Guest guest Posted May 14, 2008 Report Share Posted May 14, 2008 Dear Sreeram, Hari Om Salutations !! Thank u very much for the excellent info on Sankalpam. With Pranams unto the feet of Universal Mother, Rajasekhar K G Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru ]On Behalf Of para_anulomaTuesday, May 13, 2008 7:09 PMRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Subject: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: pooja sankalpam Dear Gopalamgaru, It is strange, I went to the Boston Lakshmi temple just a month ago.What they are doing is right. Let me explain this for the benefit of all interested members. Various aspects of a sankalpa has been described below: 1.kalpa-para This refers to the life span of the Creator, Lord Brahma and the computation(it various according to various sources but Iam giving here a popular one) is given below. There are four yugaas in the Hindu calendar as described in Puranas: a. Krutha yuga(sathya yuga), 1728000 years (known as total virtue era-- golden age era) b. Trethaayuga, 129600 years(three-fourths virtue; one fourth sin; :--silver age). c. Dwaaparayuga, 864000 years (half virtue half sin:--bronze age) d. Kaliyuga, 432000 years (one-quarter virtue; three-quarter sin; --iron age) .(To find truly good people in this age is very rare) e. One Mahaayuga 4320000 years A Kalpa is made up of 1000 Mahaayugas; 4320000000 years and constitutes a single daytime period of Brahma. A night of Brahma is of equal duration. A full day of Brahma is thus two kalpas--8640000000 years. A year of Brahma is 360 days(720 Kalpas). Lifespan of Brahma is 100 such years 311.04 Trillion years. This is called 'Para' and is considered in two parts-prathama paraardha(para+ ardha=first half of para). i.e the first 50 years of Brahma‟s lifespan and dwitiya paraardha(second half of para i.e. the second 50 years of Brahma‟s lifespan. We are now in dwitiya paraardha, in Brahma‟s 51st year 1st Day called Shwethavaraaha Kalpa. According to Vishnupuraana, at the end of Brahma‟s daytime period, the three worlds Bhooloka, Bhuvarloka and Suvar loka(and the seven netherworlds (Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Bhootala, Rasaatala, Mahaatala and Paataala)are temporarily dissolved (naimittika pralaya/incidental deluge). A dreadful draught occurs and lasts for 100 years. This is followed by a deluge. Lord Vishnu reclines in meditative pose (Yoganidraa) for another kalpa before starting re-creation. **Some philosiphize stating that it refers to an antar-pralaya and kundalini related stuff. I have no arguments with them. 2. Manvanthara Each kalpa is reined by a succession of 14 manus(Please don't confuse this Manu with another King Manu who came in Kaliyuga who wrote or got written the Manu smrithi) and the period of reign is called manvanthara and corresponds to approximately 71 mahaayugas. The manus are Swaayambhuva, Svaarochisha, Utthama, Thaamasa, Raivatha, Chaakshusha, Vaivaswatha, Saavarni, Dakshasaavarni, Brahmasaavarni, Dharmasaavarni, Rudrasaavarni, Devasaavarni, Indrasaavarni We are now in the 7th Manvanthara called Vaivaswatha manvanthara and in the 28th Mahaayuga of that Manvanthara. This is around 454th Mahayuga(of the 1000 Mahayugas that form one daytime of Brahma.) As an aside: Seeing this magnanimity, just realize that we are little ants!(My father's cousin Sri Burra Gautham Siddharth Garu who is the head of the Hyderabad Planetorium and a great astronomer and himself a srividya upasaka showed in his astronomical books the relationships between the magnanmity of the universe, the cell related concepts at an microscopic level,etc. Iam reminded of that feeling of being a miniscule humbling part of God here) 3. Kaliyuge prathamepaade Within this mahaayuga we are now in Kaliyuga,5106th year of Kaliyuga(corresponding to 2004 AD). Kaliyuga is believed to have started on the midnight of 17th/18th February 3102 BC corresponding to Friday, Bhaadrapada Maasa Krishna paksha Thrayoedashi. Thus we are in the very early part of kaliyuga (first leg) with more than 426000 years to go. 4. Jamboodweepe/Bharthavarshe/Bhrathakhande The world is considered as having seven dweepas (islands)-Kusha, Shalmali, Plaksha, Jambu, Krauncha, Saaka, Pushkara. Jamboodweepa is at the centre. Mountain Sumeru is at the centre of Jambudweepa. To the south of Meru(Meru here refers to an etheric mountain wherein resides and walk great saints and sages including Tripura Sundari) is Bharatha Varsha the land ruled by Bharatha,present India is Bharatha-khanda. America belongs to Krauncha dweepa.USA and Canada to Aindra-Khanda 5.Shakaabde This refers to Saalivaahana saka. We are now in saka 1927. 