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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar

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Excellent !Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote: Dear Members, Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came across and thought could share it with you all. In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated into Gayathri practice in

a very young age as was the practice in those days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such scholarliness and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far and wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of all the scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for his wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he was made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€. A

stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. Some elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana Kavi. The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much that, he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time," so on and so forth. A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent to all the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the boy arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough

knowledge the Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also others who were prepared to bet on the side of the boy. Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi) by answering every question to the satisfaction of all present. Ultimately the turn of the boy came. And he spoke thus: â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should deny them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost satisfaction of all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me. If on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine then he should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this position of “Asthana Kaviâ€. The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no subject in the world unknown to

him. There was no one better than him to argue either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the boy in a trice and defeat the "child" retaining his “everlasting supremacy†The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements. " 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has given birth to a progeny as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.) 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous, dharmic person who never commits any sin) 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a righteous wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by thought) The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials also to the satisfaction of all. The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was not a ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How

could he say that when he, the only child of his mother was right there in front of every one and this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried and tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way to deny this statement. The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How could this also be denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood thereby! The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come out with any plausible explanation to deny this. The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! God! How could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of this statement. However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed.

At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was nearing. His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and he was being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was left in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the “young boy†whom he scoffed at, initially as a “childâ€. “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have learnt a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do anything you say." The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his ego to take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. He gave back to the Kavi all the honour back. The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him whether he (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer convincing explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been named by the King and all the others, as “Aala

Vandar†( one who had arrived to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his scholium for each statement. “ 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a ‘Puthravatiâ€. No doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his mother has not given birth to any other child beside him. According to sastras just one child does not give the status of “motherhood†(Puthravati). One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly one child does not confer "motherhood" (puthravati) So, in order to attain the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more children and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya dhan†was feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s mother is “Puthravati†2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No doubt this king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin .

But according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects) commit, the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the King, he being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his subjects. Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any sin? Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan. 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.†During the wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to Agni, likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we say that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€. The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely pleased with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. A sincere "Gayathri Practitioner" is never betrayed by Vedamatha Gayathri Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

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Very very inspiring... This is an excellent example of the benefits of gayatri chanting. But, I was wondering if there is any incident where the gayatri chanting can lead to Self realisation and not just scriptural eloquence.Thanks. LOVE,KARTIK IYERGroup Owner <para_anuloma"dattagroup smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam "

<smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam >Cc: rajarajeshwari_kalpataru Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:41:30 PM[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar


Dear Members,


Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came across and thought could share it with you all.




In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated into Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in those days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such scholarliness and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far and wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of all the scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for his wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he was made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€.


A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. Some elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana Kavi. The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much that,

he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time," so on and so forth. A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent to all the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the boy arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge the Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also others who were prepared to bet on the side of the boy. Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi) by answering every question to the satisfaction of all present. Ultimately the turn of the boy came. And he spoke

thus: â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should deny them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost satisfaction of all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me. If on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine then he should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this position of “Asthana Kaviâ€. The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no subject in the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to argue either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the boy in a trice and defeat the "child" retaining his “everlasting supremacy†The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements. " 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has

given birth to a progeny as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.) 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous, dharmic person who never commits any sin) 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a righteous wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by thought) The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials also to the satisfaction of all. The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was not a ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that when he, the only child of his mother was right there in front of every one and this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried and tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way to deny this statement. The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How could this also be

denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood thereby! The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come out with any plausible explanation to deny this. The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! God! How could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of this statement. However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed. At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was nearing. His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and he was being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was left in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the “young boy†whom he scoffed at, initially as a

“childâ€. “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have learnt a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do anything you say." The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his ego to take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. He gave back to the Kavi all the honour back. The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him whether he (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer convincing explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been named by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who had arrived to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his scholium for each statement. “ 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a ‘Puthravatiâ€. No doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his mother has not given

birth to any other child beside him. According to sastras just one child does not give the status of “motherhood†(Puthravati) . One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly one child does not confer "motherhood" (puthravati) So, in order to attain the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more children and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya dhan†was feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s mother is “Puthravati†2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No doubt this king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects) commit, the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the King, he being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his subjects. Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any sin?

Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan. 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.†During the wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to Agni, likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we say that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€. The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely pleased with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. A sincere "Gayathri Practitioner" is never betrayed by Vedamatha Gayathri




Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli





Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II





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Om namo Gayatri mata!Dear bandhu,Very important question. My grandfather was a thorough practitioner of the Gayatri mantra and always used to say that the Gayatri mantra if chanted properly grants mukti to the upasaka. He qualified what it means by 'properly'. Shreeram garu has shared with us some time ago the guidelines to be followed for mantra recitation. If the gayatri mantra recitation is done diligently under 'laboratory conditions' then it will grant you what you seek (you meaning the sadhaka). The gayatri mantra's meaning can be expressed as "Oh mother! Oh compassionaet! you are none other than the true manifestation of the truth. You are embodiment of that principle, and you are the care taker of this world. You are the true consciousness as put forth by accomplished

sages. Oh divine mother! you are 'that' and since you are 'that' and since i am your son, please shower the light of 'that' so that i can be 'that'".My grandfather has studied veda artham under the guidance of Sri Uppaluri Ganapathi Sastry garu who was a practitioner of Sahasra gayatri, and Sri Sastry garu told this to my grandfather. So, do not doubt the power of the maha mantra and imbibe the principles of self-surrender, sincerity, and auspiciousness. You yourself will experience the might of the maha mantra.Jaya guru gattaAdiyen Dasan.Bhaktically--------- Languages are different - but the thought is one Sounds are many - but the Rhythm is the same Cows are many - but milk is the same Gurus appear many - yet He is only one." ------education never ends----- ramakrishna venkata b-tech dep of material science iit-bombayKartik Iyer <kartikiyer9Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Sent: Tuesday, 29 April, 2008 12:38:57 AMRe: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar


Very very inspiring... This is an excellent example of the benefits of gayatri chanting. But, I was wondering if there is any incident where the gayatri chanting can lead to Self realisation and not just scriptural eloquence.Thanks. LOVE,KARTIK IYERGroup Owner <para_anuloma@ .ca>"dattagroup smarthrugaami- dattavaibhavam"

<smarthrugaami- dattavaibhavam>Cc: rajarajeshwari_ kalpataruSunday, April 27, 2008 11:41:30 PM[Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Advent of Alavandar


Dear Members,


Here is an interesting anecdote relating to Gayathri which I came across and thought could share it with you all.




In a kingdom in South India, there was a boy who was initiated into Gayathri practice in a very young age as was the practice in those days. By rigorous practice of Gayathri he attained such scholarliness and divine knowledge, that his fame and popularity reached far and wide. In the kingdom there was an “Aasthana Kavi†(Chief of all the scholars of the King’s Court). He was also very well known for his wisdom and knowledge. Whosoever scholar came to the Kingdom, he was made to face this “ Aasthana Kavi†in a scholastic war and none was able to defeat him. As time passed, he became invincible and slowly his egotism took control of him completely. He started attaching the wealth of all those scholars whosoever lost to him in the battle of knowledge. The king could not contain him and was watching helplessly, the atrocities being perpetrated on all the hapless victims who lost the “war of wisdomâ€.


A stage came when no one dared to challenge the Asthana Kavi. Some elderly scholars went to the boy scholar (realising that he was specially blessed by Goddess Gayathri) and pleaded with him to challenge the Aasthana Kavi and humble him. The boy ultimately yielded to their pressure and one day sent word to the Asthana Kavi. The Kavi was infuriated at a small boy challenging him , so much that,

he openly rebuked his†messengers†who brought him the message from the boy. “ How dare this small kiddo challenges me? I will teach him a lesson for his life time," so on and so forth. A day was arranged for the “duel†and advance invitation sent to all the people near and far to come and witness the marathon. As the boy arrived at the arena in the kingdom, some people looking at the beautiful and childlike face of the boy openly started expressing their sympthay for him as all know about the thorough knowledge the Asthana Kavi had and also how cruel he was. There were also others who were prepared to bet on the side of the boy. Well, the duel started. The kavi started pouring questions after questions to the boy and the boy stunned all (including the kavi) by answering every question to the satisfaction of all present. Ultimately the turn of the boy came. And he spoke

