Guest guest Posted August 6, 2008 Report Share Posted August 6, 2008 dear sriram ji i was going thru some of my mail last week - while shuffling thru - i just thought about this what happened to this noble Sri Sri Tadepalli swamy's article - it just hanging on - i have to ask sriram about remaining part - like this my thought were floating. i type this message before i read this article. venkat--- On Wed, 8/6/08, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote: Group Owner <para_anuloma[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Sri Sri Sri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Shastry Garu-part-4rajarajeshwari_kalpataru Cc: "dattagroup smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam " <smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam >Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 6:29 AM Dear All, Iam giving an elaborate posting after a long time. I have been busy job hunting here in Toronto. And today while meditating and doing my puja, I have received a message to complete the posting on Sri Chandavolu Shastri Garu( Sri Sri Sri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Shastry Garu). Please see parts 1,2 and 3 in old messages(You may type Message numbers 3681, 3685 and 3700 Respectively to get the 3 parts).The messages appear in Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru .I have oflate seen that my messages are being copied from this group by some unscrupulous members and propogated in the internet with their names! I have no issues with that as long as they spread the name of Devi.But I'm sure Devi sees all they are doing! Part-4 Sridevi Shastry and his wife had two offsprings-- Lakshmi Narayana(son) and SriLakshmi(daughter ). Lakshminarayan died at the age of 10 itself.They married off their daughter to Cheruvu Sheshaiyya Shastry Garu and their offspring was the famous Sri Cheruvu Satyanarayana Shastry the famous Principal of the Sanskrit college. It was he who wrote the Jeevitha Charitras(Biographi es) of Chandavolu Shastry and Venkatappayya Shastry.He was the poet-laureate who also penned the writings of Pushpagiri Peetham's pontiff Srichandrashekara Bharathi's spirituo-philosophy . Chandavolu Shastry had in possession by now Ashtamaadhi siddhis(the 8 miraculous powers).However, he never even once used them despite facing many monetary and other calamities.He used to take it in a spiritual way and say that it was all because of 'Praarabdha Karma'.Such was His greatness. His Mantra-Yogas and stories are actually very strange stories. Only His disciples : 1. Noori Satyanarayana Sharma and 2. Noori Bhogeeshwara Sharma Alone knew His powers in depth. Let me narrate a few such miraculous incidents here. Now, miracles are a natural order of divnity. There is no such thing as a higher or lower order of miracles and every expression of miracle is the love of Devi manifest. Chandavolu Shastry had studied in a Vedapathashaala and that was filled with ghosts!('Deyyala Kompa')They never dared to come in the morning when the Vedic vibrations were present, however they frequented the School in the night.So, no one stayed at the night in the School due to fear. Once what happened was when Chandavolu Shastry was sleeping in the School premises and the Vedic students by mistake locked the door and went away. That night one Digambari(naked female spirit) with dishevveled hair came near the sleeping saint.Chandavolu Shastry Garu seeing her, started reciting Devi's mantra and the Digambari asked him to shut up. But he defied her and started reciting it loudly and she could not even come near him and gave shrieking voices and ran away from the place never to be seen again! Another miracle: In those days, Chandavolu Shastry being an expert in Mantra-oushadi( Mantric herbs) had a desire to get 'Mayuri Shiki' a very rare herb.This herb was available only during the time of a complete lunar eclipse atop a hill and that too upon the recital of a mantra.Those who possessed the herb would be able to control and attract anyone. So, Chandavolu Shastry Garu out of curiosity reading in a Shastra wanted to try the efficacy of the herb. Chandavolu Garu went up the hill at the given time and started reciting the mantra and saw the shining miracle-herb and when he was about to pluck it a three-headed young boy and the boy prevented him from taking the herb and he said," You have no need for this herb as people when they even see your face will become attracted by you and your power"He tried to convince the boy that He was taking the herb only on experimental basis but the boy did not yield and as they were arguing, the eclipse time elapsed and the herb stopped shining and disappeared. The three headed boy also smiled and disappeared. Chandavolu Shastry reconciled to the fact that it was not in His karma to get the herb and climbed down the hill. Later he came to know that Dattatreya Swami was the Adhipathy for the herb! So, the three headed boy was none other than Bala-Datta! He deemed it His good fortune to see Baladatta even without seriously