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[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] dasa vidha haratulu

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helo sriram garu...


thanks for the information.next time when i visit india, I shall surely search for this book.



Gopala K Talluri


para_anuloma <para_anulomaRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Sent: Tuesday, 13 May, 2008 12:58:24 AM[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: dasa vidha haratulu


Dear Member,Please peruse a good text on the subject. "Dashavidha Aarathulu" givenby Tagore publications( I guess??) in Hyderabad.That will give you thenecessary details.ThankyouShreeramRajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnan<gopalt_qa@. ..> wrote:>> hello sriram garu,> thanks a ton for this information. Can you enlighten me about thedetails of how to do dasa vidha harathis(10 varieties of arthi's) and their mantras.Are these same for gods and goddesses.do we have anypics of those 10 varities of haratulu>> regards> Gopala K>>> > para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ...> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> Monday, 12 May, 2008 5:56:53 PM> [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Re: Chatushasti upachara pooja>>> Dear Gopala Garu,> The number 64 is numerologically a very significant one. Variousauthorities have explained the significance of numbers in Srividya.>> Â>              Â             Â          Â>> Mahaganapathi Mantra â€" 28 letters.> Saubhagya Vidya mantra along with Shodashi Kala (together called Purna> Shodashi) â€" 19 letters.> Mahashodashi â€" 28 letters> Utkrishta Ganapathi mantra â€" 37 letters.>> All these mantras, when added result

in the number : 1.> For example, 28 -> 2+8 =10---> 1+0=1.> Similarly, 6+4=10; 1+0 = 1. Thus, the objective of 64 Upacharas, likethe above listed mantras, is to experience the at-one-ness withGoddess(sAkta stance of 'sAham') swAtmAbhinna parA samvit calledSri rAjarAjeshvar lalitA. Sri Bhaskararaya says in Setubandha that thenumber of Upacharas prescribed during Navavarana Archana are 64 but`kechit', `some others' follow> different numbers (more or less than 64). He clearly objects to thispractice by quoting> 1.Vamakeshwara Tantra> 2..Parashurama Kalpasutra>  & > 3. Lalitha Sahasranama> (chatuShShaShTyupac hArADhyA)> calling it asAmpradAyika [ 3, 84 â€" Setubandha].> (*This quote has been given by my friend Harshaji)>> But at another place in the same bhAShya, he also mentionssaMpradAyavishwAsa, etc.. from the Kalpasutras and

agrees to the factthat differences in Upachara Samkhya and Patra Sthapana are agreeable,if followed as per one's Sampradaya.>> Further in the same vein,Natananandanat ha oberves in a commentarythat the number 64 is indicative of the Bijas to be prefixed duringChakrarchana. He reads 6 as the six Vyahritis or Pranavas of Srividyaand 4 as the Kamakala Bija. He is of the opinion that this group ofBijas should be used while offering 64 Upacharas and quotes Nitya Tantraas the pramANa..> Sri Tetiyur Subrahmanya Shastrigal, followed a somewhat less-knownpractice during Chatushshtypachara. He would offer the 64 Upacharas withsome Samputikara of the mantras for the 64 Yoginis. He explained this asa very esoteric practice and> dealing with Mahayaga, involving AshtAShtaka Yoginis (8 X 8 = 64) alsopopularly called 'Chausat-yogini' .People belonging to his ShishyaParampara should know more

about the significance of thispractice.Again, Harshaji's elder relative is a disciple of this upasaka.>> Though `bhAvanA' is the best method of upAsanA, the path of Bahiryagais unavoidable for the beginners. As rightly indicated, one cannot giveup any of these Upacharas (physically) as long as he is able to offerthem. The Vamakeshwara Tantra prescribes substitution with PuShpAkShatasaying. `yadyashaktaschet' â€" only if the Upasaka is unable toperform the Upacharas physically.> While following Bahiryaga, if a person neglects any of the Upacharas,even those which can be offered in his capacity, he incurs sin(YoginiHridaya Dipika).> However, if due to constraints factors like time, resource etc., theSadhaka is really unable to offer one or more of these> Upacharas, by offering Pushpakshata with devotion, he obtains the samemerit as having offered the Upachara physically. But

these days whenDravya Shuddhi(purity of the articles used for the pUjA)Â is adifficult thing, one should seriously consider before using things inSrichakrarchana.> Also, it should be borne in mind that the Upacharas should bebofferedwithout any desire for fruits and with dispassion for their worldlyfeatures. The Sadhaka should ever be aware of the fact that Bahiryaga isa step to perfection; that it is a path and not the goal.> The 64 upachArAs can be listed as follows(however differences asstated above exist)> Early Morning activities:> 1. Waking the ever-awakened Amba(!) with vedic verses, praises,instrumental music.(suprabhatha seva)Â>> 2.Offering a twig for brushing the teeth. (Dantha-dhavana seva)>> 3. Offering mangala aratrika.(Mangala- aarathi seva)Â>> 4. Shouting jaya along with Bheri-ninaadam( herald-drums)Â onseeing the deity.

