal affront)


He said " I dont know offhand but give me sometime not just my Krishna

yajurvedam but all the four vedas, I can learn "


She was dead sure that his tobacco ridden tougue could not even

pronounce Veda properly and that he was an Abrahmana and so he could

do squat.


But heres what happened.


He was very persistent. He went to a Pundit in the village aand

said " I wasted all my time in fruitless pursuits and roaming with my

friends and one girl has insulted me. I would like to learn all four

vedas, can you help me in a short time? "


The Brahmin looked at him in pity and said " Only veda matha gayathri

can help you " And he gave the Gayathri-mantra initiation there itself

to the boy even before the Upanayana(the boy was so adamant he did

not have his upanayana conducted at an early age).


The boy then started doing Akshara-Laksha of the mantra--i.e., 2.4

million times the mantra.He completed not once but twice the feat and

then had a saakshaatkara of the deity and then he went to the girl

and recited all the four vedas and then fell on her feet and said " It

is because of you, I got my Mother and realization " and then

disappeared physically.


No one knows till date in our family what happened to him, where he

went, whether he went to another spiritual plane or attaned moksha.


The power of Gayathri is enromous.


Srividya Tantra is sometimes referred to as Yoga-gayathri upasana and

each repetion of the minimum mantra of Srividya is equal to 16 times

that of Gayathri mantra.


Now, why the girl was tempted to challenge him thus? Why he took that

so deeply? these are questions for which Karma,poorvajanma vasana and

Gayathri-matha nirnaya and leela might have an answer to it but this

is a proof from my own family which Iam now narrating to you.


Scriptural and other proofs of other saints, you find in abudance in

books and other sources.


Be sincere in what you do and cultivate shraddha(faith-fire) in the

mantra and then do it with all your might,mind,soul and heart.


Then the spark will be seen.


Jaya paramaathmike'

Jaya shivanarthaki




Shreeram Balijepalli


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Kartik Iyer

<kartikiyer9 wrote:


> Very very inspiring... This is an excellent example of the benefits

of gayatri chanting. But, I was wondering if there is any incident

where the gayatri chanting can lead to Self realisation and not just

scriptural eloquence.

> Thanks.









> Group Owner <para_anuloma

> " dattagroup smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam "

<smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam >

> Cc: rajarajeshwari_kalpataru

> Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:41:30 PM

> [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar



> Dear Members,


> Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came

across and thought could share it with you all.



> In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated into

> Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in those

> days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such


> and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far and

> wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of all


> scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for


> wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he was

made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none

was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and

slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started

attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in

the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was

watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the

hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€.




> A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. Some

> elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was

> specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to

> challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately

> yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana


> The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much


> he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought

> him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo

> challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time, " so on


> so forth.


> A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent

to all

> the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the


> arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the

> beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing

> their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge the

> Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also others


> were prepared to bet on the side of the boy.


> Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after

> questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi)


> answering every question to the satisfaction of all present.


> the turn of the boy came. And he spoke thus:


> â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should


> them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost

satisfaction of

> all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and

> undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me.


> on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine

then he

> should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this


> of “Asthana Kaviâ€.


> The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no subject


> the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to argue

> either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the


> in a trice and defeat the " child " retaining his “everlasting



> The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements.

> "

> 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a

> “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has given birth to a


> as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.)


> 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous,

> dharmic person who never commits any sin)


> 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a


> wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by



> The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials also


> the satisfaction of all.


> The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was not


> ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that

when he,

> the only child of his mother was right there in front of every one


> this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried


> tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way to

> deny this statement.


> The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How could


> also be denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most

> righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood


> The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come out

with any

> plausible explanation to deny this.


> The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! God!


> could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What

> reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of


> statement.


> However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the

predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed.

> At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was


> His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and he


> being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was left

> in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the “young


> whom he scoffed at, initially as a “childâ€.


> “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have


> a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do anything

> you say. "


> The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his ego


> take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. He

> gave back to the Kavi all the honour back.


> The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him

whether he

> (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer convincing

> explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been named

> by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who had


> to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his


> for each statement.


> “

> 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a

‘Puthravatiâ€. No

> doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his

> mother has not given birth to any other child beside him. According


> sastras just one child does not give the status of “motherhoodâ€

> (Puthravati) . One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly


> child does not confer " motherhood " (puthravati) So, in order to


> the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more


> and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya dhanâ€


> feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s

mother is

> “Puthravatiâ€


> 2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No

doubt this

> king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But

> according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects)


> the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the King,


> being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his


> Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any sin?

> Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan.


> 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.â€

During the

> wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to


> likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only

> finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we


> that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€.


> The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely


> with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. A

> sincere " Gayathri Practitioner " is never betrayed by Vedamatha

> Gayathri



> Yours yogically,


> Shreeram Balijepalli




> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

> IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II




> Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru



> ________________________________

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> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Here, I used to wonder in this story as a kid. If he recited all the

4 vedas, it would take enormous amount of time and thus would the

girl have patience.


My father explained to me thus: He did not physically chant it aloud

but transmitted the whole of the four vedas by his one look and then

she had the feeling that she heard it all(though she was no authority

on all the vedas. He had Mahatejas brought about by his Upasana and

poorvajanma Upasanas.



Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , " para_anuloma "

<para_anuloma wrote:


> Have no doubt about it. Yes, Gayathri mantra can bring in


> too.


> Let me quote a story form my family.This was my great grandfather's

> brother.


> He(my great grandfather's brother) was roaming in the streets of

> Srikakulam(our native place in Andhra--near Orissa border)like a

> vagabond in those days. Playing joodham(gambling) chewing

> tobbacco,etc. He was once derided by some girl stating that he was


> useless scum. He got angry and challenged the girl, " Tell me what


> want me to do, I can do it "


> She was clever she knew he had lot of courage and was no brahmin


> just like a rowdy though belonging to a vaideeka family and if she

> asked " Can you jump form this bridge? " , he could have jumped off.


> So she asked him " Can you chant Krishna Yajur Veda fully? If so,

> chant it now and then seek my hand like a man, else accept that you

> are a eunuch " (In those days calling someone eunuch was considered a

> personal affront)


> He said " I dont know offhand but give me sometime not just my


> yajurvedam but all the four vedas, I can learn "


> She was dead sure that his tobacco ridden tougue could not even

> pronounce Veda properly and that he was an Abrahmana and so he


> do squat.


> But heres what happened.


> He was very persistent. He went to a Pundit in the village aand

> said " I wasted all my time in fruitless pursuits and roaming with


> friends and one girl has insulted me. I would like to learn all


> vedas, can you help me in a short time? "


> The Brahmin looked at him in pity and said " Only veda matha


> can help you " And he gave the Gayathri-mantra initiation there


> to the boy even before the Upanayana(the boy was so adamant he did

> not have his upanayana conducted at an early age).


> The boy then started doing Akshara-Laksha of the mantra--i.e., 2.4

> million times the mantra.He completed not once but twice the feat


> then had a saakshaatkara of the deity and then he went to the girl

> and recited all the four vedas and then fell on her feet and

said " It

> is because of you, I got my Mother and realization " and then

> disappeared physically.


> No one knows till date in our family what happened to him, where he

> went, whether he went to another spiritual plane or attaned moksha.


> The power of Gayathri is enromous.


> Srividya Tantra is sometimes referred to as Yoga-gayathri upasana


> each repetion of the minimum mantra of Srividya is equal to 16


> that of Gayathri mantra.


> Now, why the girl was tempted to challenge him thus? Why he took


> so deeply? these are questions for which Karma,poorvajanma vasana


> Gayathri-matha nirnaya and leela might have an answer to it but


> is a proof from my own family which Iam now narrating to you.


> Scriptural and other proofs of other saints, you find in abudance


> books and other sources.


> Be sincere in what you do and cultivate shraddha(faith-fire) in the

> mantra and then do it with all your might,mind,soul and heart.


> Then the spark will be seen.


> Jaya paramaathmike'

> Jaya shivanarthaki


> Pahimaam!


> Shreeram Balijepalli


> Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Kartik Iyer

> <kartikiyer9@> wrote:

> >

> > Very very inspiring... This is an excellent example of the


> of gayatri chanting. But, I was wondering if there is any incident

> where the gayatri chanting can lead to Self realisation and not


> scriptural eloquence.

> > Thanks.

> >

> >

> > LOVE,


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group Owner <para_anuloma@>

> > " dattagroup smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam "

> <smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam >

> > Cc: rajarajeshwari_kalpataru

> > Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:41:30 PM

> > [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar

> >

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came

> across and thought could share it with you all.