trying! Chandavolu Shastry Garu had the good fortune of meeting his poorvajanma( past birth) friend who was now a great yogi. The yogi(whose name is purposely kept anonymous) appeared before Him and said "Look at everything which happens in this material world with equanimity and I will appear after 50 years".So saying he disppeared. (**50 Years later, Shastryji went to Guntur and had the Darshan of Ammavaru in Amaravathy and also Amereshwara and then came to his room and started doing pranayama. Since he was an expert at Pranayama he began to levitate and suddenly he began to fall to the ground head-down and then exactly at that moment the yogi appeared and saved Chandavolu Shastry Garu and blessed Him. The moment Shastryji prostrated before Him, He vanished. More miraculous stories to follow in the later parts, keep waiting... Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... 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Guest guest Posted August 7, 2008 Report Share Posted August 7, 2008 Group Owner <para_anulomarajarajeshwari_kalpataru Cc: "dattagroup smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam " <smarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam >Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:29:23 AM[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Sri Sri Sri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Shastry Garu-part-4Dear All, Iam giving an elaborate posting after a long time. I have been busy job hunting here in Toronto. And today while meditating and doing my puja, I have received a message to complete the posting on Sri Chandavolu Shastri Garu( Sri Sri Sri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Shastry Garu). Please see parts 1,2 and 3 in old messages(You may type Message numbers 3681, 3685 and 3700 Respectively to get the 3 parts).The messages appear in Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru .I have oflate seen that my messages are being copied from this group by some unscrupulous members and propogated in the internet with their names! I have no issues with that as long as they spread the name of Devi.But I'm sure Devi sees all they are doing! Respected Brother,First, my prayers to the Divine to immediately bestow a choice placement for you as per your innermost desires and the best of prosperity and good health to you and all your family members..This morning I had a fleeting thought that so many GODMEN have mushroomedall over, offering this and that provided their ward follows a specified field of activity and makes some sizable offering. As one of the tools, they resort to copyingoriginal material from great thinkers of your stature and publicise the material as if theyhad themselves thought of it. There is a proverb - in Tamil " Packed food and tutoredwords will last only a very short time " On the third day they start to stink and all knowwhat has happened.To draw a parallel, Brahmins of earlier generations commanded the greatest respectand freely gave of their knowledge, wisdom and skills for the Society at large and inturn were taken care of by the Society. With the advent of so called reformists, the brahmins had to resort to employment for day to day needs. While claiming to freethe Society from the "clutches" of the branhmins, so many "neo brahmins" / Godmen emerged claiming various siddhies and powers,demanding "respect" for their stature as well as sumptuous offerings to fill their coffers. Though this may be the Divine'swill and part of evolution, the pattern will be unstable and collapse all of a sudden.Then reality will dawn upon the Society who rushed at every Godman / Created Shrines etc.,If one dismantles an intricate assembly (like an ancient structure!), the pieces may not be that easily reassembledelsewhere and any trial will expose the defrauders on one day or another.I have read the story of a "Grahastha Sannyasi" who demanded and got the respect due to a genuine Sannayasinwhile having the nithyakarma of a "Grahastha" all along though claiming that he lead a life of Sannyas. The public also had a lot of respects. However, a day came and some of the followers read in reverse and understood that it was not a "Grahastha Sannyasi" but a "Sannyasa Grihastha" i.e. the story of a "Sannyasi" who became a "Grahastha" for the sake of worldly ends while choosing to retain the title of "Sannyasi". It is a story of a beautiful decline. Some of the people still believe such people making all claims. " I have of late seen that my messages are being copied from this group by some unscrupulous members and propogated in the internet with their names! I have no issues with that as long as they spread the name of Devi.But I'm sure Devi sees all they are doing! " Ma is aware of their errors and probably smiling now, but when Ma's hands come down, the mosquitoes cannot escape.Please carry on your valuable postings; people like me are eager and benefit a lot by your words.Hari Om,sadhujag Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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