Guest guest Posted August 15, 2008 Report Share Posted August 15, 2008 Dear Sriram garu, Thanks for the information... Basically I belong to aruvela niyogi sect from hyderabad and follows krishna Yajurvediya (Shaiva) Sampradaya Telugu Brahmana paddhathi. Could you please send me the paddhati we are supposed to follow tomorrow to my personal id listed below... talluri_krishnan RegardsGopala K Talluri para_anuloma <para_anulomaRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Sent: Friday, 15 August, 2008 9:34:02 AM[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi aug 16th Dear Gopala ji, There is no one single procedure for Yagnopaveetha Dharana. Even Sandhyavandanams there are 108 types! It depends from which place you come,which lineage,which Veda-Shaka you belong etc. However, the Yagnopaveetha Dhaarana mantra is one as per the Vedas(however this too changes in meter as the Veda-shakaa changes). Yagnopaveetam has to be worn. What would be the effect of wearing the Yagnopaveetam? It enables increase in longevity, The Yagnopaveetham is the best. It is extraordinarily sacred. It is white. It is unsoiled and is clean.This is how it should be maintained and this acts as a Yanthra and to keep the wearer's mind in control.What else can it provide? Long ago, Lord Brahma had it naturally - it was born along with him.Some opine the word Brahamana came from Him. By wearing the Yagnopaveetham strength and Thejas (Brightness) will be got. Below is a Vidhi for Tamils (from your name, I'm deducing you must be a Tamizh Brahmin): Tamizh brahmins give importance to apart from Gayathri Mantra to "Kamokaarsheeth Japa". This is a way of atoning sins due to anger and lust(the major cause of most troubles affecting spirituality) . Telugu Brahmins follow a different procedure wherein Gayathri-Mantra japa is done more and they combine both the old and new sacred threads and do japa with the new one and then they remove the old sacred thread with yet another vedic mantra from below the naabhi and do multiple Aachamanas. I personally because I belong to Krishna Yajurvediya Vaideeki Velanadu Smaartha(Shaiva) Sampradaya Telugu Brahmana paddhathi, follow this. Nambudiri Brahmins have a totally different procedure as differentiated form the three states(Kannadiga brahmins follow somewhat similar to Telugu Brahmanas). Here it would not be out of place to mention Avani Avittam and Keralite Iyer (who are basically from Tamilnadu who have settled in Kerala, they have to be differentiated from Nambudiris-- who are pure Keralite brahmins)Observed during the month of Avani, and normally it is in August. This is strictly not a festival but a religious observation. All iyers who have the sacred thread join together in common places in each village and the annual Prayachittam is performed. They request God to pardon all the sins committed by them during the year. Homams are held and Poonal, the sacred thread is changed on this day. Actually, changing of Poonal is only a minor part of Avani Avittam - starting this day, Vedas are learnt for the next six months ending on Pushy Pournami. This is the only festival exclusively for males. The day starts with a hair cut (Bachelors are supposed to have only one annual hair cut on that day in ancient times), bath followed by eating of idlis and sweet. After the religious part the ladies arrange a sumptuous feast. Sama Vedis celebrate this on the Ganesha chaturthi day. Young boys who have not had their sacred thread go round the village with a Palas stick and collect Kowpeenas (G-string) from different houses. In some houses even silk Kowpeenas are given in some rich houses money also is distributed. This practice of collecting Kowpeenas is a slowly vanishing practice. Raksha-bandhan of North India is also observed on this day. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- Tamil procedure for Avani Avittam and this is basically followed for Pournami also but some Brahmins do not do the Kaamokarishith Japa and tarpana vidhis fully as on Avani Avittam: THING REQUIRED – RICE, COCONUT, BANANA, BETAL NUT, GHEE, BLACK TIL. & TAMALAM (PLATE) PANCHA PATRA UTTHARAN SAMIDHA DHANAM Achamanam = Achutaya Namaha Ananthaya Namaha Govindaya Namaha Kesava / Narayana / Madhava / Govinda / Vishnu / Madhusoodhana / Trivikrama / Vamana / Sridhara / Hrishikesa / Padmanabha / Damodara / Shuklambharadharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam / Prasana Vadanam dhyayeth Sarva vighnopa santaye. Om bhubhu / Om bhuvaha / Om Suvaha / Om mahaha / Om Janaha / Om Tapaha / Ogum Satyam / Om Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Diyoyonaha prachodayat / Om Apaha Jyuothirasaha amrutham Bramha Bhurbhuvassuvarom. Mamopattha Samastha duritakshayadwara Sri Parameswara Preetyartham Prataha Samidadhanam Karishye. (Evening : Sayam Samidadhanam Karishe.) "Bhurbuvassuvarom" (Create Agni) Partiwagne parimurujami ayushacha danenacha Suprajaaha prajaya bhuyasam Suveeraha Veeraihi Suvarchaha Varchasa Suposhaha poshaihi Sugruhaha gruhaihi Supathihi Patya Sumeda Medaya Subrahma Brahmacharibihi. "DEVASAVITHAHA PRASUVA" (Pour the water around the Agni Kudam) HOMAM Agnaye samidam aharsham bruhate jatavedase yatatvamagne Samida Samidyase yevammam ayusha varchasa Sanya medaya prajaya pasubihi brahma varchasena annadyena Samedaya Swahaha. Yedoshi yedisheemahi Swahaha. Samidasi Samedisheemahi Swahaha. Tejosi tejomayidehi Swahaha Apoadya anvacharisham rasena Sam'asrukshmahi payaswan agne aag'amam thamma sagumsruja Varchasa Swahaha Sammagne Varchasa Sruja prajayacha dhanenacha Swahaha. Vidyunme asyadevaha indrovidvath Saharishibihi Swahaha Agnaye bruhate nakaya Swahaha Dyava pritiveebhyam Swahaha. Yeshate agne samitth'aya vardhaswacha aapyayasvacha thayaham vardhamanaha bhuyasam aapyayamanascha Swahaha Youmagne bhaginam Santham athabhagam chikeerishathi abhagamagne thankuru mamagne bhaginam kuru Swahaha Samidamaday' a agne Sarvavrataha bhuyasam Swahaha: UPASTANAM : Swahaha : (Put one samit in the agni kundam) Agnerupasthanam Karishye. Yatthe agne thejastena aham the jaswee bhuyasam / yatthe agne varchastena aham varchaswee bhuyasam / yatthe agne harasthena aham haraswee bhuyasam / Mayi medham mayi prajam mayyagnihi thejo dadhathu. Mayi medham mayi prajam mayindraha indriyam dadhathu. Mayi medham mayi, prajam mayisuryaha bhrajo dadhathu. Agnaye namaha, mantraheenam kriyaheenam bhakthi heenam huthasana / yaddhutanthu mayadeva paripoornam Thadasthute. Prayaschitthani asheshani thapaha karmatma kanivai yanithesham asheshanam Sri Krishnanusmaranam. Param Krishnaya Namaha Krishna Krishna Krishna "AbvadyeNamaskaram" RAKSHA MANTHRAM (Take ash from the homam on your left palm add few drops of water and mix by right ring finger saying the following manthras). Manasthoke thanaye mana ayushi mano goshumanaha asweshu reerishaha. Veeran manaha rudra bhamithaha vadeehi havishmanthaha namasa videmathe. (Saying the following mantras apply the ash on the respective parts of the body as mentioned) Medhavi bhuyasam Forehead Tejaswee bhuyasam Chest Varchaswee bhuyasam Right Shoulder Brahma Varchaswee bhuyasam Left Shoulder Ayushman bhuyasam Neck Annado bhuyasam Back Neck Swasthee bhuyasam Head PRARTHANA Swasthi Sraddhaam Yashaha Pragnyam, Veidyam Buddhim Sriyam balam / Ayushyam theja aarogyam dehime havyavahana. Sriyam Dehime havyavahana Om nama ithi. ACHAMANAM KAMOKARSHEETH JAPA SANKALPAM ACHAMANAM : (put pavitram in the right ring finger) Suklam + Santhaye – Om Bhuhu + Bhurbuvassuvarom. Mamopattha + Preetyartham – Shube Shobane Muhurthe Adyabrahmanaha dviteeya paradhe swethavaraha kalpe vaivaswatha manvanthare ashtavimsathi thame kaliyuge prathamepade Jamboodveepe bharatha varshe barathakhande meroho dakshine parshwe shakabde asmin varthamane vyavaharike prabhavadeenam Shashtyaha Samvatsaranam Madye SUBHAMU Nama Samvatsare Dakshinayane GREESHMA ruthou SHARAVANA mase Suklu pakshe pournamasyam shubathithou BHOWMA Vasara yukthayam SRAVANA Nakshatra yukthayam Shubayoga Shubakarana yevanguna visheshana vishistayam asyam varthamanayam pournamasyam shuba thithou. Thaishyam pournamasyam adyayotsarjana akarana prayachitthartham Ashtotra Sahas-ra Sankyaya (Satha sankyava) Kamokarsheeth Manyura karsheet maha manthra japam karishye. Chant "kamokarsheeth Manyura Karsheeth namo namaha" 1008 or 108 times and the pavitram should be let off. ACHAIVIANAM YAGNOPAVEETHA