> >

> >

> > In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated


> > Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in


> > days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such

> scholarliness

> > and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far


> > wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of


> the

> > scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for

> his

> > wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he


> made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none

> was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and

> slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started

> attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in

> the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was

> watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the

> hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€.

> >

> >

> >

> > A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi.


> > elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was

> > specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to

> > challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately

> > yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana

> Kavi.

> > The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much

> that,

> > he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought

> > him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo

> > challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time, " so


> and

> > so forth.

> >

> > A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent

> to all

> > the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the

> boy

> > arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the

> > beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing

> > their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge


> > Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also


> who

> > were prepared to bet on the side of the boy.

> >

> > Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after

> > questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi)

> by

> > answering every question to the satisfaction of all present.

> Ultimately

> > the turn of the boy came. And he spoke thus:

> >

> > â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should

> deny

> > them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost

> satisfaction of

> > all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and

> > undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me.

> If

> > on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine

> then he

> > should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this

> position

> > of “Asthana Kaviâ€.

> >

> > The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no


> in

> > the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to


> > either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the

> boy

> > in a trice and defeat the " child " retaining his “everlasting

> supremacyâ€

> >

> > The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements.

> > "

> > 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a

> > “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has given birth to


> progeny

> > as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.)

> >

> > 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous,

> > dharmic person who never commits any sin)

> >

> > 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a

> righteous

> > wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by

> thought)

> >

> > The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials


> to

> > the satisfaction of all.

> >

> > The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was


> a

> > ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that

> when he,

> > the only child of his mother was right there in front of every


> and

> > this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried

> and

> > tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way


> > deny this statement.

> >

> > The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How


> this

> > also be denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most

> > righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood

> thereby!

> > The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come


> with any

> > plausible explanation to deny this.

> >

> > The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh!


> How

> > could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What

> > reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of

> this

> > statement.

> >

> > However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the

> predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed.

> > At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was

> nearing.

> > His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and


> was

> > being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was


> > in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the


> boyâ€

> > whom he scoffed at, initially as a “childâ€.

> >

> > “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have

> learnt

> > a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do


> > you say. "

> >

> > The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his


> to

> > take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation.


> > gave back to the Kavi all the honour back.

> >

> > The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him

> whether he

> > (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer


> > explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been


> > by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who


> arrived

> > to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his

> scholium

> > for each statement.

> >

> > “

> > 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a

> ‘Puthravatiâ€. No

> > doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his

> > mother has not given birth to any other child beside him.


> to

> > sastras just one child does not give the status of


> > (Puthravati) . One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly

> one

> > child does not confer " motherhood " (puthravati) So, in order to

> attain

> > the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more

> children

> > and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya


> was

> > feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s

> mother is

> > “Puthravatiâ€

> >

> > 2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No

> doubt this

> > king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But

> > according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects)

> commit,

> > the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the


> he

> > being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his

> subjects.

> > Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any


> > Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan.

> >

> > 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.â€

> During the

> > wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to

> Agni,

> > likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only

> > finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we

> say

> > that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€.

> >

> > The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely

> pleased

> > with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy.


> > sincere " Gayathri Practitioner " is never betrayed by Vedamatha

> > Gayathri

> >

> >

> > Yours yogically,

> >

> > Shreeram Balijepalli

> >

> >

> >

> > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

> > IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II

> >

> >

> >

> > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> >

> >

> >



> ______________

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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Dear Sir,



You have brought an interesting point here: I used to write about cymatics.Please see my old postings and persuant my Kibbutzum posting( Posting titled: "Re: Beautiful Writeup! ": posted on Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:59 am), one member asked me about the "DNA meditation trash" whether there is any credence to it.

I would most emphatically say Yes!! Veda and mantra chanting,Homas(Soma is the original word), Havanas(Savana here),Yaagas and Yagnas have all DNA-Changing effects(for good if pronunciation is right).


In this context, I would say Devas who used to consume physical Soma-pana does not mean wine as is commonly understood neither does it mean a type of narcotic-mushroom as deduced by a western scientist reading the Rgveda and coming to his own conclusions.It means the unguent like liquid which emnates from a fire-ritual(and hence the ritual's name , Somam, which was corrupted later to Homam) and this was imbibed by them. The physical somam(there is also an internal somam which is secreted while doing the Kundalini-Laya-sadhana) which when taken used to keep their DNAs intact and divine.However, itis not true divinity as divinity does not come by drinking some juices(even if they are divine) but by shraddha,bhakthi,dhyana,mantra-sadhana,gurubhakthi and a host of other factors.