6.Meroho dakshine/vaayavya paarshwe/dishe' In the case of America or the place you are in USA/Canada/or any other country one must read the direction accordingly.--Vaavaye,paschime',etc 7.asmin varthamane At the present time 8.Vyyaavahaarike Prabhavaadi-shastyaaha samvatsaraanaam madhye (Prabhava and other 59 years) The Hindu calendar is drawn on the basis of a cycle of 60 samvatsaraas(Years).There is a mythological reference that these are manifestations of progeny of sage Narada who after having stray thoughts was ordained to take birth in this world and beget the sixty issues. Names are as under: Prabhava,Vibhava,Shukla,Pramodootha,Prajotpatti,Angeerasa,Srimukha,Bhaava,Yuva,Dhathru,Easwara,Bahudhanya,Pramaathi, Vikrama,Vishnu,Chitrabhaanu,Swabhaanu,Thaarana,Paarthiva,Vyaya,Sarvajit,Sarvadhaari,Viroedhi,Vikruthi,Khara,Nanda, Vijaya,Jaya,Manmatha,Durmukhi,Hevilambi,Vilambi,Vikaari, -Sharvari,Plava,Shubhakruth,Shoebhakruth,Kroedhi,Viswaavasu,Paraabhava,Plavanga,Keelaka,Soumya,Saadhaarana,ViroedhikruthPareedhavi,Pramathicha,Aananda,Rakshasa,Nala,Pingala,Kaal-yukthi,Siddhaarthi,Roudri,Durmathi,Dundhubhi, Rudhiroedgaari,Rakthakshi,Kroedhana,Akshaya 9.....Ayane The year is divided into two ayanas-Uttaraayana and Dakshinaayana. UttarAyana refers to the period Makara to Kataka and DakshinAyana refers to the period Kataka to Makara.-also referred to as the summer solstice and winter solstice. 10....Ruthau There are six ruthus(seasons) in the year.These are: Vasantha(spring),Greeshma(summer),Varsha(rainy season/monsoon),Sharad(early autumn),Hemantha(late autumn),Shishira(winter). This is the Vedic classification(which is not like the western 4 season classification). 11.Each ruthu comprises two Chaandramaanna maasas(Months) as under: Chaitra-Vaishaakha,Jyestha-Ashaada,Sraavan-Bhaadrapada, Ashwayuja-Karthika, Maargashira-Pushya, Maagha-Phaalguna These names are derived from the nakshatraas obtaining on the Poornima day of the month. The corresponding Souramaana month names (along with Tamil names) are as under: Mesha-Vrushabha(Chittirai-Vaikaashi),Mithuna-Kataka(Ani-Adi),Simha-Kanyaa(Aavani-Purattaasi),Thulaa-Vruschika (Alpasi-Karthikai),Dhanus-Makara(Maarhazhi-Thai),Kumbha-Meena(Maashi-Panguni) The English names for the twelve zodiacal months are as under. Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Saggi-tarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces. 12......Pakshe Each maasa is divided into two pakshas(fortnights).-Shukla paksha,the bright fortnight,the period of the waxing moon-from Prathamaa to Poornimaa. Krishna paksha,the dark fortnight,period of the waning moon-from Prathamaa to Amavaasyaa. 13....Tithau There are 15 tithis in each paksha. These are: prathamaa,dwiteeyaa,trutheeyaa,chaturthi,panchami,shasti, saptami,ashtami,navami,dashami,ekaadashi,dwaadashi,thrayoe-dashi,chaturdashi,poornimaa/amaavaasyaa. 14......Vaasare There are seven days in the week: Bhaanuvara(Ravi,Adithya),Somavara(Indu),Kujavara(Mangala), Budhavara, Guruvara(Bruhaspathi),Shukravara and Shanivara(Sthira).Equivalent Tamil and English names are; Gnyaayitrukkizhamai also called Kadiravan Naal(Sunday), Thingatkkizhamai (Monday), Sevvaikkizhmai(Tuesday),Budhankizhamai(Wednesday),Vyaazhakilzhmai (Thursday),Vellikizhamai(Friday) and Shanikizhamai(Saturday). 