DHARANA MANTHRAM ACHAMANAM : Suklam + Santhaye Om buhu + bhurbuvassuvarom Mamopatta + preethyartham Sroutha smartha vihitha nitya karmanushtana yogyaa siddyartham brahma thejobivridyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye : Yagnopaveeth- a dharana Maha manthrasya : para brahma rishibi (touch your head) Trishtup chandaha (touch top of lips) Paramatma devatha (touch Chest) Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyogaha Yannopaveetham paramam pavitram prajapatehe yatsahajam purasthad ayushyam agriyam prathimucha subram yagnopaveetham balamastu thejaha ACHAMANAM. Upaveetham binnathanthu jeernam Kasmala dhooshitham Visrujami jale brahma varchahe deergayurastume : ACHAMANAM. GAYATRI JAPA SANKALPAM ACHAMANAM : Shuklam + Santhye …… "Om bhuhu + bhuhubuvarssuvarom" Manopattha + preetyartham Shube Sobane + Madye Subhanu nama Samvatsare Dakshinayane Greeshma ruthou Sharavana mase Krishna pakshe prathamayam shuba thithou, Somiya vasara yukthayam Sheravishta nakshatra yukthayam Shubayoga + Shuba thithou. Mityateetha prayachitthartham doshavatsu Apathaneeya prayachitthartham – Samvats'ra prayachittarthancha ashtothra sahasra sankaya Gayatri Maha Mantra Japam Karishye : (Clean your hands with a drop of water). Start from Pranavasya to Savithadevatha and begain "Om Bhubuvassuvahaya . . . prachodayat" upto 1008 times make japam Then Pranayanam & Upasthanam make it and the pavitram should bo lot off. (ACHAMANAM) Pournami starts from Friday night itself and extends to Saturday this time.It is very auspicious to do sadhana for Amba Rajarajeshwari. Do not miss the opportunity, wherever you are! Yours yogically, Balijepalli Shreerama Sharma: Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnan <gopalt_qa@.. .> wrote:>> hello sriram garu,> can some one illustrates. .yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi along with the mantras to perform this pournami(jandhyala pournami / sravana pournami)> Regards> Gopala> > > Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger at http://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2008 Report Share Posted August 17, 2008 Namaste Sriram garu, jai sri lalithe As you were mentioned about yagnopaveeta dharana, as i belong to vishwabrahmin ( vishwakarmas ) As sriramji, my grandfathers dad and there ancestor where wearing punool and my grand pa and my dad havent worn poonul and they have non veg and i would like to wear punool, as i in my childhood i had non veg and when i came to know we have tradition of wearing punool i stopped having nonveg and its now 15years i hav left having non veg, But my grandpa nor my dad dont know the vidhi vidhan -my dad is against all this dont believe in wearing punool. As in kerala for vishwabrahims we have tradition of wearing 5 or 7 threads for punool some people tell its 7 and som they tell 5 threads. As for Saanaga brahma rishi gotra we have rigveda, but i dnt know anything about this, in this time sriramji i m requesting you to guide me. regards Prasad , Gopala Krishnan <gopalt_qa wrote: Gopala Krishnan <gopalt_qaRe: [Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi aug 16thRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Date: Friday, 15 August, 2008, 5:11 PM Dear Sriram garu, Thanks for the information. .. Basically I belong to aruvela niyogi sect from hyderabad and follows krishna Yajurvediya (Shaiva) Sampradaya Telugu Brahmana paddhathi. Could you please send me the paddhati we are supposed to follow tomorrow to my personal id listed below... talluri_krishnan@ RegardsGopala K Talluri para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>Rajarajeshwari_ KalpataruFriday, 15 August, 2008 9:34:02 AM[Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru] Re: yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi aug 16th Dear Gopala ji, There is no one single procedure for Yagnopaveetha Dharana. Even Sandhyavandanams there are 108 types! It depends from which place you come,which lineage,which Veda-Shaka you belong etc. However, the Yagnopaveetha Dhaarana mantra is one as per the Vedas(however this too changes in meter as the Veda-shakaa changes). Yagnopaveetam has to be worn. What