(Jaya-dhwani seva)>> 5.Offering pranamas to the Lord before entering for puja(Namaskaraseva)> Â> Offering the Main Upacaras:> 6.Inviting Amba (avahana seva)> 7. Offering Mother a seat (asanopachara)> 8. Making Her comfortable (svagatopachara) .> 9. Washing Her feet respectfully (padyam).> 10. Offering arghyam as a sign of welcome and respect.> 11. Offering water to wash the mouth (acamaniyam) .> 12. Offering madhuparka, then water to wash the mouth.> 13. Offering Amba Padukas so that She may come to the bathing place.> 14. Cleaning Divine Mother's body with a damp cloth to remove oldKumkuma,candana, nirmalya etc. (murti samskara). (This should be done inprivacy efficiently and then Amba must be wrapped in a clean white clothimmediately)> 15. Rubbing Mother's body, especially the head, with fragrantoils.(Sugandha-

thailopachara)> 16. Bathing Amba in fragrant flower water(Sugandha- pushpaneeraajanam)> 17. Bathing Her in milk. (Ksheeraabhishekam)> 18. Bathing Her in curds/plain yogurt(Dadhyaabhish ekam)> 19. Bathing Her in ghee(Ghrithaabhishe kam)> 20. Bathing Her in honey(Madhu- snanopachara)> 21. Bathing Her in sugar(Guda/Sharkara -snaanam) ..here make sure thatwhite sugar is prepared without using animal bones as is the case, elseuse brown sugar(unprocessed) or jaggery powder.> 22. Bathing Her in water consecrated with mantras(Mantra- jalasnaanam)> 23. Removing oil, ghee, etc, with flour, then warm water.(Abhyangakriya)> 24. Wiping Her body with a soft, dry cloth (anga vastra-soucham) .> 25. Dressing Her  in upper and lower cloth(vastra- dhaaranam)> 26.Offering gayatri thread (upavitam. Goddess Rajarajeshwari' s sacredthread must be prepared beforehand

to the chant of Vedic chants)> 27. Offering acamana again after dressing. (Punarachamanam) .> 28.Arranging Her hair(Keshaalankaara m)> 29.Decorating Her with bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.(Abharanaalankaaram)> 30. Offering Padmaraagam( red colored ruby-like stone got in the riverbed),Ambamani( a rare jewel),Vajram( diamonds) ,Vaidyuram( cat'seye),pravala( corals),moukthik am(pearls) kaustubha and other wonderfuljewels.(Manialankar ana)> 31. Offering various colors of clothing, belts,Kavachas, turbans,capes etc.(Red is a must for Amba)(Vastrayugmam)> 32. Offering flowers to Her saffron lotus feet. Applying fragrantunguents and henna decorations on Gandha dried paste to Hers feet with aBel-leaf.> 33. Offering incense(dhoopam)> 34. Offering lamps(deepam) along with ghanta sevana(ringing ofauspicious bells)...> Here there are various kinds of Deepas to beoffered

and this single posting would not be enough to describe itall.Ghee-lamp is a must for Srividya puja.> 35. Removing inauspicious influences, the glances of evil persons bymustard seeds etc.(Drishti- nivarthy)> 36. Offering naivedyam.> 37. Offering spices  (mukha vasana seva) for a fragrant mouthafter eating.(breath freshner)> 38. Offering betel (tambulam).> 39. Offering a couch for Her to relax in(shayana seva)> 40. Offering gandha again and decorating the Mother's body withvarious feminine designs using frgrant unguents (punargandha dravyaseva)> 41. Offering Her a crown.(Kireeta seva)> 42. Offering varieties of flowers and garlands(pushpamala seva)>    Darshana:> 43. Offering a mirror.(Darpana seva)> 44.  Offering chamara and umbrella(cchhatra- chamara seva)> 45. Singing(Gaana seva--Gaanapriyaa lolini remember?)> 46.Playing

instruments( vaadya seva---kalapriya)> 47.Dancing(nritya seva)> 48.Offering aratrika again.> 49.Taking deity to a special mandapa. (In home, it can be done withina room to another small mandapa)> 50.Bringing the deity back to Her simhaasana(throne) again.> Â> Â Bhoga Offering:> Â 51. Offering foot wash, mouth wash again.> 52.Offering another meal while burning incense.> 53.Offering betel, then performing aratrika.> Concluding Puja:> Â 54.Recitation of verses (stuti) ,mantrapushpa, etc> 55.Circumabulation of deity (pradaksina) and athmapradakshina> Pranamas.>> 56. Touching ones head at the saffron lotus feet of the deity (astangapranama--all 8 limbs must touch ground).> 57. Taking caranamrta and flower prasada on ones head.> 58. Taking the food remnants of Amba as prasada.> Â Â Â Â Night service:> 59.