15......Nakshatre There are 27 stars as under. Their placement in various raashis is indicated below; ashwini,bharani,krittika1-Mesha krittika2,3,4,rohini,mrugashiraa 1,2-Vrushabha mrugashira 3,4,arudhra,punarvasu1,2,3-Mithuna punarvasu4,pushya, aaslesha, uttara1- Simha Uttara2,3,4,hasta,chitta1,2-Kanyaa Chitta3,4,swaathi,vishaakha1,2,3-Thulaa Vishakha4,anooraadhaa,,jyesthaa-Vruschika Moolaa,poorvaashaada,uttaraashaada1-Dhanus uttarashada2,3,4,shravana,dhanistaa1,2-Makara dhanista3,4,shatabhisha,poorvaabhadra1,2,3K poorvabhadra4,uttaraabhaadra,revathi M 16...Yoga There are 27 yogas as under: vishakumbha,preethi,ayushmaan,soubhaagya,shobhana,athiganda, sukarma,dhruthi,shoola,ganda,vruddhi,dhruva,vyaaghaatha, harshana,vajra,siddhi,vyatheepaatha,vareeyaan,parigha, shivasiddha,saadhya,shubha,shukla(Shukra),brahma,indra,vaidh-ruthi. Some are considered auspicious and some in-auspicious. Normally the name of the yoga on the day is not spelt out. Instead it is just mentioned as shubhayoga,unless one knows exactly when. 17... Karana The karanas are as under: bhava,baalava,kaulava,thaithila,gara,vanij,vishtee,shakuni, chatushpaada,naaga,kimsthughna. Some are considered auspicious and some inauspicious. Normally the name of the karana on the day is not spelt out. Instead it is just mentioned as shubhakarana. It is said that, when all these 17 aspects are recited in the sankalpa along with other details including pravara,etc(sometimes omitting it) and adding sankalpa suktham(again sometimes omitting it) and then touching the water(one of the pancha bhuthas) will have an auspicious dolement on the sadhana and will defintely fructify.Also, the mind(subconscious) is prepared for the great moment of the sadhana when this divine-rigmarole is complete.God or Amba does not need informing but it is meant as a resolve for our inner-consciousness. This is the paramaartha of sankalpa. Jayosthu Paraaamba! Shreeram Balijepalli Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru , Gopala Krishnan <gopalt_qa wrote:>> Hello sriram garu,> I would like to know the correct sankalpam which I have to recite before starting the pooja.> I was told by a priest sometime in Boston lakshmi temple the below...which I am currently doing> kaliyuge, prathama pade,> KRAUNCHA DWEEPE, > RAMANKA VARSHE, (instead of bharata varshe)> GOTEERTHA (or AINDRA) KHANDE,(instead of bharata khande)> MEROH VAYAVYA DIKHBHAGE,(instead of mero dakshina dikhbhage)> Please correct me if I am recting wrong. I have observed in one of the south indian temple here in london reciting as bharata varshe, bharata khande as we say in India.> I am interested to know what we need to say while in US and UK as my job profile needs frequent visits to both the places.> > Thanks a ton> Regards> Gopala K Talluri> > > para_anuloma para_anuloma Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru > Tuesday, 13 May, 2008 12:58:24 AM> [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: dasa vidha haratulu> > > > Dear Member,> > Please peruse a good text on the subject. "Dashavidha Aarathulu" given> by Tagore publications( I guess??) in Hyderabad.That will give you the> necessary details.> > Thankyou> > Shreeram> Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnan> gopalt_qa@ ..> wrote:> >> > hello sriram garu,> > thanks a ton for this information. Can you enlighten me about the> details of how to do dasa vidha harathis(10 varieties of arthi's)Ã' > and their mantras.Are these same for gods and we have any> pics of those 10 varities of haratulu> >> > regards> > Gopala K> >> >> > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ...> > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> > Monday, 12 May, 2008 5:56:53 PM> > [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Re: Chatushasti upachara pooja> >> >> > Dear Gopala Garu,> > The number 64 is numerologically a very significant one. Various> authorities have explained the significance of numbers in Srividya.> >> > Ã'> > Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã'> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã'> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã'> >> > Mahaganapathi Mantra ââ'¬" 28 letters.> > Saubhagya Vidya mantra along with Shodashi Kala (together called Purna> > Shodashi) ââ'¬" 19 letters.