would be the effect of wearing the Yagnopaveetam? It enables increase in longevity, The Yagnopaveetham is the best. It is extraordinarily sacred. It is white. It is unsoiled and is clean.This is how it should be maintained and this acts as a Yanthra and to keep the wearer's mind in control.What else can it provide? Long ago, Lord Brahma had it naturally - it was born along with him.Some opine the word Brahamana came from Him. By wearing the Yagnopaveetham strength and Thejas (Brightness) will be got. Below is a Vidhi for Tamils (from your name, I'm deducing you must be a Tamizh Brahmin): Tamizh brahmins give importance to apart from Gayathri Mantra to "Kamokaarsheeth Japa". This is a way of atoning sins due to anger and lust(the major cause of most troubles affecting spirituality) . Telugu Brahmins follow a different procedure wherein Gayathri-Mantra japa is done more and they combine both the old and new sacred threads and do japa with the new one and then they remove the old sacred thread with yet another vedic mantra from below the naabhi and do multiple Aachamanas. I personally because I belong to Krishna Yajurvediya Vaideeki Velanadu Smaartha(Shaiva) Sampradaya Telugu Brahmana paddhathi, follow this. Nambudiri Brahmins have a totally different procedure as differentiated form the three states(Kannadiga brahmins follow somewhat similar to Telugu Brahmanas). Here it would not be out of place to mention Avani Avittam and Keralite Iyer (who are basically from Tamilnadu who have settled in Kerala, they have to be differentiated from Nambudiris-- who are pure Keralite brahmins)Observed during the month of Avani, and normally it is in August. This is strictly not a festival but a religious observation. All iyers who have the sacred thread join together in common places in each village and the annual Prayachittam is performed. They request God to pardon all the sins committed by them during the year. Homams are held and Poonal, the sacred thread is changed on this day. Actually, changing of Poonal is only a minor part of Avani Avittam - starting this day, Vedas are learnt for the next six months ending on Pushy Pournami. This is the only festival exclusively for males. The day starts with a hair cut (Bachelors are supposed to have only one annual hair cut on that day in ancient times), bath followed by eating of idlis and sweet. After the religious part the ladies arrange a sumptuous feast. Sama Vedis celebrate this on the Ganesha chaturthi day. Young boys who have not had their sacred thread go round the village with a Palas stick and collect Kowpeenas (G-string) from different houses. In some houses even silk Kowpeenas are given in some rich houses money also is distributed. This practice of collecting Kowpeenas is a slowly vanishing practice. Raksha-bandhan of North India is also observed on this day. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- Tamil procedure for Avani Avittam and this is basically followed for Pournami also but some Brahmins do not do the Kaamokarishith Japa and tarpana vidhis fully as on Avani Avittam: THING REQUIRED – RICE, COCONUT, BANANA, BETAL NUT, GHEE, BLACK TIL. & TAMALAM (PLATE) PANCHA PATRA UTTHARAN SAMIDHA DHANAM Achamanam = Achutaya Namaha Ananthaya Namaha Govindaya Namaha Kesava / Narayana / Madhava / Govinda / Vishnu / Madhusoodhana / Trivikrama / Vamana / Sridhara / Hrishikesa / Padmanabha / Damodara / Shuklambharadharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam / Prasana Vadanam dhyayeth Sarva vighnopa santaye. Om bhubhu / Om bhuvaha / Om Suvaha / Om mahaha / Om Janaha / Om Tapaha / Ogum Satyam / Om Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Diyoyonaha prachodayat / Om Apaha Jyuothirasaha amrutham Bramha Bhurbhuvassuvarom. Mamopattha Samastha duritakshayadwara Sri Parameswara Preetyartham Prataha Samidadhanam Karishye. (Evening : Sayam Samidadhanam Karishe.) "Bhurbuvassuvarom" (Create Agni) Partiwagne parimurujami ayushacha danenacha Suprajaaha prajaya bhuyasam Suveeraha Veeraihi Suvarchaha Varchasa Suposhaha poshaihi Sugruhaha gruhaihi Supathihi Patya Sumeda Medaya Subrahma Brahmacharibihi. "DEVASAVITHAHA PRASUVA" (Pour the water around the Agni