thus: â€I will make three affirmative statements. And this Kavi should deny them and justify such denials as correct, to the utmost satisfaction of all present here. If he can do that I will accept my defeat and undergo any sort of penalty/punishment that may be imposed on me. If on the other hand he is unable to deny those statements of mine then he should accept his defeat and surrender all his titles and this position of “Asthana Kaviâ€. The Asthana Kavi indeed felt happy. After all there was no subject in the world unknown to him. There was no one better than him to argue either way about anything. So he could deny anything said by the boy in a trice and defeat the "child" retaining his “everlasting supremacy†The boy came out with the following three affirmative statements. " 1. The mother of this “Asthana kavi†is a “Puthravatiâ€(Puthravati means a woman who has

given birth to a progeny as opposed to a “maladi†who has not delivered any child.) 2. This King is a Dharmavan (Dharmavan means the most righteous, dharmic person who never commits any sin) 3. This queen is a “Pathiviratha†(Pathiviratha means a righteous wife never having committed any act of infidelity, not even by thought) The Asthana Kavi had to deny all these and justify his denials also to the satisfaction of all. The first statement, if denied would imply that his mother was not a ‘Puthravati†meaning she was childless. How could he say that when he, the only child of his mother was right there in front of every one and this fact is also every body's knowledge. The Asthana Kavi tried and tried to find an answer but in vain. He could not think of a way to deny this statement. The second statement was “This King is a Dharmavanâ€. How could this also be

denied?! The King had been acclaimed as one of the most righteous ruler. How could he deny that and utter a falsehood thereby! The kavi ransacked his “scholarly bank†and could not come out with any plausible explanation to deny this. The last statement was 'this queen is “Pathivirathaâ€'. Oh! God! How could he say no and invite the wrath of the King and others. What reason or argument could he advance to substantiate a denial of this statement. However much the Asthana kavi tried to extricate himself from the predicament the boy had put him in, he could not succeed. At last the Kavi started feeling that his certain defeat was nearing. His scholastic empire built on his egoism started crumbling and he was being humbled and humiliated. Still an element of divinity was left in him and with tears in his eyes he prostrated before the “young boy†whom he scoffed at, initially as a

“childâ€. “Forgive me learned and divine one. You have humbled me. I have learnt a good lesson. I have lost to you. Now I am prepared to do anything you say." The entire crowd cheered the boy who however did not allow his ego to take the upper hand. He did not take advantage of the situation. He gave back to the Kavi all the honour back. The King went to the boy with folded hands and prayed to him whether he (the boy) could deny all the three statements and offer convincing explanations for such denials. The boy, who had by then been named by the King and all the others, as “Aala Vandar†( one who had arrived to conquer and rule) readily consented and came out with his scholium for each statement. “ 1. The first statement is “This Kavi’s mother is a ‘Puthravatiâ€. No doubt he is the son of his mother. But he is the only son and his mother has not given

birth to any other child beside him. According to sastras just one child does not give the status of “motherhood†(Puthravati) . One tree does not make an “orchardâ€. Similarly one child does not confer "motherhood" (puthravati) So, in order to attain the status of “puthravatiâ€, a woman has to beget two or more children and one of which has to be a girl child so that a “kanya dhan†was feasible. Therefore I deny the statement that “this Kavi’s mother is “Puthravati†2. The second statement is “This King is “Dharmavanâ€. No doubt this king is a righteous person and has not committed any sin . But according to the sastras whatever sins the “Prajas†(sujects) commit, the onus of such sins squarely rests on the shoulders of the King, he being the ruler and one responsible for the conducts of his subjects. Can any one say that no subject of this king is free from any sin?

Hence I deny that this king is a Dharmavan. 3. The third statement is “ this queen is a Pathiviratha.†During the wedding rites, the bride is first married to Indra and then to Agni, likwise to the rest of all the Five devas Vayu etc and then only finally married to the human bridegroom. If that be so how can we say that the queen is a “Pathivirathaiâ€. The king and all the others (including the Kavi) were immensely pleased with the answers, applauded the boy's wisdom and shouted in joy. A sincere "Gayathri Practitioner" is never betrayed by Vedamatha Gayathri




Yours yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli





Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

IIशà¥à¤°à¥€à¤°à¤¾à¤® बलिजेपलà¥à¤²à¥€ II





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