> > Mahashodashi ââ'¬" 28 letters> > Utkrishta Ganapathi mantra ââ'¬" 37 letters.> >> > All these mantras, when added result in the number : 1.> > For example, 28 -> 2+8 =10---> 1+0=1.> > Similarly, 6+4=10; 1+0 = 1. Thus, the objective of 64 Upacharas, like> the above listed mantras, is to experience theÃ' at-one-ness with> Goddess(sAkta stance ofÃ' 'sAham')Ã' swAtmAbhinna parA samvit called> Sri rAjarAjeshvar lalitA. Sri Bhaskararaya says in Setubandha that the> number of Upacharas prescribed during Navavarana Archana are 64 but> `kechit', `some others' follow> > different numbers (more or less than 64). He clearly objects to this> practice by quoting> > 1.Vamakeshwara Tantra> > 2..Parashurama Kalpasutra> > Ã' & > > 3. Lalitha Sahasranama> > (chatuShShaShTyupac hArADhyA)> > calling it asAmpradAyika [ 3, 84 ââ'¬" Setubandha].> > (*This quote has been given by my friend Harshaji)> >> > But at another place in the same bhAShya, he also mentions> saMpradAyavishwAsa, etc. from the Kalpasutras and agrees to the fact> that differences in Upachara Samkhya and Patra Sthapana are agreeable,> if followed as per one's Sampradaya.> >> > Further in the same vein,Natananandanat ha oberves in a commentary> that the number 64 is indicative of the Bijas to be prefixed during> Chakrarchana. He reads 6 as the six Vyahritis or Pranavas of Srividya> and 4 as the Kamakala Bija. He is of the opinion that this group of> Bijas should be used while offering 64 Upacharas and quotes Nitya Tantra> as the pramANa.> > Sri Tetiyur Subrahmanya Shastrigal,Ã' followed a somewhat less-known> practice during Chatushshtypachara. He would offer the 64 Upacharas with> some Samputikara of the mantras for the 64 Yoginis. He explained this as> a very esoteric practice and> > dealing with Mahayaga, involving AshtAShtaka Yoginis (8 X 8 = 64) also> popularly called 'Chausat-yogini' .People belonging to his Shishya> Parampara should know more about the significance of this> practice.Again, Harshaji's elder relative is a disciple of this upasaka.> >> > Though `bhAvanA' is the best method of upAsanA, the path of Bahiryaga> is unavoidable for the beginners. As rightly indicated, one cannot give> up any of these Upacharas (physically) as long as he is able to offer> them. The Vamakeshwara Tantra prescribes substitution with PuShpAkShata> saying. `yadyashaktaschet' ââ'¬" only if the Upasaka is unable to> perform the Upacharas physically.> > While following Bahiryaga, if a person neglects any of the Upacharas,> even those which can be offered in his capacity, he incurs sin(Yogini> Hridaya Dipika).> > However, if due to constraints factors like time, resource etc., the> Sadhaka is really unable to offer one or more of these> > Upacharas, by offering Pushpakshata with devotion, he obtains the same> merit as having offered the Upachara physically. But these days when> Dravya Shuddhi(purity of the articles used for the pUjA)Ã' is a> difficult thing, one should seriously consider before using things in> Srichakrarchana.> > Also, it should be borne in mind that the Upacharas should beboffered> without any desire for fruits and with dispassion for their worldly> features. The Sadhaka should ever be aware of the fact that Bahiryaga is> a step to perfection; that it is a path and not the goal.> > The 64 upachArAs can be listed as follows(however differences as> stated above exist)> > Early Morning activities:> > 1. Waking the ever-awakened Amba(!) with vedic verses, praises,> instrumental music.(suprabhatha seva)Ã'> >> > 2.Offering a twig for brushing the teeth. (Dantha-dhavana seva)> >> > 3. Offering mangala aratrika.(Mangala- aarathi seva)Ã'> >> > 4. Shouting jaya along with Bheri-ninaadam( herald-drums)Ã' on> seeing the deity. (Jaya-dhwani seva)> >> > 5.Offering pranamas to the Lord before entering for puja(Namaskara> seva)> > Ã'> > Offering the Main Upacaras:> > 6.Inviting Amba (avahana seva)> > 7. Offering Mother a seat (asanopachara)> > 8. Making Her comfortable (svagatopachara) .> > 9. Washing Her feet respectfullyÃ' (padyam).> > 10. Offering arghyam as a sign of welcome and respect.