Kudam) HOMAM Agnaye samidam aharsham bruhate jatavedase yatatvamagne Samida Samidyase yevammam ayusha varchasa Sanya medaya prajaya pasubihi brahma varchasena annadyena Samedaya Swahaha. Yedoshi yedisheemahi Swahaha. Samidasi Samedisheemahi Swahaha. Tejosi tejomayidehi Swahaha Apoadya anvacharisham rasena Sam'asrukshmahi payaswan agne aag'amam thamma sagumsruja Varchasa Swahaha Sammagne Varchasa Sruja prajayacha dhanenacha Swahaha. Vidyunme asyadevaha indrovidvath Saharishibihi Swahaha Agnaye bruhate nakaya Swahaha Dyava pritiveebhyam Swahaha. Yeshate agne samitth'aya vardhaswacha aapyayasvacha thayaham vardhamanaha bhuyasam aapyayamanascha Swahaha Youmagne bhaginam Santham athabhagam chikeerishathi abhagamagne thankuru mamagne bhaginam kuru Swahaha Samidamaday' a agne Sarvavrataha bhuyasam Swahaha: UPASTANAM : Swahaha : (Put one samit in the agni kundam) Agnerupasthanam Karishye. Yatthe agne thejastena aham the jaswee bhuyasam / yatthe agne varchastena aham varchaswee bhuyasam / yatthe agne harasthena aham haraswee bhuyasam / Mayi medham mayi prajam mayyagnihi thejo dadhathu. Mayi medham mayi prajam mayindraha indriyam dadhathu. Mayi medham mayi, prajam mayisuryaha bhrajo dadhathu. Agnaye namaha, mantraheenam kriyaheenam bhakthi heenam huthasana / yaddhutanthu mayadeva paripoornam Thadasthute. Prayaschitthani asheshani thapaha karmatma kanivai yanithesham asheshanam Sri Krishnanusmaranam. Param Krishnaya Namaha Krishna Krishna Krishna "AbvadyeNamaskaram" RAKSHA MANTHRAM (Take ash from the homam on your left palm add few drops of water and mix by right ring finger saying the following manthras). Manasthoke thanaye mana ayushi mano goshumanaha asweshu reerishaha. Veeran manaha rudra bhamithaha vadeehi havishmanthaha namasa videmathe. (Saying the following mantras apply the ash on the respective parts of the body as mentioned) Medhavi bhuyasam Forehead Tejaswee bhuyasam Chest Varchaswee bhuyasam Right Shoulder Brahma Varchaswee bhuyasam Left Shoulder Ayushman bhuyasam Neck Annado bhuyasam Back Neck Swasthee bhuyasam Head PRARTHANA Swasthi Sraddhaam Yashaha Pragnyam, Veidyam Buddhim Sriyam balam / Ayushyam theja aarogyam dehime havyavahana. Sriyam Dehime havyavahana Om nama ithi. ACHAMANAM KAMOKARSHEETH JAPA SANKALPAM ACHAMANAM : (put pavitram in the right ring finger) Suklam + Santhaye – Om Bhuhu + Bhurbuvassuvarom. Mamopattha + Preetyartham – Shube Shobane Muhurthe Adyabrahmanaha dviteeya paradhe swethavaraha kalpe vaivaswatha manvanthare ashtavimsathi thame kaliyuge prathamepade Jamboodveepe bharatha varshe barathakhande meroho dakshine parshwe shakabde asmin varthamane vyavaharike prabhavadeenam Shashtyaha Samvatsaranam Madye SUBHAMU Nama Samvatsare Dakshinayane GREESHMA ruthou SHARAVANA mase Suklu pakshe pournamasyam shubathithou BHOWMA Vasara yukthayam SRAVANA Nakshatra yukthayam Shubayoga Shubakarana yevanguna visheshana vishistayam asyam varthamanayam pournamasyam shuba thithou. Thaishyam pournamasyam adyayotsarjana akarana prayachitthartham Ashtotra Sahas-ra Sankyaya (Satha sankyava) Kamokarsheeth Manyura karsheet maha manthra japam karishye. Chant "kamokarsheeth Manyura Karsheeth namo namaha" 1008 or 108 times and the pavitram should be let off. ACHAIVIANAM YAGNOPAVEETHA DHARANA MANTHRAM ACHAMANAM : Suklam + Santhaye Om buhu + bhurbuvassuvarom Mamopatta + preethyartham Sroutha smartha vihitha nitya karmanushtana yogyaa siddyartham brahma thejobivridyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye : Yagnopaveeth- a dharana Maha manthrasya : para brahma rishibi (touch your head) Trishtup chandaha (touch top of lips) Paramatma devatha (touch Chest) Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyogaha Yannopaveetham paramam pavitram prajapatehe yatsahajam purasthad ayushyam agriyam prathimucha subram yagnopaveetham balamastu thejaha ACHAMANAM. Upaveetham binnathanthu jeernam Kasmala dhooshitham Visrujami jale brahma varchahe deergayurastume : ACHAMANAM. GAYATRI JAPA SANKALPAM ACHAMANAM : Shuklam + Santhye …… "Om bhuhu + bhuhubuvarssuvarom" Manopattha + preetyartham Shube Sobane + Madye Subhanu nama Samvatsare Dakshinayane Greeshma ruthou Sharavana mase Krishna pakshe prathamayam shuba thithou, Somiya