In this context, let me narrate to you about one experiment done here in a laboratory in USA.Scientists extracted from a special tube extracting out all air(vacuum condition), the only thing left in the tube was photons which were scattered randomnly in the tube. Then they introduced a piece of Sample Human DNA and found to their greatest amazement that the photons began to re-arrange themselves into intelligent patterns!! What is more, the patterns remained even when the human DNA sample was removed.In other words, the scientists expected that the photons would again fall back into random patterns when the human DNA sample was removed but it did not happen.The effect was permanent.


This made me ruminate on the experiment a bit, I reached the following conclusions(personal):

1. Photons actually react to the presence of human DNAs.

2. Vibrations,auras,et all exist in every human being.

3. We can permanently alter/affect our world and not just a few moments here and a few moments there.{**I used to say in my previous postings at an intuitive level that "One person is enough to change the consciousness of this world." I remember saying this when one member asked me initially when I started this group and kept giving postings, "Shreeramji, why do you give postings when there are hardly 10 members in this group?" I replied, "Even if there is one interested member, it is enough. One man can change the consciousness of the world." Now this group has roughly 700 members by Amba and Gurunatha sankalpa. Maybe my DNA is vibrating and calling like-minded DNAs-Who knows!!}

4. Also, the photons remaining even after the human DNA being removed made me think whether there was any connection between a person's action, the DNA Vibration and the Karma being stored etherically(Akashic records as some new age followers put it).

One other stunning experiemental result conducted by the group of scientists with DNA and human emotions is thus:


Scientists took samples of DNA samples from volunteers and moved the samples to a different room in the same building.The volunteers were then exposed to some videos which would trigger very strong emotions.The DNA samples of the volunteers were then measured in the observatory room and found that they emitted strong electrical impulses(despite being severed from their bodies!).The experimental had the same electrical impulse emission even when the subjects were moved to thousands of miles away from the sample. And what is more--The DNA emitted the electrical impulses at the same time as the person was becoming emotional and thus there was no time delay or gap.

This finding made me think about the force field theory and the advances which they have made in quantum physics, that everything is connected to each other in this universe and that it is plain assinine on a spiritual level to differentiate from one Athma and the other.

Also, DNA will vibrate at a higher spiritual octave when the mantras,or Homacharas are done in a perfect manner.This not only increases the intelligence of the person at the "Buddhi-level" but also at the "Medha-level"(Medhas is the spiritual intellect component).

(I highly recommend reading the following two books:

1. 'Tao of Physics'(By Fritjoff Capra--Iam sure many would have read this popular book)

2. 'The Divine matrix' by Gregg Braden(where the above DNA experiments and other experiments with potential applications in the spiritual life has been explained)

Thus, the value of mantras or any other sadhanas is not just for some mundane benefits like Vaak-shakthi or Vaak-chaturyam but beyond what we can really comprehend at the 'God's code-level'(DNA, the encrypted word of God).Stories are given to inspire people and prod them to take action. Shake them from Tamasic moorings and make them take up spiritual practices and these are not be taken literally. Many of the scriptures have writings in them whch are symbolic.{**And as it says in the Bible in 1st Kings 6:8 in speaking of a temple. And the door to the middle chamber was in the right side, and went up with winding stairs

***And also in the context of Jacob's ladder in Bible:Jacobs ladder. Genesis28:10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. Genesis28:11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

Genesis28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

Modern day Christians have misinterpreted such writings and create temples an cathedrals with middle chamber to the right side,winding chairs,etc!

They also think Jacob dreamt (here it refers to an ancient form of Shamanic DNA meditation which Jacob used to practice) and really went up a ladder}

Please also read my postings regarding cymatics(study of sound and the patterns being drawn automatically by cymatic spectrometer wherein the sound of OM has produced a perfect pattern of the Sri chakra Yantra).

There is hidden-power in mantras to change for good.

There is hidden-power in you to change the universe for good.

Amba will help, Gurunathar should help!-Take recourse!


Vibrate and win!