> > 11. Offering water to wash the mouth (acamaniyam) .> > 12. Offering madhuparka, then water to wash the mouth.> > 13. Offering Amba Padukas so that She may come to the bathing place.> > 14. Cleaning Divine Mother's body with a damp cloth to remove old> Kumkuma,candana, nirmalya etc. (murti samskara). (This should be done in> privacy efficiently and then Amba must be wrapped in a clean white cloth> immediately)> > 15. Rubbing Mother's body, especially the head,Ã' with fragrant> oils.(Sugandha- thailopachara)> > 16. BathingÃ' Amba in fragrant flower water(Sugandha- pushpa> neeraajanam)> > 17. Bathing HerÃ' in milk. (Ksheeraabhishekam)> > 18. Bathing Her in curds/plain yogurt(Dadhyaabhish ekam)> > 19. Bathing Her in ghee(Ghrithaabhishe kam)> > 20. BathingÃ' Her in honey(Madhu- snanopachara)> > 21. Bathing Her in sugar(Guda/Sharkara -snaanam) make sure that> white sugar is prepared without using animal bones as is the case, else> use brown sugar(unprocessed) or jaggery powder.> > 22. Bathing HerÃ' in water consecrated with mantras(Mantra- jala> snaanam)> > 23. Removing oil, ghee, etc, with flour, then warm water.> (Abhyangakriya)> > 24. Wiping Her body with a soft, dry cloth (anga vastra-soucham) ..> > 25. Dressing Her Ã' in upper and lower cloth(vastra- dhaaranam)> > 26.Offering gayatri thread (upavitam. Goddess Rajarajeshwari' s sacred> thread must be prepared beforehand to the chant of Vedic chants)> > 27. Offering acamana again after dressing. (Punarachamanam) .> > 28.Arranging Her hair(Keshaalankaara m)> > 29.Decorating Her with bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.(Abharanaalanka> aram)> > 30. Offering Padmaraagam( red colored ruby-like stone got in the river> bed),Ambamani( a rare jewel),Vajram( diamonds) ,Vaidyuram( cat's> eye),pravala( corals),moukthik am(pearls) kaustubha and other wonderful> jewels.(Manialankar ana)> > 31. Offering various colors of clothing, belts,Kavachas, turbans,> capes etc.(Red is a must for Amba)(Vastrayugmam)> > 32. Offering flowers to Her saffron lotus feet.. Applying fragrant> unguents and henna decorations on Gandha dried paste to Hers feet with a> Bel-leaf.> > 33. Offering incense(dhoopam)> > 34. Offering lamps(deepam) along with ghanta sevana(ringing of> auspicious bells)...> Here there are various kinds of Deepas to be> offered and this single posting would not be enough to describe it> all.Ghee-lamp is a must for Srividya puja.> > 35. Removing inauspicious influences, the glances of evil persons by> mustard seeds etc.(Drishti- nivarthy)> > 36. Offering naivedyam.> > 37. Offering spices Ã' (mukha vasana seva) for a fragrant mouth> after eating.(breath freshner)> > 38. Offering betel (tambulam).> > 39. Offering a couch for Her to relax in(shayana seva)> > 40. Offering gandha again and decorating the Mother's body with> various feminine designs using frgrant unguentsÃ' (punargandha dravya> seva)> > 41. Offering Her a crown.(Kireeta seva)> > 42. Offering varieties of flowers and garlands(pushpamala seva)> > Ã' Ã' Ã' Darshana:> > 43. Offering a mirror.(Darpana seva)> > 44.Ã' Ã' Offering chamara and umbrella(cchhatra- chamara seva)> > 45. Singing(Gaana seva--Gaanapriyaa lolini remember?)> > 46.Playing instruments( vaadya seva---kalapriya)> > 47.Dancing(nritya seva)> > 48.Offering aratrika again.> > 49.Taking deity to a special mandapa. (In home, it can be done within> a room to another small mandapa)> > 50.Bringing the deity back to Her simhaasana(throne) again.> > Ã'> > Ã' Bhoga Offering:> > Ã' 51. Offering foot wash, mouth wash again.> > 52.Offering another meal while burning incense.> > 53.Offering betel, then performing aratrika.> > Concluding Puja:> > Ã' 54.Recitation of verses (stuti) ,mantrapushpa, etc> > 55.Circumabulation of deity (pradaksina) and athmapradakshina> > Pranamas.> >> > 56. Touching ones head at the saffron lotus feet of the deity (astanga> pranama--all 8 limbs must touch ground).> > 57. Taking caranamrta and flower prasada on ones head.> > 58. Taking the food remnants of Amba as prasada.> > Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Night service:> > 59. Sitting at the feet ofÃ' Amba ready for service.> > 60. Making a nice bed for Amba, withÃ' soft cloth,> flowers(especially jasmine which lulls a person to sleep)Ã' and nice> scented powders.> >> > 61. Offering ones hand to Amba, and offering Her padukas,Ã' to> bring Her to the bed.> > 62. Receiving Her at the bed with great festivity.> > 63. Washing Her feet, then drying them, offering gandha, flowers,> betel, condensed milk, fan(chamara)> > 64. Having Amba lie down in the bed for Her YoganidraÃ' and> massaging Her lotus feet having the bhava of a mother in mind.> > The offering of items are sometimes conceived as an offering of all> the elements and senses in the service of the Lord.> > Symbolism involved:> > asana: lotus of the heart> > padyam: water in the form of amrta ,instability and wavering of> mindÃ' offered at Her feet> > arghyam: mind> > acamaniyam, snana: armta of blissÃ'> > cloth: akasa> > gandha: sense of smell> > flowers: citta> > incense:Ã' five pranas> > lights - lamps: fire> > bell: dhvani> > naivedya: amrta> > chamara: air> > gita: sound> > nrtya: activities of the senses and mind offered at Her> > mala: flowers of consisting of absence of maya, egotism, attachment,> vanity, delusion, arrogance, enmity, perturbance, malice, covetousness;> and possession of ahimsa, sense control, mercy, forgiveness and> knowledge.> > Thus such an elaborate procedure when done daily will make a person> vibrate with such energy and power along with visions of Amba that it is> ineffable.> > Yours yogically,> > Shreeram Balijepalli> >> > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnan> gopalt_qa@ .> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sriram,> > > thanks for giving the below note on 16 and 5 upacharas..I am> basically trying to understand what are the 64 types of chatushashti> upacharaas(like given below for 16 upacharams).> > > Could you please name them..> > > I have seen the document in the files folder of this group but bit> difficult to understand and seperate each upachara while reading as they> r in the form of sthotram.Would be great if you could let me know the> names divided.> > > Regards> > > Gopala K Talluri> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ...> > > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru> > > Saturday, 10 May, 2008 4:55:23 PM> > > [Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Re: Chatushasti upachara pooja> > >> > >> > > Dear Pundariji,> > > You may do chatus'shashti upachAra pUjA to all Gods and Goddesses.> > > There is no rule set in stone which says "One MUST do chatus'shashti> upachAra to rAjarAjesvarI devI and no one else. If you take each> scriptural text of each and every God(why Gods? even Grahamunis like> Rahu,Shani,etc have this ritual)."> > > This ritual means 64 upacharas and this is normally offered by> temples, it is possible in homes too.> > > If you are thinking of 16 upacAra pUjA then> > > asana> > > (svagatam)> > > padyam> > > arghyam> > > acamaniyam> > > madhuparka> > > acamaniyam> > > snaniyam> > > vastram> > > (upavitam)> > > alankara> > > gandha> > > puspa> > > dhupa> > > dipa> > > naivedyam> > > pranama> > > vandanam> > > 64 upacArAs mean these and more like nrtyam, gAnam,etc.I do not> think these days people have even time to do the 16 upacArAs proeperly> leave alone 64! So, our temple has come with a simple 25 name procedure> given by Devi Herself to my Gurunatha(there in the files section of our> group)> > > However, if one can spare some time pancopacArA( penta-ritualisti c> mode of worship using 5 articles and encumbering rituals)ÂÃ' can be> done.{--gandhA, puspA,dhUpA, dEpA,naivedyA- -}> > > Each god and goddess is an embedded energy matrix in itself and> these services have multifarous purposes.To the non-initiate,> agnost,atheist these look as too much of fuss and silly rituals bereft> of meaning but to the serious practioner of tantrAs, these form the very> bedrock of divinity as these not only tend to create an atmosphere of> intent and concentration for the mind to grasp the nirgunic realms but> also create a spiritual aura and other factors.