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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Amba

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Dear Shreeram Annayya, Thank you very much for sharing so much, so beautifully. The care and concern you show, and the knowledge you share with us is a blessing. With Respectful Regards, Savitha para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote: Dear Savitha Chellima, May Goddess Balambika bless you for the beautiful question! The reference to our Sweetest Mother comes from Homa-kundam is from the Lalitha-Mahathmyam in Brahmaanda Puraanam.(Lalitha and Rajarajeshwari are one and the same. Just the yogic posture differs and tatwa a bit). Lord Siva was seated in yogic meditation. Kama came along to disturb his

meditation, but was destroyed by Siva. Siva, the destroyer, was in meditation for sometime, which resulted in the increase in the population of earth and a heavy burden on Mother Earth. The gods sent Kama (god of love, cupid, Amos, Eros) to shoot flowery Harshana (one of the five erotic arrows) on Siva and disturb his penance at the precise moment he woke up to receive his Divine Consort Parvati. He (Kama) by his magical power created an ambience of spring in the air, earth, and trees, conducive to love. Siva woke up from meditation, took one look at Parvati, and could

not stop enjoying and articulating his appreciation of beautiful features of Parvati, who, in the privacy of Siva's presence, lay bare gracefully, sporting sidelong glances. Siva felt like two persons, one imbibing the beauty of Parvati and another, Yogi of all yogis bent on control of the senses. He felt that if seeing is great pleasure, embracing must give even greater pleasure. Suddenly it dawned on him that he was stung by Kama's arrows and bitten by love. How could that happen to a Yogi of yogis, who has complete control over senses? Paramayogi Siva addressed Parvati in a loving manner and wondered aloud to her, how he became a victim to Kama and how that downfall is harmful to his excellent reputation as the Lord of Vairagya (detachment, desirelessness). He advised Parvati, in a spirit of platonic detachment, not to sit by his side on the couch, and looked around for he felt uncomfortable in being aroused. He felt that the Vairagin and Yogi (in him) were associating with a wife of someone else; such was the depth of his Vairagya. Kama continued to shoot arrows at Siva with no effects. Siva's anger was bubbling to surface. A fire rising from the third eye of Siva incinerated Kama into ashes. That incident happened in Korukkai. One of Siva's Ganas (attendant of Siva) gathered the ashes of Kama and shaped it in the form of man. The Gana begged Siva to teach him a mantra and confer half the power of Kama to the ash-made man. Since the Ash-man was dead Kama and the result of Siva's fury, the Ash-man became a demon (Bhanda), who with his

newfound strength and power defeated the gods who sought the help of Tripurasundari, who defeated the demon and restored the gods to their former status. (Bhasman or Sacred Ash is euphemious for Semen Virile of Siva. Incineration brings all substances to their pristine primal state.) Rati, Kama's wife, came to Siva and begged him to give her husband back to her. Siva restored Kama not to the physical state but to a mental image, a representation of true love and affection; since then, he is also known by the epithet, Ananga (one without body parts). The Ash-man asked and obtained Mantra from Siva who congratulates him with epithet Bhand, Bhand (good, good); so the name Bhanda stuck with the Ash-man. Since Bhanda is the product of Siva's anger and later ash and much later with the power of mantra he built

a city rivaling the City of gods ruled by Indra, Siva's Gana becomes a demon. It appears that Bhanda is the fusion-product of Siva's Gana and the ash of Kama. Bhanda ruled his kingdom for sixty thousand years. He also attacked the city of gods, Indra and his army; immediately on the advice of Narada Muni, Indra goes to Tripura Sundari for help. The gods offer their own flesh and blood as sacrificial present to TPS. The gods also perform a marriage of Siva with Tripura-sundari, as an act of propitiation. Lalitamahatmya says the following about Bandha. The gods were so afraid of him they hid in the netherworlds, deep in the ocean, in the bushes, and in the mountains. They ran away leaving

their wives and children and roamed the earth in disguise. The great fighters such as Yakshas, great serpents, Siddhas, and Sadhyas were no better than blades of grass for Bhanda. Everybody joined in and performed a sacrifice and from the fire rose a goddess in the form of Lalita Rajarajeshwari Para Devata (Supreme Deity). She held Pasa (noose), Ankusa (goad), Dhanus (bow), and the highest Sakti. She was none other than Brahman. Since Bandha came from the fire of anger of Siva-Rudra, he remained powerful. The Daityas(Asuras) including Bhrgu, Sukra, gravitated towards him. Bandha summoned Maya the Architect of Daityas and ordered him to rebuild the City of Sonitapura to its former glory. The Daityas, headed by

Sukra the son of Bhrgu Muni, installed Bandha as the king of the rebuilt city. The crown was none other than the one worn by Hiranyakasipu and other Daitya kings, given to Hiranyakasipu by Lord Brahma. Bandha received Camaras (Chowries or whisks) as protection against illness and miseries; umbrella which protected against missiles (Now you know the origin of the term, nuclear Umbrella!); a bow Vijaya; a conch; ornaments; a throne; eight muscle men as body guards; four beautiful wives; thousands of chariots, horses, elephants, and soldiers; noble people for his court... Sixty-thousand years whizzed by, as Bandha ruled his kingdom. The gods headed by Indra were in a bad shape; Bandha and Daityas were powerful by their discipline, Tapas, and penance. Vishnu, the consort of Kamala and the God of gods, wanted to bring an end to the evil forces and thus created