Sitting at the feet of Amba ready for service.> 60. Making a nice bed for Amba, with soft cloth,flowers(especially jasmine which lulls a person to sleep) and nicescented powders.>> 61. Offering ones hand to Amba, and offering Her padukas, tobring Her to the bed.> 62. Receiving Her at the bed with great festivity.> 63. Washing Her feet, then drying them, offering gandha, flowers,betel, condensed milk, fan(chamara)> 64. Having Amba lie down in the bed for Her Yoganidra andmassaging Her lotus feet having the bhava of a mother in mind.> The offering of items are sometimes conceived as an offering of allthe elements and senses in the service of the Lord.> Symbolism involved:> asana: lotus of the heart> padyam: water in the form of amrta ,instability and wavering ofmind offered at Her feet> arghyam: mind> acamaniyam, snana: armta of

blissÂ> cloth: akasa> gandha: sense of smell> flowers: citta> incense:Â five pranas> lights - lamps: fire> bell: dhvani> naivedya: amrta> chamara: air> gita: sound> nrtya: activities of the senses and mind offered at Her> mala: flowers of consisting of absence of maya, egotism, attachment,vanity, delusion, arrogance, enmity, perturbance, malice, covetousness;and possession of ahimsa, sense control, mercy, forgiveness andknowledge.> Thus such an elaborate procedure when done daily will make a personvibrate with such energy and power along with visions of Amba that it isineffable.> Yours yogically,> Shreeram Balijepalli>> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnangopalt_qa@ .> wrote:> >> > Dear Sriram,> > thanks for giving the below note on 16 and 5 upacharas..I

ambasically trying to understand what are the 64 types of chatushashtiupacharaas(like given below for 16 upacharams).> > Could you please name them..> > I have seen the document in the files folder of this group but bitdifficult to understand and seperate each upachara while reading as theyr in the form of sthotram.Would be great if you could let me know thenames divided.> > Regards> > Gopala K Talluri> >> >> >> > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ...> > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> > Saturday, 10 May, 2008 4:55:23 PM> > [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Re: Chatushasti upachara pooja> >> >> > Dear Pundariji,> > You may do chatus'shashti upachAra pUjA to all Gods and Goddesses.> > There is no rule set in

stone which says "One MUST do chatus'shashtiupachAra to rAjarAjesvarI devI and no one else. If you take eachscriptural text of each and every God(why Gods? even Grahamunis likeRahu,Shani,etc have this ritual)."> > This ritual means 64 upacharas and this is normally offered bytemples, it is possible in homes too.> > If you are thinking of 16 upacAra pUjA then> > asana> > (svagatam)> > padyam> > arghyam> > acamaniyam> > madhuparka> > acamaniyam> > snaniyam> > vastram> > (upavitam)> > alankara> > gandha> > puspa> > dhupa> > dipa> > naivedyam> > pranama> > vandanam> > 64 upacArAs mean these and more like nrtyam, gAnam,etc.I do notthink these days people have even time to do the 16 upacArAs proeperlyleave alone 64! So, our

temple has come with a simple 25 name proceduregiven by Devi Herself to my Gurunatha(there in the files section of ourgroup)> > However, if one can spare some time pancopacArA( penta-ritualisti cmode of worship using 5 articles and encumbering rituals) can bedone.{--gandhA, puspA,dhUpA, dEpA,naivedyA- -}> > Each god and goddess is an embedded energy matrix in itself andthese services have multifarous purposes.To the non-initiate,agnost,atheist these look as too much of fuss and silly rituals bereftof meaning but to the serious practioner of tantrAs, these form the verybedrock of divinity as these not only tend to create an atmosphere ofintent and concentration for the mind to grasp the nirgunic realms butalso create a spiritual aura and other factors.> > So, howmuchever I wish it could be, it is not anexclusive thing for our Sweetest Mother, rAjarAjesvarI

alone.> > Jaya Sarvamangale'> > Shreeram Balijepalli> > ÂÂ> > ÂÂ> > ÂÂ> >> > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, "pundari_turaga"<pundari_turaga@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Respected Guruji,> > >> > > Pranam. I am a ordant devotee of Devi and I got a doubt thatwhether> > > we have to perform chatushasti upachara pooja only toRajaRajeswari> > > Devi and not to any other godesses i.e. varalakshmi, Maha lakshmiand> > > saraswarti. I am eagerly watiing for your reply.> > >> > > Pundari> > >> >> >> >> > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos. /

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