> > > So, howmuchever I wish itÂÃ' could be,ÂÃ' it is not an> exclusive thing for our Sweetest Mother, rAjarAjesvarI alone.> > > Jaya Sarvamangale'> > > Shreeram Balijepalli> > > ÂÃ'> > > ÂÃ'> > > ÂÃ'> > >> > > Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, "pundari_turaga"> <pundari_turaga@ ...> wrote:> > > >> > > > Respected Guruji,> > > >> > > > Pranam. I am a ordant devotee of Devi and I got a doubt that> whether> > > > we have to perform chatushasti upachara pooja only to> RajaRajeswari> > > > Devi and not to any other godesses i.e. varalakshmi, Maha lakshmi> and> > > > saraswarti. I am eagerly watiing for your reply.> > > >> > > > Pundari> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite > group at http://in.promos. / groups/> > >> >> >> >> > Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one roof. Go> to http://in.promos. / groups/> >> > > > > Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go to http://in.promos./groups/bestof/> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2008 Report Share Posted May 15, 2008 Dear Sriram Pabhu ji, Kindly accept my sincere regards.I am a follower of Ma Bhavani whoose pooja have been given to me by my father,i sustained a continious practice of her worship but since many months i feel some degradation in my thought process and inclination towards bad deeds ,i try extreme control however the conflict remains on. I know the purpose of my life is to attain and sustain with blessings of Ma's charnakamlam.Pls suggest the remidy as i want to go for spritual advancement and not degradation. I look forwrd to your bessings pls, in case some horscopic reading can deduce this pls refer to the following details Nitin Pandey Date of Birth 10-07-1978, 10:10 am Place-Jhansi, India Hari Om From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 31, 2009 Report Share Posted July 31, 2009 Gopala Krishnan Re: [Rajarajeshwari pooja sankalpam]para_anulomaDate: Friday, July 31, 2009, 12:00 AM Dear Sriram garu (my avyakta guru ), I was deputed to USA for a 18 month contract and now I am back to London and not expecting any travel to USA.With reference to below sankalpam which clearly says abt sankalpa vidhi if in USA , I would like to know for UK also. Please tell me what do I need to recite in sandhyavandanam while in UK(london). I came to know Uk comes under shalmali dweepe..please correct me if I am wrong. Would like to know the below 1)dweepe (shalmali?) 2) Varsha 3)khande 4) mero (?) pradese thames nadi teere , sobhana gruhe samastha devata brahmana hari hara guru charana sannidau...... Hope I am not annoying u asking this question again... Jayostu lalite Gopala Dear Gopala Krishnanji, As per its sacred geography, there are seven dvîpas (island regions) in theworld: jambU, plakshA, s'Almali, kus'A, krOunchA, s'AkaAand pushkarA, and theyare surrounded by seven seas: Lavana, Ikshu, Sura, Sarpih, Dadhi, Dugdha andJala. s'Almali refers to Lemuria,kus'A refers to Atlantis,etc.These are ancient continents/civilizations which got lost/submerged/re-oriented to other land masses(Continental land drift theory).Maybe someone in Australia or Newzealand might be justified a bit in the sankalpa with the germane usance you have mentioned but not Brits or those who reside in England. Thus, s'Almali cannot be UK. England used to be called rajatha-dwIpA and s'vetha-dwIpA in Puranic times according to Wilford. British Isles was called trikUtAchala. This is very curious and seemingly ingenious explanation because all purAnAs considered islands as peaks of mountains, the lower portions of which got submerged in the oceanic bodies. The three kUtAs are suvarna kUtA(or suvarna shr.ingA or s'vetha-dwIpA),rajatha kUtA(s'vetha-kUtA) and aya kUtA(lOha-shr.ingA), denoting England,Ireland and Scotland (3 main islands) respectively.But this is a clever play by Wilford a British Indologist who wished to place UK in the realms of s'vetha-dwIpA(abode of Lord vis'nU) and also somewhere along the line he places krishna dwIpA(a black hell) with Africa! (This chicanery of Wilford has been alluded by Helene Petrova Blavatsky in her famous book-"Secret Doctrine.Also Hobson-Jobson dictionary refers to Sumatra/Borneo/Java islands as suvarnA dwIpA,samudra dvIpA,yava-dvIpA respectively) {{**This is similar in context to panca'-drAvidA mentioned in pUrAnAs wherein 5 drAvidAs are mentioned as in:drAvida(current tamizh),karnAtaka,tailanga/trilinga(current Telugu),maharAshtra and gurjarA(gujarAtI, Who later migrated to the north-west from south).Of all these marAthIs and gujarAtIs are no longer considered as dravidAs.