Maya, the feminine form of His potency or Sakti. Vishnu ordered Maya to delude all beings and Bandha. Now you know how gods used the lure of sex as a destructive force. Vishnu willingly gave Maya assistants (think of Charley's Angels) to accomplish her goal. One of Ladies of Lure was the chief enchantress Visvaci who made a bee-line to Manasa lake, where Bandha was in a state of blissful congress with a bevy of nubile young women drawn from his kingdom. When he was not in congress, he was in the the lake in balneal relaxation. Visvaci with fawn eyes put her tent up under the cool shade of Campaka tree and began voicing luscious notes of divine music. No one

could resist that golden voice and bubbly musical notes of the lute. Soon Bandha with his band of ministers came to the Lady of Lure, drawn by the lute. Just imagine champagne bubbles make music as you imbibe it. Who could resist it? Bandha being a Lout was more attracted by her lightning-like limbs than by the notes of the lute. The ministers were equally taken by the charm of the Ladies of Leasure and felt the tender bites of love in their hearts. Bandha and the ministers went on a love-offensive and invited Maya and her iridescent lovelies for marathon congress to which they readily agreed. Ten thousand years passed in such voluptuosity that it appeared as if it were a mere Muhurta (48 minutes). The Chief lady of Lure was also known as Mohini. There was a widespread abrogation of moral laws; even the priests succumbed to the lure ---Verse 12. 33. The gods were very happy to see the Daityas degenerate as manure in their moral values. Narada, the tattletale benign Muni of all ages, came to the court of Devendra (the chief of gods) and gave him his advice as follows. "Bandha and his ministers are under the influence and clutch of Vishnu's Maya and her lovelies. He is so strong that you cannot defeat him in a zillion years. O Ignoramus, propitiate the Great Goddess, Parasakti with whose help you can defeat Bandha. Thus started the worship and penance to please the Great Goddess. The news reached the high priest of the Asuras, the son of Bhrgu, Sukracharya, who went to Bandha and advised him as follows. " O BhandAsura, you, your ministers and your subjects go anywhere in the three worlds without fear. Hari (Vishnu) loves to kill you and the Danavas. Maya-Mohini was created by Vishnu for the express purpose of weakening and defeating you. This allure of yours to Maya is the weakness, Indra the chief of gods has

been looking for; he is performing penance to win over you. Abandon the Lady of Lure Maya, go to the mountains and ruin their penance so that the gods will not gain any strength. Bandha briefed the ministers on the happening of the day. Srutvarma, the most intelligent among them advised Bandha as follows:" Siva allotted you sixty thousand years to rule the three worlds. It is now more than 60 thousand years that you ruled. There is no solution to this problem except to pray to Siva. Victory or defeat will come at the appropriate time." Bhimakarma came up with contrarian view and said as follows:" The enemy should be dealt with according to the threat. Siva granted you the magical power (Vidya) that saps the strength of your enemy; this is the time to use that

power." Bandha took the latter's advice and camped out at the base of the mountain, Himavan. The Mother of the universe, the Goddess raised an insurmountable wall in front of them. Bandha launched missiles after missiles shattering the wall, as Goddess rebuilt the wall as soon it was destroyed. The Suras (gods) became very nervous wanted to flee. Flee where; they had no where else to go. on the advice of Sakra, they dug a sacrificial pit, and offered human flesh to the Goddess in the fire. (Here consider this as our soldiers die in battlefield; offering human flesh is dying in battle as a sacrifice to the Goddess to obtain victory

over the enemy.) Soon thereof, Mahadevi rose from the fulminating fire of the sacrificial pit. She was the Goddess of the entire universe and the embodiment of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. She was the pinnacle of beauty and ambrosial bliss; wore clothes of the color of pomegranate flower; shone with jewels; radiated mercy and love; parleyed cool glance of moonlight and sported a sugarcane bow with five arrows, goad and noose. The glorious Goddess appeared before them to the delight of the Suras. She cast a glance on all of them thus, making them strong and vibrant. The gods all joined together and praised the goddess Ambika, the fulfiller of all wants. The story goes on and on including the vadha of Bhandaasura but then, I hope this narrative answer your question. Incidentally, my Gurunathar Sri Rajagopala Swamy

performed a Mahachandi-Yaga long time ago and at the end of the Homam in his home in Thayyappa Mudali street,Chennai, he found a few gems shining in the sacrificial pits and the biggest stone amongst them became Sri Rajarajeshwari Devi idol miraculously. This idol too has been placed next to the emerald streaked stone vigraha of Amba in the temple. Also, in Lalitha Sahasranama in the very first verse we have the nama "Chidagni Kunda Sambhutha".This also indicates an esoteric meaning as in: Chidagnikunda cidagnikunda (Sanskrit) [from chit thought, consciousness, spirit + agni fire + kunda receptacle for fire, hearth, a place in which fire may burn] The interior fire of the spirit or the mystical

site in the human constitution in which the fire of spiritual thought burns. The Srividya-Sadhaka is said to completely transmute his ahamkara (merely ego-consciousness) and elevate it to spiritual egoic universality in chidagnikunda, from this then emnates Paradevatha who becomes Empress of all the internal universes of the sadhaka. Some also argue that, it refers ultimately to the Kundalini-Maha-shakthi who emnates out from the Mooladhara due to arduous and sharddha-poorvaka cultivation of the Srividya Path. There is also one more thing about Kundika-devi but too much detail will be digression on the higher side. "All things the body. The body is the sacrificial ladle. Knowledge is the food." -- Shiva Sutras II, 9-10. Your Annayya, Shreeram Balijepalli Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Savitha Raghavendra <savvysphotos wrote:>> Dear Shreeram Annayya,> > You had mentioned in one of your mails to us that Rajarajeshwari Amma, emnated from the 'Homakunda' of Brahmic-seers in Himalayas.> Could you please tell us more about this.> > With Respectful Regards,> Savitha> > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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