vasara yukthayam Sheravishta nakshatra yukthayam Shubayoga + Shuba thithou. Mityateetha prayachitthartham doshavatsu Apathaneeya prayachitthartham – Samvats'ra prayachittarthancha ashtothra sahasra sankaya Gayatri Maha Mantra Japam Karishye : (Clean your hands with a drop of water). Start from Pranavasya to Savithadevatha and begain "Om Bhubuvassuvahaya . . . prachodayat" upto 1008 times make japam Then Pranayanam & Upasthanam make it and the pavitram should bo lot off. (ACHAMANAM) Pournami starts from Friday night itself and extends to Saturday this time.It is very auspicious to do sadhana for Amba Rajarajeshwari. Do not miss the opportunity, wherever you are! Yours yogically, Balijepalli Shreerama Sharma: Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, Gopala Krishnan <gopalt_qa@.. .> wrote:>> hello sriram garu,> can some one illustrates. .yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi along with the mantras to perform this pournami(jandhyala pournami / sravana pournami)> Regards> Gopala> > > Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger at http://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now. Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2008 Report Share Posted August 19, 2008 Dear Sriramji, thank you soo much annaya, showing me the way regards Prasad--- On Sun, 17/8/08, para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote: para_anuloma <para_anuloma[Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru] Re: yagnopaveeta dharana vidhi aug 16thRajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Date: Sunday, 17 August, 2008, 9:11 PM Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru, gs prasad <gs_prasadin2003@ ...> wrote:>> Namaste Sriram garu, > � > jai sri lalithe> � As you were� mentioned about yagnopaveeta dharana,� as� i belong to vishwabrahmin ( vishwakarmas ) As sriramji, my grandfathers dad and there� ancestor where wearing > punool and my grand� pa and my dad havent worn poonul and they have non� veg � and i would like to wear punool, as i� in my childhood i had non veg and when i came to know we have tradition of wearing punool i stopped having nonveg and its now 15years i hav left having non� veg, But my grandpa nor my dad dont know� the� vidhi vidhan -my dad is against all this dont believe in wearing punool. As in kerala for vishwabrahims we have tradition of wearing 5 or 7 threads for punool some people tell its 7 and som they tell 5� threads. As for Saanaga brahma rishi gotra we have rigveda, but i dnt know anything about this, in this time> sriramji i� m requesting you to guide me. > � > regards> Prasad> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Dear Prasadji, Vishwabrahmins are divided into five gotras or exogamous clans, each corresponding to a Rishi named in the Yajur Veda (4.3.3) 1. Sanaga Rishi 2. Sanaathana Rishi, 3. Abhuvanasa Rishi 4. Prathnasa Rishi and 5. Suparnasa Rishi. Each of the five gotras is also identified with a traditional occupation: 1. Manu (blacksmith) , 2. Maya (carpenter), 3. Thwastha (metalcraftsman) , 4. Silpi (stone-carver) and 5. Vishvajnya(goldsmit h). The five Gotras are further divided into a total of 25 sub-clans (upa-gotras) . Because of their fivefold division, they are also known as Panchals. They are said to follow five Vedas (instead of the standard four), the fifth being the "Pranava Veda". Vishwabrahmins revere Vishwakarma (Who is a Brahamana rishi, thus they are technically speaking Brahmins and have to wear the Sacred thread and follow the niyamas of vegetarianism, non-alcoholism and other duties enjoined upon Brahmins. However, as I always say a Brahmin is only a person who is in search of the Brahman and who is sincere in his/her approach and follow certain niyamas, thus there is no caste feelings to be allowed be it a person who is born as a Brahmin or other higher castes. Each person thinks high of his or her caste or community when all are equal before God. Yajnopaveetha is a mark associated with a person's spiritual level and not his or caste. I know people who eat meat, have multiple sex partners and consume alcohol wearing Yajnopaveetha and for such people I say