}} The dominant cosmographical conception of the purAnAs sapta-dIvpA vasumatI(Earth containing seven concentric island circles). 1. jambU with sumEru (meru parvatA) in the centre and surrounded by the ocean of lavanA(salt water). 2. plakshA with both lavanA and ikshU(sugarcane juice) oceans. 3. s'Almali with ikshU and SurA(wine) 4. kus'A with surA and ghr.thA(clarified butter/sarpis) 5. krAunchA with sarpis and dhadhi(curds) 6. s'AkA with dhadhi and dhugdha(milk) 7. puskarA with dhugdha and jalA(water) agnipurAnA(108 1-3) has references to this.It has a spiritual reference within the sAdhakA too. We have later day interpolations of the original above,which in all probablity referred to inchoatory water bodies or etheric realms with just jambU referring to our planet earth. In vAyu purAnA we have 4 island coneption as in kurU(or uttara-kurU)(north),jambU(south),ketumAlA(West) and bhadras'vA(West).This sort of confuses people who reel under current day changing nomenclatures for countries. It seems originally jambU was divided into 7 vars'As and they are: bhArtha,haimavatha,harI,videhA,ramyakA,hairanyavata and airAvata s'akA dwIpA commonly held notion which has been researched with various other supporting texts and contextual meanings is current day Iran,kus'A to Egypt and the areas and some to Afghanisthan and Hindu-kush areas.All these are quite confusing. Varsha means country apart from many other meanings. All this information has come to me recently and so even USA is not exactly Krauncha DwIpA as many seem to think.I want to know wherefrom all these people got the reference?(Maybe a land which used to have lot of opportunities was referred to as "Land of Dhadhi and Ghrita" -"Land of Curds and Ghee"--someone somewhere made a link and started sying this maybe.With economic recessionary scenario in USA currently, Im sure he/she would change his opinion now!) Cutting a long story long, you can do the sankalpA as: jambU dwipE' (Same for USA also and not krAunchA dwIpA as many wrongly ascribe) AirOpA KhandE' (AamerikA khandE') or amaraka khande' for America)(for Australia/Newzeland--astrAlaya khande'--the place where the missles(astrAs) had been tested for the mahAbhArathA war) angulisthAna varshe'(England was named "fingerland" when compared to europe as "palmland") or "England varshe' " (America varshe', Australia varshe,etc) Meror-vaayavya-dis'E'(North-west of Meru Mountain(assumed to be Himalayas) for England) London mahAnagarE' Thames mahAnadI thEerE' swa-gruhE'(or shobhana gruhE') .....etc This would be more appropriate than doing a sankalpA for a dwIpA which does not even exist on earth! Yeah, I too used to do krAuncha dwIpA earlier but after careful study of the exact references, I have changed my sankalpA terminology to make it more accurate.I might be perfectly wrong but since I have researched on this quite enough, Im confident and would like to get more views if I have erred somewhere. This does not mean however, that the older sankalpAs and their results would go a waste, because it was done in pure ignorance of the matter.However,the name of country and city we mention holds ultimate water.Not that the paramam does not know from where we are doing the sAdhanA or sandhyA but it is a ritualistic more which one adheres to uplift the mind and create a sense of importance ascribed to the ritual. tanmE' manaH: s'iva sankalpamastU! jaya vishrunkale'! Shreeram Balijepalli Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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