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Eka Guru-Eka Shakthi

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Dear V Ma,


Bless you!




What can this poor guy here give you(both my physical father and the father above have no money to call their own much)? Well, yes, the words of my Abba, I can proffer.He says"Iam eternally poor, always begging for love from all of my devotees".


"Tell the girl...,she cannot have two masters..."


Let this cellphone speak what my Abba says on the other line...


What does that mean?What the hell did he mean by that?


You understood that perfectly, but then the mind does not accept it.Mind is mayavic again like many others like Time, time-bound mind,etc. Mind says "I was with Bhayyaji from my childhood, what is this now? I love Bhayyaji, I have seen him and play with him and now what is this old man from Shirdi telling me?"(Is this guy Shreeram genuinne? Is he a son of yours or another gasbagger?)


Now, coming to the facts of his statement:


Is he angry? Is he being angry with you? "Aaawwww V is not worshipping me alone, She is so baaaad Mummy, she is not my friend....."...and stomping the ground like a child?(Yes, he is a child, but a very loving one at that)


If this is what you have thought. It is reflective of our childishness in us which makes us think like that. Baba afterall is your mind's reflection.




Ask to Him to come in any manner,He will please you like the genie out the lamp.


Eka Guru Eka Shakthi---One Guru, One source is an eternal truth.


"From a doctor, you get a prescription. From two doctors, you get consultation. From three doctors, you get your own cremation!"--This is a saying which is true not intended to be funny(Iam not the eternal joker!)


Even so, if you have many Gurus, you will be bewildered. You will be at a loss to know what to do. One Guru will tell you: "Do Soham Japa." Another will tell you: "Do Japa of Sri Ram." A third Guru will tell you: "Hear Anahata sounds." You will be puzzled.




Stick to one Guru and follow his instructions.


This is a practical explanation.


Listen to all, but follow one. Respect all, but adore one. Gather knowledge from all, but adopt the teachings of one Master. Then you will have rapid spiritual progress.This is the gist.


There is power in coherence. Laser beams are coherent and thus can pierce the toughest of materials easily, But how thick is it? it is a small line. Whereas Sun's energy which is trillion times more powerful than the Laser can do squat.


You are lucky. People have multiple gods in their Pooja room, multiple masters,etc. No harm in adorning your puja room with many photos.images,etc to create a spiritual ambience but Master is always one.


Go and play anywhere you like, but come back to home, for mother is one. Do see your mother in all mothers, but the child will have only one mother.


Respect and love is onething, whereas affiliation to one source for Aadhyaathma is another.


A Bhakta will be initiated by a Bhakta saint in the path of devotion. A Jnani will initiate a student of Vedanta in the Mahavakyas. A Hatha Yogi or Raja Yogi can initiate another in his particular path. But, a sage of perfect Realisation, a Purna Jnani or Purna Yogi, can give initiation in any particular path. A sage or saint like Sri Sankara or Madhusudhana Sarasvati can initiate a Sadhaka, in any particular path for which the aspirant is fit. The Guru will find out by close study of the aspirant his tastes, temperaments and capacity, and decide for him the most suitable path. If his heart is impure, the teacher will prescribe selfless service for a number of years. Then the Guru will find out for what particular path the student is fit and initiate him in that.




Initiation does not mean reciting a Mantra into another's ears. If Rama is influenced by the thoughts of Krishna, the former has got initiation already from the latter. If an aspirant treads the path of truth after studying the books written by a saint, and imbibes his teachings, that saint has already become his Guru.





Yasya Deve Para Bhaktir-Yatha Deve Tatha Gurau; Tasyaite Kathita Hyarthah Prakashante Mahatmanah.


He whose devotion to the Lord is great, and who has as much devotion to the Guru as to the Lord, unto him, that high-souled one, meanings of the sacred texts stand revealed (Svetasvatara Upanishad).


Here the Upanishad does not say Two or multiple Gurus. Why not? We can have much more knowledge, many more experiences with two or more Gurus, isn't it?




Oh yeah!, This is why I called Mind a Maya because it numerates everything into numbers. The more I have the more happy I will be.


God lies in simplicity and God is in unity(There you go! again unity and one!, God can be many why one?)


To approach a Guru, you must be a proper Adhikari. Correct understanding, non-attachment to worldly objects, serenity of mind, restraint of the senses, absence of base passions, faith in the Guru and devotion to God are necessary equipment with which the aspirant has to approach the Guru.


The Guru will impart spiritual instructions only to that aspirant who thirsts for liberation, who duly obeys the injunctions of the Sastras, who has subdued his/her passions and senses, who has a calm mind, and who possesses virtuous qualities like mercy, cosmic love, patience, humility, endurance, forbearance, etc. Initiation into the mysteries of Brahman will fructify only when the disciple's mind becomes desireless, and will produce Jnana in it.


Your trushna(spiritual thirst) right now is a step toward this direction.


Till then you may pray as you wish. Atleast, you are praying and then God/Baba/Bhayyaji will show you the correct.


Maybe this cellphone has been yakking for too long! So the connection gets cut...Everything and everyone have to die one day for something and someone to be born...






Shreeram Balijepalli













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