Shreeram Balijepalli


Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , narayanan arunachalam <narayananarunachalam wrote:>> > Dear Sir,> I wish to explain that Veda is not only a language but also valued for the sound.If you chant Gayatheri you will fee that your body is different from your soul. It is the first step in the path of holy journey towards your inner soul. Many thing cannot be explained by wards. You can feel and enjoy.> K.A.Narayanan> Kartik Iyer kartikiyer9 wrote:> Thank you so much for the prompt response. Last year, when I met Karunamyi Mata and Vishwamji, both of them asked me to chant the gayatri mantra (for whatever reason I do not know....)..that is why i was curious to know more about the gayatri mantra. > Also, Can you throw some light as to why would they have told me to do so?> Thanks.> > LOVE,> KARTIK IYER> > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru > Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:55:38 AM> [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: Advent of Alavandar> > Here, I used to wonder in this story as a kid. If he recited all the > 4 vedas, it would take enormous amount of time and thus would the > girl have patience.> > My father explained to me thus: He did not physically chant it aloud > but transmitted the whole of the four vedas by his one look and then > she had the feeling that she heard it all(though she was no authority > on all the vedas. He had Mahatejas brought about by his Upasana and > poorvajanma Upasanas.> > Shreeram> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, "para_anuloma" > <para_anuloma@ ...> wrote:> >> > Have no doubt about it. Yes, Gayathri mantra can bring in > realization > > too.> > > > Let me quote a story form my family.This was my great grandfather' s > > brother. > > > > He(my great grandfather' s brother) was roaming in the streets of > > Srikakulam(our native place in Andhra--near Orissa border)like a > > vagabond in those days. Playing joodham(gambling) chewing > > tobbacco,etc. He was once derided by some girl stating that he was > a > > useless scum. He got angry and challenged the girl, "Tell me what > you > > want me to do, I can do it"> > > > She was clever she knew he had lot of courage and was no brahmin > and > > just like a rowdy though belonging to a vaideeka family and if she > > asked "Can you jump form this bridge?", he could have jumped off.> > > > So she asked him" Can you chant Krishna Yajur Veda fully? If so, > > chant it now and then seek my hand like a man, else accept that you > > are a eunuch"(In those days calling someone eunuch was considered a > > personal affront)> > > > He said "I dont know offhand but give me sometime not just my > Krishna > > yajurvedam but all the four vedas, I can learn"> > > > She was dead sure that his tobacco ridden tougue could not even > > pronounce Veda properly and that he was an Abrahmana and so he > could > > do squat.> > > > But heres what happened.> > > > He was very persistent. He went to a Pundit in the village aand > > said "I wasted all my time in fruitless pursuits and roaming with > my > > friends and one girl has insulted me. I would like to learn all > four > > vedas, can you help me in a short time?"> > > > The Brahmin looked at him in pity and said "Only veda matha > gayathri > > can help you" And he gave the Gayathri-mantra initiation there > itself > > to the boy even before the Upanayana(the boy was so adamant he did > > not have his upanayana conducted at an early age).> > > > The boy then started doing Akshara-Laksha of the mantra--i.e. , 2.4 > > million times the mantra.He completed not once but twice the feat > and > > then had a saakshaatkara of the deity and then he went to the girl > > and recited all the four vedas and then fell on her feet and > said "It > > is because of you, I got my Mother and realization" and then > > disappeared physically.> > > > No one knows till date in our family what happened to him, where he > > went, whether he went to another spiritual plane or attaned moksha.> > > > The power of Gayathri is enromous.> > > > Srividya Tantra is sometimes referred to as Yoga-gayathri upasana > and > > each repetion of the minimum mantra of Srividya is equal to 16 > times > > that of Gayathri mantra.> > > > Now, why the girl was tempted to challenge him thus? Why he took > that > > so deeply? these are questions for which Karma,poorvajanma vasana > and > > Gayathri-matha nirnaya and leela might have an answer to it but > this > > is a proof from my own family which Iam now narrating to you.> > > > Scriptural and other proofs of other saints, you find in abudance > in > > books and other sources.> > > > Be sincere in what you do and cultivate shraddha(faith- fire) in the > > mantra and then do it with all your might,mind,soul and heart.> > > > Then the spark will be seen.> > > > Jaya paramaathmike'> > Jaya shivanarthaki > > > > Pahimaam!> > > > Shreeram Balijepalli> > > > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Kartik Iyer > > <kartikiyer9@ > wrote:> > >> > > Very very inspiring... This is an excellent example of the > benefits > > of gayatri chanting. But, I was wondering if there is any incident > > where the gayatri chanting can lead to Self realisation and not > just > > scriptural eloquence.> > > Thanks.> > > > > > > > > LOVE,> > > KARTIK IYER> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Group Owner <para_anuloma@ >> > > "dattagroup smarthrugaami- dattavaibhavam" > > <smarthrugaami- dattavaibhavam>> > > Cc: rajarajeshwari_ kalpataru> > > Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:41:30 PM> > > [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar> > > > > > > > > Dear Members,> > > > > > Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came > > across and thought could share it with you all.> > > > > > > > > In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated > into > > > Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in > those > > > days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such > > scholarliness > > > and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far > and > > > wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of > all > > the > > > scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for > > his > > > wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he > was > > made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none > > was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and > > slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started > > attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in > > the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was > > watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the > > hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€. > > > > > > > > > > > > A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. > Some > > > elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was > > > specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to > > > challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately > > > yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana > > Kavi. > > > The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much > > that,> > > he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought > > > him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo > > > challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time," so > on > > and > > > so forth. > > > > > > A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent > > to all > > > the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the > > boy > > > arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the > > > beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing > > > their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge > the > > > Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also > others > > who > > > were prepared to bet on the side of the boy. > > > > > > Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after > > > questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi) > > by > > > answering every question to the satisfaction of all present. > > Ultimately > > > the turn of the boy came. And he spoke thus: > > > > > > â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should > > deny > > > them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost > > satisfaction of > > > all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and > > > undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me. > > If > > > on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine > > then he > > > should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this > > position > > > of “Asthana Kaviâ€. > > > > > > The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no > subject > > in > > > the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to > argue > > > either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the > > boy > > > in a trice and defeat the "child" retaining his “everlasting > > supremacy†> > > > > > The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements. > > > " > > > 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a > > > “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has given birth to > a > > progeny > > > as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.) > > > > > > 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous, > > > dharmic person who never commits any sin) > > > > > > 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a > > righteous > > > wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by > > thought) > > > > > > The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials > also > > to > > > the satisfaction of all. > > > > > > The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was > not > > a > > > ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that > > when he, > > > the only child of his mother was right there in front of every > one > > and > > > this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried > > and > > > tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way > to > > > deny this statement. > > > > > > The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How > could > > this > > > also be denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most > > > righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood > > thereby! > > > The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come > out > > with any > > > plausible explanation to deny this. > > > > > > The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! > God! > > How > > > could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What > > > reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of > > this > > > statement. > > > > > > However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the > > predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed. > > > At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was > > nearing. > > > His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and > he > > was > > > being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was > left > > > in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the > “young > > boy†> > > whom he scoffed at, initially as a “childâ€. > > > > > > “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have > > learnt > > > a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do > anything > > > you say." > > > > > > The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his > ego > > to > > > take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. > He > > > gave back to the Kavi all the honour back. > > > > > > The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him > > whether he > > > (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer > convincing > > > explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been > named > > > by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who > had > > arrived > > > to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his > > scholium > > > for each statement. > > > > > > “ > > > 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a > > ‘Puthravatiâ€. No > > > doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his > > > mother has not given birth to any other child beside him. > According > > to > > > sastras just one child does not give the status of > “motherhood†> > > (Puthravati) . One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly > > one > > > child does not confer "motherhood" (puthravati) So, in order to > > attain > > > the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more > > children > > > and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya > dhan†> > was > > > feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s > > mother is > > > “Puthravati†> > > > > > 2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No > > doubt this > > > king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But > > > according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects) > > commit, > > > the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the > King, > > he > > > being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his > > subjects. > > > Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any > sin? > > > Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan. > > > > > > 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.†> > During the > > > wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to > > Agni, > > > likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only > > > finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we > > say > > > that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€. > > > > > > The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely > > pleased > > > with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. > A > > > sincere "Gayathri Practitioner" is never betrayed by Vedamatha > > > Gayathri> > > > > > > > > Yours yogically,> > > > > > Shreeram Balijepalli> > > > > > > > > > > > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam. ..> > > IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II > > > > > > > > > > > > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and > > > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > ____________ __> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and > > > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ> > >> >> > > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > > > Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one roof. >

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