Yajnopaveetha is just a set of threads which has no meaning except an egoistic feeling that they belong to a particular caste or community. I keep repeating this so that people don't get the idea that I'm caste-minded. Most of the fights which occur in India are caste based. I only want the essence of spirituality not the pith which surrounds it.The pith was a super-struture created later on for the sake of convinience and operational modality.) The Pranava Veda is a text that elucidates the process of energy (Brahmam) turning itself into matter (the material world. In this text, pure energy or consciousness goes through a process that can be observed as a mathematical order. That process can be emulated by humans through applying that mathematical order to dance, music, poetry, architecture and sculpture thus creating arts that vibrate in a way that causes the viewer, listener, inhabitant to vibrate with the Divine qualities that the art form does. This Pranava Veda was cognized by Brahmarishi Mayan about 10,000 years ago. Many people believe that Pranava refers to the sound AUM. In fact, pranava comes from the roots Pirazh + Nava = Pranava. Turn/Flip or turn into Nine; Pranava means the transformation of 8 into 9. Brahmarishi Mayan says in the Pranava Veda that consciousness multiplies itself into 8 units or pulses (units of Time) of OM light and OM sound. One unit of TIME has 2 aspects, OM LIGHT and OM SOUND. OM LIGHT divides itself into 8 light atoms that become the raw material for all visual forms. OM SOUND divides itself into 8 sound atoms that become the raw material for all aural forms. "Yettin pirazhve navamenavagi" - Maamuni Mayan The flipping or turning of 8 is nine.This combination of 8 units of Light and Sound form the 'Three Gunas' which then form the five elements or 'Pancha Bhutas'.The entire process unfolds a mathematical order which can be emulated for the upliftment of humanity.The individuals in the various Gotras of Vishwabrahmins use this mathematical order in their work to create objects, forms - art that has a definite frequency or vibration that emulates positive qualities of Brahmam. Viswakarma the patron deity of Vishwabrahmins Vishvakarma Or Vishwabrahmin (Sanskrit: विशà¥à¤µà¤•à¤°à¥à¤®à¤¾ viv�-karman "all-accomplishing; all-creator" ) is the Hindu presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects.TS 4.3.2), as per Vasishtha Purana 3.6.11 Vishwakarma has created 5 Brahmas from each of his 5 face, they are 1. Sanaga Brahma Rishi, 2. Sanaathana Brahma Rishi, 3. Abhuvanasa Brahma Rishi, 4. Prathnasa Brahma Rishi, 5. Suparnasa Brahma Rishi, in later mythology sometimes identified with Tvastr, he is the divine craftsman of the whole Universe (RV 10.81.3), and the builder of all the gods' palaces. Vishwakarma is also the designer of all the flying chariots of the gods, and all their weapons or divine attributes. He is said to have revealed the Sthapatyaveda or fourth Upa-veda, and presides over the sixty-four mechanical arts; in the Vedic mythology, however, the office of "Indian Vulcan" is assigned to Tvastr as a distinct deity, Vishva-karman being rather identified with Prajapati himself as the creator of all things and architect of the Universe; in the hymns RV 10.81 and 10.82 he is represented as the universal Father and Generator, the one all-seeing God, who has on every side eyes, faces, arms, and feet; in the Brahmanas he is called a son of Bhuvana, and Vishva-karman Bhauvana is described as the author of the two hymns mentioned above. This being so, your query for the number of threads, Vishwabrahmins wear set of 5 which represents the 5 faces of Vishwakarma. Sanaga Maharishi has Rg Veda and thus the Upakramam for this is over(15th itself). If you are not wearing the Panchal/Poonal/ Punalik/Yajnopav eetha then first get initiated into the rites and customs of your community, through a known priest and follow the Niyamas which I gave in my earlier posting. Aano Bhadraaha Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathaha! Only see the light, Shreeram Balijepalli Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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